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[shriadishakti] Rest a bit - You've Earned It !!!

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Dear brother,


I acknowledge your apprehensions. But I've learnt to

deal with them. Ever since I knew who Shri Mataji is,

I stopped caring about what people have to say. I

don't care about what my parents say (who incidentally

are Non-Sahajis), what my friends say, what my

brothers and sisters (non - sahajis of course) say, or

what even other Sahajayogis say (to some extent). I

care only about what Shri Ganesha in Nirakaar says and

what Shri Mataji says.


I care not for fools and swine, for they will only

bark and whine.


I care only for Mother of mine, for She and only She

is the Divine.


As long as my vibrations work, I know I am correct. I

am not afraid to contradict even Sahajayogis who are

more often than not wrong because of lack of depth.


But fear not, I tell you, the day is not far off when

the Light will spread in such a way that everything

will be washed from the core of its Being. Today

Darkness is there because of absence of light,

tomorrow there will scarcity of darkness because of

abundance of light.


How it will happen only the Divine knows - but it will

be a grand spectacle - one that will take your breath

away, one that will leave all Sahajayogis speechless -

they will learn to marvel at the creation of God

Almighty - and see what a true professional the

creator is. The sinners will shake in their shoes and

the fools will search for dark corners to hide their

faces. But, where do you run - the Spirit - the

Nirakaar is everywhere. Whom do you fight back -

Mahadev is invincible.


Fools that they are - they only squabble and make

lowly noises, only to be blown away to bits when the

hand of Allah works.


I promise you, Jagbir, it will happen and you will see

it happening.


I appreciate you taking head on a lot of fools on this

planet. It is a brave effort. But now your only aim

should be to complete the website and to present all

the literature given there in a correct and

presentable way.


Let all the fears and apprehensions vanish. Why worry

when Waheguru watches over you.


" Jad Ho Jaave Paar Brahm - Tad Phir Paaven Param "


I suggest that you lessen your work load, just give

bandhan and let the forum go its way. You need not

worry - I tell you so - it will reach its destination.


Concentrate on finishing the website. As I say, just

ask Shri Ganesha once again to help you finish the



And care not about fools and idiots. Stupidity is

unlimited. But so is the Divine.


I suggest you ascend.


Write to me if you need assistance.






> Dear Rajan,


> Thank you for the compliments and encouragement.


> Yes, lately i have slowed down because there are

> some lingering and

> difficult obstacles to overcome. A shoe-beat or

> havan to destroy

> them will be most welcome. Right now i am slowly

> slogging my way

> through Shri Jesus and will arrive and finish Shri

> Ram, Shri Shiv

> Parvati, Shri Hanuman, Shri Maha Saraswati etc.

> Progress is at a

> snail's pace and do not have any August hope.


> i find it difficult to pat myself because there is

> so, so, so much

> work to be done, and i am not talking about just

> completing the

> websites. It is going to be a very long haul over

> many years.


> This forum has been very useful to gauge the depth

> and fathom the

> immensity of the task. Now, after coming closer, it

> is clear that

> the obstacles are much larger and more difficult

> than what they

> looked from a distance. i have found that so-called

> righteous

> religious fundamentalist and dharmic devotees have

> more hypocritical

> bones than i care to count. What will become of

> their organized

> religions if the faithful empower themselves to have

> absolute

> control over their enlightenment, salvation and

> moksa? There is far

> more concern to control the flock than confirm the

> truth that will

> set them free.


> With hardly any support from leaders and SYs alike

> to rise to the

> challenge, the whole task looks almost impossible to

> accomplish. On

> the contrary, certain SYs have done far more damage

> with the

> Inquisytion than they realize. We are all reaping

> the grim harvest

> of bad seeds sown by those with their own agendas

> and egos. The

> greatest danger to Sahaja Yoga was, is and will

> always be from

> within. There is nothing to fear outside.


> Everyone seems to be reeling in disbelief at what

> Shri Mataji is

> telling them. Religious fools and fanatics, after

> reading Her

> illumination on deep subjects and difficult

> parables, fear the very

> truth of the scriptures they revere. Their deafening

> silence and

> utter helplessness to rebut the Adi Shakti speaks

> volumes. Even SYs

> disbelieve the very evidence presented by those who

> witness Her

> glory in the Sahasrara and Sure Signs of the

> Resurrection and Last

> Judgment on Earth. Why is there a pervasive fear of

> those bearing

> witness to the Truth? Is it just too overwhelming

> and unfathomable?

> Can i presume that this is reflected in their

> reluctance to uphold

> and announce Shri Mataji's advent and central

> message to humanity? i

> am still looking for reasons to this lack of courage

> and conviction.


> But the camel will drink the water eventually

> because there is just

> no other oasis around. Just have to wait till it

> becomes thirsty.



> jagbir


> NOTE: Some may think i can talk because of what have

> been revealed

> by the Adi Shakti in the Sahasrara, and would have

> not done anything

> otherwise. Just want to let them know that i would

> not even have

> joined Sahaja Yoga in the first place. The subtle

> system and cool

> breeze would have meant nothing until i found out

> the reasons for

> their manifestation. The Last Judgment and

> Resurrection would have

> meant nothing without the Sure Signs on Earth

> preordained in the

> holy scriptures. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi would have

> meant nothing

> without Her presence in the Sahasrara as the Shakti.



> i am 100% sure of my verifiable conviction and

> enlightened faith in

> the message and advent of the Adi Shakti Shri Mataji

> Nirmala Devi! i

> am just trying to instill the same in my SY brothers

> and sisters,

> and encouraging others to confirm it. Isn't this the

> highest duty of

> all SYs?














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