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Advice sought please on spirit entities entering physical bodies

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shriadishakti , AD <lunduner1@b...> wrote:

> Hello everyone,


> I would be very grateful if someone on this forum

> could help me out with some advice. We have this man

> who comes to our center in North London and although

> Sahaj helps him a lot, he is still visibly troubled.

> He keeps on telling people about a experience he had

> with another type of meditation of which he is unsure

> of the name but says it is run by a Master Ching Hai

> (or something like that). He reckons a family member

> is involved with them and for one reason or another

> tried to forcibly make him a part of their group /

> movement too by entering some kind of entity into

> him!!! This was apparently a few years ago but he

> says ever since he feels this entity making him

> unbalanced (very hard to remain thoughtless). He says

> he feels this 'problem' mainly in the right ribs area

> (right side of the void area) - he even says he

> reckons these people try and move this entity from a

> distance!




Dear Adam,


It is not easy to understand these invisible entities.


i know a medium in Malaysia who obtained his siddhis (powers) from

so-called 'good spirits,' and spent time hunting them in cemeteries!

He then used these supposed-to-be-benevolent spirits to exorcise

humans possessed by bad spirits. Apparently the benevolent spirits

remain inside the body and sometimes disturb the host.


There was a case of an ex-Sai Baba disciple who sought help in

Sahaja Yoga. i met this quite frightened woman who, after being

assured i would not shun/ridicule her, confided that she was

disturbed by some entities. She then told me that some of Sai Baba's

close disciples had learnt how to enter into her body and rape her

in spirit. i believed her as the experiences were explained in

detail. There were times she cried and the shame she was going

through was apparently too much to bear. She just wanted to rid

herself of these entities but progress was slow.


i met her after about a year and she looked better as she was making

progress in Sahaja Yoga. The frightened look was gone and so were

the dark, deep-set eyes. Thus your friend just has to continue

meditating till he heals. A few collective clearings with

experienced SYs as brother Ishmael pointed out will be beneficial

and effective.


On October 6, 1995 i witnessed Shri Mataji working on a possessed

Chinese girl during a public program in New York. This poor soul

came in very agitated and disturbed. Shri Mataji worked on her for

some time. In the end she left in a quite, subdued mood. i have had

no further information on what was the final outcome.


Shri Mataji did talk about certain spirits used to cure/control

others way back in 1981 in London, U.K. The talk was " Subconscious,

Supraconscious And Our Correct Foundations And Ideals " :


" We have two types of people in India known as mantrikas and



The mantrikas are those people who go to the funerals and cemeteries

and they try to capture the dead spirits. These dead spirits are of

the sly type. These sly spirits are the so-called social workers or

busy-bodies trying to help others. They are in the category of

Chaturvarnas or Vishudras, the people who believe in serving others.

They appear to be good people because they want to serve other

people and help others. And that is why they do not want to die and

want to stay around the Earth plane. One could call this a servant

class. They are absolutely servile. They like to be whipped, beaten

and be ill-treated. They are another extreme. They enjoy a horrid

type of existence — they are masochists. All such dead people are

around us and they are left-sided bhoots , that is, very timid and



These mantrikas get hold of such dead people and tell them to do

this work or that work, control this or go there. And these bhoots

feel very happy about it, as they are servile. So, if someone is

suffering from a mental problem, for example, if someone of his has

died then he gets a mental push-back into the collective

subconscious and gets possessed. Such people go to the mantrikas and

these mantrikas tell the dead spirits that they have been troubling

this man for a long time and you should leave this man. So they

remove this dead spirit and put another dead spirit in its place and

tell the first spirit that he can get another body to go to. These

mantrikas are the mediators or liaison-officers. They catch hold of

these spirits and remove them from one person and put them into some

other person. So the first person is 'cured.' For example, there was

a lady whose husband used to drink quite a lot. She went to one of

the lady Mantrikas who said she will cure her husband but the lady

must pay Rs 100 for that. So she put a dead spirit on this man by

which the bhoot of the drunkard on him was removed. So this man gave

up drinking but he started going to races. Then she solved that

problem by removing the 'races bhoot' and put another one by which

he started going to dirty women. . . .


This weakness is there within such people, that is why they are

easily possessed. Otherwise it does not happen. Only if you are weak

in mind and have weaknesses for such things, then these dead spirits

can catch hold of you. " (May 24, 1981)



i do not think Shri Mataji talked more of this topic in later years.

On the contrary, She even regretted revealing this dark side. Till

today this unnecessary fear of bhoots, badhas, spiders, cats, bats,

wasps and what not continue to capture the imagination of young SYs,

and cause irrational apprehension. Question: Which sane and

balanced seeker wants to know about enlightenment from those who are

experts in phobias, whether it is about bhoots, badhas, spiders,

cats, bats, or wasps? Which sensible parent will allow their

children to mix and be influenced by authorities on such subjects?

Maybe a YuvaShakti spokesperson can clear this clueless catch of



So Adam, i hope this post will help your friend. These are rare

cases of possession prior to seeking help in Sahaja Yoga. It is a

tragedy that the YuvaShakti treats it as a contagious disease that

can easily infect the Shakti's devotees. The disaster is that so-

called established SYs remain silent and indifferent.


and they say Sahaja Yoga is difficult to spread,



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  • 4 months later...


This is very interesting and fits in with something I have been

reading and thinking about, the idea of " pretas " and " hungry ghosts "

which I related to the idea of " boots " and/or " baddas " which I heard

about in SY. Don't know if these are seen as the cause

of " negativity " as well? I know some people in SY do definately

avoid anyone who is ill as they fear they may " catch " some

negativity from them, which I find very comical! I suppose you might

catch a virus or a cold or something so maybe stay away for a short

while until they stop being infectious - unless you are very strong.

Before I joined SY I used to get colds and chest infections all the

time - after being in it for a while I hardly seemed to catch a cold

at all, let alone get a chest infection. I started telling people

I " couldn't " catch cold any more - then I got one, so there must be

a moral somewhere!


I think that these " negative spirits " that can be " caught "

and " made " to do all kinds of bad things are like us when we are

lazy and not fully conscious of what we are doing. This is why

terrible suffering is " not noticed " by so many people(let's hope

they may start to wake up and be well again soon!) because people

who sell things " make " them want to buy them - like nice things for

their houses, games to play on their computers, etc. Also some can

be caught and " made " to work on inventing and making nuclear bombs

etc. Also some can of them can be " made " to sit about and drink

larger like me without " noticing " all the work I should be doing! My

message is clear " Pretas/baddas/etc " IS US unless we work very hard

at remaining fully conscious and awake and see what is going on

around us and what we have allowed ourselves to become a part of.

The human race may look to most people as if it is " evolving " - from

a distance and to beings of greater consciousness (They are US as

well) we may look like a virus - busily going about destroying this

planet whilst working on " rocket science " in order to move off to

another one to infect when we've destroyed this one!

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shriadishakti , " Jane Belinda Pickup "

<jane.pickup1@b...> wrote:


> Hi

> This is very interesting and fits in with something I have been

> reading and thinking about, the idea of " pretas " and " hungry

> ghosts " which I related to the idea of " boots " and/or " baddas "

> which I heard about in SY. Don't know if these are seen as the

> cause of " negativity " as well? I know some people in SY do

> definately avoid anyone who is ill as they fear they may " catch "

> some negativity from them, which I find very comical! I suppose

> you might catch a virus or a cold or something so maybe stay away

> for a short while until they stop being infectious - unless you

> are very strong.


> Before I joined SY I used to get colds and chest infections all

> the time - after being in it for a while I hardly seemed to catch

> a cold at all, let alone get a chest infection. I started telling

> people I " couldn't " catch cold any more - then I got one, so there

> must be a moral somewhere!


> I think that these " negative spirits " that can be " caught "

> and " made " to do all kinds of bad things are like us when we are

> lazy and not fully conscious of what we are doing. This is why

> terrible suffering is " not noticed " by so many people(let's hope

> they may start to wake up and be well again soon!) because people

> who sell things " make " them want to buy them - like nice things

> for their houses, games to play on their computers, etc. Also some

> can be caught and " made " to work on inventing and making nuclear

> bombs etc. Also some can of them can be " made " to sit about and

> drink larger like me without " noticing " all the work I should be

> doing! My message is clear " Pretas/baddas/etc " IS US unless we

> work very hard at remaining fully conscious and awake and see what

> is going on around us and what we have allowed ourselves to become

> a part of. The human race may look to most people as if it

> is " evolving " - from a distance and to beings of greater

> consciousness (They are US as well) we may look like a virus -

> busily going about destroying this planet whilst working

> on " rocket science " in order to move off to another one to infect

> when we've destroyed this one!



Hi Jane,


You have asked questions that interest many SYs. So this reply is

particularly for them in mind.


Inside your body there is an amazing protection mechanism called the

immune system. It is designed to defend you against millions of

bacteria, microbes, viruses, toxins and parasites that would love to

invade your body. To understand the power of the immune system, all

that you have to do is look at what happens to anything once it

dies. That sounds gross, but it does show you something very

important about your immune system.


When something dies, its immune system (along with everything else)

shuts down. In a matter of hours, the body is invaded by all sorts

of bacteria, microbes, parasites... None of these things are able to

get in when your immune system is working, but the moment your

immune system stops the door is wide open. Once you die it only

takes a few weeks for these organisms to completely dismantle your

body and carry it away, until all that's left is a skeleton.

Obviously your immune system is doing something amazing to keep all

of that dismantling from happening when you are alive.


The immune system is complex, intricate and interesting. And there

are at least two good reasons for you to know more about it. First,

it is just plain fascinating to understand where things like fevers,

hives, inflammation, etc., come from when they happen inside your

own body. You also hear a lot about the immune system in the news as

new parts of it are understood and new drugs come on the market --

knowing about the immune system makes these news stories

understandable. In this article, we will take a look at how your

immune system works so that you can understand what it is doing for

you each day, as well as what it is not.


Your immune system works around the clock in thousands of different

ways, but it does its work largely unnoticed. One thing that causes

us to really notice our immune system is when it fails for some

reason. We also notice it when it does something that has a side

effect we can see or feel. Here are several examples:


When you get a cut, all sorts of bacteria and viruses enter your

body through the break in the skin. When you get a splinter you also

have the sliver of wood as a foreign object inside your body. Your

immune system responds and eliminates the invaders while the skin

heals itself and seals the puncture. In rare cases the immune system

misses something and the cut gets infected. It gets inflamed and

will often fill with pus. Inflammation and pus are both side-effects

of the immune system doing its job.


When a mosquito bites you, you get a red, itchy bump. That too is a

visible sign of your immune system at work.


Each day you inhale thousands of germs (bacteria and viruses) that

are floating in the air. Your immune system deals with all of them

without a problem. Occasionally a germ gets past the immune system

and you catch a cold, get the flu or worse. A cold or flu is a

visible sign that your immune system failed to stop the germ. The

fact that you get over the cold or flu is a visible sign that your

immune system was able to eliminate the invader after learning about

it. If your immune system did nothing, you would never get over a

cold or anything else.


Each day you also eat hundreds of germs, and again most of these die

in the saliva or the acid of the stomach. Occasionally, however, one

gets through and causes food poisoning. There is normally a very

visible effect of this breach of the immune system: vomiting and

diarrhea are two of the most common symptoms.


There are also all kinds of human ailments that are caused by the

immune system working in unexpected or incorrect ways that cause

problems. For example, some people have allergies. Allergies are

really just the immune system overreacting to certain stimuli that

other people don't react to at all. Some people have diabetes, which

is caused by the immune system inappropriately attacking cells in

the pancreas and destroying them. Some people have rheumatoid

arthritis, which is caused by the immune system acting

inappropriately in the joints. In many different diseases, the cause

is actually an immune system error.


Finally, we sometimes see the immune system because it prevents us

from doing things that would be otherwise beneficial. For example,

organ transplants are much harder than they should be because the

immune system often rejects the transplanted organ.


How Your Immune System Works




So, Jane, just substitute " immune system " with " Mother Kundalini "

and replace " bacteria " , germs " , " viruses " , " allergies " , " abnormal

cells " , " toxins " with " pretas " , " hungry hosts " , " bhoots " , " baddas " ,

" catches " , " negativity " and you will get the answers. If daily you

use medicines and drugs to combat these " bacteria " , germs " ,

" viruses " , " allergies " instead of letting the subtle system take

care of them then you will use lemons, chillies, coconuts,

footsoaks and candling daily instead of allowing the Mother

Kundalini destroy all " pretas " , " hungry ghosts " , " bhoots " , " baddas " ,

" catches " and " negativity " .


After some time of over-medication you will mess things up and your

body's immunological defense system goes haywire. You will instead

become sick often and will be worse off.


So just let your immune system do its job. The same goes for the

Mother Kundalini.


Try to understand that both work along similar lines as their

primary function is to protect humans on a 24/7 basis. Just have the

conviction and confidence you are protected by a miraculous system

that is part and parcel of evolution. Why insult Her with our lack

of faith?






For further reading please check Archives on following:


1) At last SY voices of reason and confession that may bring sense

2) Can the Power of His Love cause mass hysteria?

3) How can we SYs be thoughtless when catches keep disturbing us?

4) i am only asking for an answer to what many SYs believe

5) Treatments are part of Sahaj but why do SYs remain sick?

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