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childish jagbir

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dear ....


regarding current freeforall of jagbirs.

from my vibrations i would say this is poius soul,

who knows maybe there is some truth there.

I have tried to find the source notes for these posting though.

Dont tell me jagbir you are publishing private emails?

this is pretty lowly as i believe this man did say something

about principles? who is being the hipocrate here?



just a sahaji

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shriadishakti , " sahajayogi2004 "

<sahajayogi2004> wrote:


> dear ....


> regarding current freeforall of jagbirs.

> from my vibrations i would say this is poius soul,

> who knows maybe there is some truth there.

> I have tried to find the source notes for these posting though.

> Dont tell me jagbir you are publishing private emails?

> this is pretty lowly as i believe this man did say something

> about principles? who is being the hipocrate here?


> best,

> just a sahaji





i really don't know what to make out of you, and hope there are not

many of your kind. If not for the support and encouragement from

non/new SY brothers and sisters, it would indeed have been a

difficult day. To all these kind souls " Thank you. "


Sahajayogi2004, after sending these three posts, i sat down in

meditation. The vibrations were just overflowing and more intense

than usual, as if the One within was saying " Thank you. "


SDM stopped claiming himself to be Saint Joseph / Shri Rama when

exposed and expelled by Shri Mataji. But last year he learnt too

late and regretted talking about his experiences, as his own words

were used against him. Ishmael truly believed he was Shri Kalki

despite all my reasoning, and wanted to confront Shri Mataji with

his credentials. He dug his own grave by provoking me for no

apparent reason. His own words had to be used against him.


You and Ishmael (or even SDM) may condemn me to your heart's content

for publishing private emails as evidence. There is just no better

way than giving enough rope to these false Saint Josephs, Shri

Rama's and Shri Kalki's to hang themselves. All this may seem

childish but don't you think bringing a false prophet down is no

child's play?




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> jagbir


you wont have to worry what to make of me, i wouldnt be caught dead

in the same room as you.

I find your behaviour morally reprehensible, unconscionable,

fanatical, and probably illegal. Along with your support team...

i can not even in good conscience remain a member of your fascist forum.


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shriadishakti , " sahajayogi2004 "

<sahajayogi2004> wrote:


> > jagbir


> you wont have to worry what to make of me, i wouldnt be caught

> dead in the same room as you.

> I find your behaviour morally reprehensible, unconscionable,

> fanatical, and probably illegal. Along with your support team...

> i can not even in good conscience remain a member of your fascist

> forum.

> yogi





Main Entry: fas·cism


Pronunciation: 'fa- " shi-z & m also 'fa- " si-


Function: noun


1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime

(as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above

the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic

government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and

social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition


2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or

dictatorial control <early instances of army fascism and brutality>



Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary


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