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Ishmael claim to being Shree Kalki / God

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This is a forum and anyone and everyone is free to make him/her self

heard.First and foremost before we write we must always have the

interest of Shree Mataji in mind and then comes the interest of

Sahaja Yoga.


Individuals like me,Ishmael,Jagbir,Fletcher or anyone for that matter

will come and go. For sahaji2004 to label those not concurring with

his viewpoint and the group as fascist is IMO a bit unfair to say the

least.Sahaji2004 should back his claim why he finds this to be a

fascist forum and since when it became a fascist forum. Fletcher,

Alex and Sohniya have been posting on and off at least for sometime

now and they have supported and sometimes disagreed with what Jagbir

writes but what I find strange is why it only now that sahaji2004

reacts and that too so strongly.


I disagree with the e-mail correspondence being made public but just

like the Chinmoy post of sex with his devotees I have to look at the

actual reason for the mails being made public.As far as I know this

very serious claim of Shri Kalki has being going on for the past 1-2

years now and I was under the impression that it had finally died

down or reached a conclusion 6 months ago. Now is the time to put an

end to it once and for all.


First and foremost I am not convinced at all that Ishmael is Shree



Why does Ishamel have to go through Jagbir's kids to proof that he is

Shri Kalki – I had always wondered about it. True divine

personalities do not normally depend on other mere mortals (even if

they maybe gifted like Jagbir's kids in this case) to confirm their



Why is the following question posted by Jagbir long ago not being


2) Why is this extremely secret information allowed to be available?

That is why i told you that the Divine cannot sanction such a

frightening announcement when there is absolutely no reason for

doing so - 99.99% of the world has absolutely no knowledge that the

Adi Shakti is on Earth to announce the Last Judgment and

Resurrection! Yet the emergence of Shri Kalki is being leaked.

the physical Shri Mataji will only make matters worse as She

has made it clear that no one can claim to be Shri Kalki.



Ishamel has tried many ways and means to convince Jagbir that he is

Shri Kalki / " God " eg

Normally i am quite used to my agnya lighting up with thousands of

needles of fire, they flow down the sides of the face. This is an

aspect of shri agni (needles of fire). The first day of Diwali the

whole head lit in a wave of this light and it sustained itself quite


I also try to refrain from making outright statements as they have a

way of becoming reality tommorrow.

This morning when i got out of the shower i was reminded again, as a

huge glowing Omkara filled my vision. There is nothing under the sun

can imitate God.




On one hand Jagbir is being requested to ask his kids to ask Shree

Mataji in their Sahasrara's about Ishmael and when he refuses to do

so he is warned to be careful.

Jagbir's questions go unanswered or are deflected and when he

persists he is told off that he should be grateful that some of his

questions are being answered in the first place.


Ishmael or his believers wants to confirm that he is Shri Kalki – is

it for their benefit only or for the benefit of mankind?Ishmael has

said that " when he begins his " work " the bulk of SY's unfortunately

may be the last to realize "


I am forwarding this mail to Furat who may not be on the member's

list after his " fall-out " with Jagbir over this Kalki issue so that

the maximum number of supporters of Ishmael as Shree Kalki are aware

and can come and give their version of why they believe Ishmael is

Shri Kalki in the hope that this issue is settled once and for all.






Furat: I know He is who He is, it's just I'm dreaming of the day I

wouldn't need to feel I must forever be hiding something and not be

able to speak about certain issues.

But if my Patron Saint is being actively discredeted, that is when I

am compelled to act with full force at hand. Otherwise I am not

worthy this honour.


Furat: But as I've said before he has never explicitly told me

anything other than what I would ask him. And this has not been one

of the questions. I find it somehow more rude to ask him upfront

than to ask Mother. It's true.



I really found it worrying that a Furat who is a SYogi found it more

rude to ask Ishmael than to ask Shree Mataji.Are we to assume that

Ishmael is held in higher esteem than Shree Mataji in the eyes of

some SYogi/nis?


Furat: But it would be a tragedy if it were not to happen! So it was

better you formulated those classically deadly objections of yours

to me personally than providing Jagbirji with an excuse for a quick

and easy way out


Balwinder: Now is the time for all who believe in Ishmael being Shree

Kalki to resolve the issue once and for all.




Jagbir's mail on Tue, 17 Feb 2004

It was a rather large file and i just skimmed through it. Some of his

experiences were rather difficult for me to understand – evil spirits

coming out and being destroyed, ugly demons materializing

from SDM toilet forum. Others were quite pleasant. But one thing is

clear - he did not meditate to enter into the Sahasrara. It was as

if they were happening right before him.


Only after a few weeks/months did i begin to read it thoroughly and

that was when i came across the sexually explicit paragraph. Ishmael

made it clear that he thoroughly enjoyed that tryst and, if my

memory is correct, 'shri mataji' was on top. That shook me because

immediately i knew something was very wrong.


I know that Shri Mataji in the Sahasrara takes extreme precaution

and not have even a remote reference to sex or lust. She covers Her

front with the sari at ALL times and neither Kash, Arwinder nor

Lalita have ever been able to ascertain if She wears a necklace. I

have asked them to find this out but they just can't, though they

tell me about Her koka (nose-ring), rings on fingers and toes etc.

She guards Her modesty at all times. That is why Ishmael's claim is

monstrous. How can Furat say that i have a misunderstanding?!!!!!!!


Everything that happens to me has a reason. Thus this exposure of

Ishmael is no fluke. I feel that he made a mistake by not erasing

that sexual part from his experiences. Maybe he forgot or whatever,

but the fact that it was sent to me is sufficient. This will destroy

his claim to be Shri Kalki. I WILL DESTROY HIS CLAIM! He will make

his move and enforce his claim once Shri Mataji leaves - mark these


Ishmael has always, and still continues to, deflect any evidence

that cast doubts on his Kalki claim. That is why he even scorns

scripture because it does not fit him. That is why he scorned at

Shri Mataji making the statement two years ago because it does not

fit him!!!!!!

You think the Adi Shakti has no better work to do

than seeking sexual favors? What utter rubbish and unforgivable

blasphemy! This is surely the worst i have ever heard regarding my

Niskalanka Primordial Mother. Are we insane by thinking this is just

a mere misunderstanding?





Only Jagbir has read this sexually explicit segment and thus he feels

strongly about wanting to destroy Ishmael's Shree Kalki claim. If

anyone makes such a preposterous claim regarding sex , any true

SYogi/ni would not have anything to do with such a person let alone

reason with him/her.


Ishamel has been quiet on a lot of crucial questions but not

addressed them except to deny about Mary which was not important but

even this denial was flawed



Dear Jagbir,


i really do become surprised by your attacks on persnalities. What a

juvenille thing to do.

This is not the issue. it is one of principles. carry on...

you could get yur facts straight though, i never have said i have a

wife who is this mary mperson...as i am not married.


grow up brother



A few comments though are in order. Not very long ago you raised a

stinky over our Brother Furat's attempt to post the same literature.

You tried to make him out as the crazy one, who needed help. I held my

tongue, I have the memory of the elephant..so i know



If you still have the journal i sent you read the part

about the faces of the divine. replace the name

kartekiya. because jesus+kartekiya=kalki. I posses the

memories of my lives, i dont need to explain them.




About Mary, as it is written, HER HUSBAND concieved their child. I

had nothing whatsoever to do with it. i would never cross divne

boundries. Mother cured her, and gave her this boy.


A few years ago, i had the pleasure to spend a year

re-aquainting an old friendship with a beautiful soul

who was my beloved Mary Magdelene. I dont have to tell

you how recognition takes place. It was wonderful and

awesome experience for us both. During this time all

things in her life were set right, disease cured and a

baby brought forth. With her husband..The baby was

concieved during the week of the star of bethlehem

conjunction. His name they choose is Mathew, means

gift from God. I wish all my relationships could be so beautiful.



I find it contradictory when someone says he has the memory of an

elephant in remembering a post and also claims he has the memory of

his lives before this but cannot remember a fairly recent

relationship which he himself describes as so beautiful.


There is a loss of awareness of the gravity of the situation here.The

focus tends to be how the facts for and against the case of Ishmael

believing himself to be Shree Kalki were presented rather than the

contents and the strength of the facts. The much much more important

question is whether anyone can support Ishmael's believe that he is

Shree Kalki with facts.


I know that it can be quite intimidating when someone(as Ishmael has

written) writes the following " First thing only reason your are

getting this note is because Shri Mataji continues to beseech me, she

knows i am a compassionate man. " but it all boils down to having the

faith in Shree Mataji and also the guts to stand up to be speak your

mind without fear or favour.


Ishamel: The worst thing is for the fanatic is to have an audience.

Only ego can be fanatic. You should have taken her advice, you would

be alot better off today.


Balwinder:Just to give a few examples of the core views of Jagbir IMO

Is declaring that Shree Mataji is the AdiShakti and the time of

resurrection has started being fanatical?

Is telling all yogis to be their own guru as repeatedly told by Shree

Mataji being fanatical?

Is encouraging SYogis to rely on their Kundalini always and less and

less on various forms of treatment as they ascent being fanatical?


Ishamel:Divine will never support EGO.


Balwinder: I totally agree with that statement.



The only reason i am putting their experiences on the internet is to

provide evidence to the world that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is

indeed the incarnation of the Shakti. After a decade of these

children entering their Sahasraras to visit Her there is no way

anyone can deny Shri Mataji in future. Our faith in Shri Mataji is

solely based on the irrefutable evidence and experiences that

continue to be witnessed till today. Use it to put the attention of

real seekers on Shri Mataji, not those who witness Her glory in

their Sahasraras. "


Anyone can claim themselves to be saint Joseph, Shri Rama, Kalki,

Divine Mother, Bhagwan or Adi Shakti - SDM, Ishmael, Chinmoy,

Jayendra Swamygal, Sai Baba, Rev. Moon, Ching Hai, Amma and others.

Have any witness(es) come forward so far to give evidence and

testified on the behalf of their gurus that they are what they claim?



Ishmael claims he is Shri Kalki/God and that Shree Mataji actually

beseeches him to do things.It is up to you to believe that but all

SYogi/nis must not look at it as a problem between Jagbir and

Ishmael. It involves the whole of SYoga and also the name of Shree

Mataji and it is a serious issue.It is not necessary to take sides

but it is important for SYogi/nis to introspect and speak up their

mind as to what they believe is the truth.


Best Regards




" Our lives begin to end on the day we become silent

over things that matter " . Martin Luther King, Jr.


" God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the

courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the

difference. "


Reinhold Neibuhr

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