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How on earth can genuine-like SY fair so badly in relation to cult-like sai baba

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shriadishakti , " sampalee2003 "

<sampalee2003> wrote:


> Apart from sri matagi as being the adishakti, the numbers of sy is

> only a handful compared to the believers of sai baba, many of them

> prominent business men and politicians amongst them many muslim

> too. I attended sy collective regularly, there is almost no

> deliberation on spiritual pursuit to seeker like me. Instead it

> confine itself more to developing healthy bodies and mind. There

> is a lot of goodwill like any other fellowship. Although we

> acknowledge sri matagi via prostration and reciting her name in

> the mantra, I seriously doubt the sy really understand what is

> pure knowledge or self realisation.


> As for me my ego is still intact and i only have superficial

> understanding by login on to the shri adishakti web site. I wonder

> how we can manage to avert the doomsday if our consciousness

> continue to remain on this mundane level, even though we can feel

> the cool breeze and improved health. How on earth can genuine like

> sy fair so badly in relation to cult like sai baba?


Thank you Sampalee for bringing these salient points that reflect SY

collectives worldwide. It is the same sad situation all over the

world, whether in Kiev, Kolkatta or Kuala Lumpur. Contrary to what

senior SYs may think, it is those standing up to demand reform and

have the courage to change things who will ultimately triumph where

others have failed. i presume that the first World Council for the

advancement of Sahaja Yoga came up with nothing, given the silence

despite great expectations. It was the FIRST meeting. Have we really

become bankrupt of ideas and sense of direction? All we know is that

Shri Mataji donated the bulk of Her properties to SYs. Other than

this there is nothing else to give hope that things will change.


But things must change drastically. Your observation with a

compassionate eye and Alex's scrutiny with a critical mind brings

into sharp focus the pressing problems that need to be addressed

less they spread to the Yuvashakti. However, i believe they are

already infected and that is why SYs behave like paranoid puppets

afraid of this non-SY world. It will take years for this mindset to

be healed and i am really getting concerned with their obsession

with the mundane, whether it is catches, cures or creepy crawlies.

If they are so sick and afraid how can the much advertised and hyped

claim that Sahaja Yoga leads to the development of healthy bodies

and mind be true?


Alex has good reason not to send anyone to the local collective

since he is afraid they are going to end up becoming paranoid

puppets. Chances are they will most probably leave in

disillusionment and never come back, or become infected and diseased

if they enter a catch-conscious collective. This is a lose-lose

situation, a powerful negativity that continues to consume the

prodigious energies SYs have put over the years to spread Sahaja



A friend of mine rang me up yesterday. He was a SY for a few years

and left in the mid-1990s. For the last few months he has been

meditating again after i questioned his fallen state and reminded

who Shri Mataji was and why She was on Earth. So after nearly a

decade he had expected the North American collective to be in the

thousands. i replied that it was less than 1000, with South America

thrown in. He was shocked. He questioned: " Didn't they start

announcing? "


Thus, that is the real problem retarding our progress. We SYs are

just not being honest about Shri Mataji's core message, and

transparent in the problems affecting Sahaja Yoga. Unlike the

devotees of Sai Baba (or Amma, Chinmoy, Rev. Moon etc.) SYs just do

not have the guts or conviction to even meekly whimper in public

what they so bravely roar in the privacy of Her pujas. This is the

biggest hypocrisy and one that makes me most ashamed.


Yes, Sai Baba has a lot of power with politicians, businessmen and

even Muslims worshipping him. His devotees have been declaring that

he is the Bhagwan (and Adi Shakti as well) for decades. So have the

devotees of Amma and all others. All this has brought forth much

success in the form of numbers.


But the internet is just beginning to expose and destroy these false

gurus, and opening the eyes of their misled followers who will look

for alternatives. At the same time religious organizations are being

battered with criminal wrongdoings and scriptural falsehood. Their

disillusioned faithful are leaving in droves. The modern age of mass

communications enables instant transmission of knowledge that leaves

none immune. People are beginning to know about 'bad religion' and

are increasingly seeking spiritual paths that self-empower and allow

self-enlightenment. This seismic shift in consciousness is just

being set in motion. All these new race of seekers will look for a

great guru. Those who know want, and will wait for the arrival of,

the promised Messiah.


The great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi completed Her job

years ago and laid the groundwork to overcome all false gurus and

bad religions. There is absolutely nothing left for Her to do as She

has entrenched Herself in all scriptures, one that even a billion

fanatical followers cannot dislodge. SYs should not insult

themselves by wondering how to spread Her message, or why so few are

attracted to Sahaja Yoga. The writing is now on the wall. All we can

pretend is not to acknowledge the simple plain truth.


Yes, we are also wondering how on earth can genuine-like SY fair so

badly in relation to cult-like sai baba. But have no fear because the

camel will drink the water, ............... eventually.




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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> The great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi completed Her job

> years ago and laid the groundwork to overcome all false gurus and

> bad religions. There is absolutely nothing left for Her to do




Von: Herbert Reininger [herbert]

Gesendet: Montag, 16. August 2004 08:12


Meine Lieben,


Please enjoy some pictures (in quite low quality) of the Webcast of

Shri Krishna Puja 2004 in LA.


Puja ceremony was ending just some moments ago.


Shri Mataji arrived at 9:15 pm (L.A. Time), 6:15 MEZ and the Puja

started. There was no speech. Puja lasted about 45 Minutes until the


Shri Mataji stayed for about 30 minutes more, to accept presents

from various countries. At 7:40 MEZ Shri Mataji was returning to Her

home again.


Wishing you all a marvellous day full of blessings!




Jai Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi !!!

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