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Imam Mahdi prepares us for mystery of Reappearance, Resurrection & Judgement

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shriadishakti , " adishakti_org

<adishakti_org> " <adishakti_org> wrote:



> Just over a week ago at the recent 2002 Christmas Puja nearly 7500

> Sahaja Yogis gathered at Ganapatipule, India. Shri Mataji began

> with these words: " Merry Christmas to you all ….... According

> to Sahaja Yoga Christ is settled on your Agnya Chakra. "


> i do not know how many SYs believe that Shri Jesus Christ is

> actually within all humans at the Agnya Chakra. The reason i am

> saying so is because it is very difficult to grasp the inner

> reality of a spiritual being actually living within the Agnya

> Chakra of each and every human being. When i joined Sahaja Yoga in

> 1994 it was difficult for the members of my collective to actually

> believe that Shri Mataji exits within them and witnesses all their

> actions on a 24/7 basis. ........... or that the Savior is right

> now meditating at our Agnya Chakras.


> i will now give evidence that Shri Mataji is telling the Truth

> when She says that " Christ is settled on your Agnya Chakra. " ( i

> hope SYs understand that my intention is to prove that Shri Mataji

> is the Adi Shakti and not to advertise my family, as some have

> accuse me of doing so.)


> Back in 1994 Kash gave Self-Realization to a new seeker, Gurmit

> Singh. After that, while still standing behind Gurmit, he closed

> his eyes momentarily. What he saw with his spiritual eyes was

> stunning — all the Dieities were seen sitting on every chakra

> of Gurmit's subtle body! It was the divine vision of the Third

> Eye! Kash was shown the spiritual body of a human being for the

> very first and only time. He observed that there were more than 20

> Deities, each about an inch in size, sitting on various chakras

> inside Gurmit. All these Spiritual Beings were in a squatting

> position and in deep meditation.


> He positively recognized Shri Ganesha above the anus (Mooladhara),

> Shri Vishnu and Shri Lakshmi at the navel (Nabhi), Shri Krishna

> and Shri Radha at the throat (Vishuddhi) and Shri Jesus behind and

> between both eyes (Agnya). Right on the limbic area of the head

> (Sahasrara) was the SPIRIT of the Living GOD, Shri Mataji Nirmala

> Devi, also squatting and meditating. But was without HER Eternal

> Throne.


> Bhupinder, Gurmit, and the father looked at each other and then at

> Kash, unable to believe or comprehend what they just heard from

> this child of thirteen.


> Note: It has to be clearly understood that at this time Kash was

> new to spiritualism and had no knowledge of the subtle human body.

> The family members did not even know how to recite the great

> mantra of the Great Adi Shakti, let alone know the various

> chakras, their locations inside humans, and the presiding Deity.

> Yet Kash precisely located the positions of the Immortal Beings,

> matching them exactly to what Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi had told

> humankind since She opened the Sahasrara on May 5, 1970. This

> simple fact proved that his spiritual vision was flawless, and the

> Truth absolute.


> The remaining Universal Beings could not be identified because

> Kash was still new to spiritualism and did not know their names or

> features. Put simply, although he saw all the Immortal Ones

> meditating on all the various chakras in Gurmit's body — Shri

> Buddha, Muhammad, Mahavira, Lao-tze, Moses, Abraham, Nanak,

> Confucius and so on — he could not identify any of them. (It is

> just like meeting a group of strangers and trying to ascertain

> their identity. The only way to do so would be a formal

> introduction, i.e., previous knowledge.) This inability was

> compounded not only by their small size and multitude — which

> made observation and memorization difficult — but also because

> of the brief period that this Divine vision was granted to him.


> It has to be accepted that all the Dieties are sitting in

> every human being exactly at the energy points Shri Adhiparasakthi

> Shri Nirmala Devi has proclaimed. Since Kash has positively

> identified the positions of the above Deities then it is only

> logical that the other Divine Beings also exist at precisely at

> the chakras revealed by the Great Divine Mother. Those who want to

> understand this profound Truth have to thoroughly understand the

> immensity of this spiritual Reality that " inside each of us are

> primal gods and goddesses. " (Deepak Chopra) This Knowledge is

> priceless for all seekers of Truth. It is also the mysterious,

> subtle Reality vaguely mentioned in the Bible and Qur'an, but

> explicitly expounded in eastern scriptures.


> Again we have to mention that there was just no way Kash could

> have identified these Universal Beings — absolutely no way! In

> the first place how did he know that the Immortal Beings are

> within the body? No one in the family even knew of this Truth, a

> fact that took a long time to fathom. Then, how was it possible

> for him to know exactly where they were sitting? He could have

> said that Shri Jesus was seen on the Vishuddhi chakra, Shri

> Lakshmi/Vishnu at the Agnya, and so on. But he did not. He told

> exactly what he saw and those Divine Beings he identified

> corresponded exactly to that revealed by the Great Universal Mind.

> And we must also bear in mind that two non-family members, Gurmit

> and Bhupinder, witnessed and heard what Kash told them. (Anyone

> may question them to confirm these facts.) The Revelations and

> Divine Drama of the Great MahaDevi is based on Reality and not

> subject to contradiction, denial or destruction!


> Based on this extraordinary mystical experience the following

> Truths are announced to all seekers of the Ultimate Reality:


> Shri Ganesha is meditating in the Muladhara chakra.

> Shri Lakshmi and Vishnu is meditating in the Nabhi chakra .

> Shri Radha and Krishna is meditating in the Vishuddhi chakra .

> Shri Jesus Christ is meditating in the Agnya chakra .

> Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi is meditating in the

> Sahasrara .





" The seventh is the Mahdi or 'Imam of Resurrection', who does not

bring a new sharí'ah but reveals the inner meaning of all

revelations and prepares the coming of the new cycle. Moreover, the

historical cycles alter between that of epiphany and occultation,

between a period when the truth is revealed and one in which it is

hidden, this alteration continuing until the end of the great



At this moment comes the 'Great Resurrection' (qiyämat

al-qiyämah) upon which man and his celestial prototype are re-

instated in their original condition. Thus through the prophets and

imams the purpose of creation is fulfilled and man regains the state

that he lost through his own negligence'. (Seyyed Hossein Nasar,

Ideals and Realities of Islam)


These concepts of the Reappearance of Imam Mahdi are extremely

clear, constructive and inspiring. They have many features in

common with the Christian and Hebrew traditions such as:


(a) a period of life in darkness and negligence when the Truth is



(b) an end to this period and the Advent of the Second Coming;


© the Day of Judgement and the Great Day of Resurrection;


(d) the beginning of a new cycle when humankind lives according to

its celestial purpose.



Obviously in his Reappearance Imam Mahdi will guide all faithful

people on their journey to the higher worlds. In the Islamic

tradition the Prophet Muhammad himself gave the most exciting and

inspiring example of the ascent to the highest Divine world. In his

journey in the realm of form (i.e. the physical universe), he moved

from the Haram mosque to that of Kufah and then to the al-Aqsa

Mosque, while in the realm of inner meaning (i.e. the spiritual

universe) he ascended to the seven heavens, the Throne and the

footstool. In fact, in the realm of the inner meaning, the

pilgrimage to Mecca (i.e. the journey in the realm of form) becomes

an ascent to higher states of consciousness aiming towards the

highest one – entry into the 'Garden of the Essence'. This

mystical journey could explain why the 12th Imam, Imam Mahdi, who

has to come again is considered as the axis mundi, the invisible

ruler of the universe who guides in the spiritual path all devotees.


The Second Coming Integral Mission offers pilgrimages to sacred

places on Earth which at the same time are celestial pilgrimages,

i.e. metaphysical journeys in the higher realms. When we are

undergoing these celestial pilgrimages, we enter in contact

mystically with Imam Mahdi who prepares us for the mystery of ...

Reappearance, the Day of Judgement and Resurrection. "



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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:



> " The seventh is the Mahdi or 'Imam of Resurrection', who does not

> bring a new sharí'ah but reveals the inner meaning of all

> revelations and prepares the coming of the new cycle. Moreover,

> the historical cycles alter between that of epiphany and

> occultation, between a period when the truth is revealed and one

> in which it is hidden, this alteration continuing until the end of

> the great cycle.


> At this moment comes the 'Great Resurrection' (qiyämat

> al-qiyämah) upon which man and his celestial prototype are re-

> instated in their original condition. Thus through the prophets

> and imams the purpose of creation is fulfilled and man regains the

> state that he lost through his own negligence'. (Seyyed Hossein

> Nasar, Ideals and Realities of Islam)


> These concepts of the Reappearance of Imam Mahdi are extremely

> clear, constructive and inspiring. They have many features in

> common with the Christian and Hebrew traditions such as:


> (a) a period of life in darkness and negligence when the Truth is

> hidden;


> (b) an end to this period and the Advent of the Second Coming;


> © the Day of Judgement and the Great Day of Resurrection;


> (d) the beginning of a new cycle when humankind lives according to

> its celestial purpose.



> Obviously in his Reappearance Imam Mahdi will guide all faithful

> people on their journey to the higher worlds. In the Islamic

> tradition the Prophet Muhammad himself gave the most exciting and

> inspiring example of the ascent to the highest Divine world. In

> his journey in the realm of form (i.e. the physical universe), he

> moved from the Haram mosque to that of Kufah and then to the al-

> Aqsa Mosque, while in the realm of inner meaning (i.e. the

> spiritual universe) he ascended to the seven heavens, the Throne

> and the footstool. In fact, in the realm of the inner meaning, the

> pilgrimage to Mecca (i.e. the journey in the realm of form)

> becomes an ascent to higher states of consciousness aiming towards

> the highest one – entry into the 'Garden of the Essence'. This

> mystical journey could explain why the 12th Imam, Imam Mahdi, who

> has to come again is considered as the axis mundi, the invisible

> ruler of the universe who guides in the spiritual path all

> devotees....


> When we are undergoing these celestial pilgrimages, we enter in

> contact mystically with Imam Mahdi who prepares us for the mystery

> of ... Reappearance, the Day of Judgement and Resurrection. "


> www.secondcomingmission.com/




" All Muslims believe that the Holy Quran is one and complete without

doubt. The Traditions of the Holy Prophet of Islam (SAW) are final

and both the Holy Quran and the Traditions are to continue as the

Word to be Accepted, as the Word to be believed and as the Word to

be followed till the end of the time. Yet, our Holy Prophet despite

this knowledge that the book is complete and that he is the final

prophet till the end of time, himself prophesied that a time will

come when Imam Mahdi would appear from Allah and be raised by Allah.

Let's now ask a very sincere question -


What was the need for Imam Mahdi and why should Imam Mahdi be

acceptable to us, when the Holy Quran is complete; the traditions

are there and the contents of these books are final?


Yet according to the Holy Prophet, Muslims need Imam Mahdi and are

waiting for Imam Mahdi. Why do we need Imam Mahdi, and why are we

waiting for Him, and what will the status of Imam Mahdi be? I'm sure

you never thought of that. If you should think of it now, you will

be surprised that Muslims belief and Ahmadis beliefs are exactly the

same. Not an iota of difference can be proved between our two



All Muslims believe that Imam Mahdi is going to be appointed by

Allah, and is not going to be elected by the Muslims. There should

not be a single Muslim who believes that Imam Mahdi will not be

appointed by Allah, but will be elected by the masses. If any Muslim

claims this, all the ulema of the world will declare that that

person is a kafir, because he is holding a belief contrary to the

belief of the entire Ummah. So, Imam Mahdi is a person to come, if

he has not come already, who will be directly raised and appointed

by Allah. However, this is one part of the belief. The other part of

the belief is that whoever refuses to except him will become kafir.

The entire Ummah believes in these two things except the Chakaralvis

and the Ahle Quran. The rest of the Ummah believe that Imam Mahdi

will be appointed by Allah himself, and there will not be an

election. They also believe that Imam Mahdi, once he is appointed,

will be the imam for the whole Ummah and for the whole universe.

Whoever denies him, and whoever opposes him would go out of the pale

of Islam. "


Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IV, www.alislam.org

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