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Having a vision is one of the easiest to achieve because your mind can be induced

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shriadishakti , "jagbir singh"<adishakti_org> wrote:>> Alex, there is a huge difference between having a> vision, say of your best friend who migrated overseas, and> actually talking to him over a mango shake at your favorite> Bombay Palace after his return years later. Having a vision is> one of the easiest to achieve because your mind can be induced> to image him after some practice. Try to do this and you will> understand what i mean. BTW, have you not had unpleasant> thoughts and visions while meditating? >











Janet BoyerBellaOnline's New Age Editor



Increasing Clairvoyance Through Visualization

The word clairvoyance means "clear seeing". Clairvoyance, and visualization itself, falls under the realm of the 6th chakra, often known as the third eye chakra or the brow chakra.Quite a few scientists such as Karl Pribram and David Bohm theorize that the world (and our brains) function holographically. If we are but one part of a holographic universe, then we would have the ability to retrieve information from anywhere. It's just a matter of having the right "reference beam" to trigger that aha! moment of realization.For example, let's say you want to remember the house you lived in as a child. You'd think back to the sights, smells, and experiences of your house. In effect, you're re-creating your house through visualization. What if, however, you were to visualize your dream house? And let's say that a rich uncle died and left you wads of money, enabling you to build that

dream house? Because you imagined it before hand, it would be a form of clairvoyance. Whether retrieving a memory or imagining the future, the process is the same and occurs within the realm of the third eye chakra. We have the ability to increase our clairvoyant abilities, and strengthen the 6th chakra, by visualization. It may take some practice, patience, and an open mind, but you can increase your clairvoyant abilities. Many times, it's just a matter of asking the right questions to get that "reference beam" to light up a missing piece of the puzzle! According to Anodea Judith in her book Wheels of Life: A User's Guide to the Chakra System, clairvoyance is "a matter of seeing the inner relationship of things--the fitting of the part into the whole." She also says "the ability to visualize successfully depends on constant use,

like a muscle."Judith also says that the 6th chakra transcends time, because "through our perception of spatial relationships, we have building blocks for both memory of the past and imagination of the future."Here are some exercises and practices to help increase your clairvoyant abilities:*First off, it's a good idea to have some type of meditation practice to help calm your mind. Ironically, the quick way to "see" more is to empty your mind of chaotic thoughts that vie for your attention. Just as it's difficult to hear a radio program when you're surrounded by external noise, so it is with visualization and a "noisy" mind. If you're new to meditation, or have never meditated, I highly recommend Getting In The Gap: Making Conscious Contact With God Through Meditation by Dr. Wayne Dyer.*When the phone rings, try to visualize the face of the caller.

*Re-contruct memories of conversations, objects, and places from your past. Be as detailed as you can. *Visualize situations. If you're going to a job interview, visualize how you wish to present yourself. What will you say? How will you explain your qualifications? If you have to do public speaking, visualize yourself speaking with confidence and ease. After time, do you notice that it makes doing those things easier?*If you wish to see the root of a health problem, for example, visualize the outline of the body. Determine which colors will represent health, and which will represent dis-ease. Do certain areas stand out? It's beneficial to practice with a friend to help gauge your accuracy. But don't worry about being "wrong"! It might take a little practice to "see", but the more you do it, the more sharp your clairvoyance will become. For example, you may "see" that your friend has a determined color surrounding their elbow...and find out they bumped it

earlier that day!*Use Tarot cards, runes, or other oracles. Psychologist Carl G. Jung was a student of the Tarot, and he believed that it's insight was tied to a concept called synchronicity. Synchronicity is the idea that when two things happen together, meaning is created. When we have specific intent with oracles such as Tarot, we merge that intent with action. As we practice interpeting the symbols of the cards, placements, the relation to other cards, and so on, we're training ourselves to "see" clairvoyantly.*Allow symbols to enter your mind when you ask for guidance. Visualization is just dreaming while awake. Just as dream symbols often speak about our desires, worries, and other subconscious information, we can use active dreaming to gain insight into our lives and sharpen our symbolic sight. I believe we all have a lexicon of symbols unique to us, and we can tap into those symbols for greater meaning. Take the time to write down your dreams or any

symbols or visual metaphors that come to mind. Is there a play on words? What do the symbols remind you of? Are they related to a person or experience?*Imagine a split screen in your mind's eye. The left side lights up red and means NO, and the right side lights up green to mean YES. Ask a question that you'd like to know the answer to with regards to your life and see what happens! Maintain a playful, explorative, and open attitude. *Visualize the route you take to work, school, or the grocery store. Which roads do you take? What do you see?*Imagine the relationships and situations as if they were characters on a stage. What role do you often play? What role do others play in your life? Do any of your relationships resemble those you've seen in a movie or read in a book? What Archetypes may be at play? Do you often play the Victim? The Hero? The Knight in shining armor? The Queen?An open mind, playfulness, and imagination are wonderful tools to

increase your clairvoyant abilities. Visualization can engender hope, provide creative solutions, and give profound insight into your questions and concerns. For more information on visualization, here's a great book that has stood the test of time:Creative Visualization: Use the Power of Your Imagination to Create What You Want in Your Life by Shakti GawainRelated article: Ask Janet - Unblocking The 6th (Third Eye) Chakra















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