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Sikh 'saints' have no idea what or where Dasam Dwar is despite five centuries!

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Dear All,The Dasam Duar is the Tenth Door or Gate in addition to the physical body having nine openings (two eyes, ears, nostrils, mouth and the organs of procreation and excretion). It is at the top of the head, the Brahmarandhra that opens upon Kundalini awakening and we feel the Cool Breeze. It is open on all babies who are born with a soft spot called the anterior fontenal.

Kundalini rising and flowing out of Dasam Dwar (Tenth Door) as Cool Breeze. The Tenth Gate is the home of the Supreme Divine Guru and it is possible to meet this Shakti!According to Sikhism the Tenth Gate can only be opened by the Guru'sgrace and is vital for Self-realization and enlightenment.The energy channels of the Ida, Pingala and Shushmanaa:These three

dwell in one place.This is the true place of confluence of the three sacred rivers:This is where my mind takes its cleansing bath.O Saints, the Immaculate Lord dwells there;How rare are those who go to the Guru, and understand this.The all-pervading immaculate Lord is there.What is the insignia of the Divine Lord's dwelling?The unstruck sound current of the Shabad vibrates there.There is no moon or sun, no air or water there.The Gurmukh becomes aware, and knows the Teachings.Spiritual wisdom wells up, and evil-mindedness departs;The nucleus of the mind sky is drenched with Ambrosial Nectar.One who knows the secret of this device, meets the Supreme DivineGuru.The Tenth Gate is the home of the inaccessible, infinite SupremeLord.Above the store is a niche, and within this niche is the commodity.Raam Kalee, The Word of Baynee Jee, Adi Granth, p. 974.The Tenth Door opens when the Kundalini rises

from the Mooladhara and, after rising through the Sushunma Nadi, exits the Brahmarandhra. The Cool Breeze that is felt is the sure sign that one's Dasam Dwar is open.But most Sikhs do not have a clue what and where it is. And since they do not have a Guru whose grace is needed to open it, then it is no wonder their so-called sants (saints) have this to say:1. Lower half of body!!?"The Second Grand Division consists of Pure Spirit and a subtle form of matter combined in varying degrees. The upper part of it is called Par Brahmand, wherein the spirit is more to be compared with the subtle forms of matter. In the lower parts called Dasam Dwar, both are in equal part. This is the region of the universal mind and is termed by various names by various Masters. Here the Spirit is mixed with matter in its subtlest form, the latter being totally subordinate to the former. Spirit in this region predominates and is pre-eminently the ruling force. This region

undergoes a change at the destruction of the universe in the Grand Dissolution (MahaPralaya), and in Dissolution (Pralaya). A man in this domain is safer than in the one below it."Sant Kirpal Singhhttp://www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/jj/jj-intro3.htm2. Agnya Chakra!!?"Note that for your basic Naam Simran you can use either `Satnam', `Waheguru' or the full Gurumanter `Satnam Sri Waheguru'. You decide on your variation. Personally, I find that when I want to say `Naam' inwardly(without being hearted) I have a tendency of using `Satnam' (breath in `Sat', and breath out `Naam'). And when I want to say it aloud I tend to say either `Satnam Sri Waheguru', or just `Waheguru'. Initially, when you close your eyes you will be starting into the back of your eyelids. When you are focused try to centre your mind between your eyes drawing

yourself backwards just behind your forehead. This region is referred to as the `Dasam Dwar' (the Tenth Door), by Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. It is called the Tenth Door simply because it is the tenth aperture (opening) in your body - the spiritual opening. The other nine being two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, one mouth, one urinary/reproductory passage and the anus.The Dasam Dwar is also referred to, on other Eastern religions, as the `Third Eye' - the spiritual eye between the other two eyes. Initially when you try to centre your focus to this spot, it is an overwhelming sensation, you get a headache for trying too hard, it will be scary and upsetting but, with practice, there is a great sense of joy and exhilaration when you reach his importantregion which is the `Simran Doorway'."Dya Singhhttp://www.sikhpoint.com/community/personalities/DyaSingh/NaamSimran.php3. Astral Plane where true Amritsar is!!?"The long process begins with concentration at the seat of the soul in the body, situated just between and behind the two eyebrows, where mental simran is done in full earnest. This enables the withdrawal of spirit-current at present diffused in the body and concentrates it at the seat of the soul, with the result that confines of the gross matter of the body and of the outward world are cut off. The spirit once unfettered and disimprisoned from thefinite existence, now gets an ingress into the Til, Naukta Sweda or the Third Eye, and from here proceeds further, with the help or a God-man, to higher planes within. After passing confidently through the astral planes, one reaches the Dasam Dwar, with its Sacred Fount of Nectar, the true Amritsar, Mansarover or Prag-Raj in man. The Muslims call it Hauz-i-Kausar. A bath or baptism therein frees the spirit from the sheaths of the astral and the causal

bodies and finer matter. This is the real baptism with the holy-waters ofimmortality. The spirit now left to itself, is fully refulgent with a light brighter than that of several suns. Now cognizant of the true essence which is none other than that of the Lord Himself, it proceeds further with the help of the Master in His Radiant Form until the spirit reaches the pure spiritual region: the Sach Khand, New Jerusalem or Maqam-i-Haq, where Sat Purush - the Formless One - resides. There from with the help and through the Grance of the latter, the Spirit is passed on to the Nameless One, stage by stageby stage. This aspect of the ascent of the soul from material planes to spiritual-material regions and thence to purely spiritual regions, forms the subject matter of stanza XXI of the Jap Ji. Therein the Master has dealt with the three most important stages out of the five spiritual stages: Til (the starting point), Dasam Dwar, and Sach Khand. The five regions are also explained

at the end of Jap Ji.The man who has access into Til and bathes in the lustre of the luminous astral figure of the Master, is called a Sikh or a disciple of the Master (a devotee). As he progresses upwards, he reaches the Dasam Dwar, the third in the stages of development, and becomes a Sadh (a disciplined soul). When he reaches the Region of Pure Spirit, he is given the epithet of Sant or Saint. One who has reached the highest Spiritual Region of the Nameless One, theUnknowable and the Imperceivable, becomes a Param Sant, the saint ofsaints. These expressions occur in the text of the sayings of the Masters. There are specific terms with significant connotations and have no reference whatsoever to those engaged in the outer pursuits of forms and formularies, or in the performance of rites and rituals or observance of fasts and vigils, etc."Kirpal Singh (Dedicated To the Almighty God Working through all Master who have come and Baba Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj At

whose lotus feet the writer imbibed sweet elixir of Holy Naam - the Word)http://www.jaimalsingh.de/english/contents/guru_nanak/the_jap_ji/15.html4. Third Inner Plane!!?"You ask me how to hold your mind. It is held only through Shabd. Hear its music daily and meditate on the form of Satguru. Then the mind shall cease to wander and one day, borne on the Shabd Dhun, the soul shall reach Dasam Dwar (the third inner plane and home of the Universal Mind). Thus, leaving the mental apparatus behind, the soul shall unite with the pure Shabd and through the grace of the Satguru reach Sach Khand. Have no doubt, it shall reach there."Sant Mat: Jaimal Singhhttp://www.santmat-diewahrheit.de/englisch/jaimal/singh/14.htmlThus if the Tenth Gate can only be opened by the Guru's grace and is vital for Self-realization and enlightenment, how long will that take for Sikhs? i mean Sikhism is now more than five centuries-old and yet they remain hopelessly far from Self-realization and enlightenment.So unless we connect the Guru Granth Sahib to Shri Mataji's message and advent as the Guru will Sikhs join Sahaja Yoga? Will they become interested if we can prove that Shri Mataji is the Aykaa Mayee (One Mother)? Should SYs learn more about such knowledge or is the subtle system more than sufficient? In the first place is such knowledge available on SY websites? Should we overhaul our websites and present Shri Mataji's advent and message clearly, or are the present methods too good for any change and is no cause for concern?the answer my friend is blowing in the wind,jagbir













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