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But holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” - 2 Peter

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Dear Jagbir

You have just clear my temporary confusion.The truth is

common sense is no longer common and simple honesty is no longer






> shriadishakti , " sampalee2003 "

> <sampalee2003> wrote:

> > Dear Jagbir

> >

> > If all the religious sect can see clearly the connection

> > between their holy scriptures and the sy of sri matagi,then we

> > expect the masses to turn up in droves to acquire the knowledge of

> > sy. The problem as i see it is that tha majority are not aware of

> > this connection which you have repeated over so often.True sy

> > should not be selfish and be contented in only saving themselves

> > [in which case they have not got self realisation yet]To get

> > mainstream exposure,sy have to take the various religion head on

> > based on scripture ground, rather then why not try sy first and

> > let this new wisdom take one from there.If the current practices

> > conyinue we may well miss the blossom time. In malaysia,I have

> > asked around and sadly to say no christian priest,muslim imam or

> > buddhist abbot have ever mention sy in their sermon.The sy are

> > still small pockets of gathering,much less than 0.01% of the

> > population.This mean the majority will have to endure the outcome

> > of judgement time when the solution of salvation is available

> > right NOW. If one is in this position of knowing,it is tormenting

> > just to think about it.Already many have heard the reminder of god

> > that the day of the lord is at hand.One of them is benjamin

> > baruch. We can read more about him on www.benjaminbaruch.com The

> > christian can not just sit and await rapture. They must get self

> > realisation of the holy spirit which is made accessible through

> > sy. Do not deprieve our fellow mankind from this great awakening.

> >

> >



> Dear Sampa,


> SYs should honestly ask themselves if this quote from the website

> www.benjaminbaruch.com applies to them:


> " For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy

> men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. " - 2 Peter

> 1:20-21


> i mean does their second birth by the Spirit (Mother Kundalini)

> compel them to rise up and announce the Truth to all the believers?

> Or has this initial self-realization fizzled out into a brilliant

> ground-breaking thesis titled " The psychological effects of chillies

> & lemons on patients suffering from mild catches caused by left-

> sided Siamese cats " ?


> The answer SYs choose is responsible for the sad state Sahaja Yoga

> is today. So does common sense and simple honesty dictate that holy

> men of God must speak up because they are moved by the Shakti to

> perform their dharma despite the silence and resistance of the

> hypocritical majority?


> jagbir



> ---------------------



> Welcome!


> This is the Official Web Site for the book, The Day Of The LORD Is

> At Hand, Second Edition by Benjamin Baruch.


> The 9/11 attack on America

> The War in Afghanistan and Iraq

> Threats of nuclear, biological, and chemical terrorism in America...


> You are living in the most dangerous time in the history of this

> nation... and whether you like it or not, whether you care to admit

> it or not, if you are not prepared for what lies immediately ahead,

> you and your family will likely not survive...




> The Bible says, " My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge " . It

> is not lack of faith, or lack of hope, but lack of knowledge which

> will cost you everything; and if you hope to survive and endure what

> is coming upon America and the whole world, then you must find the

> truth, you must learn everything you can about what is really

> happening in America, and what is coming next...


> The book presented on this web site, The Day Of The LORD Is At Hand,

> was written for you and your family, to awaken you to the lateness

> of the hour, and to show you the true message of Bible Prophecy to

> the Last Days Church in America to help you survive and endure to

> the end that you and your household may be saved from the hour which

> has finally come upon us...


> " For as a snare it shall come upon all of them who dwell on the face

> of the whole earth, watch therefore and pray always, that you may be

> accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall soon come to

> pass, and to stand before the Son of man "


> Jesus Christ - The Gospel of Luke 21:35-36


> If you and your loved ones hope to survive these coming earth

> changes, Benjamin Baruch's Book provides insight into prophetic

> messages which were written over 2,000 years ago!


> Why Write This Book Now?


> Two thousand years ago Jesus came, yet the religious leaders of

> Israel missed their hour of visitation, having misunderstood Bible

> prophecy. Today, the religious leaders of the Christian Church are

> making the same mistake having misunderstood Bible prophecy

> regarding the second coming of the Lord. Their hour of visitation is

> at hand, and the Lord is coming as a thief in the night, in ways of

> which they are unaware. Once again, the Lord has raised up men of

> wisdom in the wilderness to speak the truth, and to warn the church

> of the impending judgment, which must begin in the household of God.

> This book, The Day of the LORD is at Hand is their account!




> Many dismiss the study of prophecy based on an incomplete knowledge

> of Scripture. They have been taught no man can know the day or the

> hour, so they assume there is no value in watching as the Lord

> commands. They also assume that prophecy is subject to various

> interpretations. It is not, there is one true interpretation, which

> is revealed by the Spirit. Many false teachers have come, just as

> Jesus warned, but those who have the Holy Spirit can discern the

> true from the false.


> " We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well

> that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place,

> until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts: Knowing

> this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private

> interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of

> man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy

> Ghost. " - 2 Peter 1:20-21


> http://www.benjaminbaruch.com/home.php

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