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[shriadishakti] Meditating without a photograph and collective - will i make progress?

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Jai jagbir

I am looking for the first declaration(1970 to 1980)

of our divin mother Shri Mataji. If it is possible,

send me those text.





--- jagbir singh <adishakti_org a écrit :




shriadishakti , " Ask Me "



> Dear Jagbir,


> Do you know of anyone who has experimented

meditating without a

> photograph? I found it quite unusual that even at

Mataji's puja

> people were looking at their i.d. tags to see the

photograph of

> mataji to meditate.


> I for one am confused. I stopped using the

photograph sometime

> back and i cant say for sure if my meditation is the

way it was

> intended to be. There is a regular barrage of

thoughts and in a 30

> minute session, i have to pull back from my thoughts

at least 5-6

> times. This is distinctly different from the

experiences in the

> initial months. i'd appreciate any views on this.


> I've moved to Bangalore now. I went through the

website and the

> sahaj ashrams are in odd places. i haven't yet gone

to any in the

> past few weeks. For now, im meditating at

home...again i wonder if

> I'll make any progress this way.




Dear Alex,


Almost all SYs meditate with Shri Mataji's photograph

as most

believe it gives off vibrations, which it does, and

thus necessary

for better meditation. This mindset excludes

meditating on the

Shakti within without the help of external images. i

tried some

years ago to reason with SYs wishing to meditate in a

park that

since the Shakti is within we can do without any

image. However no

one believed that and a small pendant of Shri Mataji

was placed

amongst the blades of grass. Only then was it

convincing that

meditation is possible. That is why the i.d. tag

visualization is

necessary to assure a better meditation. My only hope

is that they

do not pay attention to that visualization and project

it during

meditation. The Adi Shakti always tells us to meditate

on Her Lotus

Feet. After some time you will realize that even that

is not

necessary, maybe even not She had in mind.


i have meditated a number of times without Shri

Mataji's photo and

find no difference between the form and formless. In

fact at times

the Formless induced deeper states. The Shakti within

cannot be

confined to Her external incarnation as Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi.

Ultimately those who significantly advance in Sahaja

Yoga will be

able to completely give up all external images and

meditate on Her

within at all times and places. The only requirement

is that we

recognize Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi to be the

incarnation of the

Shakti. After that it is a matter of progress.


And Alex, meditation is a life-long struggle to reach


Silence. This Stillness will take years and

considerable effort. Any

obstacle or disturbance will bring you quickly down to

Earth, and

you will have to consciously remind yourself to stop


(read " reacting " ). This self-reminder is the best tool

and i use it



Think of the enlightened mind as a very large, placid

lake. If a

stranger throws a small pebble you will feel the

disturbing ripples.

Then if a friend throws a large stone you will react

to the

upsetting splash. But if a loved one throws a big rock

you will be

distressed by the waves. And waves take a longer time

to return the

pool to peacefulness. This is the external reaction

that our faces

may show.


What happens within is more than meets the eye. A big

rock, unlike a

small pebble or large stone, agitates the mud which

starts to rise.

Like thoughts this rising mud clouds the immediate

area. It will

take a long time for the mud to settle. The lake will


unpleasant, even ugly, with all the brown mud leaching

into those

shades of topaz blue. The mind is no different.


And if pebbles, stones and rocks are continuously used

the mud may

never settle. That is exactly what life is about, a


reaction of the mind. It is very, very difficult to

stop humans from

disturbing the lake.


Enlightenment entails of life of dedication to the

Shakti within.

SYs will not provide much information as many are

still suckling the

subtle system. Non-SYs will provide better information

on subtle

system knowledge that really matters. Take for example

the English

translation and Commentary of " Astami " by Jankinath

Kaul Kamal:


" Astami : Who is worshipped by the eight divine



Durga is also called Astami because she Permeated the


important organs of the body consisting of five organs

of sensation,

mind, intellect and ego. It is by the grace of Durga

that these

eight organs function in balance for the ultimate

realization of

supreme self. Durga is the combinatin of Eight Saktis.


In the parlance of Tantra Yoga, Astami marks the point

where power

of the awakened Kundalini turns to be  blissful. It is

called the

square. Lumbika catuspatha where Ida and Pingala Nadis

get absorbed

into susumna, the middle path, direct towards the

sahasrara. It is

the measure of the eight digit, towards the higher

regions in

sahasrara where complete union of Siva-Sakti takes

place. Mother

Sakti is named the Eight ( Astami ) because she abides

in the middle

path called Madhyama Vritti. Her graceful instant rise

silence the

two struggling airs ( prana and apana ) which scale

fifteen division

in the intake and outgo of human breath. This

corresponds to the

waxing and waning of the moon. The Sixteen  digit

makes ending of

one breath and beginning of the other. Just as the

waxing eight

lunar digit is soothing and bright so is the direct

middle path

glorious with grace. That graceful moment is called

Visuvat. This is

the wonderful moment of non-bondage Krityasunya. "


i wonder if SY subtle system experts have progressed

sufficiently to

match the knowledge of Jankinath Kaul Kamal. Sometimes

it seems they

are trying to become specialists in niche areas where

others like

Jankinath Kaul Kamal have no information - analysis,

treatments and

cures for catches. But, then, is this what Shri Mataji

had in mind

when She opened the Sahasrara (Kingdom of God, Dasam

Dwar) May 5,

1970 to enable humans to take a giant leap in




Alex, you are now meditating at your new home in

Bangalore without a

collective nearby, and wondering if you'll make any

progress this

way. i heard good things about Bangalore, the Silicon

Valley of the

East. So looks like financially you are secure. Now

let me see where

is that Shangri-La where you can make progress and


enlightenment? Did i mention being your own master in

your own



And you are also without a collective. Do you think

that once you

are your own master in your own Sahasrara you will

need any external

stimuli, like a photograph of Shri Mataji, to continue

your inner

spiritual journey? Alex, i have been without a

collective for years.

You will learn to thrive in all enviroments. So please

do not pay

attention to these temporary discomforts, if they are

indeed that in

the first place. They say that booming Bangalore is a


cosmopolitan city with liberal attitudes, and

down-to-earth people

with a lot of civic sense. What more can we ask of an

enviroment to

flourish economically, socially and spiritually?











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