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Decrease in qualities of lower chakras?

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Dear Jagbir,


Just wanted to know, meditation focuses on qualities

of higher chakras and hence higher qualities right?

What happens to the lower chakras? Im asking about

baser desires. I've noticed a drop in the most basic



To be honest Im not sure if this is because of the

meditation. If it isnt, there is there a Sahaja Yoga

remedy? If it is, then im alarmed. Im 28 and

single...grief! life can get lonely if I have to spend

it alone.




--- jagbir singh <adishakti_org wrote:




> shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org> wrote:

> >

> > 'Innocent religion is now a message of hate'

> >

> > by Abdel Rahman al-Rashed, Al-Sharq Al-Awsat

> Newspaper Sept. 4,

> > 2004

> >

> > It is a certain fact that not all Muslims are

> terrorists, but it is

> > equally certain, and exceptionally painful, that

> almost all

> > terrorists are Muslims.

> >

> > The hostage-takers of children in Beslan, North

> Ossetia, were

> > Muslims. The other hostage-takers and subsequent

> murderers of the

> > Nepalese chefs and workers in Iraq were also

> Muslims. Those

> > involved in rape and murder in Darfur, Sudan, are

> Muslims, with

> > other Muslims chosen to be their victims.

> >

> > Those responsible for the attacks on residential

> towers in Riyadh

> > and Khobar were Muslims. The two women who crashed

> two airliners

> > last week were also Muslims.

> >

> > Bin Laden is a Muslim. The majority of those who

> manned the

> > suicide bombings against buses, vehicles, schools,

> houses and

> > buildings, all over the world, were Muslim.

> >

> > What a pathetic record. What an abominable

> " achievement " . Does

> > all this tell us anything about ourselves, our

> societies and our

> > culture?

> >

> >



> >


> " This gentleman has brought some hope back into my

> heart. Actually, he is not the only Arab or Moslem

> who feels this way. There are others, but their

> voices are rarely heard in public and if they are,

> they often threatened to such an extent that they

> fear for their lives. There are even Moslems who are

> Zionists. Yes, they believe that the tiny sliver of

> land in the vast Arab-Moslem Middle East called

> Israel, was promised by the Almighty to the Jews and

> that this is confirmed by certain passages in the

> Koran itself. One wonders, therefore, why the vast

> majority of our cousins, the Arab-Moslem people, are

> so determined to destroy Israel and massacre its

> Jewish population. Why, in the vast Arab-Moslem

> territories, stretching from Morocco to Iraq, a

> small portion of land inhabited and governed by Jews

> is considered an insult to Islam, although all three

> Holy books, the Jewish Bible, the Christian New

> Testament and the Moslem Koran confirm it was

> promised to the Jews by the One Eternal

> God?


> Moreover, why are there scarcely any Jews living any

> longer amongst 300,000,000 Arabs today, after nearly

> 1 million fled or were forced to leave after Israel

> became independent? Most of these Jewish refugees

> live today within the cramped borders of Israel

> together with 1,300,000 Arab citizens - out of a

> total population of 6,500,000. It is within the

> power of Saudi Arabia, as the principle flagbearer

> of Islam, to finally retract its unwarranted, and

> unnecessary, antagonism towards Israel and the Jews

> in general, and reverse the " jihad " objective of

> destroying Israel and exterminating its Jewish

> population. Then we could all, Jews, Christians and

> Moslems, live in peace, security and mutual honor in

> a Middle East which could become paradise on earth. "



> Sharon Camus,

> http://www.arabnews.com/9-11/?article=32 & part=2





> Faces Of The Lost Tribes



> Saga Of The Lost Tribes Of Israel


> To Moses We did give Nine Clear Signs:

> As the Children of Israel: when he came to them,

> Pharaoh said to him:

> " O Moses! I consider thee, indeed, to have been

> worked upon by sorcery!

> Moses said, " Thou knowest well that these things

> have been sent down by none, But the Lord of the

> heavens and the earth as eye-opening evidence: And I

> consider thee indeed, O Pharaoh, to be one doomed to

> destruction! "

> So he resolved to remove them from the face of the

> earth:

> But We did drown him and all who were with him.

> And We said thereafter to the Children of Israel,

> " Dwell securely in the land (of promise) " :

> But when the second of the warnings came to pass,

> We gather you together in a mingled crowd. (2314)


> surah 17:101 -104 Al Isra’ (The Night Journey)



> " 2314. Some commentators understand the second

> warning to be the Day of Judgment, the Promise of

> the Hereafter. "


> Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an

> (Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur’an, p. 703.)




> " And it shall come to pass on that day, that the

> Lord will set His hand again the second time to

> recover the remnant of His people, that shall remain

> from Assyria, and from Egypt and from Pathros and

> from Kush and from Eklam and from Shinar and from

> Hamath and from the islands of the sea. And he shall

> set up an ensign for the nations and will assemble

> the dispersed of Israel and gather together the

> scattered of Judah from the four corners of the

> Earth. "


> Isaiah 11:11






> Descendants alive today, filmmaker says . . .

> Lila Sarick, The Globe and Mail


> The search for the lost tribes of Israel, dispersed

> nearly 3,000 years ago, is a romantic quest that has

> mesmerized explorers and adventurers for hundreds of

> years. The stakes are tantalizing. Not only is there

> the thrill of finding people alive today who are the

> descendants of those who apparently disappeared

> without a trace, but according to biblical prophecy,

> their reappearance signals the approach of a

> Messianic time.


> The latest bid to separate the fact from the myth

> comes from award winning documentary filmmaker

> Simcha Jacobovici in Quest for the Lost Tribes of

> Israel. . . .


> Quest documents his travels to Tunisia, Afghanistan,

> Burma and Uzbekistan. In every place, he found

> evidence that not only had the Jews been there

> thousands of years ago but that people still had

> Israelites names, practices and an Israel

> consciousness.


> " I didn’t approach this differently than any other

> story. I was quite prepared to report there ain’t

> nothing here, " Mr. Jacobovici said in an interview.

> " If I land in Afghanistan and the Pathans say

> they’re Israelites, it’s my job to report it

> honestly. "


> The quest for the lost tribes was one of the three

> great mysteries pursued by Western adventurers

> through the ages, along with the search for the Holy

> Grail and the Ark of the Covenant.


> Of the three, the story of the tribes is the most

> clearly detailed in the historical narratives of the

> Bible and other texts.


> During the time of King Solomon, 10 of the 12 tribes

> of Israel lived in an area north of Jerusalem in the

> Kingdom of Israel, while the tribes of Judah and

> Benjamin inhabited the southern Kingdom of Judah.


> With the Assyrian conquest of the Kingdom of Israel

> in 721 BC, the 10 tribes were captured, enslaved and

> deported. They vanished. The tribes of Judah and

> Benjamin were captured and exiled to Babylon in 586

> BC. They were freed 50 years later and allowed to

> return to Israel.


> Historians assume the 10 tribes were not truly lost

> but assimilated into the larger society. . .


=== message truncated ===









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shriadishakti , alex arthur <dude11976>


> Dear Jagbir,


> Just wanted to know, meditation focuses on qualities

> of higher chakras and hence higher qualities right?

> What happens to the lower chakras? Im asking about

> baser desires. I've noticed a drop in the most basic

> instinct,sex.


> To be honest Im not sure if this is because of the

> meditation. If it isnt, there is there a Sahaja Yoga

> remedy? If it is, then im alarmed. Im 28 and

> single...grief! life can get lonely if I have to spend

> it alone.



Dear Alex,


It is indeed assuring to hear that you are concerned about the

natural joys of life instead of trying to become a celibate like me.

So let me tell you what happened to me years ago to put your mind to

rest till old age. (i have told this story before but maybe you

missed it.) 


After my daughter Lalita's birth in 1994 there was a growing

disinterest in sexual relations. i had already read several Vedic

books expounding the virtues of celibacy in the search for higher

consciousness, especially A.C. Bhaktivedanta's Bhagavad-Gita As It

Is. The founder of ISKCON made it very clear that sex, except for

impregnation, was taboo for those aspiring freedom from material

bondage. There was something distasteful about this natural act and

it was supposed to hinder the spiritual struggle.


" Illicit sex. This is sex outside marriage or sex in marriage for

any purpose other than procreation. Sex for pleasure compels one to

identify with the body and takes one far from Krsna consciousness.

The scriptures teach that sex is the most powerful force binding us

to the material world. Anyone serious about advancing in Krsna

consciousness should minimize sex or eliminate it entirely. "

A.C. Bhaktivedanta, The Laws of Nature: An Infallible Justice, The

Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, 1991, p.101.


Words like " lower drives " , " pleasures of the flesh " , and " lust "

began to have sinister meanings. There was a growing urgency to end

the urges. Moreover my son Kash kept informing me daily of the

existence of the great Shakti within. (i think you must read

that " the truth of the Goddess is the mystery of our being. She is

the dynamic life force within. Her form is embedded in our

collective psyche... " (Gadon, 1989). While she is primarily present

as personified in woman, however, Shakti is also present in man.

There are several traditions of spiritual unfoldment in India that

teach the notion that Shakti resides within each and every human

being, and that liberation can be achieved by the proper utilization

of the feminine principle within. " )


Since this was the case there was no need now to be attached to this

corporeal body and its incessant demands. i mean when you have met

the Divine Mother your self-realization and liberation is assured.

Sex was thus seen as a primitive, male aggression that should be

used solely for procreation — other than that it served no



Celibacy was the only way to overcome all attachments to sexual



i decided to become a sanyasi as advocated by A.C. Bhaktivedanta. My

wife was told that spiritual duties now required such sacrifices.


For months this self-imposed vow of celibacy was carried out with

scriptural strictness. The celibate life was accepted with no

regrets or remorse. On the contrary, there was a tinge of pride and

exclusiveness. Within months the body adjusted to this unnatural

fast and the internal enemy was starved to death. Life continued as

normal for there were completely no withdrawal symptoms, side

effects or thoughts; the dedication and devotion to perfect myself

knew no bounds. To sacrifice the pleasures of sex or the sake of

moksa was one of the easiest things to do, a duty performed with

happy devotion.


But over months the inner Knowledge of Self-Realization began to

slowly manifest itself: There was something wrong with this vow of

celibacy. These thoughts came not because of any sexual desire,

which had been totally eliminated, or were there any protest from a

loyal, level-headed wife who had witnessed and absorbed far greater

acts of my drunken foolishness over the years. She knew this too

would pass over time.


But there was an inner consciousness that celibacy was against Self-

Realization. No matter how much i tried to self-justify to be

performing a saintly act that had the backing of certain scriptures

and gurus — including popes and priests — there was always a

deeper awareness that i was actually mired in ignorance. The lines

of sexual purity in various books were read repeatedly, just to

reassure and reinforce my 'sinless state.'


But despite all efforts this nagging conscience that i was going

against spiritual growth remained.


Finally, in December 1994 (while in Malaysia and about to return

back to Canada) i decided to seek the advice of SY Tan, the

Malaysian leader. He informed that in Sahaja Yoga celibacy is

strictly forbidden.


When i returned to Canada this unnatural penance was discarded on

January 10, 1995. Nine months of sexual fasting had finally come to

an end.


The very next day the Great Goddess told Kash during meditation that

now the family was normal again. Kash, who had no idea what " normal "

meant or why was She informing him so for the first time, asked me

what was Shri Mataji was actually referring to. He was quite

puzzled. After all the family had been normal ever since i got Self-

Realization; i had quit smoking, drinking, partying. Sahaja Yoga had

suddenly transformed me into a normal, sane being dedicated to

family and spiritualism. So why was the family actually only normal



Little did Kash realize what the Divine Mother had meant

by " normal " , for nothing else had changed in the family except a

celibate life had ended.


Kash was just not given any reply and i deflected his attention to

some other topic. i was in no position to tell that myself had

stopped having sexual relations with his mother. There were just no

way of explaining to him as he was only fourteen. (Even the Adi

Shakti for nine months never told Kash that his father was on the

wrong path and should stop being a celibate, though She had pointed

out other faults and falsehoods before.)


So why did the Great Adi Shakti allow such stupidity of mine to

continue? The answer is simple: Innocence, the very basis of Dharma,

had to be preserved at all costs! Young minds were not to be

corrupted. Kash was thus never told to correct me. But nine months

later on the day i ended my celibate lifestyle the Shakti told Kash

that the family was normal again. To save me from any embarrassment

or hurt my ego, and protect a child's innocence as well, She took

care to choose Her words - the family is normal again.


The myth, falsehood and futility of forced sexual repression and

celibacy by me were finally over and i was normal again! The Adi

Shakti's remarks on Earth are no different:


" In our Indian society people take to sanyasa. They'll wear

kashi, go out. Many people, after certain age, take to sanyasa. Why

not take to sanyasa inside? Just now. What is the need to wait until

you get old and then absolutely haggard and then to say that you are

a sanyasi. You, in anyway, you are a sanyasi at that time. " (Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi)


" In Sahaja Yoga there is no sanyas or renunciation of worldly

ties. You have to achieve your object while leading a normal life.

There has to be non-attachment to worldly pleasures while leading a

normal life. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi)


" So dissolve this desire into innocence and this Mooladhara which

is innocent is not there to finish but it is innocent, it is

righteous, it is Shri Ganesha qualities, it is pure. So even if you

are in this world even if you are living like human being, even if

you have children, still you are innocent. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala




So Alex, your present decrease in sex is nothing to be alarmed about

because the Mother Kundalini purifies your mind and attention. There

also must be conscious effort to regard all women as either your

mother or daughter. Since you are not married i do not see any cause

for concern. i assure you that once you have a wife your present

unease will become marital bliss.


You are 28. It is indeed time to settle down,




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