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Iblis: Till the Time they are raised ... I will cause them to deviate! Qur'an 15:37

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Iblis: "Till the Time they are raised ... I will cause them to deviate!" Qur'an 15:37

So the angels made obeisance, all of them together,But Iblis (did it not); he refused to be with those who made obeisance.He said: O Iblis! what excuse have you that you are not with those who make obeisance?He said: I am not such that I should make obeisance to a mortal whom Thou hast created of the essence of black mud fashioned in shape.He said: Then get out of it, for surely you are driven away:And surely on you is curse until the day of judgment.He said: My Lord! then respite me till the time when they are raised.He said: So surely you are of the respited onesTill the period of the time made known.He said: My Lord! because Thou hast made life evil to me, I will certainly make (evil) fair-seeming to them on earth, and I will certainly cause them all to deviate.

Qur'an 15.30-39








The Image Captured in a Photograph by Mark D. Phillips of Stellar Images.Images are ©Mark D. Phillips and Stellar Images.Click on the images for a larger view.






Image as Reportedin USA Newspapers

Image from USANews Service Site

Enlarged Image ofFace in the Smoke

Image from USANews Service Site






The images above are from internet news services. To read the testimonial of authenticity ofthis image, or to read the bio on the photographer, go to the photographer's web site atStellar Images.






The Images Captured on Videotape by CNN and WABC.Images are ©CNN and WABC.Click on the images for a larger view.






Television VideotapeImage / WABC News

Television VideotapeImage / CNN

TV Videotape ImageEnlarged / CNN






The images above are from internet news services.






Unusual Face Discovered After Second Tower is Attacked.Images are ©APClick on the images for a larger view.






Daily RecordNew JerseySunday, Sept 16

While compiling newspaper archives, September 11 Newsnoticed what appears to be an eerie clown like mask onthe side of the WTC tower.The photo appeared on the cover of the Sunday, September 16th edition of the New Jersey Daily Record (left). We then located the original AP Photo (right).The AP photo was taken moments after Flight 175 hitthe WTC South Tower at 9:03 AM EDT.This AP photo is very similar to the image captured onvideotape by CNN (shown above), and an image onthe Internet.





















Christian fundamentalists such as Pat Robertson call themselves Christians while preaching hatred and intolerance which is the exact opposite of the love and tolerance which is the foundation of Christianity. The same is true of Islamic fundamentalists and slam, the religion of peace and submission. We must be aware that it is not Islam, but of those who distort it into hatred, that call for Jihad. We must beware not of religion, but of those who hide their evil under its cloak. Terrorists and religious fundamentalists are of the same stripe: They serve not God, but fulfill the promise made by Iblis that "I will make (wrong) fair-seeming to them on the earth, and I will put them all in the wrong." (The Holy Qur'an 15.32-39 Al-Hijr)"The deep-seated social issues that have

created, and sustained the current rise in 'Islamic Terrorism’, are such that it would take a concerted effort by all Muslim countries to cure, and this is never going to happen. The first is the education system followed in many Islamic countries. At the present time, Islam has no one single voice of religious authority, so any village imam, in any place, can determine and formulate the interpretation of the Koran for their own, often political, ends. This panders to the ignorant, and the zealots, and leads to a continuing flood of young men (and now increasingly young women) emerging out of religious schools, who know only that the infidels and westerners are the enemy. ...Over the more recent period, many of these state systems have broken down, because of lack of the resources required to keep them running, or because for political reasons, leaders have pandered to the call for a Sharia education system. This has led to the sharp rise of schools

that are either wholly religious, or state systems that are run on these lines e.g. Iran, Pakistan and increasingly, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. Apart from anything else this often leads to a system, which is little more than rote learning of the Koran, with little or no interpretation offered than that given by the Iman, and the student often leaves with no job qualifications other than to teach Islamic studies. The answer would appear to be the replacement of wholly religious schooling with a proper state funded education system. Religious schooling could then be a voluntary additional option, with some rules on the standards of the qualifications, and views of the Iman’s who taught in these establishments. However this costs money, and the reason for the rise of the religious schools in the first place is that they are often run by 'charitable' organisations, thus removing the need for often failing states to pay for universal education, but leaving the standard of the education to

be determined by the militants who run them. Until the need to stop malleable young minds being inculcated with the religion of hatred and envy, is recognised in the Islamic world, then this cause of the problem will not be addressed, and the succession of young people willing to become martyrs will continue." (Observer)"All of these problems are a direct result of religion. The reason that almost all terrorists are Muslims is that the Mid Eastern cultures have not matured as fast as the Western world. It is not their fault; different cultures grow at different rates for many different reasons. When Europeans were no more than barbarians, the Mid East was the center of human science and advancement, but now it is the West. The more primitive a society the more likely it is that they are ruled by religious leaders. Since religion was developed to explain the word without science, it is a natural

enemy to science and truth. People that live in a culture that is ruled by religion only are taught fear, ignorance, and hate. These are the 3 things that all religions need to survive. When the Western world was controlled by religion it committed many atrocities such as the Crusades and the genocide of the new world cultures. Now the Islamic societies are at the same stage of cultural development that the Europeans were. The only way that we, as the human species, can evolve is to give up our faith in God. Think about it, almost every war is started because the imaginary God that one man talks to disagrees with what another imaginary God says to another man. Religion has only brought mankind war, pain, suffering, hate, fear, and ignorance." (Collin - Dallas, Texas)i totally agree with Collin. And i also agree with the Qur'an that Muslims will be deviated till the Day of Resurrection. But the problem is the vast majority of Muslims will not know the Resurrection is taking place: "And this is the Day of Resurrection: but ye — ye were not aware!" (Surah 30 Al Rum) So it looks like religion will continue to bring war, pain, suffering, hate, fear, and ignorance for mankind. Who is going to tell the religious masses that the Shakti has incarnated to announce the Great Event granting moksa for all?jagbir









Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is His Rûh sent to collect, promulgate, recite, explain and announce the Resurrection (Al Qiyamah) to all humankind, as promised in the Qur'an.










“But the Muslims do not want to talk about Resurrection at all because they want to frighten people with the Doomsday. They don't want to talk about the Resurrection Time which is going to come — which is the intermediary time — because they want to use the time which will frighten people by saying that: "Now your Doomsday is coming! Now your Doomsday is coming!" Everyone is frightened about God and they think, "Now we

should just wait for our doom. Nothing at all in between." ”

Shri Mataji Nirmala DeviLos Angeles, USA — 18 August 1983

“Of course there are some absurd things which grew with misinterpretation and interference from unholy people, which are common in these religions. For example, Jews, Christian and Muslims believe that when they die their bodies will come out of their graves and they will all be resurrected at the Time of Resurrection, at the Time of Last Judgment, at the Time of Qiyamah. It is illogical to think what will remain inside those graves after five hundred years. Nobody wants to think and understand that it is not the body but the soul that will come out of these bodies, be born again as human beings and be saved through Qiyamah and Resurrection.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



















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shriadishakti , jagbir singh

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> The only way that we, as the human species, can evolve is to give

> up our faith in God. Think about it, almost every war is started

> because the imaginary God that one man talks to disagrees with

> what another imaginary God says to another man. Religion has only

> brought mankind war, pain, suffering, hate, fear, and ignorance. "

> (Collin - Dallas, Texas)


> i totally agree with Collin.



i have to explain the last sentence. The only way to end human

conflict over religions and gods is to understand how Shakti

synthesizes all religions into One.


To make readers understand why the Adi Shakti, Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi, had taken birth on Earth i again quote Swami Vivekananda, My

India - The India Eternal:


" If there is ever to be a universal religion, it must be one

which will have no location in place or time, which will be infinite

like the God it will preach, and whose sun will shine upon the

followers of Krishna and Christ, on saints and sinners alike; which

will not be Brahmanic or Buddhist, Christian or Mohammedan, but the

sum total of all these, and still have infinite pace for

development; which in its catholicity will embrace in its finite

arms, and find a place for every human being, from the lowest

groveling savage not far removed from the brute, to the highest man

towering by the virtues of his head and heart above humanity, making

society stand in awe of him and doubt his human nature.


It will be a religion which will have no place for persecution or

intolerance in its polity, which will recognize divinity in every

man and woman, and whose whole scope, whose whole force, will be

centred on aiding humanity to realise its own true, divine

nature. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the incarnation of the Shakti - the Adi

Shakti of the Sanatana Dharma, Imam Mahdi of Islam, Comforter of

Christianity, Maitreya of Buddhism and Aykaa Mayee of Sikhism. The

Adi Shakti (Hinduism), Holy Spirit or Comforter (Christianity), Ruh

or Ma Adi (Islam), Ma Treya (Buddhism), and Aykaa Mayee (Sikhism)

are the one and same primordial Divine Feminine. Only those who have

surrendered to Her message of the Great Event ordained for humanity

will understand how the Shakti has synthesized all religions into



Religion indeed has only brought mankind war, pain, suffering, hate,

fear, and ignorance. Only those who comprehend how the Shakti has

synthesized all religions and gods into One Brahman can accept all

their messengers. For all who follow an exclusive religion and god

there is only going to be more war, pain, suffering, hate, fear, and




Who but the Shakti can reveal and prove to humanity the deepest

liberating secret - Tat Twam Asi!


Jai Shri Mataji!




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