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Hypocritical hype of Christians evading Helper promised by Christ in film

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Every time I preach or speak about the Cross, the things I saw on

the screen will be on my heart and mind.


-Billy Graham, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association




The Passion tells the story of the twelve hours surrounding the

Crucifixion. While The Passion is only the latest in a series of

films about Jesus, it stands out for two reasons: First, it is

unsparing and unsentimental. In Gibson's opinion, previous cinematic

efforts had failed to capture the enormity of Jesus' suffering on

our behalf.


-Chuck Colson, Break Point




Having viewed the film in Chicago, I see no basis for the ongoing

allegation that the film is anti-Semitic in any fashion. Please

express our deep appreciation to Mr. Gibson for his excellent work

and assure him of our ongoing prayers in this important endeavor.

(From an email to Icon)


-Chuck Moore, President, Northern Baptist Theological Seminary




It has been nearly three weeks since I saw the rough cut of The

Passion. It is still impacting my life. I can't stop thinking about

it nor can I stop talking about it. I have never seen a film that

has so affected my life.


-Del Tackett, Executive Vice President, Focus On The Family




Three words summarize for me: Sobering, Stunning, Haunting. The film

speaks for itself. I hope you keep the graphic nature of it complete

in the film, because it will cause everyone to reflect on what His

death was. The world tends to wash over this directness. The details

are very accurate -- this is the kind of death our Lord died for me.

(From an email to Icon)


-Dr. Darrell Bock, Research Professor of New Testament, Dallas

Theological Seminary




As President of Young Life, I am pleased to voice my strong support

for The Passion. The Young Life sphere of influence includes tens of

thousands of staff and volunteers, as well as hundreds of thousands

of adults and kids who would be lining up in an instant to see this

film. In addition, I think the film will have mass appeal to people

of any faith or no particular faith, simply because of the quality

of the production and the historical nature of the content.


-Denny Rydberg, President, Young Life




I have no doubt that the movie will be one of the greatest

evangelistic tools in modern day history. I think people will go to

it and then flood into the churches seeking to know the deeper

implications of this movie.


-Ed Young Jr., Pastor, Dallas-Area Fellowship Church




I believe The Passion of The Christ may well be one of the most

powerful evangelistic tools of the last 100 years, because you have

never seen the story of Jesus portrayed this vividly before.


-Greg Laurie, Harvest Crusades




The thing that I'm most excited about is the opportunity it's going

to give those of us who preach the cross.


-Jack Graham, President, Southern Baptist Convention




I found it deeply moving, factually accurate and unprejudiced in its



-Jack Hayford, Chancellor, The King's Seminary




It is deeply moving, powerful, and disturbing. A film that must be

seen - although the graphic scenes of the scourging of Jesus are

emotionally wrenching. (From an email to Icon)


-James Dobson, Chairman, Focus on the Family




Mr. Gibson has attempted to painstakingly recreate the crucifixion

of Christ, not to assail Jews, but to arouse in people a desire to

understand the price paid for their salvation. I am praying that Mel

Gibson's movie will have a powerful impact on our culture and that

it will appeal to millions of movie lovers who are starving for a

glimmer of honesty regarding the miraculous and life-changing story

of the One who died for everyone, no matter their religious

heritage, station in life, sexual preference or skin color. (From

Falwell Confidential, Sept 24, 2003)


-Dr. Jerry Falwell, The Liberty Channel




It took a brave heart to make " The Passion " . " The Passion " is the

most graphic, gritty and gripping depiction of Christ's arrest,

trial and execution ever made. As a film, it will become a classic

work of art with dramatic lighting, authentic sets, compelling

music, realistic dialog, believable actors coupled with a timeless

story. (From an email to Icon)


-Jim West, President, Faith Television Network




The Passion will stun audiences and create an incredible appetite

for people to know more about Jesus. I urge Christians to invite

their spiritually seeking friends to see this movie with them.


-Lee Strobel, Former Atheist & Author " The Case for Christ " & " The

Case for Faith "




This will do for " Jesus " movies what " Saving Private Ryan " did for

war pictures. Every Christian MUST go see this movie and hold Mr.

Gibson up in prayer. He's going to take a lot of heat for this

project, but if we'll support him, this movie could have a profound

spiritual effect on millions of people.


-Paul Crouch, Jr., Trinity Broadcasting Network




Brilliant, biblical - a masterpiece.


-Rick Warren, Pastor, Saddleback Church and Author of " The Purpose

Driven Life "




I can't tell you how I admire, respect and applaud you. May God give

you the blessing you need, where you need it most. The Passion is an

awe-inspiring portrayal of the last hours of Jesus' life. It is an

accurate account of Jesus' real sufferings for the sins of the whole

world. This is not a film anyone should miss.


-Dr. Robert Schuller, Crystal Cathedral / Hour of Power




From a ministry perspective I tried to imagine what young people

would think and how they would respond. My hope is that they will

also be captured by the presentation. I believe they will because it

is simply the telling of God's story. I am most encouraged by the

fact that they will see a true representation of Jesus: fully God

and fully man. (From an email to Icon)


-Roger Cross, President, Youth For Christ/USA




" The Passion " is simply fabulous. It is emotionally wrenching

because it is brutally honest about the violence of Jesus' death.

Never in my life have I seen any movie that comes even close to

depicting what Roman crucifixion was really like. Long familiarity

and theological explanation have leached out in our minds the awful

brutality of Jesus' trial and death. John's simple words, " then

Pilate took Jesus and scourged him " feel vastly different as you

watch two brutal Roman soldiers go on minute after terrible minute

bludgeoning Jesus near-naked body with flesh-gouging whips. Pious

talk about Jesus' death for our sins takes on a whole new meaning.

(From an email to Icon)


-Ron Sider, President, Evangelicals For Social Action




As a Jew, while I see why some Jewish leaders might be offended, I

must say that the only reason they would be is because of how close

to the Scriptures you stayed in the telling of the story. There are

a whole host of reasons why we, as Jewish people, can feel a keen

sense of rejection, offense or other things by what some Christians

have done " in the name of Christ " during the last 2,000 years. But,

let me assure you that Mel Gibson is not to be named in that number.

Mel has chosen the narrow road of staying true to the Scriptures.

(From a letter to Icon)


-Stan Kellner, International Bible Society




Everyone should see this movie.It could be Hollywood's finest

achievement to date.


-Tim LaHaye, Tim LaHaye Ministries




....if they're critical of the film, they would be critical of the



-Archbishop John Foley, President, Pontifical Council for Social

Communications, The Vatican




" I've read the Passion narratives of the Lord and contemplated them

and prayed over them many, many times, and I've never thought of the

crucifixion with the images that I received while watching this, "

George said. " I'll never read the words the same way again. "

(Chicago Sun Times, Aug 3, 2003)


-Cardinal Francis George, Archbishop of Chicago




I thought it was an extraordinary work of art and extraordinarily

faithful to the gospels. If I was critical of the film's detractors

it's because I think it's unwise for any group to try to intimidate

either the church or people of Mel Gibson's faith from speaking very

clearly what they believe to be true. You know anti-Semitism is a

terrible sin; it's a sin the church has repented from and will need

to continue to repent from if and when there are examples of it in

church life. But to clearly proclaim our belief that Jesus is the

messiah and that he suffered, died and rose from the dead is for us

something we have a duty to proclaim. (Rocky Mountain News, Aug 21,



-Archbishop Charles Chaput, Archbishop of Denver




I urge critics who have not seen the final film to keep an open mind

and not prejudge it. -Carl Anderson, Supreme Knight, Knights of



I think what you have done in " The Passion " is extraordinary and

will probably be recognized as the best religious film ever made. I

will continue to pray for you and for the success of the film, and

will ask our students to do so as well. (From a letter to Icon)


-Thomas Dillon, President, Thomas Aquinas College




From an aesthetic standpoint, the film is beautiful. Its visual

narrative carries traces of the long tradition of Christian art,

from the very earliest Christian styles and medieval iconography up

to pre-Raphaelite images. My wife Theresa and I came away from the

film with a sense that our faith had been revitalized. Make no

mistake: this movie will convert and uplift hearts. Once you've seen

it, you'll never again take for granted the words: " He suffered,

died, and was buried. "


-Deal Hudson, Crisis Magazine




In my opinion, one of the great achievements of this film is to have

shown so effectively both the horror of sin and selfishness, and the

redeeming power of love. Seeing this film provokes love and

compassion. It makes the viewer want to love more, to forgive, to be

good and strong no matter what, just as Christ did even in the face

of such terrible suffering. The viewer is drawn into a powerful

experience of God's strong yet gentle love, of his overflowing

mercy. It is my belief that if we could understand what Jesus Christ

did for us and we could follow his example of love and forgiveness,

there would not be hatred or violence in the world. This film will

help to make that possible.


This film is a triumph of art and faith. It will be a tool for

explaining the person and message of Christ. I am confident that it

will change for the better everyone who sees it, both Christians and

non-Christians alike. It will bring people closer to God, and closer

to one another.


-Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos, The Vatican, Worldwide Prefect of the





[Gibson's film] represents by far the most moving, substantive and

artistically successful adaptation of biblical material ever

attempted by Hollywood. -Michael Medved, Jewish Film Critic and

Radio Show Host


It's a monumental accomplishment. It continues to impact me in ways

I couldn't have imagined. (From a letter to Icon)


-Pat Boone, Singer/Actor




I thought Passion was a superior recounting of the 'greatest story

ever told,' the last days of Jesus. There is in the film the gravity

and seriousness it deserves. There are moments so heart-rending, the

tears come easily. I cannot but believe that people of all religions

will find this truly an impressive (and respectful) piece of art and

realism, emerging from the New Testament. As a cinema artist, you

have just reason to be proud of what you have done. (From a letter

to Mel Gibson, July 2003)


-Jack Valenti, CEO, Motion Picture Association




The precept of freedom of expression often takes a back seat once

the ideologues and pedants get involved. Mel Gibson's movie, " The

Passion, " provides the latest and most vivid example. Though Gibson

is still editing his film and has shown it to a very small number of

people, there already are cries of protest and dark insinuations of

an anti-Semitic subtext. .These blatherings strike us as

irresponsible.... Some will be moved by this film, others disturbed.

As with all previous films depicting the period, some scholars and

theologians will doubtless challenge Gibson's historical accuracy -

indeed he is an actor, not a Biblical scholar. But to condemn both

the film and the filmmaker in advance reflects both bigotry and a

disdain for free expression.


-Peter Bart, Editor, Variety




This may be the last movie Mel Gibson makes. This is the ultimate

film. It's magical. Best picture I have seen in quite some time, and

even people like Jack Valenti were in the audience in tears at this

screening. There was about 30 of us. It depicts a clash between

Jesus and those who crucified him, and speaking as a Jew, I thought

it was a magical film that showed the perils of life on earth...

They haven't seen the darn film and those of us, every single person

in there, and I'm not talking about tears, I'm talking total tears.

It is something Mel Gibson stood back at the end and took questions

for about an hour, and he is -- he told me he's tired of Hollywood.

That this is it. He's going to do it. He's going to do it his way,

and this film, I tell you, is magic. It's a miracle. It's a

miracle... (In an interview on MSNBC, July 23, 2003)


-Matt Drudge, Drudge Report




Film makers are the history teachers of our culture -- and Mel

Gibson's movie, " The Passion of the Christ, " teaches us about

history's most important event. The impact of this movie will be



-Mark Mittelberg, Author, " Building a Contagious Christian "




The Passion is one of the most amazing images of the real account of

the Crucifixion. What struck me most was the gritty, in your face

account of the ultimate hero Jesus Christ. Although graphic and

brutal, it is a film worth taking your children and friends to

witness on the big screen. This may be the next great evangelism

tool of our time.


-Brian Blomberg, VP and Chief Development Officer, Promise Keepers




" The Passion of The Christ " is impacting, compelling,

transformational and truthful. It is a powerful retelling of the

most important story in history. Go see this film and be reminded of

God's great love, better yet take a friend who needs to discover



-Jon R. Wallace, President, Azusa Pacific University




For what I believe to be the right reasons The Passion was

profoundly compelling and affecting. The quality and realism of the

acting, the setting, adherence to the historical record, its

intensity and pacing all amount to an outstanding and moving film.

It is unusually provocative concerning vital spiritual issues. For

both Christian believers and for non-believers The Passion will

penetrate the mind, heart and soul in ways that can only be

memorable and positive.


-Donald Hodel, President and CEO, Focus on the Family




I was moved deeply by the film. In fact, it was a deep spiritual

experience for me. Without a doubt, it was the closest experience I

have ever been to actually witnessing the suffering and crucifixion

of Jesus Christ. I highly recommend this powerful film to you. I

believe that it is accurate and very consistent with the Biblical

account of the passion of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I am very

grateful to Mel Gibson for his vision in producing this marvelous

film. It is not exaggerated or glamorized in ways that many of the

Hollywood films in the past have portrayed the life and death of

Jesus. It is a film that I would encourage every young person and

adult of every religion or philosophical persuasion to view.


-Paul Cedar, Chairman and CEO, Mission America Coalition




Thank you for allowing our congregation to preview the movie trailer

of The Passion. In just four short minutes, the images and the

authenticity left our members " spell bound " . The message went right

to the heart of those who watched the trailer. You have our prayers

and support as we look forward to the release of the movie.


-Max Lucado, Pastor - Best selling Author

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