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[shriadishakti] Digest Number 557

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Hello, I'm seeking some help and opinions from any health care

practitioners on this serve, kindly e-mail me personally if you feel

you can help.










21 Sep 2004 13:21:41 -0000



>There are 6 messages in this issue.


>Topics in this digest:


> 1. Fwd: This week in sy-yuvashakti (MOST URGENT, & RAPID ACTION SEEKING)

> " Dr.Nitin Khandelwal " <dr_nitin_khandelwal

> 2. Hypocritical hype of Christians evading Helper promised by Christ in


> " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org

> 3. Hypocritical hype of Christians evading Helper promised by Christ in


> jagbir singh <adishakti_org

> 4. See the true colors of ISCKON

> mahesh khatri <maheshkhatri

> 5. Protocols of a dharmic life??????

> " kyvolk " <kyvolk


> " kyvolk " <kyvolk






>Message: 1

> Mon, 20 Sep 2004 06:25:55 -0700 (PDT)

> " Dr.Nitin Khandelwal " <dr_nitin_khandelwal

>Fwd: This week in sy-yuvashakti (MOST URGENT, & RAPID ACTION SEEKING)




>Note: forwarded message attached.










>[This message contained attachments]







>Message: 2

> Mon, 20 Sep 2004 13:32:57 -0000

> " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org

>Hypocritical hype of Christians evading Helper promised by Christ in





>Every time I preach or speak about the Cross, the things I saw on

>the screen will be on my heart and mind.


>-Billy Graham, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association




>The Passion tells the story of the twelve hours surrounding the

>Crucifixion. While The Passion is only the latest in a series of

>films about Jesus, it stands out for two reasons: First, it is

>unsparing and unsentimental. In Gibson's opinion, previous cinematic

>efforts had failed to capture the enormity of Jesus' suffering on

>our behalf.


>-Chuck Colson, Break Point




>Having viewed the film in Chicago, I see no basis for the ongoing

>allegation that the film is anti-Semitic in any fashion. Please

>express our deep appreciation to Mr. Gibson for his excellent work

>and assure him of our ongoing prayers in this important endeavor.

>(From an email to Icon)


>-Chuck Moore, President, Northern Baptist Theological Seminary




>It has been nearly three weeks since I saw the rough cut of The

>Passion. It is still impacting my life. I can't stop thinking about

>it nor can I stop talking about it. I have never seen a film that

>has so affected my life.


>-Del Tackett, Executive Vice President, Focus On The Family




>Three words summarize for me: Sobering, Stunning, Haunting. The film

>speaks for itself. I hope you keep the graphic nature of it complete

>in the film, because it will cause everyone to reflect on what His

>death was. The world tends to wash over this directness. The details

>are very accurate -- this is the kind of death our Lord died for me.

>(From an email to Icon)


>-Dr. Darrell Bock, Research Professor of New Testament, Dallas

>Theological Seminary




>As President of Young Life, I am pleased to voice my strong support

>for The Passion. The Young Life sphere of influence includes tens of

>thousands of staff and volunteers, as well as hundreds of thousands

>of adults and kids who would be lining up in an instant to see this

>film. In addition, I think the film will have mass appeal to people

>of any faith or no particular faith, simply because of the quality

>of the production and the historical nature of the content.


>-Denny Rydberg, President, Young Life




>I have no doubt that the movie will be one of the greatest

>evangelistic tools in modern day history. I think people will go to

>it and then flood into the churches seeking to know the deeper

>implications of this movie.


>-Ed Young Jr., Pastor, Dallas-Area Fellowship Church




>I believe The Passion of The Christ may well be one of the most

>powerful evangelistic tools of the last 100 years, because you have

>never seen the story of Jesus portrayed this vividly before.


>-Greg Laurie, Harvest Crusades




>The thing that I'm most excited about is the opportunity it's going

>to give those of us who preach the cross.


>-Jack Graham, President, Southern Baptist Convention




>I found it deeply moving, factually accurate and unprejudiced in its



>-Jack Hayford, Chancellor, The King's Seminary




>It is deeply moving, powerful, and disturbing. A film that must be

>seen - although the graphic scenes of the scourging of Jesus are

>emotionally wrenching. (From an email to Icon)


>-James Dobson, Chairman, Focus on the Family




>Mr. Gibson has attempted to painstakingly recreate the crucifixion

>of Christ, not to assail Jews, but to arouse in people a desire to

>understand the price paid for their salvation. I am praying that Mel

>Gibson's movie will have a powerful impact on our culture and that

>it will appeal to millions of movie lovers who are starving for a

>glimmer of honesty regarding the miraculous and life-changing story

>of the One who died for everyone, no matter their religious

>heritage, station in life, sexual preference or skin color. (From

>Falwell Confidential, Sept 24, 2003)


>-Dr. Jerry Falwell, The Liberty Channel




>It took a brave heart to make " The Passion " . " The Passion " is the

>most graphic, gritty and gripping depiction of Christ's arrest,

>trial and execution ever made. As a film, it will become a classic

>work of art with dramatic lighting, authentic sets, compelling

>music, realistic dialog, believable actors coupled with a timeless

>story. (From an email to Icon)


>-Jim West, President, Faith Television Network




>The Passion will stun audiences and create an incredible appetite

>for people to know more about Jesus. I urge Christians to invite

>their spiritually seeking friends to see this movie with them.


>-Lee Strobel, Former Atheist & Author " The Case for Christ " & " The

>Case for Faith "




>This will do for " Jesus " movies what " Saving Private Ryan " did for

>war pictures. Every Christian MUST go see this movie and hold Mr.

>Gibson up in prayer. He's going to take a lot of heat for this

>project, but if we'll support him, this movie could have a profound

>spiritual effect on millions of people.


>-Paul Crouch, Jr., Trinity Broadcasting Network




>Brilliant, biblical - a masterpiece.


>-Rick Warren, Pastor, Saddleback Church and Author of " The Purpose

>Driven Life "




>I can't tell you how I admire, respect and applaud you. May God give

>you the blessing you need, where you need it most. The Passion is an

>awe-inspiring portrayal of the last hours of Jesus' life. It is an

>accurate account of Jesus' real sufferings for the sins of the whole

>world. This is not a film anyone should miss.


>-Dr. Robert Schuller, Crystal Cathedral / Hour of Power




>>From a ministry perspective I tried to imagine what young people

>would think and how they would respond. My hope is that they will

>also be captured by the presentation. I believe they will because it

>is simply the telling of God's story. I am most encouraged by the

>fact that they will see a true representation of Jesus: fully God

>and fully man. (From an email to Icon)


>-Roger Cross, President, Youth For Christ/USA




> " The Passion " is simply fabulous. It is emotionally wrenching

>because it is brutally honest about the violence of Jesus' death.

>Never in my life have I seen any movie that comes even close to

>depicting what Roman crucifixion was really like. Long familiarity

>and theological explanation have leached out in our minds the awful

>brutality of Jesus' trial and death. John's simple words, " then

>Pilate took Jesus and scourged him " feel vastly different as you

>watch two brutal Roman soldiers go on minute after terrible minute

>bludgeoning Jesus near-naked body with flesh-gouging whips. Pious

>talk about Jesus' death for our sins takes on a whole new meaning.

>(From an email to Icon)


>-Ron Sider, President, Evangelicals For Social Action




>As a Jew, while I see why some Jewish leaders might be offended, I

>must say that the only reason they would be is because of how close

>to the Scriptures you stayed in the telling of the story. There are

>a whole host of reasons why we, as Jewish people, can feel a keen

>sense of rejection, offense or other things by what some Christians

>have done " in the name of Christ " during the last 2,000 years. But,

>let me assure you that Mel Gibson is not to be named in that number.

>Mel has chosen the narrow road of staying true to the Scriptures.

>(From a letter to Icon)


>-Stan Kellner, International Bible Society




>Everyone should see this movie.It could be Hollywood's finest

>achievement to date.


>-Tim LaHaye, Tim LaHaye Ministries




>...if they're critical of the film, they would be critical of the



>-Archbishop John Foley, President, Pontifical Council for Social

>Communications, The Vatican




> " I've read the Passion narratives of the Lord and contemplated them

>and prayed over them many, many times, and I've never thought of the

>crucifixion with the images that I received while watching this, "

>George said. " I'll never read the words the same way again. "

>(Chicago Sun Times, Aug 3, 2003)


>-Cardinal Francis George, Archbishop of Chicago




>I thought it was an extraordinary work of art and extraordinarily

>faithful to the gospels. If I was critical of the film's detractors

>it's because I think it's unwise for any group to try to intimidate

>either the church or people of Mel Gibson's faith from speaking very

>clearly what they believe to be true. You know anti-Semitism is a

>terrible sin; it's a sin the church has repented from and will need

>to continue to repent from if and when there are examples of it in

>church life. But to clearly proclaim our belief that Jesus is the

>messiah and that he suffered, died and rose from the dead is for us

>something we have a duty to proclaim. (Rocky Mountain News, Aug 21,



>-Archbishop Charles Chaput, Archbishop of Denver




>I urge critics who have not seen the final film to keep an open mind

>and not prejudge it. -Carl Anderson, Supreme Knight, Knights of



>I think what you have done in " The Passion " is extraordinary and

>will probably be recognized as the best religious film ever made. I

>will continue to pray for you and for the success of the film, and

>will ask our students to do so as well. (From a letter to Icon)


>-Thomas Dillon, President, Thomas Aquinas College




>>From an aesthetic standpoint, the film is beautiful. Its visual

>narrative carries traces of the long tradition of Christian art,

>from the very earliest Christian styles and medieval iconography up

>to pre-Raphaelite images. My wife Theresa and I came away from the

>film with a sense that our faith had been revitalized. Make no

>mistake: this movie will convert and uplift hearts. Once you've seen

>it, you'll never again take for granted the words: " He suffered,

>died, and was buried. "


>-Deal Hudson, Crisis Magazine




>In my opinion, one of the great achievements of this film is to have

>shown so effectively both the horror of sin and selfishness, and the

>redeeming power of love. Seeing this film provokes love and

>compassion. It makes the viewer want to love more, to forgive, to be

>good and strong no matter what, just as Christ did even in the face

>of such terrible suffering. The viewer is drawn into a powerful

>experience of God's strong yet gentle love, of his overflowing

>mercy. It is my belief that if we could understand what Jesus Christ

>did for us and we could follow his example of love and forgiveness,

>there would not be hatred or violence in the world. This film will

>help to make that possible.


>This film is a triumph of art and faith. It will be a tool for

>explaining the person and message of Christ. I am confident that it

>will change for the better everyone who sees it, both Christians and

>non-Christians alike. It will bring people closer to God, and closer

>to one another.


>-Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos, The Vatican, Worldwide Prefect of the





>[Gibson's film] represents by far the most moving, substantive and

>artistically successful adaptation of biblical material ever

>attempted by Hollywood. -Michael Medved, Jewish Film Critic and

>Radio Show Host


>It's a monumental accomplishment. It continues to impact me in ways

>I couldn't have imagined. (From a letter to Icon)


>-Pat Boone, Singer/Actor




>I thought Passion was a superior recounting of the 'greatest story

>ever told,' the last days of Jesus. There is in the film the gravity

>and seriousness it deserves. There are moments so heart-rending, the

>tears come easily. I cannot but believe that people of all religions

>will find this truly an impressive (and respectful) piece of art and

>realism, emerging from the New Testament. As a cinema artist, you

>have just reason to be proud of what you have done. (From a letter

>to Mel Gibson, July 2003)


>-Jack Valenti, CEO, Motion Picture Association




>The precept of freedom of expression often takes a back seat once

>the ideologues and pedants get involved. Mel Gibson's movie, " The

>Passion, " provides the latest and most vivid example. Though Gibson

>is still editing his film and has shown it to a very small number of

>people, there already are cries of protest and dark insinuations of

>an anti-Semitic subtext. .These blatherings strike us as

>irresponsible.... Some will be moved by this film, others disturbed.

>As with all previous films depicting the period, some scholars and

>theologians will doubtless challenge Gibson's historical accuracy -

>indeed he is an actor, not a Biblical scholar. But to condemn both

>the film and the filmmaker in advance reflects both bigotry and a

>disdain for free expression.


>-Peter Bart, Editor, Variety




>This may be the last movie Mel Gibson makes. This is the ultimate

>film. It's magical. Best picture I have seen in quite some time, and

>even people like Jack Valenti were in the audience in tears at this

>screening. There was about 30 of us. It depicts a clash between

>Jesus and those who crucified him, and speaking as a Jew, I thought

>it was a magical film that showed the perils of life on earth...

>They haven't seen the darn film and those of us, every single person

>in there, and I'm not talking about tears, I'm talking total tears.

>It is something Mel Gibson stood back at the end and took questions

>for about an hour, and he is -- he told me he's tired of Hollywood.

>That this is it. He's going to do it. He's going to do it his way,

>and this film, I tell you, is magic. It's a miracle. It's a

>miracle... (In an interview on MSNBC, July 23, 2003)


>-Matt Drudge, Drudge Report




>Film makers are the history teachers of our culture -- and Mel

>Gibson's movie, " The Passion of the Christ, " teaches us about

>history's most important event. The impact of this movie will be



>-Mark Mittelberg, Author, " Building a Contagious Christian "




>The Passion is one of the most amazing images of the real account of

>the Crucifixion. What struck me most was the gritty, in your face

>account of the ultimate hero Jesus Christ. Although graphic and

>brutal, it is a film worth taking your children and friends to

>witness on the big screen. This may be the next great evangelism

>tool of our time.


>-Brian Blomberg, VP and Chief Development Officer, Promise Keepers




> " The Passion of The Christ " is impacting, compelling,

>transformational and truthful. It is a powerful retelling of the

>most important story in history. Go see this film and be reminded of

>God's great love, better yet take a friend who needs to discover



>-Jon R. Wallace, President, Azusa Pacific University




>For what I believe to be the right reasons The Passion was

>profoundly compelling and affecting. The quality and realism of the

>acting, the setting, adherence to the historical record, its

>intensity and pacing all amount to an outstanding and moving film.

>It is unusually provocative concerning vital spiritual issues. For

>both Christian believers and for non-believers The Passion will

>penetrate the mind, heart and soul in ways that can only be

>memorable and positive.


>-Donald Hodel, President and CEO, Focus on the Family




>I was moved deeply by the film. In fact, it was a deep spiritual

>experience for me. Without a doubt, it was the closest experience I

>have ever been to actually witnessing the suffering and crucifixion

>of Jesus Christ. I highly recommend this powerful film to you. I

>believe that it is accurate and very consistent with the Biblical

>account of the passion of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I am very

>grateful to Mel Gibson for his vision in producing this marvelous

>film. It is not exaggerated or glamorized in ways that many of the

>Hollywood films in the past have portrayed the life and death of

>Jesus. It is a film that I would encourage every young person and

>adult of every religion or philosophical persuasion to view.


>-Paul Cedar, Chairman and CEO, Mission America Coalition




>Thank you for allowing our congregation to preview the movie trailer

>of The Passion. In just four short minutes, the images and the

>authenticity left our members " spell bound " . The message went right

>to the heart of those who watched the trailer. You have our prayers

>and support as we look forward to the release of the movie.


>-Max Lucado, Pastor - Best selling Author










>Message: 3

> Mon, 20 Sep 2004 07:00:44 -0700 (PDT)

> jagbir singh <adishakti_org

>Hypocritical hype of Christians evading Helper promised by Christ in





>shriadishakti , " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org>




>> Every time I preach or speak about the Cross, the things I saw on

>> the screen will be on my heart and mind.


>> -Billy Graham, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association


>> --------------------


>> The Passion tells the story of the twelve hours surrounding the

>> Crucifixion. While The Passion is only the latest in a series of

>> films about Jesus, it stands out for two reasons: First, it is

>> unsparing and unsentimental. In Gibson's opinion, previous

>> cinematic efforts had failed to capture the enormity of Jesus'

>> suffering on our behalf.


>> -Chuck Colson, Break Point






>The Holy Bible



>The Comforter (Holy Breath)


> " And Jesus spoke again unto the eleven and said,

> " Grieve not because I go away for it is best that I should go away.

>If I do not go away the Comforter will not come to you.

>These things I speak while with you in the flesh,

>But when the Holy Breath shall come in power, lo,

>She will teach you more and more,

>And bring to you remembrance all the words I have said to you.

>There are a multitude of things yet to be said;

>Things that this age cannot receive because it cannot comprehend.

>But, lo, I say, Before the great day of the Lord shall come,

>The Holy Breath will make all mysteries known —

>The mysteries of the soul, of life, of death, of immortality,

>The oneness of man with every other man, and with his God.

>Then will the world be led to truth, and man will be truth.

>When She has come, the Comforter, She will convince the world of sin,

>And of truth of what I speak, and of the rightness of the Judgment of the just;

>And then the prince of carnal life will be cast out.

>And when the Comforter shall come, I need not intercede for you;

>For you shall stand approved, and God will know you then as he knows Me. "


>Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ 162:4-11

>(The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ,

> ch. 162: 4-11, by Levi, M. D. Rey: DeVorss & Co., 1988.)




> " The Holy Spirit of Wisdom has frequently changed its gender. It has been

suggested that, because of the change in language and culture within the early

Church, ‘this feminine aspect (ruach) to the inauguration of Jesus is neutered

to pneuma in Hellenistic Christian communities and eventually masculanized to

spiritus in the Latin church.’ This led to a shift from feminine to masculine

metaphors. As Jung has remarked: ‘the Holy Ghost is not subject to any control.'

but blows where it will, like the wind. "


>C. Matthews, Sophia: Goddess of Wisdom

>(C. Matthews, Sophia: Goddess of Wisdom, Aquarian Press, 1992, p. 135.)



> " Before his Passover, Jesus announced the sending of " another Paraclete "

(Advocate), the Holy Spirit, having previously " spoken through the prophets, "

the Spirit will now be with and in the disciples, to teach them and guide them

" into all truth. " [68] The Holy Spirit is thus revealed as another divine person

with Jesus and the Father. "


>(68. Gen 1:2; Nicene Creed [DS 150]; Jn 14:17, 26; 16:13.)


>Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Catechism of the Catholic Church

>(J. C. Ratzinger, Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1994, p. 64.)




>And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that (S)he

may abide with you forever;

>Even the Spirit of Truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth H(er)

not; neither knoweth H(er):

>But ye know H(er); for (S)he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.


>[feminine emphasis ours]


>John 14:16-17



>These things have I spoken while still with you.

>But the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My

name, (S)he will teach you all things,

>And bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.


>[feminine emphasis ours]


>John 14:25-26



>Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away:

>For if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; But if I depart, I

will send H(er) unto you.

>And when (S)he is come, (S)he will reprove the world of sin, and of

righteousness, and of judgement.

>Of sin, because they believe not on Me; Of righteousness, because I go to my

Father, and ye see Me no more;

>Of judgement, because the Prince of this world is judged. I have yet many

things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.

>Howbeit when (S)he, the Spirit of Truth, is come, (S)he will guide you unto all


>For (S)he shall not speak of (Her)self;

>But whatsoever (S)he shall hear, that shall (S)he speak:

>And (S)he will shew you things to come.

>(S)he shall glorify Me: for (S)he shall receive of Mine, and shall shew it unto

you. All things that the Father hath are Mine:

>Therefore said I, that (S)he shall take of Mine, and shall shew it unto you. "


>[feminine emphasis ours]


>John 16:7-15




> " It states that the Fourth Gospel does not narrate Jesus’ baptism but explains

its significance. Since the Holy Spirit descended and remained on Him, He is

singled out as the Son of God who will baptize with the Holy Spirit (John

1:32-34.) His teachings direct to rebirth through the Spirit where a new state

of being is attained by the grace of the Spirit — this is the only way of

entering the Kingdom of the Spirit. Water is associated with the Spirit (John

3:5-8; cf 1:13.) However, this salvation of humankind through rebirth can only

take place after His death and exaltation (cf 3:14.) Therefore this promise of

the coming Spirit points to the future: " Now this he said about the Spirit,

which those who believed in him were to receive; for as yet the Spirit had not

been given [or, Spirit was not yet], because Jesus was not yet glorified "

(7:39.) The discourses following Last Supper hold the key to the narration of

the Spirit. It is referred to as the " paraclete " (Counselor) or

> " advocate " , " intercessor " or more appropriately the Spirit of paraclesis . . .

With these terms and the use of masculine instead of neuter pronouns, the

concept of the Spirit attains a more personal nature than at any other point in

the Bible. "


>Dictionary of the Bible

>(Dictionary of the Bible, C. S. Sons, 1963, p. 393.)









>Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi










>“So the nourishment comes to you from the Mother Earth represented within you

as the Holy Ghost; is the Power that is called as Kundalini in the ancient

times. It is the most ancient Knowledge of our country . . .


>It is placed in your sacrum bone and sacrum means sacred. The Greeks knew the

bone is sacred and has something sacred in it. Now this was also known to

Muhammad Sahib because he called it asas. In the Bible it is described as the

Tree of Life . . .


>By this Power we become the Spirit that is described by Christ. Christ didn't

say that, " I am the Destination. " He said, " I'll send you the Holy Ghost; I'll

send you a Comforter; I'll send you a Redeemer; I'll send you a Councilor. " He

talked about the future.”


>Shri Sadhvi Devi

>Sadhvi (711th): A lady of pure character. Sadhu is the certitude that the

Sadhak is one with Brahman.









>Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi










>“It’s so beautiful. That’s a very beautiful thing to achieve. That’s what we

say is the Kingdom of God. That’s what we say, that is, that resides within us,

that Joy that fills the whole world as bliss.”


>Shri Cidagni-Kunda-sambhuta Devi

>UK -- July 2, 1984


>(Cidagni-Kunda-sambhuta [4th]: Born from the pit of the fire of consciousness.

The word ‘Agni’ denotes in Vedic literature ‘force’—power or energy. She is the

power of consciousness (Sokamayata) manifested as ‘Will’ to create. . . .

" Vidyayamrtamasnute " ; with Vidya thou shalt become immortal. (This Vidya is the

true knowledge that takes the devotee to the highest state, the Brahma Pada

itself which is Herself.) This Vidya is the outcome of the fire of consciousness

or Cidagni which burns out ignorance i.e., death and confers immortality.)







>Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi










>“There are many aspects of Easter, one has to understand, but the most of all

why did He have to die and why was He resurrected? This point I have not yet

touched perhaps so clearly - that's the point I want to tell you today. It's

only you people can understand the importance of the life of Christ.


>And when it is said that you have to get your realization through Christ, it

means that He had to pierce through the Agnya chakra. He had to be there. If He

had not created this gap in the Gate, we could never have got realization. That

is why it is said you are to pass through the Gates of Heaven only with the

grace of Christ.


>Of course, that doesn't mean churches, it doesn't mean at all churches. You

have to understand as Sahaja Yogis that you have to pass through the Agnya




> Shri Baindavasana Devi

>UK — November 4, 1982


>(Baindavasana [905th]: Seated in Bindu, the innermost point of Sri Cakra. It is

stated to be the abode of Shiva. It corresponds to the stalk of the

Sahasrara-Padma in the head of the devotee.)






>“These statements suggest that Lord Jesus could not convince the masses in

contemporary Galilee. Why? Because they had not yet reached the level of

evolution in which they would be ready for vibratory awareness. Of course the

Holy Spirit did inspire the Apostles but that was not yet the fulfilment of Lord

Jesus' promise. Indeed the sinful condition of the world in the past centuries

makes it quite clear that it has not yet been convinced " concerning sin,

righteousness and judgement. " And the modern man does not care.


>It is only now that the full meaning of the Evangelist's words can be

understood for She has completed the Christian message. We, at last, fully

understand the life of Lord Jesus Christ. He kept referring to His Divine Mother

as the Holy Spirit because in the Galilee of that time no one was supposed to

know the true nature of the Virgin Mary. He would not have tolerated the satanic

forces at work in Galilee turning their attention towards His beloved Mother.

Any attack on Her would have triggered Universal destruction. So He kept the

secret but announced the coming of " the Spirit of Truth who proceeds from the

Father " and who will bear witness to Him.”


>Grégoire de Kalbermatten, The Advent






>Whenever Muslims seek to prove that Muhammad is foretold in the New Testament,

they immediately appeal to the promise of Jesus that the " Comforter " would

follow him and claim that this Comforter was Muhammad (particularly as in the

Qur'an, Jesus is alleged to have foretold the coming of Muhammad in Surah 61.6

in similar language). Whereas the Revised Standard Version uses the word

" Counsellor " rather than " Comforter " , we shall use the word " Comforter "

throughout this chapter because it is more familiar to the Muslims. The texts

where the Comforter is mentioned by Jesus are:


> " And I will pray the Father, and he will give you another Comforter, to be with

you for ever, even the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive, because

it neither sees him nor knows him; you know him, for he dwells with you, and

will be in you. " John 14.16-17.


> " But the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he

will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to

you. " John 14.26


> " But when the Comforter comes, whom I shall send you from the Father, even the

Spirit of Truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness to me. " John



> " Nevertheless I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for

if I do not go away, the Comforter will not come to you; but if I go, I will

send him to you. " John 16.7


>It is generally alleged by Muslims that the Greek word " paracletos " (meaning

Comforter, Counsellor, Advocate, etc., in effect, one who unites men to God) is

not the original word but that Jesus in fact foretold the coming of Muhammad by

name and that the translation of his name into Greek (or at least the meaning of

his name in Greek) is " periklutos " , that is, the " praised one. " There is not a

shred of evidence in favour of the assertion that the original word was

" periklutos. " We have thousands of New Testament manuscripts pre-dating Islam

and not one of these contains the word " periklutos. " In view of the fact that

Muslims are prone to levelling false allegations that Christians are regularly

changing the Bible, it is rather intriguing to find that they have no scruples

about doing this themselves when it suits them to do so. In any event a cursory

reading of the texts where the word " paracletos " appears will show that this is

the only word that suits the context as I will show in

> one instance later on in this chapter.


>Some wiser Muslims admit that " paracletos " is correct, but they claim in any

event that Muhammad was the Comforter whom Jesus was referring to. Let us

briefly examine some of the texts in a truly exegetical manner to discover

whether Muhammad is indeed the Comforter whose coming Jesus foretold. It is

quite obvious from the four texts quoted that Comforter, Holy Spirit, and Spirit

of Truth are interchangeable terms and that Jesus is speaking of the same person

in each instance. The one obvious fact that emerges is that the Comforter is a

spirit. (The fact that Jesus always speaks of the Spirit in the masculine gender

in no way suggests that the Comforter must be a man as some of the publications

in the Bibliography suggest. God himself is always spoken of in both the Bible

and the Qur'an in the masculine gender and God is spirit — John 4.24. In the

same way Jesus always speaks of the Comforter as a spirit and not as a man).


>If we apply sound exegesis to John 14.16-17 we shall discover no less than

eight reasons why the Comforter cannot possibly be Muhammad.


>1. " He will give YOU another Comforter. "


>Jesus promised his disciples that God would send the Comforter to them. He

would send the Spirit of Truth to Peter, and to John, and to the rest of the

disciples — not to Meccans. Medinans or Arabians.


>2. " He will give you ANOTHER Comforter. "


>If, as Muslims allege, the original word was periklutos and that Christians

changed it into paracletos, then the sentence would have read, " He will give you

another praised one. " This statement is both out of place in its context and

devoid of support elsewhere in the Bible. Jesus is never called the " periklutos "

in the Bible (the word appears nowhere in the Bible) so it is grossly unlikely

that he would have said " He will give you another praised one " when he never

used that title for himself. Worse still, as the Muslims allege that he actually

foretold the coming of Muhammad by mentioning his name, the sentence in that

case would have read " He will give you another Muhammad. " The further the

Muslims try to press the point, the more absurd it tends to become. John

16.12-13 makes it clear that the word " paracletos " is obviously the correct one.

The text reads: " I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them

now. When the Spirit of Truth comes, he will guide you into

> all the truth. " In other words, I have been your Comforter, your paracletos,

and have many things to tell you, but I send the Spirit of Truth to you, another

Comforter, another paracletos.


>In 1 John 2.1 we read that Christians have an " advocate " with the Father,

" Jesus Christ the Righteous " , and the word translated " advocate " is paracletos

in the Greek. So Jesus is our paracletos, our Comforter and advocate with the

Father, and he promised to give his disciples another Comforter. It is therefore

logical to find that Jesus promised another paracletos when he himself was

described as the paracletos of his followers, but it is illogical to suggest

that he would speak of " another periklutos " when the word was never used to

describe him in the first place.


>3. " To be with you FOREVER. "


>When Muhammad came he did not stay with his people forever but died in 632 AD

and his tomb is in Medina where his body has lain for over 1300 years.

Nevertheless Jesus said that the Comforter, once he had come, would never leave

his disciples, but would be with them forever.


>4. " The Spirit of Truth whom the world CANNOT receive. "


>The Qur'an says that Muhammad came as a universal messenger to men (Surah

34.28). If so, Jesus was not referring to Muhammad for he said that the world

cannot receive the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth.


>5. " You KNOW him. "


>It is quite obvious from this statement that the disciples knew the Spirit of

Truth. As Muhammad was only born more than five hundred years later, it

certainly could not be him. The next clause brings out just how the disciples

knew him. At this stage we can see quite clearly that the Comforter is a spirit

who was in the disciples' presence already.


>6. " He dwells WITH you. "


>Where did the Comforter dwell with them? From various verses, especially John

1.32, we can see that the Spirit was in Jesus himself and so was with the



>7. " He will be IN you. "


>Here the death-blow is dealt to the theory that Muhammad is the Comforter, the

Spirit of Truth. As the Spirit was in Jesus, so he would be in the disciples as

well. The Greek word here is " en " and this means " right inside. " So Jesus was in

fact saying " he will be right inside you. "


>8. The last reason is really a re-emphasis of the first one. Do you notice how

often Jesus addresses his own disciples when he speaks of the sphere of

influence of the Comforter? " You know him ... he dwells with you ... he will be

in you. " Quite clearly the disciples were to anticipate the coming of the

Comforter as a spirit who would come to them just after Jesus had left them. No

other interpretation can possibly be drawn from this text. Only wishful thinking

makes the Muslims allege that Muhammad was foretold by Jesus, but a practical

interpretation of the texts destroys this possibility. . . .


>What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived, what God

has prepared for those who love him, God has revealed to us through the Spirit.

For what person knows a man's thoughts except the spirit of the man which is in

him? So no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. Now we

have received not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is from God,

that we might understand the gifts bestowed on us by God. 1 Corinthians 2.9-13.


>Paul makes it plain that the Spirit had already been given and if it had not,

it could not have been to any advantage to the disciples to be without Jesus

once he had ascended to heaven.


>So it is abundantly proved that Muhammad is not the Spirit of Truth, the

Comforter, whose coming Jesus foretold. Who is the Comforter then? He is the

very Spirit of the living God as can be seen from some of the quotations already

given. On the day when the Comforter duly came upon the disciples, his coming

was accompanied by a tremendous sound, " like the rush of a mighty wind " (Acts

2.2). When the Jews heard this, they rushed together to see what was happening.

Peter declared to them all:


> " This is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: 'And in the last days it shall

be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh.' " Acts 2.16-17.


>The Comforter, the Spirit of God, had come down on the disciples as Jesus had

promised and was to be given to believing Christian men and women from every

nation under the sun. . . . The Comforter is also called " the Spirit of Christ "

(Romans 8. 9) and the reason is plain from what Jesus said:


>1. " He will glorify me " (John 16.14).


>2. " He will bear witness to me " (John 15.26).


>3. " He will convince the world concerning sin because they do not believe in

me " (John 16. 8-9).


>4. " He will take what is mine and declare it to you " (John 16.14).


>5. " He will bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you " (John



>Quite obviously the great work of the Comforter is to bring people to Jesus, to

make them see him as Saviour and Lord, and to draw them to him. The Comforter

was given so that the glory of Jesus might be revealed to men and in men. A

beautiful example of this is given by the Apostle John:


>His disciples did not understand this at first; but when Jesus was glorified,

then they remembered that this had been written of him and done to him. John



>Without the Spirit, they had no understanding, but when they received the

Spirit after Jesus was glorified, then they remembered as Jesus said they would.

John illustrates this in this passage as well:


>On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and proclaimed, 'If

any one thirst, let him come to me and drink. He who believes in me, as the

scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water'. Now this

he said about the Spirit, which those who believed in him were to receive; for

as yet the Spirit had not been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified. John



>As soon as Jesus was glorified the Spirit was given so that the glory of Jesus

in heaven might become real to men here on earth. As Peter said (Acts 2.33),

once Jesus was exalted at the right hand of God, the Spirit was freely given to

his disciples.


>Again Peter said, " The God of our fathers glorified Jesus " (Acts 3.13). We

cannot see or comprehend this glory of Jesus here on earth (and Jesus himself

said, " I do not receive glory from men " John 5.41), but he sent the Spirit so

that we might behold this glory by the eye of faith. As Jesus himself said to

his disciples of the Spirit:


> " He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you. All

that the Father has is mine, therefore I said that he will take what is mine and

declare it to you. " John 16.14-15.


>The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God and he is given to all true believers so

that the glory of Jesus in heaven may become real to men on earth. John makes it

plain how a man receives the Holy Spirit:


>Now this he spoke about the Spirit, which those who BELIEVED in him were to

receive. John 7.39


>To receive the Comforter, the Spirit of God, one must believe in Jesus and

surrender body and soul to him. Without the Spirit no one sees or believes in

the glory of Christ, but for those who are his true followers and who are

sanctified by the Holy Spirit (1 Peter 1.2), Peter says:


>Without having seen him, you love him, though you do not now see him, you

believe in him and rejoice with unutterable and exalted joy. As the outcome of

your faith you obtain the salvation of your souls. 1 Peter 1.8-9.


>The distinction between those who have received the Spirit and those who have

not, those who have beheld the glory of Christ and those who have not, comes out

very clearly as Peter continues to speak to his fellow-believers:


>To you therefore who believe, he is precious, but for those who do not believe,

'The very stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner'.

1 Peter 2.7


>The Bible says much about the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, but the great and

most handsome work of the Spirit is summed up in Jesus' words:


> " He WILL GLORIFY ME. " John 16.14


>Although the Spirit had been at work in the world before the advent of Jesus

Christ, and had indeed filled many of the great prophets and men of old with a

longing for the coming Christ, he only finally united himself to men, and men to

God, and indeed true believers to one another after the resurrection and

ascension of Christ to heaven.


>Jesus Christ spoke to his own disciples of the coming of the Comforter because

the Spirit was sent down to comfort and regenerate all true believers in Jesus.

This is one of the most significant and consistent elements of the teaching of

Jesus about the Comforter. The prime purpose of the coming of the Comforter . .

.. was to draw men to him so that those who are influenced by the work of the

Comforter will therefore become followers of Jesus. It is further evidence

against the theory that Muhammad was the Comforter for, whereas the Comforter

would not speak of himself but only of Jesus, Muhammad drew attention away from

Jesus to himself, describing himself as the ultimate apostle of God to be

followed and obeyed. The Comforter was never to do a thing like this. Jesus made

it plain that the Comforter would draw the attention and faith of all men to

himself and would glorify him before the eyes of faith of true believers as the

Lord of glory in heaven.


>After Jesus Christ had ascended to heaven to be glorified at the right hand of

God above all the angels and departed saints, the Comforter came immediately

upon his disciples to make this glory real to them and through them to spread it

all over the world. For Jesus Christ is the very image of the Father's glory. In

him are all things united, whether in heaven or on earth. He is the climax of

God's plan for the fullness of time. He is the beginning and the end of all

God's gracious work in all ages — for all the salvation and glory that God has

prepared for those who love him are vested in Jesus.


>The Comforter came to give us a foretaste of this glory. He came to make the

resplendent glory of Jesus real to those who follow him. As Moses encouraged his

people to look forward to the prophet who would be like him, who would mediate a

new covenant to save all who truly believe, so the Comforter encourages Christ's

followers in this age to look up to the risen, ascended, Lord Jesus Christ who

sits on the throne of God in eternal glory above the heavens.


>Far from Muhammad being foretold in the Bible, every prophecy, every agent of

God, every true prophet and spirit, looks upward towards the radiance of the

Father's glory, the one who sits upon the throne, the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus

Christ ascended to heaven — God took him to himself. For Jesus alone is the

Redeemer of the world. He alone is able, as a man, to enter the holy presence of

the Father's throne and fill it with his own glorious majesty. So likewise he is

able to reconcile sinful men to God and will one day be seen again in all his

splendour as he comes to call his own — those who eagerly awaited his coming

before his time and all those who since his sojourn on this earth look forward

to his return from heaven — to be with him where he is to behold with awe the

glory which the Father gave him in his love for him before the foundation of the



>Moses rejoiced to see his day when speaking of the prophet to come. The

Comforter today still rejoices to reveal his glory and majesty to those in whom

he dwells. The angels and departed saints await with longing for the day when he

shall be revealed to all the universe in all his magnificence — when all men

shall be raised from the dead to see the Son of man coming on the clouds of

heaven with power and great glory, a day when the Comforter's work will be

finally completed, a day when every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that

it is Jesus Christ who is Lord — to the everlasting glory of God the Father —

Amen! "






>BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS: Badawi, Dr J — Muhammad in the Bible. (Islamic Information

Foundation, Halifax, Canada, 1982).

>Dawud, Prof A — Muhammad in the Bible. (Angkatan Nahdhatul — Islam Bersatu,

Singapore, 1978).

>Deedat, A H — Muhammad in the Old and the New Testaments. (Uthmania Islamic

Service Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa. n.d.)

>Deedat, A H — Muhammad Successor to Jesus Christ as portrayed in the Old and

New Testaments. (Muslim Brotherhood Aid Services, Johannesburg South Africa


>Deedat, A H — What the Bible says about Muhammad. (Islamic Propagation Centre,

Durban, South Africa, 1976)

>Durrani, Dr M H — Muhammad — The Biblical Prophet. (International Islamic

Publishers, Karachi, Pakistan, 1980).

>Gilchrist, J D — The Prophet after Moses. (Jesus to the Muslims, Benoni, South

Africa, 1976).

>Gilchrist, J D — The Successor to Christ. (Jesus to the Muslims, Benoni, South

Africa, 1975).

>Hamid, S M A — Evidence of the Bible about Mohammad. (Karachi, Pakistan, 1973).

>Jamiat, U N — The Prophet Muhammad in the Bible. (Jamiat Ulema Natal, Wasbank,

South Africa, n.d.)

>Kaldani D B — Mohammad in the Bible. (Abbas Manzil Library, Allahabad,

Pakistan, 1952).

>Lee, F N — Muhammad in the Bible? (Unpublished M.Th. thesis, Stellenbosch,

South Africa, 1964).

>S G Mission — The Prophet like unto Moses. (Scripture Gift Mission, London,

England, 1951).

>Shafaat, Dr A — Islam and its Prophet: A Fulfilment of Biblical Prophecies.

(Nur Al Islam Foundation, Ville St Laurent, Canada, 1984).

>Vidyarthy, A H — Muhammad in World Scriptures. (Volume 2, Ahmadiyya Anjuman

Ishaat-l-lslam, Lahore, Pakistan, 1968).

>Y.M.M.A. — Do you know? The Prophet Muhammad is prophesied in the Holy Bible!

(Young Men's Muslim Association. Johannesburg, South Africa, 1960).














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>Message: 4

> Mon, 20 Sep 2004 12:41:44 -0700 (PDT)

> mahesh khatri <maheshkhatri

>See the true colors of ISCKON



>Exposing Isckon






>Read about the poisoning of Guruhttp://gurupoison.tripod.com/support/pada.htm




>Child Molesters: Gurus?http://members.tripod.com/gurupoison/support/cmg.htm




>Use this material to counter arguments by ISCKON members






>Mahesh Khatri








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>Message: 5

> Tue, 21 Sep 2004 09:53:35 -0000

> " kyvolk " <kyvolk

>Protocols of a dharmic life??????


>1) Now, I had a few questioned based on the actual way of life of a

>sahaja yogi/yogini, since I read a lot of what was

>on " http://www.sahajvidya.freeuk.com/SahajVidya_Preface.htm " and

>there seems to be a lot of talk about being mindful of how you

>dress, how you have your hair (as not to have it disheveled and/or

>in your face/ not coloring it etc) and to not lead a life of

>extremes or be in the forefront unless there is something to be

>done. I wanted to know what is considered extremism specifically,

>and what really constitutes a sahaja yogi way of life aside from the

>way he conducts himself in his dealings and thinking. Also, I was

>curious as to the stand point of sahaja with regard to tattoos (and

>a lot of them) that ARE NOT ugly or distasteful, but works of art

>with beauty. IS that considered extremism?

>I just wanted a better description of what living an extreme life in

>the eyes of sahaja is and what is the best way to act, dress, etc

>when leading a dharmic/sahaja way of life based on your experience

>and any talks or information you have heard being spoken on those

>subjects by the adi shakti.


>2) Secondly, I was curious why more yogi's do not proclaim the true

>meaning of sahaja yoga and moreover the whole point and mission

>behind its practice and spreading it. I read something regarding

>this in your FAQ section and its true, most all the pages I have

>seen and read online by yogis, official and unofficial, have been

>promoting it as simply a relaxation technique that balances the

>chakras and that was founded by Sri Mataji and that is all. Why are

>more people, especially the yogi's who know the truth, not

>proclaiming that this yoga is to benefit mankind, bring them into

>the kingdom of god on earth, and that this is the last judgment and

>a sure fire way for each person, with dedication, to reach his



>**Also on the same token, why is it not talked about all that much

>the fact that although self realization is spontaneous, nourishing

>it, bringing yourself as deep as you can go and surrendering to the

>spirit fully to gain our ascent requires quite a lot of effort on a

>daily basis, and quite a lot of EGO sacrifice (which is really not a

>sacrifice at all) on our parts, and isn't just something that

>happens on its own?


>IF you could please write me back in detail with your thoughts on

>these matters when you have some time, I would be very grateful.








>Message: 6

> Tue, 21 Sep 2004 10:08:45 -0000

> " kyvolk " <kyvolk



>I was also thinking, is dressing like a stereotypical saint just as

>important as acting like one? I was thinking on what I posted in the

>pervious post, and it occurred to me that dressing in fashions of

>today all the time may actually add to the identification with the

>body and the ego, or make it more difficult to be freed from those

>things, especially if all you wear is what you wore and thought of

>as " you " for the previous couple years. Also, that wearing

>traditional Indian dress and others of a more humble yet dignified

>manner may be beneficial in aiding in detachment, yet completely

>unpractical in modern WESTERN society.


> On the same token, what would that mean for people who got huge

>works of art on their bodies(tattoo's) that are very noticeable(

>like full sleeves or covering of the arm and other things of that

>nature that can't be removed or at least for the budget of the

>average person)? That's a very permanent thing and I'm assuming the

>ideals, identifications and beliefs that originally spawned such

>well thought out pieces of art that related to " you " before

>attempting the sahaj way of life, would loose their meaning or

>significance as the ego is demolished by the power of the spirit. IF

>this is not the case, then I would suspect that it would be

>something that would enslave you in some degree, no matter how

>detached one is, to identifying with your body and old

>identifications, thus never allowing you to be free from such things

>due to constant visual reminders of that person who initially

>planed, brooded and thought out in great detail these works of

>permanent art.


>I would really appreciate some conformation or dispelling of these

>assumptions in both of these examples and am hoping very much that

>someone could shed some light on these subjects to give me a better

>idea of what can be done to maximize the effect and what should b

>avoided, but MOST IMPORTANTLY how these relate to acting dressing

>like a saint or a work in progress saint should dress; " outside must

>reflect the inside " .


>Thanks so much for your time and i hope to hear a response from

>these from many people who have great knowledge or insight into this.


>WArmest regards,
















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