Guest guest Posted September 22, 2004 Report Share Posted September 22, 2004 shriadishakti , " kyvolk " <kyvolk> wrote: > > 2) Secondly, I was curious why more yogi's do not proclaim the > true meaning of sahaja yoga and moreover the whole point and > mission behind its practice and spreading it. I read something > regarding this in your FAQ section and its true, most all the > pages I have seen and read online by yogis, official and > unofficial, have been promoting it as simply a relaxation > technique that balances the chakras and that was founded by Sri > Mataji and that is all. Why are more people, especially the yogi's > who know the truth, not proclaiming that this yoga is to benefit > mankind, bring them into the kingdom of god on earth, and that > this is the last judgment and a sure fire way for each person, > with dedication, to reach his ascent? > 1) How on earth can genuine-like SY fare so badly in relation to cult-like sai baba? " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org Tue Aug 17, 2004 8:02 am How on earth can genuine-like SY fare so badly in relation to cult-like sai baba? shriadishakti , " sampalee2003 " <sampalee2003> wrote: > > Apart from sri matagi as being the adishakti, the numbers of sy is > only a handful compared to the believers of sai baba, many of them > prominent business men and politicians amongst them many muslim > too. I attended sy collective regularly, there is almost no > deliberation on spiritual pursuit to seeker like me. Instead it > confine itself more to developing healthy bodies and mind. There > is a lot of goodwill like any other fellowship. Although we > acknowledge sri matagi via prostration and reciting her name in > the mantra, I seriously doubt the sy really understand what is > pure knowledge or self realisation. > > As for me my ego is still intact and i only have superficial > understanding by login on to the shri adishakti web site. I wonder > how we can manage to avert the doomsday if our consciousness > continue to remain on this mundane level, even though we can feel > the cool breeze and improved health. How on earth can genuine like > sy fare so badly in relation to cult like sai baba? > Thank you Sampalee for bringing these salient points that reflect SY collectives worldwide. It is the same sad situation all over the world, whether in Kiev, Kolkatta or Kuala Lumpur. Contrary to what senior SYs may think, it is those standing up to demand reform and have the courage to change things who will ultimately triumph where others have failed. i presume that the first World Council for the advancement of Sahaja Yoga came up with nothing, given the silence despite great expectations. It was the FIRST meeting. Have we really become bankrupt of ideas and sense of direction? All we know is that Shri Mataji donated the bulk of Her properties to SYs. Other than this there is nothing else to give hope that things will change. But things must change drastically. Your observation with a compassionate eye and Alex's scrutiny with a critical mind brings into sharp focus the pressing problems that need to be addressed less they spread to the Yuvashakti. However, i believe they are already infected and that is why SYs behave like paranoid puppets afraid of this non-SY world. It will take years for this mindset to be healed and i am really getting concerned with their obsession with the mundane, whether it is catches, cures or creepy crawlies. If they are so sick and afraid how can the much advertised and hyped claim that Sahaja Yoga leads to the development of healthy bodies and mind be true? Alex has good reason not to send anyone to the local collective since he is afraid they are going to end up becoming paranoid puppets. Chances are they will most probably leave in disillusionment and never come back, or become infected and diseased if they enter a catch-conscious collective. This is a lose-lose situation, a powerful negativity that continues to consume the prodigious energies SYs have put over the years to spread Sahaja Yoga. A friend of mine rang me up yesterday. He was a SY for a few years and left in the mid-1990s. For the last few months he has been meditating again after i questioned his fallen state and reminded who Shri Mataji was and why She was on Earth. So after nearly a decade he had expected the North American collective to be in the thousands. i replied that it was less than 1000, with South America thrown in. He was shocked. He questioned: " Didn't they start announcing? " Thus, that is the real problem retarding our progress. We SYs are just not being honest about Shri Mataji's core message, and transparent in the problems affecting Sahaja Yoga. Unlike the devotees of Sai Baba (or Amma, Chinmoy, Rev. Moon etc.) SYs just do not have the guts or conviction to even meekly whimper in public what they so bravely roar in the privacy of Her pujas. This is the biggest hypocrisy and one that makes me most ashamed. Yes, Sai Baba has a lot of power with politicians, businessmen and even Muslims worshipping him. His devotees have been declaring that he is the Bhagwan (and Adi Shakti as well) for decades. So have the devotees of Amma and all others. All this has brought forth much success in the form of numbers. But the internet is just beginning to expose and destroy these false gurus, and opening the eyes of their misled followers who will look for alternatives. At the same time religious organizations are being battered with criminal wrongdoings and scriptural falsehood. Their disillusioned faithful are leaving in droves. The modern age of mass communications enables instant transmission of knowledge that leaves none immune. People are beginning to know about 'bad religion' and are increasingly seeking spiritual paths that self-empower and allow self-enlightenment. This seismic shift in consciousness is just being set in motion. All these new race of seekers will look for a great guru. Those who know want, and will wait for the arrival of, the promised Messiah. The great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi completed Her job years ago and laid the groundwork to overcome all false gurus and bad religions. There is absolutely nothing left for Her to do as She has entrenched Herself in all scriptures, one that even a billion fanatical followers cannot dislodge. SYs should not insult themselves by wondering how to spread Her message, or why so few are attracted to Sahaja Yoga. The writing is now on the wall. All we can pretend is not to acknowledge the simple plain truth. Yes, we are also wondering how on earth can genuine-like SY fare so badly in relation to cult-like sai baba. But have no fear because the camel will drink the water, ............... eventually. jagbir shriadishakti/message/2364 --------------------- 2) How long will this chakra charade continue? " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org Thu Jun 24, 2004 3:00 pm Re: how long ? shriadishakti , " Isha " <shanti442> wrote: > > " But for how long will this chakra charade continue before the > common sense of WHY prevails - 5, 10, 20 years? " > > Unfortunately there is no longer that kind of time. Now I've been > hearing that in the states people are getting their self > realization like that's all there is to it. I'm happy on one side - > because that means less insanity walking the streets. But on the > other end, you have awakened their Kundalinis to still be in the > Dark about what is going on in our world today. > > So what do we do? > i remember the days of the Vietnam War, an event that consumed quite a lot of my attention. At that time war was justified by the Americans drumming up the fear of the domino affect, which may have had an element of truth. It was argued that other countries - Laos, Cambodia, Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore - will fall in quick succession to the Communist tide unless a determined stand was made in South Vietnam. Those were the days when the Cold War was at its height and i became concerned that if Vietnam fell to the Vietcong, it would only embolden their ambition to spread communism to the rest of South-East Asia. So i started looking for an exit out of Malaysia. The closest sanctuary was Australia. The only problem was that at that time the " whites only " immigration policy was in place, and i could only dream of their apples, pears and cheese constantly advertised in Asia Magazine to lure tourists and students. Colored folks were only welcomed to spend money in Angle-Saxon Australia to benefit the " white " economy. The most insulting of this discriminatory policy was that apartheid-mentality South Afrikaans were given red carpet welcome in a land seized by hunting down aborigines with the same zeal and respect given to dingoes. i realized that there was little chance of seeking refuge overseas. Worse come to worse i would flee to India and live off the few acres of my father's land in Punjab. So i paid special attention to the progress of the Vietnam war. The B-52s were raining bombs like nothing else in history. More bombs were dropped by American planes in the Quang Tri province in Vietnam than in the whole of Europe in World War II. As the United States is the most advanced industrial nation in world it made full use of the latest developments in technology in its war against North Vietnam. B-52 bombers, that could fly at heights that prevented them being seen or heard, dropped 8 million tons of bombs on Vietnam between 1965 and 1973. This was over three times the amount of bombs dropped throughout the whole of the Second World war and worked out at approximately 300 tons for every man, woman and child living in Vietnam. By all counts America should be having the upper hand and achieving victory soon. After a few years of body-counting i begun to realize that there was something wrong with the numbers. By my calculations the almost daily sorties, coupled with American search and destroy missions, would have killed a disproportionately far higher number of Vietcong. Search and destroy were missions aimed at flushing the Viet Cong out of hiding, while the body count was the measuring stick for the success of any operation. Competitions were held between units for the highest number of Vietnamese killed in action, or KIAs. Army and marine officers knew that promotions were largely based on confirmed kills. But there was one major flaw. The pressure to produce confirmed kills resulted in massive fraud. One study revealed that American commanders exaggerated body counts by 100 percent. No wonder my calculations stopped making sense. So how is this Vietnam search and destroy missions even remotely related to giving self-realization and Sahaja Yoga? Well, we SYs are happily counting the number of people trying self-realization, and keep hyping about the number of people attending health fairs etc., and getting free services at SY stalls. What we fail to see is that those visiting such fairs will try anything that is free. Why not just check out this free self-realization, whatever it might be, when others stalls charge money. So SY organizers have kept counting the number of bodies receiving kundalini awakening, and are quite pleased with the success of their operations. And they keep reporting their " successful operations " to those in charge of spreading Sahaja Yoga. But there is one major flaw. The desire to produce confirmed self-realized bodies has resulted in massive self-delusion. No matter what SYs do no amount of figures is going to change anything, and the night of Kali Yuga just gets ever darker. Those hundreds of thousands given self-realization over the years have not been transformed at all because none have any idea what happened and why they have to continue doing Sahaja Yoga. They have had a brief fling with kundalini awakening and, not knowing why they should carry on meditating, have just disappeared .......... ........... and continue to do so. And Shri Mataji thus remains as obscure as ever. There has to be a way to stop this huge loss of souls who have come so tantalizingly close to moksa in the promised Blossom Time. This unforgivable waste must end. My only suggestion would be that we SYs must announce that the Last Judgment and Resurrection has begun, an approach that has never been attempted. It will only take a single paragraph or page on all SY websites, a miniscule investment of time that will pay incalculable dividends far in excess of all our efforts over the last three decades. The benefits are just too overwhelming to comprehend at this early stage. Seekers must know why they should sustain their self-realization for the rest of their lives. As long as this truth is deliberately kept away from the public Sahaja Yoga will never spread. More than 30 years have passed since Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi opened the Sahasrara and less than 0.001% of the world knows about Sahaja Yoga. (i have been liberal and presume that 6,000,000 people have received self-realization.) But this generous figure falls to 0.0005% if we speculate on the number who know it is the Last Judgment. If it takes 30 years to announce Shri Mataji's message to a mere 0.0005% of humanity, how long will it take to reach just 1%? 6,000,000,000 X 0.001% = 6,000,000 received self-realization over 30 years. 6,000,000,000 X 0.00005 = 300,000 remain in Sahaja Yoga and know about Last Judgment over 30 years. 6,000,000,000 X 0.00005% X 200 = 60,000,000 (1% of world population) Right now 0.00005% of humanity know about the Last Judgment. So it will take another 200 X 30 years to reach 1% of humanity and we can all celebrate this milestone in AD 8003. Do my calculations make sense that we SYs must tell what Sahaja Yoga is all about and why they must stay on to sustain the self-realization? jagbir shriadishakti/message/2083 ------------------ 3) I don't understand that why you argue about Last Judgment and Resurrection. shriadishakti , buket ak <buketak2000> wrote: > > i don't understand that why you argue about last judgement and > resurrection. > Buket, i think SYs in general have missed the point despite all the input Shri Mataji has put in over the last few decades. Sometimes you cannot see the global forest for the localized collective flora and fauna. i will now try to explain why i keep telling that SYs must talk about Last Judgment and Resurrection, and not just about the subtle system of Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga is a very " Hindu " sounding name. Actually it is. Last Judgment is a very " Christian " sounding name. Actually it is. Al-Qiyamah is a very " Muslim " sounding name. Actually it is. A Hindu hardly understands the circumstances surrounding the Last Judgment or Al-Qiyamah, even less believe it. A Christian hardly understands the circumstances surrounding the Self-realization or Al-Qiyamah, even less believe it. A Muslim hardly understands the circumstances surrounding the Last Judgment or Self-realization, even less believe it. Until and unless SYs can synthesizing the holy scriptures and equate the 'Hindu' Self-realization with the 'Christian' Last Judgment and 'Islamic' Al-Qiyamah, proving beyond doubt they are one and the same, hardly any Christian or Muslim will be interested in it. They may be interested in the Last Judgment of the Bible or Al-Qiyamah of the Qur'an but not Sahaja Yoga. It is just as simple as that. > a Sahaja Yogi Who regularly continou official local > Sahaja Yoga collectivite and always in regularly > Sahaja Yoga meditation and technic When time is come > for that yogi, they can learn what they need ... > SYs have remained stuck at the subtle system level for decades and now the mindset is that it is all there is to Sahaja Yoga. They feel very uncomfortable trying to associate it with the Last Judgment and Resurrection. And that is the reason you are wondering why i am arguing about Last Judgment and Resurrection. You believe it has nothing much to do with Sahaja Yoga and thus there is no urgency. What i am saying is that it is the heart and soul of Sahaja Yoga and it is imperative SYs begin saying so. If you advertise Sahaja Yoga to Hindus/Buddhists/Sikhs then advertise the Last Judgment to Christian and Al-Qiyamah to Muslims. After all, they mean one and the same thing. But you just will not be able to sell Sahaja Yoga to Christians or Muslims no matter how hard you try. They are not interested in a Hindu thing. Neither are Christians interested in a Muslim/Hindu thing, or the Hindus in a Christian/Muslim thing, or the Muslims in Hindu/Christian thing. Does the futility of selling Bibles in Mecca or Upanishads at the Wailing Wall make sense? jagbir shriadishakti , " sampalee2003 " <sampalee2003> wrote: > > dear Jagbir > You have articulated the position very well. sy may have been > promoted the last forty over years. This is a short time compared > with other religion like buddhism, judaism, christian and muslim, > all of them equip with very elaborate doctrines and detail > teaching. Rather than repeating the entire work, it is important > to highlight the relevance of sy and how neatly it dovetailed into > the respective religion esp on prophecised events that are expected > to come to pass. In fullfilling these sy have a much bigger role, > than as the stand alone new discovery towards better health. We > are talking of delivery in the final hours!!!! > > sampa > shriadishakti/message/2417 ----------------- 4) SY websites have failed to deliver message of Shri Mataji " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org Mon Apr 5, 2004 8:31 am Re: SY websites have failed to deliver message of Shri Mataji shriadishakti , " NAGY Adina " <adina.nagy@u...> wrote: > Dear all, > > If these sites were wrong (or had a negative effect on the long > run) as Jagbir seems to believe, there vibratiuons would be hot, > won't they ? It is an issue that overpasses my ability to foresee > the future (and who really can ?) so I can really rely only on > vibrations.. If you assume vibrations are an expression of > Chaytania, then you admit that Chaitanya Knows better than our > minds, isn't it ? > > sincerely, > adina > > Dear Adina, One of the amazing ability of the western mind is the ability to tweak and twist words to mould any wishful thinking or satanic sin. Just a few months ago i watched a documentary on sado-machismo and bondage sex. There was one particularly fat, hairy and ugly guy who had clients coming to get whipped and subject to all kinds of sexual depravity. Though revolting i could not help admiring the eloquent and convincing manner in which he explained the merits and necessity for others to indulge in sexual deviation. It was if he was describing a wholesome hobby that should be pursued by even our mothers. i was mesmerized by the words he used so innocently and convincingly to justify his pursuit of pleasure. Mere words to turn sin into virtue. Even Shri Mataji is at a loss at how they can justify anything - ANYTHING - by rational explanation. You must have heard of the half-full glass. That is our case, to a certain extend. i am saying that the glass must be full whereas you are convinced that it is fair to be half-full. But you are not understanding what i am telling you in plain words. You insist that there is nothing wrong with a half-empty glass and your vibrations are cool. Yes, they should be cool as you are convinced that you are telling the truth. i am not disputing that fact. What i am saying, and read my lips, please: T...H...E G...L...A...S...S I...S N...O...T F...U...L...L. The official websites are only telling half the truth and hiding the most important, relevant and critical message of Shri Mataji to humanity. They are not telling seekers about the Last Judgment and this, IMO, is tantamount to stealing away their right to participate in the Last Judgment. SYs have no right to take away their birthright to salvation! There is a limit to how long Shri Mataji's message of the Last Judgment and Al-Qiyamah is hidden from public. i cannot condone the way my brothers and sisters are presently behaving and not letting others know of this central message of Sahaja Yoga ........... even as this world increasingly continues its path of death and destruction, ........ even as Shri Mataji continues reminding us of our profound responsibility to humanity! i cannot remain silent just because others are conditioned to remain silent by fear of public reaction. And you, Adina, are using mere words to justify the contents of official SY websites. All i am saying is that they must say, even in a single sentence, that " Sahaja Yoga is about the Last Judgment " . Are these words one too many to be included in all SY websites? jagbir shriadishakti/message/1764 ------------------------- 5) Until yesterday, I had never heard of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org Thu Jun 17, 2004 10:50 am Until yesterday, I had never heard of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. shriadishakti , " Mark A. Foster " <mfoster@j...> wrote: > > > > I just joined the list. Until yesterday, I had never heard of > > Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. I have a few questions now. I will > > likely have more: > > > > 1. I have been reading through the website ( Is > > there a page which describes your basic beliefs, meditation > > practices, etc.? > > shriadishakti , " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org> wrote: > > > The basic belief is that Shri Mataji is the Adi Shakti (Sanatana > Dharma) sent to deliver the message of the Last Judgment (Bible) > and Resurrection (Quran) to humanity. The holy scriptures promised > this eschatological event, and that is exactly what has happened. > > The aim of Sahaja Yoga (Last Judgment/Resurrection) is to awaken > the kundalini in order to attain Self-Realization (second birth of > spirit/Baptism of Allah). Over months/years not only are we able to > significantly heal ourselves in mind and body, but also to > understand the deepest secrets of the Sahasrara (Kingdom of God) > that destroys all religious falsehood and conditioning. > Dear SYs, The reason Mark has not heard of Shri Mataji is because for the last three decades Her followers have failed to deliver Her message. Instead they have claimed, and still continue to claim that She is a teacher of the subtle system. Shri Mataji is now one of the hundreds of teachers competing for the attention of those who want to learn the basics of yoga. Actually She is not competing. It is Her devotees who are jostling with other gurus and teachers, and the rest feel the strain of their efforts. But with the mushrooming competition getting so intense these days i am absolutely convinced that SYs are hopeless lost ........................ and, perhaps, tired? That is why he will not find any information on the Last Judgment and Resurrection at any sites on Sahaja Yoga, even the official The reason is that SYs think that seekers like him will flee in disbelief at the mere mention of words like " Last Judgment " , " Al-Qiyamah " , " Adi Shakti " , " Comforter " , " Kingdom of God " etc. Everyone seems to be afraid of telling the Truth that it is the Last Judgment and Resurrection because the intervention of the Divine in human affairs is too touchy, contentious and explosive an issue. (Is it mere speculation if some even regard that this Truth puts Her physical presence on Earth at risk?) However, few SYs seem to understand that Shri Mataji's advent is entrenched in the Bible and Qur'an. At times i almost doubt if they really believe this is the case. The Last Judgment and Al-Qiyamah of the holy scriptures are not subjects that SYs want to discuss, even if Shri Mataji has repeatedly proclaimed their commencement over the years. So far this is the only forum that upholds the very essence of Sahaja Yoga. The rest have abandoned their posts and fled. The Truth is just too much a burden to bear. But why write about this yet again. Well, sooner or later those in charge of spreading Sahaja Yoga will have to face the fact that those reading the links to the 'official' from and will question the integrity of self-realized souls. Seekers like Mark will search the official sites and find nothing on the Last Judgment and Resurrection. Surely we cannot pretend that the difference will not be noticed when the contrast is literally between heaven and earth. i have my doubts that those wishing to learn about chakras are interested in salvation. And how many will be pleased to know, after a few weeks/months, that Sahaja Yoga is actually about the Last Judgment and Resurrection? Maybe one day someone will ask: " Why don't you SYs just tell the truth? " i even hope that SYs will begin to feel guilty and try to provide an answer, perhaps even request transparency. But what i really look forward to is the answer to this question: " When will 'official' websites finally admit that Sahaja Yoga is nothing else but the Last Judgment and Resurrection? " Yes, people will flee from Sahaja Yoga if they know the Truth. Better they flee in knowledge that the Last Judgment has begun, than in ignorance about the human subtle system. Common sense dictates this honesty. So for how long will this present chakra charade continue? Can't we read the writing on the wall? ................... or is the graffiti still difficult to read? jagbir shriadishakti/message/2063 ---------------------- 6) When a Great Event that is ordained to mankind is tactfully avoided " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org Fri Aug 20, 2004 9:52 am When a Great Event that is ordained to mankind is tactfully avoided shriadishakti , " sampalee2003 " <sampalee2003> wrote: > Dear Jagbir > What you said reflects the true situation with the sy and > the unexplained lack of confidence in declaring the truth,though > they may themselves embrace it. I have made copies of shri matagi's > declaration to my group,quite a number are unaware and wanted to > know more. As such i handed the material to the yogi in charge > thinking that he will use the occassion to confirm the declaration > and have the web address posted on the notice board. None of which > happens. When a great event that is ordained to mankind is > tactfully avoided in favour of activities like promoting cross > cultures such as lion dance and colouring contest,the gathering > degenerates into just another social club with much talk about > foot soaking, but little on the path towards samadhi. Since many of > the sy have no religeous background,they are in the dark about > ressurection of the christian and the muslim as well as the > upanisad. Or should Shri Matagi address the world authoritatively > like Jesus when he declare i am the truth and the way, so that the > poor sy will then wake up > > sampa > Dear Sampa, How on earth can SYs not know about Shri Mataji's numerous declarations about the Last Judgment and Resurrection? If you check tapes of public programs you will realize that the audience were told just that on many occasions. Unlike SYs, Shri Mataji never balked at declaring the Last Judgment and Al-Qiyamah to complete strangers. It did not matter to Her whether they believed or not, just as it did not matter to Jesus. But both did address their followers and masses authoritatively - no question about this! The Adi Shakti has done Her job and still continues today, despite an advanced age, when She should be retired and resting. But those members of the public who came for subsequent follow-ups to learn more of the Last Judgment must have been taken aback by the complete lack of information on this great event. It is just like entering a store advertising " Last Judgment " and finding out there is no such thing, only chakras and some subtle system stuff that thousands of competing stores promote in their weekly fliers. Many leave quietly without complaining about the deception because it is FREE. (Try charging $5 and see what happens.) Even those attending public programs and subsequently checking the official SY websites to read about the Last Judgment that Shri Mataji talked about are in for a surprise, even shock - not even a single reference! The most daring hint is Blossom Time! But what does Shri Mataji mean by it? What is the public supposed to make out of " Blossom Time " ? (Can they imagine it to be springtime in Japan when millions of cherry trees bloom?) Moreover the hundreds of thousands of seekers who visit the official websites mistake it for some Hindu organization teaching about Self- realization. (Hundreds of Indian gurus/disciples claim the same ability and 152,000 hits on Google should be sufficient.) There is not even a single paragraph or sentence. Nay, there is not even a single mention of Last Judgment! Most leave and never return because in their minds Shri Mataji is just another guru giving Self-realization, and little else. They have no idea that She is the promised Comforter to explain about Jesus' teachings, or what She has done in the capacity of Imam Ma Adi to enlighten humanity about the Last Judgment and Al-Qiyamah. The damage, though invisible, is incalculable if taken over the span of three decades as our leaders time and again squandered countless opportunities to declare the advent of the Adi Shakti. It is no different today. You can crack your head and almost break the wall to find answers! But you can never find out why this deception and hypocrisy is perpetuated and encouraged at all levels, starting from our leaders and working all the way down to teh YuvaShakti. No leader or SY can tell us why we must hide the truth from the public, but hide you must. That is why Sampa the yogi in charge did not put up the website addresses. It does not matter if quite a number of SYs are unaware and wanted to know more about Shri Mataji's declaration of the Last Judgment and Resurrection. For all intent and purposes Sahaja Yoga is about the subtle system, chakras and self-realization, one that the general public is comfortable with. We must not tell them about the Last Judgment even if Shri Mataji has done so repeatedly over the last three decades. It is as if SYs must not repeat the mistake Shri Mataji is making in declaring the Last Judgment in public. What else can you make out of this contradiction? Thus if SYs fear this announcement even with the Adi Shakti around, how on earth will they ever have courage when She leaves? But the Last Judgment and Al-Qiyamah is not the apocalyptic end of earth that most religious Christians and ordinary Muslims have been indoctrinated over the millennia. It is the Blossom Time when the promised Messiah/ Comforter/ Ruh/ Shakti/ Ma Adi/ Ma Treya arrives during Kali Yuga to enlighten humanity. She extracts the profound parables of the scriptures and synthesizes all religions into a wholesome, harmonious unity. This Great Event is a time of great awakening and spiritual transformation. Humankind are just stirring to the Dawn of the Millennium prophesied by John of Jerusalem in AD 1100: " When the millennium that comes after this millennium ends, men will have finally opened their eyes. They will no longer be imprisoned in their head and in their cities, but will be able to see from one end of the earth to another and understand each other. They will know that what makes one suffer hurts another. Men will form one huge body of which each one will be a tiny part. Together they will form the heart of this body. There will be a common language spoken by everybody and thus, finally, a glorious humanity will come into existence.................. because Woman will arrive to reign supreme. She will be a great master of the future time. She will be the Mother of the Millennium that comes after the Millennium. After the days of the devil She will make the softness of the Mother flow. She will , after the days of barbarity, embody beauty. The millennium that follows the millennium will metamorphose in an age of lightness: men will love each other, share everything, they will dream and their dreams will turn into reality.. Thus man will have his second birth. Spirit will possess the mass of men who will be united in brotherhood. So an end will be proclaimed to barbarity. It will be the era of a new strength of belief. The dark days at the beginning of the millennium that follows the millennium will be followed by days of jubilation: man will once more find the righteous path of humanity and Earth will find harmony once more There will be roads that connect one end of the earth and the sky to the other; the woods will once more be dense, the desert will once more be irrigated and the water will once again be pure. The earth will be like a garden: man will take care of every living thing and he will clean everything he has dirtied. He will understand that the whole of Earth is his home and he will think with wisdom of the morrow. Man will know everything on earth and his own body. Diseases will be cured before they are manifested and everybody will cure themselves and each other. Man will have understood that he has to help himself to stay upright; and after the days of reticence and avarice, man will open his heart and his purse to the poor; he will define himself curator of the human species and so, finally a new era will begin. When man has learnt to give and share, the bitter days of solitude will be at an end. He will once more believe in the spirit, and the barbarians will be unheard of. But all this will happen after the wars and the fires, all this will arise from the ashes of the burnt towers of Babel. " When a Great Event that is ordained to mankind is tactfully avoided by our leaders the collective karmic debt piles up. More than three decades have passed and this debt has now become unforgivably enormous. Those in charge of spreading Sahaja Yoga can evade the truth and responsibilities for as long as they want, and continue to waste the now dwindling energies and confidence in the subtle system. There are 152,000 ways to learn about Self-realization. How many are there regarding the Blossom Time? Those who deliberately avoid announcing the Great Event that is ordained to mankind will ultimately pay the price. i am not talking about SYs standing in street corners with placards and shouting, " This is the Last Judgment " . All i am saying is that official SY websites MUST gives details so that it will make the job of spreading Sahaja Yoga so much easier to those who want to take part in the Great Event that is ordained to mankind. Is this too much to ask members of the World Council? jagbir shriadishakti/message/2379 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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