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A question from a new SY

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Thu, 7 Oct 2004 06:13:52 -0700 (PDT)

" jagbir singh " <adishakti_org

Re: A question from a new SY

" bagus_santoso " <bagus



Dear Bagus,


Thank you for this really interesting email. i was just thinking if

you would give me permission to post it at my forum:

shriadishakti/ so that other members

can benefit from it. Perhaps you may get answers from others SYs

that can be subject to cross-examination for best results. You may

post the entire email there if that is preferred. i would really

appreciate this approach.


However, if you do not wish to do so for whatever reason please let

me know. i will give you the same answers. Please let me know your









" Bagus Santoso " <bagus

" jagbir singh " <adishakti_org

Re: A question from a new SY

Fri, 8 Oct 2004 03:09:31 +0900



Dear Jagbir,

Thank you for your response.


I do not mind if you post my e-mail to the forum of AdiShakti,

since my initial purpose is to find out opinions from other SYs ....

Thank you very much.










Dear Jagbir,



I am a student from Indonesia who is now studying at Japan. I just

started SY last year after I got realization from the website of



Actually I did not just stumble on the site by accident, I got the

information from my younger sister who is doing somekind of reiki-

kundalini. After I got the cool breeze it stopped after a week, and

that was the time when I started to look further about sahaja yoga

and found the nearest collective in Japan here.


My joining with the collective here is actually quite a slow start.

In my country, the competition between religion to get more masses

is quite fierce though not so explicit,.. and since I was a follower

a very minor one, Confucian, since I was child I had always taken a

kind of " defense " reaction, when anybody tries to approach and

attract me with his/her religious ideas. And actually SY was not an

exception for me...


I have been spending long months to find anything about SY, pros and

contras, in internets, reading books by Shri Mataji and SYs,

listening to her talks, and also the websites and forums of anti-SY.


And also, I have followed your writings and the contents of

http://www.adishakti.org/. Your site has been a great help for

me... however, there are still questions and doubts on SY inside

mine which still prevents me to be a complete devotee of SY.


As I come accros a lot of websites about kundalini, it seems true

that the kundalini awakening can be done by other techniques. And

actually I also have witnessed a kundalini awakening in a small

group by voice of the master of the group (non SY). And I checked

that their kundalini were actually raised after that process. That

was the group where my sister who told me about self-realization

website belongs to.


Why does the kundalini awakening gotten so easily (en mass) even

without SY techniques ? Or ... it is possible just because Shri

Mataji has arrived on earth ? Is there other gurus at present,

outside SY, who are not false gurus ?


Sometimes I felt that Shri Mataji sometimes said something that

put " a fear " on anybody who dares to leave SY, ... but I can

understand it if it's actually the way she wants to comfort and

protect us as sometimes our parent/mother does. I have cleared this

kind of doubt recently somehow.


And there were still other little doubts...like whether SY is just a

simple cult or not .... I do not think so.... but it is really

difficult for me to explain what the difference is...


Another doubt... how to spread the SY (as has been asked by Shri

Mataji Herself), while me, myself, always believe that respecting

another's spiritual path as principle.... As I have told you above,

since I was child I really hate other person who try to attract me

to another religion..


And.... I realized that I am not a complete devotee of SY though I

am practicing SY meditation, participating at pujas, etc... I am

still a seeker... I believe that Shri Mataji will understand me

if She is really the AdiShakti.... and I really hope that other

member of collective will understand it too ... (actually I have not

told them explicitly about this.... of course I will tell them



Do you think that there are other persons, like me, also exist in

other collectives ?


Thank you.


Sorry if I this mail just becomes my self-instropection.




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> I am a student from Indonesia who is now studying at Japan. I just

> started SY last year after I got realization from the website of

> http://www.sahajayoga.org.



Dear Bagus,


It is nice to hear that Shri Mataji can awaken the kundalini over

the internet.


> Actually I did not just stumble on the site by accident, I got the

> information from my younger sister who is doing some kind of reiki-

> kundalini. After I got the cool breeze it stopped after a week,

> and that was the time when I started to look further about sahaja

> yoga and found the nearest collective in Japan here.



One reason for the cool breeze to stop after flowing for a week is

probably you did not sustain the initial kundalini awakening by

daily meditation. When SYs meditate they raise the kundalini before

and after meditation. Normally meditation is done twice daily and

that means raising the kundalini four times. This daily meditation

not only helps sustain the cool breeze but also increase its flow

from other parts of the body. Over time the cool breeze is a 24/7



> My joining with the collective here is actually quite a slow

> start. In my country, the competition between religion to get more

> masses is quite fierce though not so explicit,.. and since I was a

> follower a very minor one, Confucian, since I was child I had

> always taken a kind of " defense " reaction, when anybody tries to

> approach and attract me with his/her religious ideas. And actually

> SY was not an exception for me...



Although Confucianism is usually followed in a religious manner by

the Chinese, argument continues over whether to refer to it as a

religion because it makes little reference to theological or

spiritual matters (God(s), the afterlife, etc.). i could be wrong

but my Chinese neighbor in Malaysia never talked about God Almighty

in the way other traditions do.


Anyway, it is prudent to be cautious about religions because most

insist to have the exclusive favor of the Divine, of course to the

exclusion of all others. Even sects of the same religion have

similar views. Thus Mormons, whose prophet discovered Jesus in

America, have hardly anything positive to say about Catholics, whose

popes are self-proclaimed infallible representatives of Jesus on



Sahaja Yoga is not an exclusive religion of the Hindus, Buddhists,

Jews, Christians, Muslims or Sikhs but the synthesis of all. A SY

believes in all scriptures and prophets. In that sense Sahaja Yoga

is more a spiritual trek through the sprawling religious lands of

the priests to find the common source of enlightenment, only to

discover it is only found within oneself. Then one becomes a mystic

and continues the journey without moving a single step in any

direction. The journey to the Other Shore begins and ends within



The cool breeze will always be there as long as you remain on the

right path. Stray away from it for too long and it weakens. Continue

to deliberately stray and the cool breeze ceases altogether. The

cool breeze from within guides you only as long as you want to be

guided. Seek another guru or path and you stop the cool breeze.


> I have been spending long months to find anything about SY, pros

> and contras, in internets, reading books by Shri Mataji and SYs,

> listening to her talks, and also the websites and forums of anti-

> SY.



Shri Mataji would agree with Confucius that to put the world in

order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in

order, we must put the family in order; to put the family in order,

we must cultivate our personal life; and to cultivate our personal

life, we must first set our hearts right.


> And also, I have followed your writings and the contents of

> http://www.adishakti.org/. Your site has been a great help for

> me... however, there are still questions and doubts on SY inside

> mine which still prevents me to be a complete devotee of SY.



Take your time, ask questions and doubt.


> As I come across a lot of websites about kundalini, it seems true

> that the kundalini awakening can be done by other techniques. And

> actually I also have witnessed a kundalini awakening in a small

> group by voice of the master of the group (non SY). And I checked

> that their kundalini were actually raised after that process. That

> was the group where my sister who told me about self-realization

> website belongs to.



We are getting more gurus claiming to raise kundalini by various

means but many of the symptoms are not what SYs experience:


* Muscle twitches, cramps or spasms.


* Energy rushes or immense electricity circulating the body


* Itching, vibrating, prickling, tingling, stinging or crawling



* Intense heat or cold


* Involuntary bodily movements (occur more often during meditation,

rest or sleep): jerking, tremors, shaking; feeling an inner force

pushing one into postures or moving one's body in unusual ways.


* Alterations in eating and sleeping patterns


* Episodes of extreme hyperactivity or, conversely, overwhelming



* Intensified or diminished sexual desires


* Headaches, pressures within the skull


* Racing heartbeat, pains in the chest


* Digestive system problems


* Numbness or pain in the limbs (particularly the left foot and leg)


* Pains and blockages anywhere; often in the back and neck


* Emotional outbursts; rapid mood shifts; seemingly unprovoked or

excessive episodes of grief, fear, rage, depression


* Spontaneous vocalizations (including laughing and weeping) -- are

as unintentional and uncontrollable as hiccoughs


* Hearing an inner sound or sounds, classically described as a

flute, drum, waterfall, birds singing, bees buzzing but which may

also sound like roaring, whooshing, or thunderous noises or like

ringing in the ears.


* Mental confusion; difficulty concentrating


* Altered states of consciousness: heightened awareness; spontaneous

trance states; mystical experiences (if the individual's prior

belief system is too threatened by these, they can lead to bouts of

psychosis or self-grandiosity)


* Heat, strange activity, and/or blissful sensations in the head,

particularly in the crown area.


* Ecstasy, bliss and intervals of tremendous joy, love, peace and



* Psychic experiences: extrasensory perception; out-of-body

experiences; pastlife memories; astral travel; direct awareness of

auras and chakras; contact with spirit guides through inner voices,

dreams or visions; healing powers


* Increased creativity: new interests in self-expression and

spiritual communication through music, art, poetry, etc.


* Intensified understanding and sensitivity: insight into one's own

essence; deeper understanding of spiritual truths; exquisite

awareness of one's environment (including " vibes " from others)


* Enlightenment experiences: direct Knowing of a more expansive

reality; transcendent awareness



> Why does the kundalini awakening gotten so easily (en mass) even

> without SY techniques ? Or ... it is possible just because Shri

> Mataji has arrived on earth ? Is there other gurus at present,

> outside SY, who are not false gurus ?



So we cannot be sure if it is indeed en mass kundalini awakening

because the symptoms warn that something is wrong, even dangerous,

with the guru's method. Probably there are a few gurus who are not

false, but how do we recognize one?


Moreover, no other guru can make your hands 'talk' i.e., your own

fingertips will inform you which particular chakra or lifestyle

needs to be checked. Yes, they may be able to raise the kundalini

but can anyone of them make the hands 'talk' or the cool breeze flow?


> Sometimes I felt that Shri Mataji sometimes said something that

> put " a fear " on anybody who dares to leave SY, ... but I can

> understand it if it's actually the way she wants to comfort and

> protect us as sometimes our parent/mother does. I have cleared

> this kind of doubt recently somehow.



i had a secondary school headmaster who put fear in all students.

During his tenure the school reached the pinnacle of its long

illustrious history - all the discipline brought forth excellent

academic and athletic results.


For five years it was a difficult school life, and canings were

common. i can say that at times punishment was excessive. Every

subject you failed during the term resulted in one severe cane

stroke. Fail six and you get six of the best ................ and

passing grades were rigorous. There were three terms and few ever

escaped, i.e., only the top three students or so.


The report cards were delivered by the headmaster, and so were the

strokes. Those who rebelled were given the hardest - the principal

must have improved his golf strokes through sheer experience.


Being the premier school in Malaysia even the royal family send

their children there. But as far as the principal was concerned no

one was exempted from his discipline. That got him in trouble and

was forced to leave for a mediocre desk job as punishment for

treading royal toes.


Most of the students really hated him. They cheered wildly the day

he was 'sacked'.


Then they left school, easily entered local universities or went

abroad to further studies to further their careers on the strength

of their HSC exam results. Most of his students today occupy

excellent positions in Malaysia and Singapore, whether government

bodies or private companies. Most also regret hating him for the

fear he instilled to either excel, or receive the end of the cane.


Today all of us are proud of our headmaster Mr. Murugesu. But we

were late in recognition. Few could thank him in person.


> And there were still other little doubts...like whether SY is just

> a simple cult or not .... I do not think so.... but it is really

> difficult for me to explain what the difference is...



All religions and their off-shoots are cults. The difference is that

while religious cults ask you to find God in their churches,

synagogues, mosques or temples, Shri Mataji tells you to find the

Divine within yourself.


> Another doubt... how to spread the SY (as has been asked by Shri

> Mataji Herself), while me, myself, always believe that respecting

> another's spiritual path as principle.... As I have told you

> above, since I was child I really hate other person who try to

> attract me to another religion..



i have to repeat:


Sahaja Yoga is not an exclusive religion of the Hindus, Buddhists,

Jews, Christians, Muslims or Sikhs but the synthesis of all. A SY

believes in all scriptures and prophets. In that sense Sahaja Yoga

is more a spiritual trek of the seeker through the sprawling

religious properties of the priests to find enlightenment, only to

discover it within oneself. Then one has to become a mystic and

continue the journey without moving a single step in any direction.

The journey to the Other Shore ends within oneself.


> And.... I realized that I am not a complete devotee of SY though I

> am practicing SY meditation, participating at pujas, etc... I am

> still a seeker... I believe that Shri Mataji will understand me

> if She is really the Adi Shakti.... and I really hope that other

> member of collective will understand it too ... (actually I have

> not told them explicitly about this.... of course I will tell them

> someday....)



The Adi Shakti within you will understand everything and will guide

you on. The Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi does not even know

you are reading this.


> Do you think that there are other persons, like me, also exist in

> other collectives ?



Definitely. Some are now meditating on the Adi Shakti without even

going to any collective whatsoever. The internet is making this

possible and will become a future trend.



> Sorry if this mail just becomes my self-introspection.



Bagus, others will self-introspect also, perhaps more deeper than





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