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Digest of a milestone exposure

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Dear Jag,


Sorry to interrupt the flow here, but this was significant.


For those SYogis who fought back against the lies and dirty tactics of

cult sodom, this is really worthwhile reading, before they will obviously

delete it all from their archives.






Extract from the rant-about-sy forum;


3921 balwinsome <balwinsome>

Sat Oct 16, 2004 4:02am

nutmeg's paranoia



It sounds like nutmeg is suffering from paranoia.


She accuses syogis of not being able to debate then she runs off to the



oh well, enjoy the beach




joel/Simon/danielglasheen and many more











3922 balwinsome <balwinsome>

Sat Oct 16, 2004 4:07am

" open discussion group " ?



>and I'll leave it to the other moderators to decide if they wanna

take you of the list.



And you call this an " open discussion group " ????


How beastly of you!


much love




PS Nice to see you also admit to being one of the moderators here.







3923 balwinsome <balwinsome>

Sat Oct 16, 2004 4:10am

Balwinsome has just been blocked from my a/c



>If the real Joel is reading, he knows how to get in touch with me

some other way.




You remain loyal to the end.


How touching










3924 balwinsome <balwinsome>

Sat Oct 16, 2004 4:15am

the important issues



There are important issues here that really need to be dealt with.


After years of being completely obsessed with getting revenge against

shri mataji, i am still inventing false id's to continue my one

man cyber

war against sahaja yoga.


It's far worse than it seems.


My obsession with Jaggy has become incurable. I spend so many hours

of each miserable day of my life digging thru the webs and forums

built by Jaggy-boy and his colleagues in the vain hope that i can somehow

get revenge on him for exposing my evil past and wicked motivations.


The whole exposure has driven me to become more insane than the


mad Jenny Oliver (Ghian/nutmeg/kaiya/midnitetopaz et al) which really

takes some doing.


Please help me before it is too late.


joel/SimonDM/Rudra/stillasahajayogi/danielglasheen/thebishop and

many more









3925 balwinsome <balwinsome>

Sat Oct 16, 2004 4:24am

flexibility is needed


If we want to see some really meaningful dialogue in this forum then

flexibility is needed. Understanding too.


We all have something useful to contribute, even nutmeg.


But if we continue to have rigid views about the way things really are

in syoga i'm afraid we'll never get anywhere.


much love










3928 Nick Delonas <delonas@c...>

Sat Oct 16, 2004 4:29am

RE: [talk-about-sy] talk-about-sahaja-yoga



> You choose it.


Why would anyone choose possession? Makes no sense.


> And it doesn't matter where someone is, distance is irrelevant. Nor


> the power of God in a circumstance where we have free will and choose

> to open up to the mind-poisons of other people, such as Simon's psychotic

> behavior and wickedness.


Why would someone who has had far more than a glance from the goddess,


is supposed to garner all this good fortune forever, choose to open up


wickedness? Again it makes no sense.


Actually, belief in possession doesn't reconcile very well with a belief


free will.


> You just can't see how much you mimick him.


That's because I'm not insane. You see things that don't exist.


Tell me, do you hear voices?





3929 balwinsome <balwinsome>

Sat Oct 16, 2004 4:34am

a wider perspective



Has anyone here considered the possibility that they are mimicking


ppls words of revenge and hatred, only rephrased in subtler forms.


It goes on and on. The same patterns repeating themselves.


Hate and revenge is like a disease that spreads from one person to the



So many ppl here seem to have so many issues that remain unresolved and

need to invent new characters all the time to keep perpetuating that

hatred and vengeance.


The textual evidence is so widespread a psychoanalyst could hold a convention

purely on this forum.


It's a perfect example of psychotic vengeance and character invention.


Maybe you exsyogis feel you have been so disenfranchised that you have

no other outlet other than bile and vitriol against the Adi Shakti.


Try moving on.


Try getting a life.


much love







3930 Giahn <nutmeg2323>

Sat Oct 16, 2004 4:36am

Here is the 2nd item of proof {re Webscout List}



A copy of another email they just sent, which proves that no-one but


a member of Team J could have set this up - as they are the only

people who have called me " Jenny Oliver " .


Get a life, dipsticks. It doesn't bother me one iota & your silly

tripe is now here for all to see. I can easily " rectify " this little


problem btw :




16 Oct 2004 05:10:14 -0000


webmaster@w... Add to Address Book

Welcome to WebScout Lists!



Hi Jenny


I'd like to thank you for using our service! We hope that WebScout

Lists will make it much easier for you to find mailing lists and



Here are your account details:


First name: Jenny

Last name: Oliver

Password : dykesforus


Please keep this e-mail so you don't forget your password.


WebScout Lists is a new service, so we'd welcome any questions,

comments or

suggestions. If you like our service, please tell your friends!


Cheers :)


Adam Thyer

WebScout Lists






3931 Nick Delonas <delonas@c...>

Sat Oct 16, 2004 4:42am

RE: [talk-about-sy] a wider perspective



> Maybe you exsyogis feel you have been so disenfranchised that you


> no other outlet other than bile and vitriol against the Adi Shakti.


For you lurkers, Adi Shakti refers to the guru of Sahaja Yoga and suggests,


among other things, that she created the universe as the power of god

almighty. This belief isn't usually mentioned at the free introductory

meetings because it is preposterous and even they know it.


> Try moving on.


> Try getting a life.


Oh you mean, stop warning people about Sahaja Yoga so you can pull more

suckers in for a good brainwashing session so they too can take up the

irrational worship of some odd little fat woman from India?


It doesn't take much time to get the warning out. Not much time at all.

And it's a nice thing to do for folks so they don't get duped the way







3932 balwinsome <balwinsome>

Sat Oct 16, 2004 4:44am

RE: [talk-about-sy] talk-about-sahaja-yoga



>> You choose it.


>Why would anyone choose possession?


Because you don't know it is.



>Why would someone who has had far more than a glance from the goddess,



>is supposed to garner all this good fortune forever, choose to open

up >to

>wickedness? Again it makes no sense.



Your own free will is more powerful than anything else. You CHOSE to

reject Her.



>> You just can't see how much you mimick him.


>That's because I'm not insane. You see things that don't exist.


Projection, my boy, projection.


much love,











3933 balwinsome <balwinsome>

Sat Oct 16, 2004 4:54am

Re: a wider perspective



For you lurkers, it all sounds so reasonable to pay a certain amount

of heed and caution from ex-members who sound so bitter and angry about

their experience in syoga. They speak from experience, after all.


But then all you have to do is read the following website and the links

contained within to understand the motives of certain ppl here.




Understanding is always needed.








3934 Giahn <nutmeg2323>

Sat Oct 16, 2004 5:47am

Something for the pigs!



I am still angry about the unwanted subscription I received!!!


So what if i am gay?? What has it got to do with any of you??


It's my business if I want to sign up to gay newsletters, and nothing

to do with anyone else on this forum.


The trolls can make what they like of it.











3935 balwinsome <balwinsome>

Sat Oct 16, 2004 5:56am

Re: Something for the pigs!



I thought you'd gone to the beach.


Was there a shark?


much love




>I am still angry about the unwanted subscription I received!!!


>So what if i am gay?? What has it got to do with any of you??


>It's my business if I want to sign up to gay newsletters, and nothing

>to do with anyone else on this forum.


>The trolls can make what they like of it.








3936 Giahn <nutmeg2323>

Sat Oct 16, 2004 6:04am

RE: [talk-about-sy] a wider perspective



>> Try moving on.


>> Try getting a life.


>Oh you mean, stop warning people about Sahaja Yoga so you can pull more

>suckers in for a good brainwashing session so they too can take up the

>irrational worship of some odd little fat woman from India?



Exactly, Nick.


They are low life scum.


It'll be funny watching Team J trying to convince anyone about SYoga

by the time we have finished with them. {any made up stories will do,


why should we play by the rules}


And I say we should ban every Sahaja Yogi from this place and kick them

out once and for all.









3937 balwinsome <balwinsome>

Sat Oct 16, 2004 6:10am

Re: a wider perspective



Sooooo, here we have it, in nutmeg's own words.


She wants to ban every syogi from this place.


So much for " Open discussion " !!!


" made up stories " too!!! What's that all about???


What a joke you anti-sy's are!!!






>They are low life scum.


>It'll be funny watching Team J trying to convince anyone about SYoga

>by the time we have finished with them. {any made up stories will do,



>why should we play by the rules}


>And I say we should ban every Sahaja Yogi from this place and kick them

>out once and for all.










3938 Giahn <nutmeg2323>

Sat Oct 16, 2004 6:14am

I'm not reading your messages {'balwinsome'}



Or should I say 'Ballwinder' {LOL}







3939 Giahn <nutmeg2323>

Sat Oct 16, 2004 6:19am

OT: Chicken virus from Outer Space



Perhaps some of the pigs in here have the same Virus {LOL!!}







3940 Giahn <nutmeg2323>

Sat Oct 16, 2004 6:20am

OT: Oops, forgot the url for that last one



Here it is;










3941 Giahn <nutmeg2323>

Sat Oct 16, 2004 6:26am

OT: Green Bananas








3942 Giahn <nutmeg2323>

Sat Oct 16, 2004 6:30am

OT: Attack of the Killer Potatoes











3943 Giahn <nutmeg2323>

Sat Oct 16, 2004 6:34am

OT: Chicken crossing the road Jokes {LOL!!}








3944 balwinsome <balwinsome>

Sat Oct 16, 2004 6:40am

How remarkable!!



Impressive Ms Nutmeg!


How remarkable to see you really dealing with the issues.


Do you usually spam away with this kind of nonsense?


Syogis i know confirm to me that you do.


What a great loss it was to syoga when you were turfed out.


Take another pill, you'll fell much better.


much love










3945 balwinsome <balwinsome>

Sat Oct 16, 2004 6:55am

Confession is good for the soul



Ms Nutmeg,


You seem to be in deep denial about almost every subject connected to



Have you ever considered making a fresh start, having a clean sweep,

and allowing yourself to start living a fruitful life, (if that's possible)?


Let me tell you, it all begins with confession.


Confession is good for the soul, and there is a great deal for you to

confess about, isn't there?


Let's start with your denial about who you are.


Are you Jenny Oliver/Gilmer, or not?


Come on, it won't harm you to tell the truth, and then we can move on

with all of this petty squabbling.


Did you spend time in an asylum (Wolston Park Mental Hospital) like it

says on that website?


Have you been posting with false id's like your leader Simon?


You'll find me a very understanding person, and i may be able to help



much love









3946 Giahn <nutmeg2323>

Sat Oct 16, 2004 7:07am

Re: Confession is good for the soul



>Ms Nutmeg,


>You seem to be in deep denial about almost every subject connected to



>Have you ever considered making a fresh start, having a clean sweep,



>and allowing yourself to start living a fruitful life, (if that's >possible)?


>Let me tell you, it all begins with confession.


>Confession is good for the soul, and there is a great deal for you to

>confess about, isn't there?


>Let's start with your denial about who you are.


>Are you Jenny Oliver/Gilmer, or not?




Giahn: OK, if it means you lot will leave me alone, i will tell you.


I am Jenny, yes. So what?




>Come on, it won't harm you to tell the truth, and then we can move on

>with all of this petty squabbling.


>Did you spend time in an asylum (Wolston Park Mental Hospital) like


>says on that website?



Giahn: Yes, but that's none of your business. I was going through a very

traumatic time after leaving Sahaja Yoga.




>Have you been posting with false id's like your leader Simon?



Giahn: I've already admitted posting as Midnite Topaz and I was banned

by Judy for some time for that. That's all been dealt with. Apart from

Kaiya I can't recall any other false id on these SY groups, but I am

a member of twenty other forums, but that's none of your business.



>You'll find me a very understanding person, and i may be able to help




Giahn: I don't believe you. Noone like you is understanding.


Now leave me alone, you've got what you wanted.


Giahn {feeling sick of Team J and their attacks}




>much love









3947 balwinsome <balwinsome>

Sat Oct 16, 2004 7:17am

Re: Confession is good for the soul



Well, this is a milestone.


You've done the right thing, and it didn't hurt a bit, did it?


You'll probably start to feel very much better in yourself now and be

able to move on with your life.


If only the others could do the same.





>>Confession is good for the soul, and there is a great deal for you


>>confess about, isn't there?


>>Let's start with your denial about who you are.


>>Are you Jenny Oliver/Gilmer, or not?




>Giahn: OK, if it means you lot will leave me alone, i will tell you.


>I am Jenny, yes. So what?




>>Come on, it won't harm you to tell the truth, and then we can move


>>with all of this petty squabbling.


>>Did you spend time in an asylum (Wolston Park Mental Hospital) like


>>says on that website?



>Giahn: Yes, but that's none of your business. I was going through a


>traumatic time after leaving Sahaja Yoga.




>>Have you been posting with false id's like your leader Simon?



>Giahn: I've already admitted posting as Midnite Topaz and I was banned

>by Judy for some time for that. That's all been dealt with. Apart from

>Kaiya I can't recall any other false id on these SY groups, but I am

>a member of twenty other forums, but that's none of your business.



>>You'll find me a very understanding person, and i may be able to help




>Giahn: I don't believe you. Noone like you is understanding.


>Now leave me alone, you've got what you wanted.


>Giahn {feeling sick of Team J and their attacks}




>>much love








3948 balwinsome <balwinsome>

Sat Oct 16, 2004 7:26am

The truth will always out



Eventually, the truth will always reveal itself.


Nutmeg/Giahn has taken a few steps in the right direction, but will the

others follow this good example?


It remains to be seen.


Simon seems so entrenched in his multiple id's and hate war against SY

there seems little hope for him.


The 'Madness' of that false prophet only gets worse.


People should be careful what they read, and learn from the mistakes

of individuals like Nutmeg and Simon who have dabbled with satanic forces

for too long.




Keep the factual information coming. We need it here.








Archived at the ShriAdiShakti forum.


Jai Shri Mataji























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Hi all

Of course I would like to believe the contents of this most

interesting 'digest' - but recent messages on the TASY forum are

indicating ID hijack, and therefore there is a strong possibility that

this digest is fiction.

And frankly, after having spent so much time last year under various

IDs battling the x-yogis, I find it difficult to believe that

Ms.Gilmer would admit to her past that easily...

Someone care to explain?




shriadishakti , " balwinsome " <balwinsome@h...>


> Dear Jag,


> Sorry to interrupt the flow here, but this was significant.


> For those SYogis who fought back against the lies and dirty tactics of

> cult sodom, this is really worthwhile reading, before they will


> delete it all from their archives.




> ----------------------------


> Extract from the rant-about-sy forum;


> 3921 balwinsome <balwinsome>

> Sat Oct 16, 2004 4:02am

> nutmeg's paranoia



> It sounds like nutmeg is suffering from paranoia.


> She accuses syogis of not being able to debate then she runs off to the

> beach.


> oh well, enjoy the beach


> :-)


> joel/Simon/danielglasheen and many more





3922 balwinsome <balwinsome>

> Sat Oct 16, 2004 4:07am

> " open discussion group " ?



> >and I'll leave it to the other moderators to decide if they wanna

> take you of the list.



> And you call this an " open discussion group " ????


> How beastly of you!


> much love


> j


> PS Nice to see you also admit to being one of the moderators here.







> 3923 balwinsome <balwinsome>

> Sat Oct 16, 2004 4:10am

> Balwinsome has just been blocked from my a/c



> >If the real Joel is reading, he knows how to get in touch with me

> some other way.


> hahahaha!!!


> You remain loyal to the end.


> How touching


> j








> 3924 balwinsome <balwinsome>

> Sat Oct 16, 2004 4:15am

> the important issues



> There are important issues here that really need to be dealt with.


> After years of being completely obsessed with getting revenge against

> shri mataji, i am still inventing false id's to continue my one

> man cyber

> war against sahaja yoga.


> It's far worse than it seems.


> My obsession with Jaggy has become incurable. I spend so many hours

> of each miserable day of my life digging thru the webs and forums

> built by Jaggy-boy and his colleagues in the vain hope that i can


> get revenge on him for exposing my evil past and wicked motivations.


> The whole exposure has driven me to become more insane than the

> barking

> mad Jenny Oliver (Ghian/nutmeg/kaiya/midnitetopaz et al) which really

> takes some doing.


> Please help me before it is too late.


> joel/SimonDM/Rudra/stillasahajayogi/danielglasheen/thebishop and

> many more









> 3925 balwinsome <balwinsome>

> Sat Oct 16, 2004 4:24am

> flexibility is needed


> If we want to see some really meaningful dialogue in this forum then

> flexibility is needed. Understanding too.


> We all have something useful to contribute, even nutmeg.


> But if we continue to have rigid views about the way things really are

> in syoga i'm afraid we'll never get anywhere.


> much love

> j









> 3928 Nick Delonas <delonas@c...>

> Sat Oct 16, 2004 4:29am

> RE: [talk-about-sy] talk-about-sahaja-yoga



> > You choose it.


> Why would anyone choose possession? Makes no sense.


> > And it doesn't matter where someone is, distance is irrelevant. Nor

> is

> > the power of God in a circumstance where we have free will and choose

> > to open up to the mind-poisons of other people, such as Simon's


> > behavior and wickedness.


> Why would someone who has had far more than a glance from the goddess,

> which

> is supposed to garner all this good fortune forever, choose to open up

> to

> wickedness? Again it makes no sense.


> Actually, belief in possession doesn't reconcile very well with a belief

> in

> free will.


> > You just can't see how much you mimick him.


> That's because I'm not insane. You see things that don't exist.


> Tell me, do you hear voices?


> --Nick



> 3929 balwinsome <balwinsome>

> Sat Oct 16, 2004 4:34am

> a wider perspective



> Has anyone here considered the possibility that they are mimicking

> other

> ppls words of revenge and hatred, only rephrased in subtler forms.


> It goes on and on. The same patterns repeating themselves.


> Hate and revenge is like a disease that spreads from one person to the

> other.


> So many ppl here seem to have so many issues that remain unresolved and

> need to invent new characters all the time to keep perpetuating that

> hatred and vengeance.


> The textual evidence is so widespread a psychoanalyst could hold a


> purely on this forum.


> It's a perfect example of psychotic vengeance and character invention.


> Maybe you exsyogis feel you have been so disenfranchised that you have

> no other outlet other than bile and vitriol against the Adi Shakti.


> Try moving on.


> Try getting a life.


> much love


> j





> 3930 Giahn <nutmeg2323>

> Sat Oct 16, 2004 4:36am

> Here is the 2nd item of proof {re Webscout List}



> A copy of another email they just sent, which proves that no-one but


> a member of Team J could have set this up - as they are the only

> people who have called me " Jenny Oliver " .


> Get a life, dipsticks. It doesn't bother me one iota & your silly

> tripe is now here for all to see. I can easily " rectify " this little


> problem btw :


> quote


> 16 Oct 2004 05:10:14 -0000

> nutmeg2323

> webmaster@w... Add to Address Book

> Welcome to WebScout Lists!



> Hi Jenny


> I'd like to thank you for using our service! We hope that WebScout

> Lists will make it much easier for you to find mailing lists and

> /.


> Here are your account details:


> First name: Jenny

> Last name: Oliver

> Password : dykesforus


> Please keep this e-mail so you don't forget your password.


> WebScout Lists is a new service, so we'd welcome any questions,

> comments or

> suggestions. If you like our service, please tell your friends!


> Cheers :)


> Adam Thyer

> WebScout Lists

> http://www.webscoutlists.com


> unquote



> 3931 Nick Delonas <delonas@c...>

> Sat Oct 16, 2004 4:42am

> RE: [talk-about-sy] a wider perspective



> > Maybe you exsyogis feel you have been so disenfranchised that you

> have

> > no other outlet other than bile and vitriol against the Adi Shakti.


> For you lurkers, Adi Shakti refers to the guru of Sahaja Yoga and



> among other things, that she created the universe as the power of god

> almighty. This belief isn't usually mentioned at the free introductory

> meetings because it is preposterous and even they know it.


> > Try moving on.

> >

> > Try getting a life.


> Oh you mean, stop warning people about Sahaja Yoga so you can pull more

> suckers in for a good brainwashing session so they too can take up the

> irrational worship of some odd little fat woman from India?


> It doesn't take much time to get the warning out. Not much time at all.

> And it's a nice thing to do for folks so they don't get duped the way

> you

> did.


> --Nick



> 3932 balwinsome <balwinsome>

> Sat Oct 16, 2004 4:44am

> RE: [talk-about-sy] talk-about-sahaja-yoga



> >> You choose it.


> >Why would anyone choose possession?


> Because you don't know it is.



> >Why would someone who has had far more than a glance from the goddess,


> >which

> >is supposed to garner all this good fortune forever, choose to open

> up >to

> >wickedness? Again it makes no sense.



> Your own free will is more powerful than anything else. You CHOSE to

> reject Her.



> >> You just can't see how much you mimick him.


> >That's because I'm not insane. You see things that don't exist.


> Projection, my boy, projection.


> much love,

> j




> 3933 balwinsome <balwinsome>

> Sat Oct 16, 2004 4:54am

> Re: a wider perspective



> For you lurkers, it all sounds so reasonable to pay a certain amount

> of heed and caution from ex-members who sound so bitter and angry about

> their experience in syoga. They speak from experience, after all.


> But then all you have to do is read the following website and the links

> contained within to understand the motives of certain ppl here.


> http://www.adishakti.org/cult_sdm/cultsdm_2.htm


> Understanding is always needed.


> j






> 3934 Giahn <nutmeg2323>

> Sat Oct 16, 2004 5:47am

> Something for the pigs!



> I am still angry about the unwanted subscription I received!!!


> So what if i am gay?? What has it got to do with any of you??


> It's my business if I want to sign up to gay newsletters, and nothing

> to do with anyone else on this forum.


> The trolls can make what they like of it.


> Giahn






> -------------------------



> 3935 balwinsome <balwinsome>

> Sat Oct 16, 2004 5:56am

> Re: Something for the pigs!



> I thought you'd gone to the beach.


> Was there a shark?


> much love

> j



> >I am still angry about the unwanted subscription I received!!!


> >So what if i am gay?? What has it got to do with any of you??


> >It's my business if I want to sign up to gay newsletters, and nothing

> >to do with anyone else on this forum.


> >The trolls can make what they like of it.


> >Giahn






> 3936 Giahn <nutmeg2323>

> Sat Oct 16, 2004 6:04am

> RE: [talk-about-sy] a wider perspective



> >> Try moving on.

> >

> >> Try getting a life.


> >Oh you mean, stop warning people about Sahaja Yoga so you can pull more

> >suckers in for a good brainwashing session so they too can take up the

> >irrational worship of some odd little fat woman from India?



> Exactly, Nick.


> They are low life scum.


> It'll be funny watching Team J trying to convince anyone about SYoga

> by the time we have finished with them. {any made up stories will do,


> why should we play by the rules}


> And I say we should ban every Sahaja Yogi from this place and kick them

> out once and for all.


> Giahn







> 3937 balwinsome <balwinsome>

> Sat Oct 16, 2004 6:10am

> Re: a wider perspective



> Sooooo, here we have it, in nutmeg's own words.


> She wants to ban every syogi from this place.


> So much for " Open discussion " !!!


> " made up stories " too!!! What's that all about???


> What a joke you anti-sy's are!!!


> j




> >They are low life scum.


> >It'll be funny watching Team J trying to convince anyone about SYoga

> >by the time we have finished with them. {any made up stories will do,



> >why should we play by the rules}


> >And I say we should ban every Sahaja Yogi from this place and kick them

> >out once and for all.


> >Giahn








> 3938 Giahn <nutmeg2323>

> Sat Oct 16, 2004 6:14am

> I'm not reading your messages {'balwinsome'}



> Or should I say 'Ballwinder' {LOL}







> 3939 Giahn <nutmeg2323>

> Sat Oct 16, 2004 6:19am

> OT: Chicken virus from Outer Space



> Perhaps some of the pigs in here have the same Virus {LOL!!}







> 3940 Giahn <nutmeg2323>

> Sat Oct 16, 2004 6:20am

> OT: Oops, forgot the url for that last one



> Here it is;


> http://www.buzzle.com/editorials/5-22-2003-40677.asp








> 3941 Giahn <nutmeg2323>

> Sat Oct 16, 2004 6:26am

> OT: Green Bananas



> http://www.exo.net/~pauld/activities/geenbananas/greenbananas.html





> 3942 Giahn <nutmeg2323>

> Sat Oct 16, 2004 6:30am

> OT: Attack of the Killer Potatoes



> http://greywolf.critter.net/deadlands/adventures/potatoes.htm








> 3943 Giahn <nutmeg2323>

> Sat Oct 16, 2004 6:34am

> OT: Chicken crossing the road Jokes {LOL!!}



> http://www.angelfire.com/il/eliram/chicken.html





> 3944 balwinsome <balwinsome>

> Sat Oct 16, 2004 6:40am

> How remarkable!!



> Impressive Ms Nutmeg!


> How remarkable to see you really dealing with the issues.


> Do you usually spam away with this kind of nonsense?


> Syogis i know confirm to me that you do.


> What a great loss it was to syoga when you were turfed out.


> Take another pill, you'll fell much better.


> much love

> j









> 3945 balwinsome <balwinsome>

> Sat Oct 16, 2004 6:55am

> Confession is good for the soul



> Ms Nutmeg,


> You seem to be in deep denial about almost every subject connected to

> syoga.


> Have you ever considered making a fresh start, having a clean sweep,

> and allowing yourself to start living a fruitful life, (if that's



> Let me tell you, it all begins with confession.


> Confession is good for the soul, and there is a great deal for you to

> confess about, isn't there?


> Let's start with your denial about who you are.


> Are you Jenny Oliver/Gilmer, or not?


> Come on, it won't harm you to tell the truth, and then we can move on

> with all of this petty squabbling.


> Did you spend time in an asylum (Wolston Park Mental Hospital) like it

> says on that website?


> Have you been posting with false id's like your leader Simon?


> You'll find me a very understanding person, and i may be able to help

> you.


> much love

> j








> 3946 Giahn <nutmeg2323>

> Sat Oct 16, 2004 7:07am

> Re: Confession is good for the soul



> >Ms Nutmeg,


> >You seem to be in deep denial about almost every subject connected to

> >syoga.


> >Have you ever considered making a fresh start, having a clean sweep,



> >and allowing yourself to start living a fruitful life, (if that's



> >Let me tell you, it all begins with confession.


> >Confession is good for the soul, and there is a great deal for you to

> >confess about, isn't there?


> >Let's start with your denial about who you are.


> >Are you Jenny Oliver/Gilmer, or not?




> Giahn: OK, if it means you lot will leave me alone, i will tell you.


> I am Jenny, yes. So what?




> >Come on, it won't harm you to tell the truth, and then we can move on

> >with all of this petty squabbling.


> >Did you spend time in an asylum (Wolston Park Mental Hospital) like

> it

> >says on that website?



> Giahn: Yes, but that's none of your business. I was going through a very

> traumatic time after leaving Sahaja Yoga.




> >Have you been posting with false id's like your leader Simon?



> Giahn: I've already admitted posting as Midnite Topaz and I was banned

> by Judy for some time for that. That's all been dealt with. Apart from

> Kaiya I can't recall any other false id on these SY groups, but I am

> a member of twenty other forums, but that's none of your business.



> >You'll find me a very understanding person, and i may be able to help

> >you.



> Giahn: I don't believe you. Noone like you is understanding.


> Now leave me alone, you've got what you wanted.


> Giahn {feeling sick of Team J and their attacks}




> >much love

> >j




> >




> 3947 balwinsome <balwinsome>

> Sat Oct 16, 2004 7:17am

> Re: Confession is good for the soul



> Well, this is a milestone.


> You've done the right thing, and it didn't hurt a bit, did it?


> You'll probably start to feel very much better in yourself now and be

> able to move on with your life.


> If only the others could do the same.

> j




> >>Confession is good for the soul, and there is a great deal for you

> to

> >>confess about, isn't there?


> >>Let's start with your denial about who you are.


> >>Are you Jenny Oliver/Gilmer, or not?




> >Giahn: OK, if it means you lot will leave me alone, i will tell you.


> >I am Jenny, yes. So what?




> >>Come on, it won't harm you to tell the truth, and then we can move

> on

> >>with all of this petty squabbling.

> >

> >>Did you spend time in an asylum (Wolston Park Mental Hospital) like

> it

> >>says on that website?



> >Giahn: Yes, but that's none of your business. I was going through a

> >very

> >traumatic time after leaving Sahaja Yoga.




> >>Have you been posting with false id's like your leader Simon?



> >Giahn: I've already admitted posting as Midnite Topaz and I was banned

> >by Judy for some time for that. That's all been dealt with. Apart from

> >Kaiya I can't recall any other false id on these SY groups, but I am

> >a member of twenty other forums, but that's none of your business.

> >

> >

> >>You'll find me a very understanding person, and i may be able to help

> >>you.



> >Giahn: I don't believe you. Noone like you is understanding.


> >Now leave me alone, you've got what you wanted.


> >Giahn {feeling sick of Team J and their attacks}




> >>much love

> >>j



> >




> 3948 balwinsome <balwinsome>

> Sat Oct 16, 2004 7:26am

> The truth will always out



> Eventually, the truth will always reveal itself.


> Nutmeg/Giahn has taken a few steps in the right direction, but will the

> others follow this good example?


> It remains to be seen.


> Simon seems so entrenched in his multiple id's and hate war against SY

> there seems little hope for him.


> The 'Madness' of that false prophet only gets worse.


> People should be careful what they read, and learn from the mistakes

> of individuals like Nutmeg and Simon who have dabbled with satanic


> for too long.


> http://www.adishakti.org/cult_sdm/cultsdm_2.htm


> Keep the factual information coming. We need it here.


> j






> Archived at the ShriAdiShakti forum.


> Jai Shri Mataji

















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