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God CKG profits from promoting maple syrup diet and NutritionExpress

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Fri Oct 22, 2004 5:28 am

Re: Bait and Switch: SCC and MLM's


Hi Ian, Sreedhar, Anne, Sara and others!


You just reminded me -- the other disciple money--making scam that

swept through the SCC in the 80's was the maple syrup and lemon

juice diet! Kai*ash promoted this diet in Madal Bal health food

stores all over Europe! Again, like Nutrition Express, this diet was

heavily endorsed by CKG, and at one time every second disciple was

on it!


This diet consisted of taking only high grade maple syrup, cayenne

pepper, lemon jiuce and water for 10 days straight in order to lose

weight. Ben's disciple father invested in thousands of dollars worth

of Kai*ash's own madal bal brand of maple syrup which was shipped in

containers to Australia from Switzerland. Months later after the

diet was exposed as unhealthy and fraudulent -- thousands of cans of

maple syrup were left sitting in an abonded storeroom, and Ben's

father lost tens of thousands of dollars on the deal!


Normally CKG was against fasting -- yet he fully endorsed this maple

syrup diet with thousands of dollars to be made from disciples

buying the expensive maple syrup!








> Recently it struck me about the similarities between the Sri

> Chinmoy Center and any multi level marketing company.


> Most multi level marketing companies recruit people who have

> material aspirations--a strong desire to become wealthy!


> Cults like the SCC, recruit people who have spiritual aspirations -

> - a strong desire to become spiritual or realise God.


> MLM companies promise financial fulfilment, the SCC promises

> spiritual fulfilment.


> Before being recruited into a MLM company people are told that they

> will earn huge residual income, with little effort -- the whole

> focus is on the product and how much profit they will make from the

> work of others.


> Before being recruited into the SCC, people are told their

> own " aspiration is the only fee " , and how they need only sit in

> the " golden boat " and that CKG will row them to the " Golden Shore "



> After joining a MLM company there is miniscule residual income to

> be made from product sales. Even then, this psaltry amount

> (eg .0025%) is dependent on other members buying products, so it

> is not guaranteed, as promised.


> The real income is made through recrutiing others and charging them

> a huge fee to become a distributor or representative BUT even this

> is a SHAM , because you are a newbie at the wrong end of the

> upline, so you see precious little (if any) of that, also! It has

> been designed so that the bulk of the money always goes to those

> who designed the scam in the first place!


> When people realise they have been duped, ie. that it's not about

> making residual income from selling products, but about deceiving

> others by recruiting them using the same lie--they leave! And this

> is what MLM companies depend on, so that those at the top--in the

> initial pyramid-- can live off other minions recruiting for them

> (ie. bring them those big joining fees), and leaving once they

> find out they've been scammed! Meanwhile those at the top live off

> the contributions that people pay for the " priviledge " of becoming

> a distributor!


> When I was a disciple during the 80's and 90's-curiously enough--

> there were many disciples into MLM's! The one that I got sucked

> into was called Nutrition Express, which later changed to

> Nutrition for Life AND get this -- CKG recommended that all

> disciples join it!


> Saram* was the head honcho that was pushing this MLM, and I was

> persuaded into joining which ended up costing me over $400 -- which

> was a lot to me, because I was a " divine enterprise " worker and had

> to borrow the money! Other disicples spent much more! Saram told me

> that CKG wanted disciples to join her business, and I got pressured

> into forking over the money to pay a joining fee, and for

> promotional material. After signing up 6 other disciples who bought

> over $1000 worth of products--because CKG had later publically

> encouraged us to buy these Nutrition Express products--I made a

> total of $12 during the 6 months that I was involved!


> Also I found that trying to recruit and sell stuff to friends

> really put a strain on my relationships with other disciples! I

> began seeing my friends as potential sources of income, or

> convertee's into my business, and I remember inwardly questioning

> why CKG would encourage the commercialisation of friendships?


> In many ways it's a lot like the Sri Chinmoy Center Church Inc

> itself, where you have the people in the original top pyramid, ie.

> CKG, Alo, Ranjana, Ashrita, Savysachi, Sarasvati, etc living off

> the backs of the key " representaives " of SCC center Church Inc. ie.

> center leaders who recruit the minions (us) to give our " love

> offerings " (hard earned cash), buy cd's, books, photo's, paintings

> etc! This fuels the SCC Inc. Once people find out it's a scam, they

> just recruit more using the bait and switch method, eg. like

> putting out little colorful, spiritual aphorism cards with no

> mention about the fact that it's really about a guru, and working

> for that guru to become well known and win the nobel peace prize

> etc.


> Any advertising about the Sri Chinmoy center is about how it's a

> center where people can learn to meditate for free. Nowadays even

> the name Sri Chinmoy is kept hidden--like the transcendental-- from

> the public! The emphasis is always about learning to meditate for

> free--no mention about the reality, which is that it's really all

> about a meglomaniacal leader who requires constant " manifesting " to

> the world--and that he needs minions ie. you to do it!


> JS.




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