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Param Chaitanya: The All-Pervading Power of God Almighty we feel in our hand

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Dear Jagbir

What happens when one die and the kundalini leave the

physical body






> Param Chaitanya: The All-Pervading Power of God Almighty we feel in

our hands as cool vibrations



> The all-pervading power of God is known in various traditions as the

Param Chaitanya (Indian), the Ruh (Muslim), Ruach (Jewish) and the

Holy Spirit (Christian).


> The Param Chaitanya is the power we feel in our hands as cool







> This power penetrates into every molecule. It not only pervades the

entire universe, it created and sustains the universe.


> The Param Chaitanya does not work in a mechanistic,

scientifically-predictable way. It is the living energy of God's love.

Thus, it acts to express the compassion and forgiveness of God.


> As realized souls, we can invoke and direct the Param Chaitanya

through our pure attention. We use the bandhan as a way to surrender

problems to the Param Chaitanya.


> The Param Chaitanya is the source of all forms of energy and matter.

It is a conscious, compassionate power. In our subtle body, the Param

Chaitanya integrates us. Each of our chakras and each of the deities

who reside in the chakras are coordinated by the Param Chaitanya.





> Vibrations are the most powerful force in the universe. Almost

anything can be " vibrated. " We can desire that something in our

attention absorbs the pure energy of divine love.


> Vibrations flow from our hands to where we direct them. This can

include food or water.






> The Param Chaitanya acts according to our will and desire. The more

we are dynamic, positive and focused on our goals, the more results

can be achieved by the vibrations.





> The source of the vibrations is the Adi Shakti, the primordial

power. The actions of the Param Chaitanya are the expressions of the

mothering, nurturing and loving aspect of God. The more we can

perceive the work of the Adi Shakti, the more profound is our blissful

state of connection to God. Our everyday lives are filled with

personal growth, auspiciousness and well-being.


> In Sanskrit, Chaitanya is related to the word for attention, Chit.

Chaitanya, or the vibrations we feel, is the attention of the Divine.


> Whenever we feel burdened or exasperated by life, we can remember

that in reality, we don't do anything. It is our belief that we are

doing something that exhausts us.


> The Param Chaitanya in fact does everything. Our evolution over time

is done by the Param Chaitanya. Our growth as spiritual beings is done

by the Param Chaitanya.


> Animals simply obey the Param Chaitanya. Human beings are designed

to be free and conscious of the workings of the Param Chaitanya.


> We use our powers of desire and compassion to direct and intensify

the flow of vibrations, which can be called the attention of God. When

we raise the kundalini of another person, we are not doing it. The

Param Chaitanya is acting, obeying our pure desire.





> For the first time in history, thousands and millions of human

beings can become aware of the Param Chaitanya, learn how to use the

vibrations, and change the world as they change themselves. This is

only possible because of the birth of the Adi Shakti, Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi at this time.





> Put the attention on Shri Mataji within the Sahasrara and feel the

vibrations flowing from your hands and top of head.


Shri Mataji




" The Sat is the Purusha, is the God who does not take actual part in

the creation itself, but acts like a catalyst. The example can be like

this that I am doing all the Work, I am creating everything, but I

have a Light in My hand. Without the Light I cannot do anything. Light

is the support of My Work. But the Light does not in any way do

anything about what I do. In the same way God Almighty is just the

Witness, like a Light. "


> Shri Kamasevita Devi

> Gruha Lakshmi, Diwali Puja, U.K. — Nov. 1, 1981


Shri Mataji




" As it is, on top of your head here, resides the Gof Almighty,

Sadashiva. So when Kundalini touches that point your spirit gets

awakened and the Light of the Spirit starts spreading and it starts

acting on your central nervous system because automatically the

vibration, the Chaitanya flow into your brain to enlighten your nerves. "


> Shri Gagananta-stha Devi

> Realize Your Own Divinity, Italy — May 5, 1991


Shri Mataji




" References to Kundalini awakening, also called as Self-Realization,

are seen in many ancient scriptures of all the religions. But the way

in which most great prophets wrote made it hard to understand exactly

what they were writing about. Nothing is blatantly stated and the

Truth can often be ingeniously hidden. Unless one has Self-Realization

this Knowledge of the Divine could be misinterpreted. It is only with

Self-Realization that one can receive the total Joy of a great soul's

prediction of Sahaja Yoga. "


> Shri Ranatkinkini-Mekhala Devi


Shri Mataji




" The nature of the Spirit is that it is an Universal Being within

every individual. As there is one God Almighty His reflection on every

human heart is the same, but the reflection of the Spirit varies

because of the different type of reflectors. When this Spirit, which

is the source of Joy and Truth, is connected through the Kundalini the

human attention becomes enlightened. Thus one knows the Absolute Truth

on our central nervous system and becomes a joyous collective being.

The Spirit is reflected in the heart but the seat of God Almighty is

above the fontanel bone area, above the apex of the head.


> After this living force of Kundalini is connected to the

All-Pervading Divine Power within a human being, it starts developing

the spirituality of a person. One touches the spirituality within

oneself, and grows into another dimension — the Fourth One. Thus, a

saintly and wise personality develops. The personality is the one

which is unfolding itself naturally, spontaneously. But also by

knowing how to handle this All-Pervading Power through the Knowledge

of Purity one can evolve in a much faster way into that Dimension.


> Once the Spirit starts shining fully in one's attention one actually

becomes enlightened in the sense that one can see for oneself that one

becomes one's own Guide, one becomes one's own Master. Then you don't

need any guide, but you are the Master of your Self. In the past this

process was limited to one or to very few persons but now a phenomena

to allow en masse Realization was discovered about twenty years ago.


> All such enlightened people follow a religion which is called as

Vishwa Nirmala Dharma, meaning the innate Pure Religion within us.

These people have actualized the enlightenment. They have actualized

the baptism because they feel the Cool Breeze as Kundalini pierces

through the fontanelle, and thus have become religious saints, Yogis,

Yoginis, and seers — they are not like ordinary people — who know

themselves within and know others in Collective Consciousness. They

are the people who have achieved a state in which they know on their

central nervous system that they are part and parcel of the Whole. It

is not blind faith or lip service built of empty words. This is the

subtle Knowledge of the Roots.


> All the trees of modern civilization have grown outside. If we do

not go to our roots and find out the fundamentals of our existence,

these unbalanced, crazily expanded civilizations are going to be

destroyed. It is very important and imminent that the world should try

to take this attention towards finding out its roots. It is described

in every scripture in some way or another, and has been extensively

described in Indian scriptures . . .


> When the Kundalini is awakened the ten valances are awakened within.

The religion becomes innate and our whole priorities change. For the

religion in Sahaja Yoga is the Ultimate of every religion of any form.

It is not limited to one religion, but it has the best of all the

religions. All real religions are leading to one aim, to one goal.

That goal is to achieve Self-Knowledge through our second birth. In

Sanskrit language a bird is called as a Dwija — twice born — because

first it is an egg, then it has second birth. In the same way a person

who is enlightened and has known the Brahma is also known as Dwija.


> This Dharma which is innate within us is awakened, by which they

know that all the religions have come out of One Source of

spirituality. Anybody might come from any religion to Sahaja Yoga.

They all know that we belong to One Religion, and that is the

principle of all the religions. So there is no question of

fundamentalism amongst Sahaja Yogis. There is no fighting or

quarreling. Everyone can see very clearly whatever religions they have

followed so far, where they have deviated, and what was wrong they

have been doing . . .


> One has to understand that this Religion is the essence of all the

religions. It is the only Religion that gives the real experience

within oneself, which puts into one that sensitivity for spirituality

which cannot be got out of any number of lectures, sermons or books.

Thus a Sahaja Yogi knows and respects all the Incarnations and saints. "


> Shri Rajivalochana Devi










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