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Devi, the Great Goddess: We have done our job here.

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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> She has made it clear years ago on July 26, 1995: " We have

> done our job here " . Whatever knowledge and evidence necessary to

> advance Her message to humanity has been revealed and established,

> both on Earth and in the Kingdom of God within.




i remember years ago filled with so much hope for Sahaja Yoga and

the advancement of the Shakti. While Her physical incarnation Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi was still advancing the Great Event ordained for

humanity on Earth, She and the Divine Messengers of God Almighty had

already finished their job in the Kingdom of God (Sahasrara) within

on July 26, 1995.


But i learnt the hard way that despite the perfect execution of

divine duty by the physical Shri Mataji without and Shakti within,

the negativity within Sahaja Yoga was formidable, even subversive.


The initial attempts in 1994, undertaken with only a genuine desire

to advance the Truth, was met with adverse reaction from all

quarters, even from childhood friends. To all it was an outrageous

assertion and the work of evil spirits. The strongest opposition

came from the senior SYs who denounced it outright. The chorus of

negativity kept on swelling like mighty tidal waves, cresting, and

crashing down relentlessly to subdue and silence the Truth.


In the end my entire family became spiritual outcasts for daring to

utter a truth so radical that even the most enlightened SY rejected

it. We were the first heretics of the New Millennium, ridiculed by

each and every soul to whom i spoke.


My wife was the most affected and just wanted no one be told of her

son's experiences anymore. She began to insist that whatever the

Great Divine Feminine was revealing were solely for the family to

realize and attain liberation. It was not to be told to anyone else,

not even the devotees of the Great Adi Shakti.


However, i felt otherwise. Such priceless knowledge could never be

just for his selfish use but the benefit of the human family.


i knew that such an unprecedented opportunity for all humanity to

examine and validate the Truth of God Almighty might not come again.

In my mind i was convinced that i had to perform my duty even if

everybody — my parents, friends, relatives, and fellow Sahaja

Yogis — ridiculed, criticized, or ostracized me.


" Some have said that no answer can be found to the mystery, for

humans have created it and no suprahuman or supernatural answer

exists. " This centuries-old dilemma that had allowed religious

regimes to conjecture contradicting dogma could now be solved.


i became resolute and reiterated that i would announce this Ultimate

Reality, given the vast weight of unquestionable evidence, no matter

how ridiculous others thought of my claims. It was imperative that i

did so and allow the entire human race and history to judge, and not

just a few skeptical individuals. The Truth had to be told no matter

what the consequences. It was a moral duty that any conscientious

human would most willingly do.


In the end, after weeks of disturbance in my family, there was a

compromise. i agreed to maintain silence and let things take their

course, as required by my spouse, provided i be allowed to question

Kash in detail and record all of his mystical experiences. i would

then wait for the appropriate time to release them for the benefit

of others.


On April 2, 1995, at 11:20 a.m. Kash was told to obtain permission

from the Great Universal Mother to reveal the Truth. He meditated

and emerged through the clouds into the Land of Eternal Life. The

Primal Light shone ever so brightly from above as the Great Goddess

sat in Bliss and Joy. After bowing down and exchanging greetings, he

asked if She would grant permission. The Devi gave Her blessings

with a reminder that this intuitive Knowledge was especially for Her



It was at this point that the actual compilation of his spiritual

journeys began in earnest. Kash was questioned practically every

day, sometimes repeatedly, to clarify and confirm what he saw,

heard, thought, spoke, smelled, touched, and tasted. Often questions

were asked suddenly when he least expected just to get him off-guard

to confirm consistency. All answers came with a calm and nonchalant

attitude, without contradiction.


However, the adverse reactions from almost all SYs regarding the

experiences of Kash experiences were disturbing. After a few months

of writing i began deleting some revelations by the Shakti because i

felt their controversial nature would make matter worse as SYs were

already hostile and regarded all of us to be possessed and demonic.


But that editing of evidence was not to be undertaken as far as the

Devi was concerned.


On December 27, 1995, at about 4:30 p.m. preparations to perform

Christmas Puja were in progress. The house was dusted, vacuumed and

mopped, the altar decorated with flowers and offerings, eating

utensils washed, dried and arranged, and food for SYs laid on the

dining table. Christmas carols uplifted the spirits, and made work



Kash was alone in his room, deep in meditation. Shri Adhiparasakthi

Devi spoke to him for about 10 minutes, inquiring about his state of

mind. Kash told the Great Primordial Mother that he was still not

ready spiritually. She replied that this was normal and he should

lead an ordinary life, and that this book was not be published yet.


The Great Devi then revealed to him that there were five special

occasions, among his hundreds of encounters with Her in his

Sahasrara, that She appeared in Her pure form and not as Mahamaya.

By this She meant that Kash witnessed Her purest manifestation only

five times, confirming that the controversial evidence i was trying

to erase was absolutely true!


The five occasions were:


1. The very first day he saw Her. This was on the Diwali of November

1993, the Hindu New Year.

2. The day he came to request from Her for a baby sister. This day

is unknown as Kash had done it on his own initiative, without

informing anyone.

3. April 3, 1994 ......

4. April 18, 1994 ......

5. July 26, 1995, the day She revealed that they had completed their

Job on this Earth and ended Kash's mystical journeys into his own

Sahasrara. (Arwinder and Lalita continue till date to meditate with

Her in their Sahasraras.)


Sooner or later the SYs will have to deal with the Devi within. They

can focus all their attention on Her physical incarnation Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi. But the day will come when She will leave

Earth. Maybe then they will come to understand what the Devi, the

Great Goddess within meant when She declared: " We have done our job

here. "


Jai Shri Mataji,







" A new millennium! Humanity has always felt that somehow

something dramatic will happen to the world as it reaches a new

thousand years. . . .


Planet Earth is to be seen as a living being, with, in a true sense,

its own consciousness. Indeed, there is a deep truth in the concept

that ours is a planet of freedom and free will and that humankind

has been given this setting as a school for the evolving of

consciousness. . . .


Do not identify with the body. It is the marvelously designed mobile

temple to house the immortal and evolving spirit in its Earth

experience. People tend to nowadays tacitly to assume that the body

and matter are primary. We are challenged to reverse the picture.

You are a spiritual being, immortal and imperishable. You belong to

the world of spirit and have descended of intent into the prepared

vehicle of a body, a " temple " of great beauty that enables

you to sojourn for a while in the heavy vibrations of the world of

matter, in order to learn the lessons that personality can teach.

Planet Earth is the wonderfully designed training school for souls.

Given freedom we can do as we like, spurred on by ego and self-

gratification, and in the process we often hurt others and thus may

need to come back to Earth again and again. The concept of

reincarnation assuredly makes sense! . . .


Let change come (we cannot stop it!), but know that you are in

continuous touch with the higher Self and guiding angel, who will be

very close in time of crisis. We are making a breakthrough into

something quite new — indeed it may be incomprehensible to our

current understanding. But this is the great adventure of our time

and is indeed exploration into God. "


George Trevelyan, The Coming of Light



" Although karma is really a scientific law it was appropriated by

the Asiatic religions as well as by the pagan faiths of primitive

Europe. But for an apparent accident of history it might also have

been an item among the tenets of modern Christianity, for it lived

in Christian faith for five hundred years after Jesus. Then a group

of men, the Council of Constantinople, banished it from the

Christian teaching, not because it offended the ethics of Jesus

(what could be nobler than its perfect harmony with the Master's

own statement: Whatsoever ye sow that shall ye also reap?) nor

because it offended the integrity of Christianity (where is there a

clearer advocacy of it than in the writings of the great Christian

Patriarch Origen?) but because it offended their own petty personal

prejudices. Thus a little band of foolish men sitting near the

shores of the Sea of Marmora so late as five hundred and fifty after

the appearance of Jesus, have been permitted to banish a Christian

tenet which did not suit their own cast of temperament. Thus they

have robbed the West of a religious belief which, in the turn of

history's wheel, must now be restored to the modern world for the

scientific truth that it really is.


It is the duty of those who rule nations, guide thought, influence

education and lead religion to make this restoration. Truth demands

it in any case but the safety and survival of Western civilization

imperiously demand it still more. When men learn that they cannot

escape the consequences of what they are and what they do they will

be more careful in conduct and more cautious in thinking. When they

comprehend that hatred is a sharp boomerang which not only hurts the

hated but also the hater, they will hesitate twice and thrice before

yielding to this worst of all human sins. When they understand that

their life in this universe is intended to be an evolutionary

process of gradual growth in understanding, they will begin to

assess their physical, moral and mental values aright. A sound

ethical life will follow naturally as a function of such

understanding. The West has great and quick need for the acceptance

of karma and rebirth because they make men and nations ethically

self-responsible as no irrational or incoherent dogma can make them.

Modern scientific knowledge can easily fit these doctrines into its

framework of reference, provided they are properly presented,

because they alone explain neatly how the simple-minded Hottentot

evolves into the subtle-minded Hegel.


We live in a shrieking tower of Babel. Nearly everyone has something

to say, says it at the top of his voice, and yet for all this

shouting few succeed in saying anything that is worth while, for few

tell us why we are here on earth at all. "


Paul Brunton, Ph.D., The Hidden Teaching Beyond Yoga, E. P. Dutton &

Co., Inc., 1966, p. 391.

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