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The All-Pervading Power (cool breeze, divine vibrations, God's breath, air, wind) has started acting as I am on Earth!”

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shriadishakti , "jagbir singh" <adishakti_org> wrote:> > Dear S.,> > Most SYs do feel the 'breeze'. The same goes for almost all > seekers at Shri Mataji's public programs or self-realization given > by SYs.> > But i feel this cool breeze and subtle system, along with catches > and cures, has been given more attention that deserved. At times > it becomes confusing, even contradictory.> > For me the cool breeze is a 24/7 tingling sensation in the middle > of both palms as well as the Brahmarandra, as if something is > constantly leaching out. Sometimes in deep meditation they become > more intense i.e., like wafts of air flowing out. Whether they are > cool or not i am not the least concerned because i do not think

> them to be important. All i want is to feel these vibrations, a > constant reminder that those born of the Spirit are taking part in > the Last Judgment and Resurrection.> > talk-about-sahaja-yoga , alex arthur <dude11976> wrote:> Hi Melete (Regards to Giahn too).> > Your mail is definitely well intended. Im sure you or> someone you know, might have had certain unpleasant> experience. Please dont bother to elaborate on them> because i have heard enough and been through enough> myself.> > I've only breezed through your mail and probably have> just a gist in my head as i frame this reply. Let me> assure you, the vibrations I feel on my hand are> nothing my head has conjured up for me. They are very> very real. Physical and strong..almost like a buzz or> the humming of a little bee. And they are there for> the

most part of the day, unless of course my> attention gets wrapped up into something worldly.> > Let me also tell you that I was far more skeptical> than any of you, including Simon himself could ever> be. The only thing I refrained from doing, was passing> a judgement until I heard all the pro's and con's.> Over and above that, I wanted to experience things for> myself. Even after I received the divine vibrations I> was still skeptical. But today, perhaps 6- 7 months> after joining SY, i can confidently tell you that> there is nothing to fear. The allegations which most> anti SY's pass are overly exaggerated.> >shriadishakti , "jagbir singh" <adishakti_org> wrote:> > So what will the ignorant masses make out of the Adi Shakti's most > secret and precious message to Her disciples regarding the Christian > Kingdom of God,

which is nothing else than the Islamic Niche of > Lights, the Buddhist Sahasrarapadma, the Hindu Sahasrara and Sikh > Dsam Duar? Isn't human liberation (moksa) occurring right now not > through actual events in history, but through internal transformation? > Then, again, isn't this internal transformation occurring through > actual events in history - the promised Last Judgment and Al-> Qiyamah (The Resurrection)? Are those taking part in this Great > Event ordained for humankind not feeling the Cool Vibrations of > the All-Pervading Power of God Almighty, the Divine Wind that will > be felt by all born of the Spirit during the Last Judgment (Bible) > and taking part in The Resurrection (Qur'an)? And for what other > reason - other than the commencement of the Last Judgment and > Resurrection - has this All-Pervading Power that is the source of > this Divine Wind started acting?>

“1. The term: «Spirit» translates the Hebrew word «Ruah»which in its primary sense means breath, air, wind. «Jesus indeeduses the sensory image of the wind to suggest to Nicodemus thetranscendent newness of him who is personally God's breath thedivine Spirit» (Catechism of the Catholic Church 691). The spiritas irruption and as transcendence: working in history but other thanhistory, who cannot be reduced to history's logic but whoinstalls another logic, that of responsibility and love for others;2. Ordering power: «In the beginning God created the heavens andthe earth. Now the earth was a formless void, there was darkness overthe deep and God's spirit hovered over the water» (Gn

1,1).God's spirit came down on the formless world and this descentproduced the miracle of creation: the transformation of chaos intocosmos, of disorder into order;3. Vivifying power: «The Lord God fashioned man out of dust fromthe soil. Then he breathed into his nostrils a breath of life andthus man became a living being» (Gn 2, 7). The spirit of God isbreathed onto the human being of dust and, because of this breath,the human being is transformed into a living being: no longer ananimal being but a partner with whom and to whom God speaks andentrusts responsibility for the world;4. Guiding power: «On him the spirit of the Lord rests, a spiritof wisdom and insight, a spirit of counsel and power, a spirit ofknowledge and the fear of the Lord» (Is 11,2). The Spirit of theLord takes hold of certain persons (patriarchs, matriarchs, judges,kings, prophets, wise men etc.,) and by bestowing on them specialpowers,

enables them to act as guides and master interpreters in theworld, of the will of God;5. Healing power: «I shall give you a new heart and put a newspirit in you… I shall put my spirit in you, and make you keep mylaws and sincerely respect my observances» (Ez 36,27). Enteringinto the human being, the spirit recreates and heals him, overcominghis sin and making him once more a partner of God in the covenant and in the observance of the Torah.6. Universal dimension: «I will pour out my Spirit on all mankind.Their sons and daughters shall prophesy Even on my slaves men andwomen, in those days I will pour out my Spirit» (Jl 3f 1-2). Therewill come a day when every human being will be possessed by thespirit and this day will coincide with the day of the messiah.” http://www.vatican.va/jubilee_2000/magazine/documents/











That Day shall We set a seal on their mouths, but their hands will speak to Us,And their feet bear witness to all that they did. surah 36:65 (Ya Sin)






“The Noble Qur'an makes it clear that the testimony given by sinners in the court of divine justice will be utterly unique in nature, bearing absolutely no similarity to the juridical procedures of this world.The verses of the Qur'an that speak of the giving of testimony on the day of resurrection proclaim that the hands, feet and even the skin of the sinners will disclose the hidden sins that they committed during their lives and that were previously unknown to all but God; the sinner will stand revealed, to his utter dismay and terror. The animation of these witnesses and the testimony they will bear to the events that have happened in the world show that all the deeds we perform are recorded

both in the external world and in the various organs and limbs of our bodies. When the conditions of this world are replaced by those of the hereafter, on the day when, as the Qur'an puts it, "secrets are made manifest and none will be able to conceal anything or seek help from anyone." (86:9-10) all the deeds that have been recorded will pour forth and begin to bear witness.” Testimony by the Most Veracious of Witnesseshttp://www.al-islam.org/Resurrect/r18.htm










Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi






“So we must know that it’s a new explosion. That's why I call it Blossom Time, that we are definitely spiritual people. We have got spirituality and that the Divine is working. So the Kali Yuga is finishing. Now it is the Krita Yuga . . .Krita Yuga means at the Time when this All-Pervading Power has started acting. Nobody felt the Cool Vibrations. Can you believe that? It was never related to any science. It was never related to physical science especially. So I must say the achievement of Sahaja Yoga is tremendous . . . The All-Pervading Power has started acting as I am on Earth!” Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi















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