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Sat Naam describes Siva Shakti

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Guru Nanak: the teaching with the potential to unite all faiths



What Does " Satnaam " Mean?


On Guru Nanak Ji's travels he met a group of holy men high up in the

mountains. Through years of meditation and yogic practices they had

mastered many supernatural powers. When Guru Nanak ji came to them

they tried to impress him with their powers. To show how great they

were. Once they had finished their display, they challenged Guru

Nanak to show off his powers. The great Guru said the following in


words of Bhai Gurdas Ji the sikh scholar of the time of the Gurus.


Baba Nanak said, O respected Holy Man! Please listen to the Truth


I utter.

Without SATNAAM (The Name " Truth " ) I have no other miracle.

I may wear the clothes of fire and build my house in the Himalayas.

I may eat the iron and make earth move to my orders.

I may expand myself so much that I could push the earth.

I may weigh the earth and the sky against few grams of weight.

I may have so much power that I push aside anybody just by saying.

But without SATNAAM (The Name " Truth " ),

all these powers are momentary like the shadow of the clouds.


Guru Gobind Singh Ji writes the following Dohira that is sung at the

end of the " Sikh Artee " .


" Aisay chand partaap tay

dayvan badhi-o partaap

teen lok jai jai karai

rarai NAAM SAT jaap "


After exalting Ad Shakti (God the Primal Power)

All divine beings were exalted.

The three worlds resounded with `Hail! Hail!'

and the name (NAAM) of Truth (SAT) was repeated (JAAP).


The concept of Naam had been around well before Guru Nanak Ji's


But that " life force " or " energy " was not always associated with


What Guru Nanak ji did was put SAT in front of Naam. He emphasized

that this Naam was not just energy or life force, but actually the

presence of God, of TRUTH, of SAT.



'Sat Naam' is Your perfect, primal Name. Says Nanak


Guru Ram Das. SGGS Ji 1083


Chant, O my mind, the True Name, Sat Naam, the True Name. In this

world, and in the world beyond, your face shall be radiant, by

meditating continually on the immaculate Lord God. SGGS 670


Sat Naam, the Great and Supreme True Name of God, the

Personification of Creativity, dwells in the Consciousness of Guru

Raam Daas. SGGS 1404

" SatNaam " - The True Name. " Sat " means True or Real and everlasting

and Naam means Name but also infers the Essence of God. This Divine

Essence is formless, colourless and is present in all Creation. So

God is True and is immanent in all beings.

Looking Deeper into the meaning and ramifications of " Sat Naam " :





God's presence is everywhere, supporting all things at all times -


today's language we could say the energy structure of the whole

Universe. That presence of God, of Supreme Light Energy Being is

called the NAAM by the Indian mystics and Sikh Gurus.


Other people call it by different names and don't always associate


with God. New age people and Reiki practioners call it " Life Force " ,

Indian Yogis call it the " Prana " , Chinese martial artists and monks

call it " Chi " , Christians call it " The Holy Spirit " . Essentially

it is the presence of God inside us and supporting absolutely






Means TRUTH. Meaning all we see around us is temporary, even we are

just here like a spark emerging from a fire and disappearing after a

second. The only permanent thing is God's presence. So God's

original primal name that He chose for Himself was " TRUTH " or SAT.


The concept of Naam had been around well before Guru Nanak Ji's


But that " life force " or " energy " was not always associated with



What Guru Nanak ji did was put SAT in front of Naam. He emphasized

that this Naam was not just an energy or life force, but actually


presence of God, of TRUTH, of SAT.

A skeptic may ask: " Why not worship a physical form or an object? "

Untruth (Asat) depends upon external things, for it is unreal. Only

that which exists on its own can only be called Real and True. By

engaging in Shabad-Vichaar (Spiritual inquiry) as taught by the

Gurbani, we will find that when one perishable object depends on the

other perishable object(s) for its sustenance, then they cannot be

the source of Immortality because they in themselves are unreal,

impermanent or mortal. The only entity that is real is the Timeless

Truth, because it is Self-existence (Saibhang); one without

beginning, middle or end. This is why the Gurbani declares God and

His True Name (Sat Naam) to be the only Real Thing; everything else

is false or relative.



The tongue describes You using (various) praise names (e.g. HAR,


but the name " Truth " (SAT NAAM) is YOUR OWN original primal name.


Guru Nanak Ji teaches that God was in deep meditatation for an

incredible amount of time (36 AGES). And He broke this deep


by uttering a word – a vibration – what nowadays we might think of


the BIG BANG. When God gave the first vibration to start the


process He effectively said " I am God, I am SAT (Truth) " . Guru Nanak

Ji wrote this down as " Ik Oankar Sat Naam " meaning " One God Named

" Truth " .





What God wants us to do is to go into deep meditation (smadhi)


ourselves and join HIM in HIS deep meditation. When Guru Nanak


the state of deep meditation (smadhi), he was blessed by God


God gave Guru Nanak Ji two things to give suffering humanity :


a) the SAT NAAM mantra blessed by God (called the " Gur Prasadi

Naam " )


b) humility.


And like one candle lights another, Guru Nanak Ji would bless people

with these two things.



One God Named " Truth " by God's Grace.


With God's grace (Gur Prasad) one should meditate on the mantra

SATNAAM in utmost humility.



I bow to Guru (Nanak) who announced the mantra of " SAT NAAM " .


By meditating on the NAAM TRUTH, SATNAAM, with the blessings of God

from a holy person we start our journey on the GURPRASADI GAME. And


living a TRUTHFUL life we enter deep meditation and experience the


divine union with God as Guru Nanak Ji did.


" Truth " or " Sat Naam " will go deeper and deeper into you. You will

experience the life force the NAAM inside you. The Truth of your

existence. And with the Guru's grace (inner inspiration) you will

meet the holy ones who

will bless you even more along your journey.


Guru Nanak's message was

actually very simple:


1) Solve the riddle of how to be TRUTHFUL.



How does one become Truthful? How is the veil of falseness torn



Guru Nanak, SGGS Ji 1



2) God is TRUTH.



One God Named " Truth " by God's Grace.


Guru Ram Das Ji, SGGS Ji 81


3) Meditate on TRUTH



O my mind meditate on the name " Truth " , always and forever on the


of " Truth " .


Guru Ram Das, SGGS Ji 670


4) TRUTH will come to reside in your spiritual heart centre.




Sat Naam, the Great and Supreme True Name of God, the


of Creativity, dwells in the Consciousness of Guru Raam Daas. SGGS

Ji 1404


By meditating on SATNAAM, inside yourself your soul will come to


eternal peace in the Realm Of Truth where God resides: Sach Khand.



in the Realm of Truth the Formless Lord resides.


Guru Nanak, SGGS Ji 1


In a sentence, what is SATNAAM? SATNAAM is food for your starving

soul, fed to you by the holy person.


And finally, if you still are not convinced, then Guru Arjun Dev ji

makes it even clearer in Sukhmani Sahib

...Notice " His Naam is " SAT " , the meditator becomes " SAT " . "


charan sath sath parasanehaar ||

His Lotus Feet are " SAT " , the toucher becomes " SAT " .


poojaa sath sath saevadhaar ||

His devotional worship is " SAT " , the worshipper becomes " SAT " .


dharasan sath sath paekhanehaar ||

His Vision is " SAT " , the beholder becomes " SAT " .


naam sath sath dhhiaavanehaar ||

His Naam is " SAT " , the meditator becomes " SAT " .


aap sath sath sabh dhhaaree ||

He is " SAT " , " SAT " sustains all.


He Himself is virtuous goodness,

and He Himself is the Bestower of virtue.


sabadh sath sath prabh bakathaa ||

The Shabad is " SAT " , the speaker of God becomes " SAT " .


surath sath sath jas sunathaa ||

Make your mind " SAT " , the listener to the Praises becomes " SAT " .


bujhanehaar ko sath sabh hoe ||

The one who understands this, realises all is " SAT " .


naanak sath sath prabh soe ||1||

Nanak: The Lord God is " SAT SAT " ||1||


These are the actions, reactions, dimensions, limits, but when

beyond the limitless there's an experience, that is called paraa

poor balaa. From the Infinite of the Infinite, and beyond that, God,

your Name is 'Sat Naam.' Now Sat Naam means literally " the Name of

Absolute Truth " It is a panch shabad mantra. Sat Naam is a panch

shabad mantra with the primal sounds Sa-Ta-Na-Ma. It's beautiful if

you understand the science of it. Sat Naam is beej mantra, it is

the seed that when planted in the depths of the mind gives rise to

the tree of Truth which is God. That is why Sat Naam is the beej


Sat Nam is a panch shabad (mantra containing five parts). Saa means

Infinity, taa means birth, naa means death, and maa means

resurrection. Sat Naam is the shabad in which you have superiority

over God. God is a slave in the hand of the devotees. Sat Naam

purifies the entire time and space, when you speak it even once; it

does not matter when. It is the superior self-power of God. God is

remembered by His actions. Naam simran is a must to prepare for

Gurbani (the inner voice of God) to have its effect. It is the

complete science of the word and sound. It changes a human's

biological and psychological metabolism of his body, mind, and soul.

Chant, O my mind, the True Name, Sat Naam, the True Name.

In this world, and in the world beyond, your face shall be radiant,

by meditating continually on the immaculate Lord God.


Wherever anyone remembers the Lord in meditation, disaster runs away

from that place. By great good fortune, we meditate on the Lord.


The Guru has blessed servant Nanak with this understanding, that by

meditating on the Lord, we cross over the terrifying world-ocean.

Indeed the Primal Guru is the Word eternal, Sat naam, the all-

pervading Divine Spirit. By repeating or symbolizing the Ultimate

Reality, anyone can reach the highest stage of Bliss. The macrocosm

is reflected in microcosm at this stage. Guru Nanak says:

`Such is the Divine play of the Creator that He, God has reflected

the whole cosmos within the human body.'

Finally, Swami Ji explains what Naam (the Word) is, what is the

destination, and what is our ideal? He says that our aim is to merge

our soul with Sat Naam (true Word), the Eternal Nameless God Power.

We have first to rise above body-consciousness and get the lowest

link. After gradually traversing the various higher planes (deeper

levels of consciousness), the soul will finally reach where there is

nothing but All-Truth. The three regions—primal, subtle, and causal

are destructible. Beyond these three regions is Satlok or Sachkhand

which is the abode of the Almighty. This is our goal and we must

achieve it. Jesus Christ at the time of leaving His immortal frame,

instructed His disciples first to accomplish what He had taught

them. The human birth has given you a golden opportunity. Make the

best use of it.

A skeptic may ask: " Why not worship a physical form or an object? "

Untruth (Asat) depends upon external things, for it is unreal. Only

that which exists on its own can only be called Real and True. By

engaging in Shabad-Vichaar (Spiritual inquiry) as taught by the

Gurbani, we will find that when one perishable object depends on the

other perishable object(s) for its sustenance, then they cannot be

the source of Immortality because they in themselves are unreal,

impermanent or mortal. The only entity that is real is the Timeless

Truth, because it is Self-existence (Saibhang); one without

beginning, middle or end. This is why the Gurbani declares God and

His True Name (Sat Naam) to be the only Real Thing; everything else

is false or relative.


Naam-Simran (meditation) - The key to Happiness

The love of God and adoration through Naam Simran (meditation) give

meaning to our life and alleviate mass ignorance. To the people of

Indian sub-continent Guru Nanak gave a revolutionary message: " There

is no Hindu, there is no Musalman. "

Meditation on Naam brings inner peace and controls wayward impulses

of mind by fixing our thought on God: To conquer the mind is to

conquer the world, said Guru Nanak: " Munn jeetey jag jeet " .

The technique is simple enough: sit in repose check the wandering of

your mind from external objects, and direct it towards the Lord


Guru Nanak's Japuji tells us that let us not stray away into by-

roads of materialism and sensual indulgences. The holy Guru defines

the Fundamental Creed as the Spiritual Highway: " He is the Sole

Supreme Being of eternal manifestation; Creator, Immanent Reality;

without Fear; without Rancor; Self-Existent; Realized by Grace of

the holy preceptor (God). Remember Him in primal time, in all time,

He is the Creator; Nothing is real but the Eternal God. Nothing

shall last but the Eternal. On His Name we dwell for He is the One

Source sprung from the Vedas, Smritis, Puranas, the Qur'an, and

other sacred scriptures. There is not the slightest difference

between Him and His Name. He is inseparable, and omnipresent. So

Guru Nanak asked: `repeat His Name with devotion and fervour, but be

ever a seeker of Truth. Such a person is sure to realize the Truth.

God is within us, nearer than the nearest. But our vision is so

blurred by a thousand petty desires that He seems to us to be either

non-existent or too far off to make any difference.

Guru Nanak's exhortation of Naam and Simran - or meditation - are

synonymous with japa and dhyana; there is no difference. Gurbani

says the seeker after Truth, or a Gursikh, can reach the highest

goal by taking the Lord's name. For japa, or naam-simran, the

spiritual unity is indispensable. Indeed, Naam-simran is the most

powerful unifier uncovered by Guru Nanak as a spiritual and mental

exercise. Scientists and psychologists alike concede the necessity

of quiet meditation, which is all the more necessary for the

educated and the busy, the technocrat, who tense up in daily

routine. You do not need a charm around your neck. Guru Nanak's

gospel " has a charm of its own. It is not restricted to a single

dimension of human experience but refers to the totality of human

life. Naam Simran (meditation using the NAME OF TRUTH, Sat Naam), is

one of His great contributions to socio-spiritual culture of

humanity. "

How can He be experienced? Gurbani says, " Not by renouncing the

world, or going in search of Naam to places of pilgrimage, or to the

jungle or self-styled saints. Because Naam is everywhere, discover

it in Satsangat, living a natural and normal life in society. The

Guru Granth says: human birth is a rare privilege which one should

not expect to get again and again. It is a priceless opportunity to

remove Ego (Haumai) by removal of difference between Jivatma and

Parmatma, through Naam-simran the way is simplified. As the Fifth

Master says in Sukhmani:

" There is naught else equal to Naam

Nanak, man gains deliverance only

through Jap of Naam ......

Through Naam many sinners (fallen one)

have achieved salvation. "

" Divine Name is God Himself " , so by meditating on Satnaam with

devotion Guru (inner Divine) stirs our souls with His name,

therefore let us remember:

The mystic formula of Naam-simran awakens spiritual consciousness.

It purifies the mind, removes sins - whether committed knowingly or


Daily practice cleanses the mind (chitt-shuddhi) effecting higher

intelligence and wisdom.

Rhythmic vibrations produce pure music: Anhad-nad, continuity of

Naam simran regulates the life and awakes superhuman powers.

Simran produces spiritual energy and one breathes divinity.

By constant remembering the Name, the mind is elevated and releases

the hidden power of the soul.

Simran is a powerful agent in awakening the love and harmony, and

the spirit becomes intoxicated with Divine love.

Guru Nanak says " The medicine for all ailments is Naam simran.

Guru Tegh Bahadur explains: " Just as the smell resides within the

flower and ashes contained within charcoal, in the same way God

lives within us; and then the mind realizes the Truth within.

In Siddh-gosht Guru Nanak says: " When there was no universe, no

form, no unit of life, the Word in His essence was in the

Transcendent. "

In Japuji, Guruji says, " All creation has emerged from a single

command flowing one like a multitude of rivers.

By hearkening to the Naam, the art of Yoga and all the secrets of

body and mind are unveiled. Nothing can bar or mar the path of those

who truly believe in the Naam " Guruji says to Yogis.

Yet it is not easy to adhere to true regimen. The treasure of Naam

simran grows slowly. Naam comes as a result of merit, it is easy to

dispute or discuss religious philosophy, but it is a lot more

difficult to practice Simran with absolute faith and confidence.

Guru is inner

Who Is the True Guru (Satguru)


To create the right conditions needed for re-discovery of the

Supreme Truth, there are two ways: external or passive, and internal

or active. In the external way, you live with somebody who hopefully

has realized the Truth, and submit yourself entirely to his guiding.

In the internal way, you turn within, seek the inner guide and

follow the inner Light (Antarguru). The short-coming of the external

way, particularly in the Kal Yuga, is: It is rare to find somebody

worthy of trust and love; as people are short lived; it's neither

possible nor practical for householders or working persons to live

for a extended period

of time with potential embodied Gurus to find out which one is true

to be trusted. To the

contrary, the Self within (Antarguru) is not only full of Divine

Love and Trust, but also ever available to everybody, eternally!

This Pure Existence-Knowledge-Bliss is complete, most intimate,

Conscious Being, and always with us. Accordingly, it is this

internal way of life that is emphasized by the Gurmat; where one's

outer life is unimportant. To realize This is the end of all



Aape Satiguru Shabad hai aap: The Lord is the Satguru as well as the

Shabad (sggs 797).


Satgur meraa sadaa sadaa na aavai na jaayi. Oh abinaasee purakh a

sabh mahi rahiyaa samaayi: My True Guru is eternal; beyond birth and

death. He is the Imperishable Creator Lord; He is permeating and

pervading among all (sggs 759).


gur purmesur eak hai subh mehi rehiaa sumaae : The Guru and the

Transcendent Lord are one and the same, pervading and permeating

amongst all. (sggs 53).


gur paarbraham eaekai hee jaanae : One sees the Guru and the Supreme

Lord God as one and the same (sggs 887).


Sabh kish ghar mahi baahari naahee. Baahari tolai so bharam

bhulaahee: Everything is within the home of the Self; there is

nothing beyond. One who searches outside is deluded by doubts


In fact, Baabaa Nanak did not even have any embodied Guru!

During " Sidh Goshtee " , he was asked by the Sidhas about it. Three of

their questions to Baabaa Nanak were: " Who is your Guru? How do you

become a disciple? Where does the Shabad reside? " Baabaa Nanak's

answers were as follows: Shabad Guru surti dhun chelaa: The Shabad

is my Guru. By focusing consciousness on this celestial sound or

Shabad, I become a disciple (sggs 943).



Mantras are sounds that connect us with different levels of

intelligence. SAT NAM is the most basic mantra used in Kundalini

yoga. (pronounced like " but mom " ) SAT means the truth. NAM means

name, identity, to identify with or to call upon. SAT NAM can be

translated as " Truth is God's Name. Truth is my (your, our)

identity. " It is used as a personal mantra to express or tune into

one's infinite identity.

SAT NAM is an invocation of our divine consciousness. Its vibration

links us up to our true identity, which is our divine soul. SAT NAM

is called the seed or bij mantra. By transcending on this mantra we

plant the seed of universal truth in our consciousness.

We all know the axiom " The truth shall set you free. " The question

is how do we link up with the Truth. SAT NAM is one mantra that

links us up with the Truth. SAT NAM has the power to set us free by

waking us up to our infinite identity.


SAT NAM has the power to clear the subconscious mind so that old

wounds and programs no longer get in the way of Self-realization. It

does so by changing the projection of our minds. Mantra means the

projection of the mind. " Bij " or seed mantras use universal sound

currents to rearrange the habit patterns of the mind. They do so by

accessing the part of the mind that regulates habits. The sounds

erase patterns that vibrate at lower frequencies or do not resonate

with the Truth or our true essence. They establish new habits by

replacing the old frequency with the higher frequency of the Truth.

SAT resonates with universal Truth. NAAM " is the vibration which

creates what it names.




In the three major monotheistic traditions, names of God which are

attributes are most commonly used. Some examples are, Love, Father,

Lord, Almighty etc. The Sanskrit Bija or seed mantra " Sat Naam " is

understood as a complete Name of God, rather than an attribute or

referent. It also has a meaning of God, which is described within

the scriptures of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.


According to ancient tradition, which is being increasingly realized

by modern neurolinguistic psychology, Sanskrit is a language which

in addition to it's surface meaning has vibrational qualities and

structures which create the direct experience of the word in the

nervous system of the listener. When, through meditation, these

sounds are followed to the source of the thought and transcended,

that which is named becomes the actual experience. Therefore a

person who contemplates, and transcends on the mantra " Sat Naam "

begins to embody the Truth which is underlying. In effect the Word

becomes flesh.


In Eastern Philosophy there is a Sanskrit term " Ritam Bhara

Pragyam " . By this is meant the underlying reality (literally

translated as " It is real " ). Therefore a thought perceived at this

level is experienced as real.




Ex 3:14

" God said to Moses: I AM WHO AM. He said: Thus shalt thou say to the

children of Israel: HE WHO IS, hath sent me to you " . God is saying

He is the identity of existence.


Sat Naam means the Name or Identity of Absolute Existence. Sat means

Absolute: Existence, Truth, Being, and Good, while Naam means the

name of, or identity of. Sat Naam is therefore the Sanskrit

translation of the Name of God, as understood in the scripture of

Judaism and the Old Testament of Christianity..



John 14:6

" Jesus saith to him: I am the way, and the truth, and the life "


When Jesus says He is the Truth, he is saying his identity is Truth.

Sat Naam means the Name or identity of Absolute Truth. Sat Naam is

therefore the Sanskrit translation of the Name of Jesus, as

understood in of Christianity. It is also the way to the Truth, for

by transcending on Sat Naam we follow it to it's source.



A Name of God, in the Qur'anic verses is stated: " That is because

God, He is the Truth " (22: 6) and " God, He is the manifest Truth "

(24: 25).


He is the Truth means His identity is Truth. Sat Naam means the

identity or manifestation of Absolute Truth, or Sat.

As can be readily seen the Name of God, Sat Naam, expresses the same

understanding of God, translated into Sanskrit, as the understanding

of God held by the three major monotheistic traditions.


Ernest Holmes, in The Science of mind quotes Plotinus who said, " …

It (nature) lets fall the seed of it's thought into the Universal

Subjective which, being Law, produces the object thought about. "

Restated, if we transcend (follow a thought to its subtlest level

until we go beyond thought to the field of Pure Being) on the primal

or first Name of God, Truth, with the bija (seed) mantra " Sat Naam "

we will bring about the embodiment of God within ourselves. This is

our True identity, and is liberation.

Yogi Bhajan in a lecture says;


" There will be a controversy that Sat Naam is not a mantra. Sat

Naam is a Panch Tantra Mantra. It is a panch shabad. It is THE

ONLY mantra. When Almighty God wanted to test His reality, He

created the tattvas (principals), and at the time of creation of the

tattvas (principals), Sa-Ta-Na-Ma is the sound. In the beginning

there was

the word, word was with God, and word was God. That sound is

right there and that is Sat Naam. True Identity. God created

the tattvas (principals), so that you can find the true identity of

yourself as well as of the God. "

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shriadishakti , " theo "

<johnlasher20002000> wrote:


> Guru Nanak: the teaching with the potential to unite all faiths




Hi John,


Thank you for this really informative post regarding " Sat Naam " , and

being a Sikh i used this word all my life and continue to utter

occasionally. Even during decades of alcoholic abuse, even in my

most drunken stupor this word " Satnaam " was always involuntarily

uttered. Somehow this fragile single thread with the Divine refused

to snap, as if the link was indestructible!


" The word Sat means True or Real and Naam means the Divine

Essence, the Being of God. This Essence is formless, colorless, and

featureless, but is present in all Creation. There is no place, no

thing, no plant, no creature in which it is not (Jaytaa keetaa

taytaa naa-on. Vin naavai naahee ko thaa-o.) Being formless,

colorless, featureless, this Essence cannot be seen or visualized by

the mind.


We can see only the physical dimension of Reality in God's

Creation — mountains, plants, trees, creatures, etc. Thus, the

outer shell of Reality holds us (the appearances deludes us) and we

cannot penetrate deeper to experience the All Pervading Reality. The

physical dimension of Reality (the outer shell) is always in flux;

it keeps changing. While birth, death, creation, destruction, etc.,

occur in the physical dimension of Creation, the Essence, the

Immanent Being of God (Naam) never changes; it transcends space and

time. The word Naam is a symbol representing the spiritual dimension

of Creation; it is the very Being of God permeating all that exists.

Naam is not merely the `Name of God' as is commonly believed;

it symbolizes the Being of God filling all Creation. "


Dr. Santokh Singh, Nitnaym Banees,

Sikh Resource Centre, Ontario, 1992, p. 13.



" The chief designation for the deity in Sikhism is " Sat

Nam, " meaning " True Name. " These two words are the first

two words in the text of the sacred scriptures. They recur at the

beginning of each hymn in the Granth and frequently throughout the

book. They are used mystically as an efficacious saving formula. The

phrase is itself venerated mystically, as if it were a pantheistic

kind of deity. The Guru was asked why the words " Sat Nam "

— the True Name — were always written as an introduction to

his hymns. He replied: " The Name is the God of all gods . . . The

Guru's Sikhs worship the True Name, and thus remove all obstacles to

salvation. Accordingly the prefatory words, 'the True Name,' are

written in all compositions. " (138.) They who forget the Name, go

astray . . . How can a man be saved without the Name? (149; Trumpp,

589.) I abide in the Name, and the Name abideth in my heart. "


Robert E. Hume, The World's Living Religion, Charles Scribner's

Sons, 1959, p. 99.



i am a bit busy today morning as it is Diwali (Happy Diwali to all)

and my wife wants me to cook chicken curry. Probably i will have

some free time tomorrow to answer your post and Kyyan's as well.


In the meantime i hope you will check the post below on Dsam Dwar

and answer a few questions:





1) How is that despite all the chanting of " Sat Naam " for five

centuries Sikhs have no idea about " Dsam Dwar " ?


2) Why do even the most enlightened of Sikhs, gianis and scholars

know so little about something that is absolutely vital for self-

realization and enlightenment?


3) Can i assume that they are ignorant and their Dsam Dwar remains

closed because they have yet to meet the Inner Guru?


4) Can i assume that only by the Grace of the Inner Guru the Dsam

Dwar can be opened, an experience felt as cool breeze flowing out of

the Brahmarandhra, hands, and sometimes from the feet and other

parts of the body?


5) What do you know of the Aykaa Mayee (One Mother) entrenched in

the Japji Sahib, the Divine Essence from whence springs forth the

voluminous Sri Guru Granth Sahib, the most important of Sikh prayers?



" Aadays, tisai aadays. Aad aneel anaad anaahat, jug jug ayko vays.

Obeisance, obeisance to Her, the Primal, the Immaculate, without

beginning, without end, Immutable through all ages.


Aykaa maa-ee, jugat viaaee, tin chalay parvaan.

The Mother was conceived alone in some mysterious way and She

procreated three deities.


Ik sansaaree, ik bhandaaree, ik laa-ay deeban.

One was Creator (Brahma), one Sustainer (Vishnu), and one Destroyer)

Shiva) of the world.


Jiv tis bhaavai, tivai chalaavai, jiv havai phurmaan.

The world moves as She ordains and as She pleases.


Oh vaykahi, onaa nadar na aavai, buhutaa ayho vidaan.

She sees all, but no one sees Her: this is a great wonder. "




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