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balooney of early days

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Jagbir - I cant help but wonder what all this balooney

is about. I

was just going through archived messages and got

thoroughly irritated

at the numerous messages from this Ishmael fellow.

Kalki, Shri

Shiva...bah...i didn't even want to comprehend. Whats

worse is that

you were engaged in a proper conversation with him. I

really didnt

have the patience to read all of it, did you really

think he's

meeting dieties around the place and that lord shiva

is teaching him



Im tempted now to ask you something that ceased to

concern me. You

said you have been meeting the adishakti in the

sahasrar. I must

admit, in my meditations i have been asking the

adishakti to bestow

such an experience on me....but now i just wonder if

im urging my

mind to play a trick on me.


Could you, for my knowlege and understanding, please

tell me about

the experience


When you meet the Adishakti


1. How old is she there. I mean lets assume she has an

earthly body

and is dressed in fabrics made of earthly clothes and

all..So is she

(In earth years) 20 -25-40-60-81?


2. The clothes are made of the same materials here on



3. There was a lion nearby wasnt there. Wasnt he

allowed to evolve

and become a human being and finally liberated?


4. The other dieties, say lord ganesha, how old is he?

Lord Shiva is

there too with mother parvati i assume. How old is he,

does he look

like a 17 yr old or in his early 40's?


5.When you meet her, she on her throne right, whats

the backdrop? and

what are the surroundings? IS it misty, like in the

movies or is a

secluded jungle?


Any other details will be much appreciated.





shriadishakti , " Ishmael Abraham


<ishmael35a> " <ishmael35a> wrote:

Dear All,

I had just written a short synopsis and pushed the

wrong button.



So I start over. Maybe shorter this time.

This is a very personal story and to keep it short and

to the point i

leave out most of the details.

My liver suffered cirrohsis, scarring from many years

of hepatitis c

infection. Like more than 30 years. i came to a point

in my life

where i was very sick, to sick to attend collective

gatherings or do

much of anything. When the yogis called i simply told

them i could

not attend, without further explaination. I was also a

bit embaressed

to be so ill. i moved to the coast to be near my

father and let

whatever happened happen. The doctors had said i could

recover this

time or not, they had no way of knowing for certain.

Well i did, but

remained in a cycle of wellness and illness for

another 6 years. i

had taken up a job as a traveling photographer and

relied on my

meditation and vibrations to tell me where to work and

where to go. I

was mostly on my own...having a last adventure so to



One day seeming out of the blue i was overcome with a


happiness, that came in waves and lasted for weeks,

months even. I

declared to a friend i was the happiest man on the

planet, for no

reason other than these vibrations.


One evening i was meditating and suddenly the

Kundalini started to

rise so strongly i felt it as a rocket engine. The

spine was pulsing

and surging with it, and it flowed out of and engulfed

my whole head.

at the same time a similar energy started to flow out

of my heart, it

rose up the left side and merged in Sahasrara with the

spinal one. i

was experiencing a state of Samadhi never dreamed

about. Mahasamadhi

i would say today. I felt the need to lie flat and lay

down. Suddenly

the Sahasrara opened and I could feel strange things

happening to the

body. i started to get stiff, hard like a rock, and i

could feel

movement towards the top of my head. i said to myself,

i am now

dieing i felt some fear, and sat up and looked at Shri

Mataji's photo

on the coffee table. I said to Her, Mother you are my

God and I trust

you, I know you are taking me, i am ready.


i lay back down and the same sensation started again,


sitting beside me and talking to me was Shri Shiva, he

was giving me

Yoga lessons. He was saying to me, identify with what

you are, you

are the spirit. Say it , he said. I did over and over,

and as i did

my body turned to rock, and my breathing stopped. I

moved out through

the top of my head. Directly inot another body, except

i was in

Heaven and Shri Mataji was sitting beside me. She was

telling me

things, who I was, ie:Ishmael. and then She said to

me, " This is how

much God Loves you " . I was overcome with the most

beautiful feeling

of Love I could never describe, I could never have

known it even

existed. The emotion i felt that is. It coursed

through me from head

to toe. My cells were alive with it. After some time

it subsided and

She said to me again, " This is how much you Love

yourself " . I had

the same experience again. When that was done she

said, " This is how

much you Love everybody in the whole world " . I had

again the exact

same experience.I could never begin to express the

feeling of Preem.

it seemed as Beauty itself. All i can say. Then i was

laying there

amazed at this display, me? Suddenly Shri Mataji said

to me, and now

this is your Heavenly body waiting for you when you

are done on

earth. I experienced the same procees as before, the

body becomeing

hard and the breathing stopped, again i passed out

through the head

and into the most gorgeous creature i could never even


exists. I was in the Sun, so it seemed, I looked down

at my body and

it was pure light! It sang to me! Pure Pure Bliss,

ringing every cell

of my being with the most intense intense harmony and


Bliss. I looked and was amazed, I was indeed

exceedingly happy, in

fact i was sure She would never convince me to leave.

I was staying

here forever! Just as suddenly it was over and i was

back with

Mother. She said, " That is not for now, you have

things to do on

earth " .


This was only the beginning, and not all of it, and

not even when i

recieved a cure for the liver. That was some months

later and was at

the hand of Shri Sadashiva himself.


And Barry, I dont believe anything. I have Knowledge

of Reality,

that is what i recommend all seek. Give up your

beliefs and gain

Knowledge. What can anyone do if the experience of

Yoga does not

happen or sustain one? It is a solitary journey. One

must ultimately

rely upon oneself. I had nothing to do with this, I

remain an

innocent witness unto this day. At the top of the

Mountain if you see

some foot prints before you, you are on the wrong

path. You can

follow no one there. Am i crazy? yep, crazy in Love

with God.




--- End forwarded message ---



--- jagbir singh <adishakti_org wrote:





> shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "


> <adishakti_org> wrote:

> >

> > Dear All,

> >

> > i just came to know that it only costs $50,000 for

> a full page

> > advert in the New York Times. One day in the

> future when all is

> > ready that is all that will be required to tell

> the whole world

> > that the Last Judgment and Resurrection has begun,

> and that Shri

> > Mataji has laid all the groundwork and established

> the SYs

> > necessary to propogate this Great Event ordained

> for humanity.

> > Just a single major announcement is all that is

> needed. Any doubt

> > this will not be undertaken?

> >

> > Jai Shri Mataji,

> >

> >


> " What we need today is to know that there is a God,

> and that we

> can see and feel Him here and now. We want

> everything but God,

> because our ordinary desires are fulfilled by the

> external world. So

> long as our needs are confined within the limits of

> the physical

> universe, it is only when we have had hard blows in

> our lives and

> are disappointed with everything here that we feel

> the need for

> something higher; then we seek God.


> Religion can be relished. Are you ready? Do you want

> it? You will

> get realization if you do, and then you will be

> truly religious.

> Until you have attained realization, there is no

> difference between

> you and atheists. The atheists are sincere, but the

> man who says

> that he believes in religion and never attempts to

> realize it is not

> sincere.


> Religion deals with the truths of the metaphysical

> world, just as

> chemistry and the other natural sciences deal with

> the truths of the

> physical world. Each soul is a star, and all stars

> are set in that

> infinite azure, that eternal sky, the Lord. There is

> the root, the

> reality, the real individuality of each and all.

> Religion began with

> the search after some of these stars that had passed

> beyond you

> horizon, and ended in finding them in God, and

> ourselves in the same

> place....


> Take religion from human society and what will

> remain? Nothing but a

> forest of brutes. Sense-happiness is not the goal of

> humanity;

> wisdom is the goal of all life.


> Can religion really accomplish anything? It can. It

> brings to man

> eternal life. It has made man what he is and will

> make of this human

> animal, a God. That is what religion can do. The

> ideal of all

> religions, all sects, is the same-the attaining of

> liberty, the

> cessation of misery.


> Not a drop will be in the ocean, not a twig in the

> deepest forest,

> not a crumb in the house of the god of wealth, if

> the Lord is not

> merciful. Streams will be in the desert and the

> beggar will have

> plenty if He wills it. He seeth the sparrow's fall.

> Are these but

> words or literal, actual life?


> These prophets were not unique; they were men as you

> or I. They were

> great Yogis. They had gained this

> super-consciousness, and you and I

> can get the same. They very fact that one man ever

> reached that

> state, proves that it is possible for every man to

> do so. Not only

> is it possible, but every man must, eventually, get

> to that state,

> and that is religion.


> Religions of the world have become lifeless

> mockeries. What the

> world wants is character. The world is in need fro

> those whose life

> is one burning love, selfless. That love will make

> every word tell

> like thunderbolt....


> If there is ever to be a universal religion, it must

> be one which

> will have no location in place or time; which will

> be infinite like

> the God it will preach, and whose sun will shine

> upon the followers

> of Krishna and of Christ, on saints and sinners

> alike; which will

> not be Brahminic or Buddhistic, Christian or

> Mohammedan, but the sum

> total of all these, and still have infinite space

> fro development;

> which in its catholicity will embrace in its

> infinite arms, and find

> a place for, every human being, from the lowest

> groveling savage not

> far removed from the brute, to the highest man

> towering by virtues

> of his head and heart almost above humanity, making

> society stand in

> awe of him and doubt his human nature. It will be a

> religion which

> will have no place for persecution or intolerance in

> its polity,

> which will recognize divinity in every man and

> woman, and whose

> whole scope, whose whole force, will be centered in

> aiding humanity

> to realize its own true, divine nature.


> What I want to propagate is a religion that will be

> equally

> acceptable to all minds; it must be equally

> philosophic, equally

> emotional, equally mystic, and equally conducive to

> action. And this

> combination will be the ideal of the nearest

> approach to a universal

> religion. Would to God that all men were so

> constituted that in

> their minds all these elements of philosophy,

> mysticism, emotion,

> and of work were equally present in full! That is

> the ideal, my

> ideal of a perfect man. Everyone who has only one or

> two of these

> elements of character, I consider " one-sided " ; and

> this world

> is almost full of such " one-sided " men, with

> knowledge of that

> one road only in which they move; and anything else

> is dangerous and

> horrible to them. To become harmoniously balanced in

> all these four

> directions is my ideal of religion....


> Hindus accept every religion, praying in the mosque

> of the

> Mohammedans, worshipping before the fire of the

> Zoroastrians, and

> kneeling before the cross of the Christians, knowing

> that all the

> religions, from the lowest fetishism to the highest

> absolutism, mean

> so many attempts of the human soul to grasp and

> realize the

> infinite, each determined by the conditions of its

> birth and

> associations, and each of them marking a stage of

> progress. We

> gather all these flowers and bind them with the

> twine of love,

> making a wonderful bouquet of worship.


> Religion is realization; not talk, nor doctrine, nor

> theories,

> however beautiful they may be. It is being and

> becoming, not hearing

> or acknowledging; it is the whole soul becoming

> changed into what it

> believes.


> This life is short, the vanities of the world are

> transient, but


=== message truncated ===







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