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Sri Mataji is a genuine saint ...(but) i'm not now in sahaja yoga.

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shriadishakti , jagbir singh

<adishakti_org> wrote:



> If you do not feel this universal energy then just dump Sahaja

> Yoga and find another path. But before you do please try to

> understand that Sahaja Yoga is not just about the subtle system.

> This assumption by many newcomers is the main cause of Sahaja

> Yoga's dismal failure and the reason the vast majority leave

> quickly. i have a quote from a seeker that seems to provides

> evidence to this effect:


> --------------


> First i have to say i'm usually a man not rich in some sensational

> experiences. When i attended for first time the classes in Varna,

> i was given the so called " Self-realisation " which of course

> doesn't have to be mistaken as the enlightenment. It's just a

> transfer of energy from the pic of Sri Mataji. The first time

> after the classes i had experiences of something new in me...i

> felt the different vibrations as soon as i went out of the sahaj

> club. So i began practicing the sahaj meditation as per the

> instructions and i noticed first results - more joy, spontaneity,

> better meditation and so on. And have to make a remark that the

> effect is stronger in the group meditations....where i fell

> several times in deep meditations.


> Of course there was people not content with sahaja yoga but i

> think that's due to the impatience and the lack of the

> earnestness. Though i'm not now in sahaja yoga, i feel grateful to

> Sri Mataji for she opened for me the door for my further practice.

> And if u have no results....first check urself, be more

> perseverant, follow what u are taught and then if u still don't

> feel anything u can try to search for something else but not

> before it. I mean that's the case with the most students - they

> are in hurry to put the blame on the path and the teacher but

> don't look at themselves.


> I wish u good luck!


> P.S. I hope my english is good enough for u to understand me.


> ----




Sorry, i forgot to add this thread from the seeker above who still

left Sahaja Yoga despite all the positive experiences:


" Hi! I practiced Sahaja yoga for some time here in Bulgaria. In

Sahaja Yoga it's awaken a little bit of energy, they say, of

kundalini... I got good experience as a whole from tha yoga. The

basic principle here is the group meditation because then the

energies are accumulated and the meditation is better but best way

to know that is to experience for yourself. Me personally can

recommend it to u...and Sri Mataji is a genuine saint. "



SYs have to find out why such people who despite believing Shri

Mataji is a genuine saint still leave Sahaja Yoga. What makes them

disinterested to continue under such a genuine guru - the atmosphere

at collectives? excessive talk about catches and cures? too much

rituals? lack of non-subtle system knowledge? pervasive fear of

negativity? strange talks of left-sided acts and bhoots? dry and

rigid devotees?(i can go on and on).


It is time they stop finding scapegoats. Maybe if we just start

finding faults with the quality, method and sincerity of SYs

promoting Sahaja Yoga we may start making progress after decades.

How about starting with the admission that all newcomers join

briefly and leave quickly with the impression that Shri Mataji is

just another guru? ......... and there are hundreds available for

them to choose from.


i sometimes come across posts ridiculing Shri Mataji based on what

seekers have read at the official websites, where next to nothing is

given as evidence that She is the Adi Shakti. Of course some are

going to scorn about what they perceive is a pretentious guru - i

did the first time someone introduced me to Sahaja Yoga and Shri

Mataji. He thought very highly of the cool breeze and was visibly

excited to feel it. i laughed and asked him what was the great deal

about it. He had no answer. (i am sure SYs have had similar

reactions. Probably more left quietly without any comment so as to

not hurt feelings.)


Maybe those in charge of official SY websites should check how the

devotees of Amma and other divine mothers set up their sites and see

for themselves how false gurus are able to attract so many seekers.

Maybe all their false and embellished facts/lies may just make SYs

less apprehensive of telling the truth and giving evidence on why

Shri Mataji is the Adi Shakti.


My question: If others can so fearlessly claim their gurus to be the

Divine Mother and give 'evidence' supporting divinity why are SYs

not countering the growing ranks of such divine mothers by declaring

the Great Event and the advent of the Adi Shakti sent to proclaim

this message? Why are so many silent on so critical an issue, an

irresponsible and cowardly act that will surely be questioned in

future? (Shri Mataji has already cautioned that people will just say

they never heard about the Last Judgment.)


But don't hold your breath and wait for an answer. You will never

know the truth why we don't tell the plain truth of the Great Event

which is, by all counts and common sense, far more important and

necessary for the world today. Neither will we know why the devotees

of other teachers are not afraid of declaring their convictions loud

and clear. All SYs can do is whitewash them with a broad

brush, " They are false gurus " .


What we have failed to realize is that the devotees of false gurus

are far more sincere than the followers of genuine saints like Shri

Mataji. i belief that over the years our unfounded fears of public

reaction/ridicule of Shri Mataji's message of the Last Judgment and

Resurrection have made us insincere. It has now reached a stage

where all accusations of dishonesty keep falling on deaf ears.


Sikhs greet by saying Sat Sri Akal (The Treasure of Truth is

Timeless). This constantly reminds one and others that those who

live with truth achieve all treasures and victories. Maybe this

quote from The Mind of Mahatma Gandhi may remind SYs the utmost

importance of telling the Truth:


" The word satya (Truth) is derived from Sat which means 'being'.

Nothing is or exists in reality except Truth. That is why Sat or

Truth is perhaps the most important name of God, In fact it is more

correct to say that Truth is God than to say God is truth. ...


Hence we know God as Sat-Chit-ananda, one who combines in Himself

Truth, Knowledge and Bliss.


Devotion to this Truth is the sole justification for our existence.

All our activities should be centered in Truth. Truth should be the

very breath of our life.


When once this stage in the pilgrim's progress is reached, all other

rules of correct living will come without effort, and obedience to

them will be instinctive. But without Truth it is impossible to

observe any principles or rules in life.


Generally speaking observation of the law of Truth is understood

merely to mean that we must speak the Truth. But we in the Ashram

should understand the word Satya or Truth in a much wider sense.

There should be truth in thought, truth in speech, and truth in

action. To the man who has realized this truth in its fullness,

nothing else remains to be known , because all knowledge is

necessary included in it. What is not included in it is not truth,

and so not true knowledge; and there can be no inward peace without

true knowledge. If we once learn how to apply this never failing

test of Truth, we will at once able to find out what is worth doing,

what is worth seeing, what is worth reading.


But how is one to to realize this Truth , which may be likened to

the philosophers stone or the cow of plenty? By single minded

devotion (abhyasa ) and indifference to all other interests in life

(vairagya) replies the Bhagavadgita. In spite, however of such

devotion, what may appear as Truth to one person will often appear

as untruth to another person. But that need not worry the seeker.

where there is honest effort, it will be realized that what appear

to be different truths are like the countless and apparently

different leaves of the same tree. Does not God himself appear to

different individuals in different aspects? Yet we know that He is

one. But Truth is the right designation of God. Hence there is

nothing wrong in every man following Truth according to his lights.

Indeed it is his duty to do so. Then if there is a mistake on the

part of any one so following Truth it will be automatically set

right. For the quest of Truth involves tapas self suffering,

sometimes even unto death. There can be no place in it even a trace

of self interest. In such selfless search for Truth nobody can lose

his bearings for long. Directly he takes to the wrong path he

stumbles, and is thus redirected to the right path. Therefore the

pursuit of Truth is true bhakti (devotion). It is the path that

leads to God. There is no place in it for cowardice, no place for

defeat. It is the talisman by which death itself becomes the portal

to life eternal. "


If the truth of Shri Mataji's message forms the very foundation of

our faith, then declaring it to humanity should have no place for

cowardice, no place for defeat. How come that is not the case? Does

the narrow-minded official emphasis on the subtle system make us

oblivious /immune/disregard/forget/fear the historic responsibility

of announcing the Great Event to humanity? Is that the reason why

even people who regard Shri Mataji as a genuine saint do not stay in

Sahaja Yoga? Do they leave because of the impression it is all about

the subtle system, and they can find other gurus teaching the same

stuff? Is this the main reason why 99% of all those who attend

Sahaja Yoga programs leave within a few days/weeks?



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