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His questions are the questions any seeker would ask , and are important

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Dear All,


i received an email below from Danny requesting answers to questions

from a non-SY friend of his who is a forum member:


" Jai Shri Mataji!


Jagbir, I have some emails from Xxxxxx (who is not a sahaja yogi,

nor he ever practiced any form of meditation). Anyway, he asked me a

bunch of questions, and I have his permission to post my response to

the forum. His email won't be available. (he's been traumatized in

the past, and not trusting anybody....). In any case, his questions

are the questions any seeker would ask, and are important from this

point. If you could help me with this one, I'd feel much better.;))

You are free to post your response in the forum, if needed.

Otherwise, I'll instruct Xxxxxx to email you directly.


Sincerely, danny "



Yes, Danny, i will reply to his questions but on the forum. Xxxxxx

may respond by emailing back to you, and you may forward his mail

back to me. However, i will have to post all answers to the forum

for the benefit of all members. (Sometimes it may take a few days.)


There is no question that his questions are the questions any seeker

would ask, and are important. Seekers must know what Sahaja Yoga is

really all about and make up their minds. i am just telling it as

openly as can be. Maybe we SYs will learn that seekers really

appreciate transparency and honesty, especially about the Divine.


If Sahaja Yoga is to spread and defeat the negative forces it is

high time to call a spade a spade. What else does Shri Mataji means

by " The Truth which is absolute has to express itself in these

modern times. And even if it is not accepted it will never die. On

the contrary, if it is not accepted, it will expose all falsehood

and destroy it! "


i ask all SYs what will expose all falsehood and destroy it - the

subtle system of a genuine guru or the Great Event ordained for

humanity and delivered by the Adi Shakti? And if anyone is told to

leave Sahaja Yoga for upholding the truth, let me be the first.








Dear Danny,


From what I have been reading, there are some things to tell you and

ask about.


At the moment my overall understanding is that Divine energy is

within each person, and is independant of any specific religion, at

the same time embracing them all.


Some things that I have read have stood out; 'People have a

tendency not to accept truth because of their fear' This is very

true. Truth can be overwhelming. 'Once you know in your heart that

no external guru can teach you about the Great Event ordained for

humanity, you will learn to stay and become your own guru.' Please

could you explain this. This statement is directly in contrast with

what the ex members have been saying. What the ex members have been

saying is quite frightening and I'd like to know what you think

about it all. What do you think of their experiences and claims?


'Religion is realisation; not talk, nor doctrine, nor theories,

however beautiful they may be. It is being and becoming, not hearing

or acknowledging, it is the whole soul becoming changed into what it

believes' message 2708


How can religion be realised without talk, theories and

acknowledgment? Please explain how this happens. Also, how can

someone overcome fear and lack of trust? Your post on 'Oneness' was

very helpful and I understand the concept and truth of it. What do

you think of 'different channels of approach' and ' we are all

drawn to what we need at a given time for our own personal growth

and development'? Also, what did you mean by 'the Sleeping Prophet'?


In particular, I liked 'For each soul is a corpuscle in the body of

God' Your post 'Is there such a thing as a soul?' was very open,

personal and thought provoking. [you describe your discovery of the

Truth]' if the truth makes you feel the divinity in all of us, as

love, then you are right.'


This is right, surely the truth cannot lead to division, hate and

hopelessness. You obviously know a lot about meditation and have a

lot of knowledge and experience of these matters. I am very sorry

that you once felt such hopelessness and sadness that you considered

suicide, and I am very glad that you have found truth and direction

in your life.


In this post you also mention that Sahaja Yoga has the tools to

understand the truth. Please could you explain this some more.


Thanks, xxxxxx





Dear Danny,


In the meantime, I hope you don't mind but there are some more

things to ask you about.


The recent posting about reincarnation was interesting, and it is

the first time that I have ever thought about this concept. The

reason for this is as mentioned in the same post; 'The official

custodians of dogma ignore or deny the concepts of reincarnation.'


Why has this been so? Why have major world religions hidden and

discouraged followers from learning about reincarnation? The quotes

from the Christian faith do reveal that Jesus himself did not deny

reincarnation; instead He gives specific examples of its existance?

Why is it that such an important concept hasn't been investigated

and expanded by religious scholars and teachers, and instead has

been frowned upon and considered of no relevance? How do these

scholars then explain the significance of what Jesus meant in

this instance, if they do not accept the concept of reincarnation?


Jagbir's post 2807 has raised some questions; 'If the truth of Shri

Mataji's message forms the very foundation of our faith, then

declaring it to humanity should have no place for cowardice, no

place for defeat'


Why has this been allowed to happen? Why not declare this message

fully and openly so that you have a stable and unshakeable

foundation? Surely if something is not openly declared, this will

cast doubt on everything that follows?


'the narrow minded official emphasis on the subtle system'


What does Jagbir mean by this statement? What are the subtle systems

and nonsubtle systems, and how should they be they balanced?


'What makes them disinterested enough to continue under such a

genuine guru- the atmosphere at collectives? excessive talk about

catches and cures? too much rituals? lack of non-subtle system

knowledge? pervasive fear of negativity? strange talks of left-sided

acts and bhoots? dry and rigid devotees?


What have all these to do with Sahaja Yoga? Could you expand on each

of these concepts in some detail, and explain how they relate to and

are incorporated into SY?


'Maybe if we just start finding faults with the quality, method and

sincerity of SYs promoting SY, we may start making progress after



All of Jagbir's posts reveal that he is a man who has inner

conviction, direction and faith and yet he is completely honest and

critical in his approach to problem areas. He is not a blind

devotee; rather he is able to accept short-comings and search for

improvements and solutions.


Do SYs have an official training programme? Why has there been a

reluctance to find and admit to faults in promotion?


Jagbir also mentions that there are hundreds of gurus. Why is Sahaja

Yoga special and what does it bestow on its followers that the

others cannot?


Thanks, Xxxxxxx

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Listen,this is the second time I post this.,Jagbir,..and also the last

time I have ever posted here in my life.May GOD be with the

moderator,who deleted my previous post.(below)


-His name is Jimmy.He is a seeker.He has questions....D ..stands for


ans J is for Jimmy.


J From what I have been reading, there are some things to tell you


ask about.


At the moment my overall understanding is that Divine energy is

within each person, and is independant of any specific religion, at

the same time embracing them all.


Some things that I have read have stood out; 'People have a

tendency not to accept truth because of their fear' This is very

true. Truth can be overwhelming. 'Once you know in your heart that

no external guru can teach you about the Great Event ordained for

humanity, you will learn to stay and become your own guru.' Please

could you explain this.



D....But,what is the truth,Jimmy?....are you afraid of the sunshine


in the case you are blind,(and you are not)...you can feel the


of the sunshine.THERE is NO external GURU in Sahaja YOGA.YOU have

to become your OWN GURU.And THIS is the promise of Shri Adi Shakti,

who has come on this earth ,to give us the final wisdom.But what is

Shakti??...means power.And what is Adi?...and what means adishakti?..


....it means the power of the Holy Ghost .The day when the truth shall


spoken from the roof-tops,and the hands will talk?.(Koran).




J.. This statement is directly in contrast with

what the ex members have been saying. What the ex members have been

saying is quite frightening and I'd like to know what you think

about it all. What do you think of their experiences and claims?



D....dear Jimmy....All I can say is THAT none of them have


what I had.(but how can I speak for somebody else?...I am a poor 15


devotee of SM)...I understand that

Simon was in sahaja yoga for ..what...

6 years?...and he become what he became.I respect Simon,because

he is sincere.But this is not the only reason I respect him.He is

intelligent too.. But not enough.He is the worst when you talk about


seekers of the truth.Because he isn't looking for the truth right


he is attacking the truth(or maybe what he believes was the truth).

Maybe he should show me a better way besides

sahaja yoga,and I'll join him.But he has NO way.All he does is

being sincere(in his ignorance)but I respect his state of mind.

..and I'm not really angry about it.

All I asked from everybody was ,,to be sincere ,,But you see...I am

an old

sahaja yogi.I will not punish Simon for speaking his mind ....

Anyway,I think Simon is a good thing when comes to sahaja-yoga.

Because he challenges us..He wants to know how strong we are...

There will be a day when I get angry ...and that day,GOD save him.

And this is not a warning ...it's a promise.It will be My powers

against His.

But,as long as he is sincere ,I can't do that.Sorry.If he thinks he


push it for ever ,he is wrong.I never wanted to use my powers,even

though SM in person told me that.And she was serious about that...

and she talked only to me......she said..use your powers,Daniel.



J ...'Religion is realisation; not talk, nor doctrine, nor theories,

however beautiful they may be. It is being and becoming, not hearing

or acknowledging, it is the whole soul becoming changed into what it

believes' message 2708


How can religion be realised without talk, theories and

acknowledgment? Please explain how this can happen ?



D......dear Jimmy..........You know who I am..

and I am your friend..??..

How can religion be realised without talk, theories and

acknowledgment? Please explain me how this can happen ? ?.

I'll explain it to you .But how can I explain it to you without

talks,theories and acknowledgments?...It's because you refuse to

meditate(in sahaja yoga..)..You do that,then I'll explain everything

If you love me as much as I do,then you''ll follow my wisdom.



J.. Also, how can

someone overcome fear and lack of trust? Your post on 'Oneness' was

very helpful and I understand the concept and truth of it. What do

you think of 'different channels of approach' and ' we are all

drawn to what we need at a given time for our own personal growth

and development'? Also, what did you mean by 'the Sleeping Prophet'?


D..,,The Sleeping Prophet ,,...EC ....right?..he died long time ago..

.....1946...that was long before sahaja yoga.Just run a search on the


on his name,and you'll find out.I am not here to tell you about




J....In particular, I liked 'For each soul is a corpuscle in the body


God' Your post 'Is there such a thing as a soul?' was very open,

personal and thought provoking. [you describe your discovery of the

Truth]' if the truth makes you feel the divinity in all of us, as

love, then you are right.'

This is right, surely the truth cannot lead to division, hate and

hopelessness. You obviously know a lot about meditation and have a

lot of knowledge and experience of these matters. I am very sorry

that you once felt such hopelessness and sadness that you considered

suicide, and I am very glad that you have found truth and direction

in your life.


D.. You gotta be kidding me.???.You are very sorry for what I felt 15


years ago?>......and,,and I am very glad that you have found truth and


in your life.>>?? ..thank you so much......what about YOUR life???

Hello?...anybody home?.......Jimmy,you're killing me.(softly)...



J.... In this post you also mention that Sahaja Yoga has the tools


understand the truth. Please could you explain this some


D..... Jimmy,how CAN I explain anything to anybody.??.

--dear,how can I explain you any more?....how can I explain

something you have to experience??....



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i would really prefer you not threaten anyone on this forum.

Moreover you give everyone the impression that Shri Mataji is

personally giving you power, encouragement and permission to punish

others. This cannot be tolerated. Do not use Shri Mataji's name in

vain for any personal problems. i have just finished explaining that

we SYs should not misinterpret Shri Mataji's talks according to our

whims and fancies. Please understand the seriousness of what you are





shriadishakti , " calugar22 " <calugar22>



> Listen,this is the second time I post this.,Jagbir,..and also the

> last time I have ever posted here in my life.May GOD be with the

> moderator,who deleted my previous post.(below)


> -His name is Jimmy.He is a seeker.He has questions....D ..stands

> for Danny(myself) ans J is for Jimmy.


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