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Reincarnation(The Sleeping Prophet)

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Reincarnation Past Lives


During forty-three years of his adult life, Edgar Cayce


gave more than 14,000 psychic dissertations, called readings, on a

variety of subjects. In 1901, at the age of 24, Edgar Cayce gave the

first reading for himself, diagnosing a health condition, but it

really wasn't until 1923 that the subject of reincarnation was

explored in a reading given to a printer from Ohio. (Interestingly

enough, the concept had been mentioned in a prior reading given as

early as 1911, but no one among Cayce's associates was familiar


the idea, so the reference wasn't recognized as such for

decades.) The

printer had already obtained successful readings for two members of

his family when he asked for a horoscope reading. Toward the end of

that reading [5717-1] the sleeping Cayce spoke the curious sentence:

" he was once a monk. "


That statement opened the door to a whole new area of research and

investigation – the topic of reincarnation.


Cayce had already proven himself repeatedly with the health readings

somehow he was able to tune into an individual at a distance, describe

what was wrong with that person, detail how she or he had gotten sick,

recommend treatments and specific medical procedures, and sometimes

even refer his client to specific physicians that the sleeping Cayce

had no knowledge of while awake. The accuracy of his information would

eventually give him such nicknames as " the miracle man of Virginia

Beach " and " the sleeping prophet. " There was no doubt

that his psychic

information was helpful and accurate when dealing with health, but the

readings matter-of-fact reference to reincarnation seemed foreign to

his fundamental Christianity. Cayce prayed about it, did much

soul-searching, and obtained readings on the topic. He was advised to

read the Bible once through from cover to cover while keeping the idea

of reincarnation in mind. The underlying philosophy that emerged was

one that focused upon the oneness and the purposefulness of life. In

time, Edgar Cayce found that the concept of reincarnation was not

incompatible with any religion, and actually merged perfectly with his

own beliefs of what it meant to be a Christian. Eventually the subject

of reincarnation was examined in extensive detail in over 1,900 Life



Just what is reincarnation? It is the belief that each of us goes

through a series of lifetimes for the purpose of spiritual growth and

soul development. Cayce's approach does not include the concept of

transmigration, which states that it is possible for human beings to

be born again as animals. From the standpoint of the Cayce material,

souls only occupy human bodies through their spiritual growth and

developmental process.


In essence, the Cayce approach to reincarnation provides a

philosophical setting to the past focusing on practical ways of

dealing with this life: living, growing, and being of service to one

another in the present. For him it wasn't nearly as important to


individuals had once been, or even what they had been doing, as it was

paramount that they focus on the present and the opportunities and

challenges that faced them in this time, in this place, right now.


In terms of remembering your own past lives, the Edgar Cayce

information provides a variety of approaches. In fact, oftentimes

individuals who received readings would ask about such things as

memorable dreams that were on their mind, personal traits and talents

that they had always been drawn to, and even intense positive or

negative relationships with other people in their lives – Cayce

described how each of these things could be tied to past-life

memories. With these things in mind, in order to remember your own

past lives the Cayce readings recommend such things as personal

inventories of your talents, abilities, likes, and dislikes; working

with meditation and dreams; taking part in imaginative past-life

reveries or self-hypnosis, and so forth.


From Cayce's perspective, the reason for believing in

reincarnation is

not so that we can dwell upon the past or brag about the possibility

of once having been someone famous, instead it is to enable a soul to

understand the consequences of previous choices and to know that each

individual is ultimately responsible for shaping and creating his or

her life in the present. From the Cayce readings' perspective, the

past merely provided a framework of potentials and probabilities. An

individual's choices, actions, and free will in the present would

determine the actual experience lived this time around. Rather than

being a fatalistic approach to life, it is much more one of nearly

limitless opportunities.



This is because so many people don't know about Edgar Cayce,and he

proved to the western world the concept of reincarnation.


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