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Now then boys and girls, let's play the 'religious dogma' - Gavin Coates

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http://www.atimes.com/atimes/images/coate-12-05-2003.gifhttp://www.atimes.com/atimes/others/cartoons.htmlIf Gavin Coates, superb cartoon on religious dogma at Asia Times Online speak a thousand words, then Malachi Martin's superb pen is mightier than a thousand swords as well. He writes that in "the ancient world and primitive, such as Mohammad's Arabia, the book was a thing of mystery: only the few could read it; only a few books existed, and these possessed secrets which only the initiated could reach and explain . . . Central to the revelation concept in all three religions is the notion that the truth revealed to them is permanent, unchangeable, unalterable."Now then boys and girls, let's play the 'religious dogma' of these three religions that is written in stone - permanent, unchangeable, unalterable:“The Jews says:I believe · that there is but one God, YHWH, Eternal, Immutable, All-Perfect, who dwells in Paradise; that He created the skies, the earth, and all things visible and invisible; that He created the angels and spirits, among which is Satan, the Evil One, who was originally an angel, but who fell from favour by disobedience;· that He created Adam and Eve, the first man and woman, each with a body He created Adam and Eve, the first man and woman and immortal soul; that they sinned against Him, and were expelled from Paradise; that He later revealed the true religion to Abraham who thus is the father of all true believers;· that after Abraham's death Moses was the chief of these and that he led the Israelites out of Egypt at the Exodus to the Land of Promise; that he founded the

law by which the true Community of Believers might be saved and so be YHWH's Chosen People living according to His Spirit and awaiting His Messiah; that the Christians corrupted the original teachings of Moses by following the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth; that the Muslims corrupted the true belief of Abraham and Moses further by following the teachings of Mohammad;· that Jerusalem is the holy center of the world; that YHWH's revelation is only contained in the Jewish Bible; that henceforth men are divided into the Chosen People and the Gentiles; that YHWH's salvation is only with the Jewish People;· that there will be a Last Day in the history of the world; that all men of the past will rise from the dead for a Last Judgment by God; that only the Jews can receive the final reward of Paradise; that on that day YHWH will admit the Chosen People to eternals in Paradise, and severely judge the others; that the sinful and

the unbelieving will be punished forever in Hell.The Christians says:I believe· that there is but one God, Eternal, Immutable, All-Perfect, who dwells in Paradise; that He created the skies, the earth, and all things visible and invisible; that He created the angels and spirits, among which is Devil, the Evil One, who was originally an angel, but who fell from favour by disobedience;· that He created Adam and Eve, the first man and woman, each with a body He created Adam and Eve, the first man and woman and immortal soul; that they sinned against Him, and were expelled from Paradise; that He later revealed the true religion to Abraham who thus is the father of all true believers; that after Abraham's death, He sent a number of prophets to revive the true religion of Abraham;· that Moses was the chief of these, and that he founded the law by which the true community of Believers

might be saved; that the Jews corrupted the Law; that finally God sent Jesus of Nazareth, His Son, to be the Messiah; that Jesus taught men the true doctrine and founded the Church to perpetuate these beliefs so that all Christians could live according to His Spirit; that Jesus saved all men from sin by His death on the Cross and resurrection; that Mohammad and the Muslims corrupted both Jewish and the Faith of Jesus;· that Jerusalem used to be the holy center of the world, then alter it was Rome, then still later various places in the world; that God's revelation is only contained in the Christian Bible; that henceforth men are divided into the Church of believers and the non-believers; that God's salvation is only to be found in the Church;· that there will be a Last Day in the history of the world; that all men of the past will rise from the dead for a Last Judgment by God; that only the Christians can receive the

final reward of Paradise; that on that day God will admit Christians to eternal in Paradise, and severely judge the others; that the sinful and the unbelieving will be punished forever in Hell.The Muslims says:I believe· that there is but one God, Allah, Eternal, Immutable, All-Perfect, who dwells in Paradise; that He created the skies, the earth, and all things visible and invisible; that He created the angels and spirits, among which is Iblis, the Evil One, who was originally an angel, but who fell from favour by disobedience;· that He created Adam and Eve, the first man and woman, each with a body He created Adam and Eve, the first man and woman and immortal soul; that they sinned against Him, and were expelled from Paradise; that He later revealed the true religion to Abraham who thus is the father of all true believers;· that after Abraham's death, He sent a number of

prophets to revive the true religion of Abraham;· that Moses was the chief of these and that he founded the law by which the true community of believers might be saved; that the Christians corrupted his Gospel; that Allah finally sent Mohammad who left all he possessed at the Hegira in order to establish successfully the true Community of Muslims who could live according to His Spirit;· that Mecca is the holy center of the world; that Allah's revelation is contained only in the Koran; that henceforth men are divided into Muslims and unbelievers; that Allah's salvation is only with the Muslims;· that there will be a Last Day in the history of the world; that all men of the past will rise from the dead for a Last Judgment by Allah; that only Muslims can receive the final reward of Paradise; that on that day Allah will admit the Muslims to eternal rewards in Paradise, and severely judge the

others; that the sinful and the unbelieving will be punished forever in Gehenna. ...

Judaism teaches that man has, since the disobedience of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, two inclinations in his heart: one good and one evil. Malevolent dominance is the evil inclination of man's heart. Christianity has developed its essential doctrine of Original Sin: the sin of Adam and Eve entailed for all men a loss of spiritual strengths and qualities by which they could have avoided sin, especially sins of malevolent dominance. Islam adopted more or less the doctrine of Judaism with some slight modifications...

The religions, therefore, installed at the heart of their individual systems the basis for a tension and a contradiction: the absolute perfection demanded of their adherents and the tag of absolute evil pinned to its contrary evoked necessarily a series of revolts out of which sprang new polarizations, each claiming — in imitation of the original — to be the final absolute, the absolute absolute. Jewish, Christian, and Islamic morality thus could father violent excesses of moral passion which, of course, automatically, become excesses of human immorality....

When we examine the modern environment of man in which Judaism, Christianity, and Islam find themselves, it is abundantly clear that these three religions are finished as major influences. As predominantly systems of thought, worship, ethical inspiration and of judgement on human affairs, they are excluded forever from human affairs. But they will not perish overnight. They will persist in some parts of the planet with diminishing influence, dwindling numbers, and changing faces. They will undergo periodic petty renaissances and sporadic revivals. They will resist the threat of extinction as dominant mysteries with all the resources at their power and with desperation of all the ancient experienced things at bay and staring at death. Under this threat they may yet render invaluable services to man. They may go protestingly. They may depart with dignity. They will certainly

pass with pathos; and their nodding fall into eternal slumbers will needle the human mind with nostalgia. But, as they are, their dominance is finished forever. Their day is done....

All three made fateful and fatal choices at the one priceless moment that history afforded them. And all three are paying the price levied by the logic of that history. For history never forgives and never forgets.

But their decadence, decomposition, and death today are about to be the saddest part of their story. Nothing so unbecomes them as the manner of their going. They are going because they failed to the one thing they promised to do: explains man to man, unwrap the riddle of his need to hate, show him he is brother at one and the same time to tell all men and to the angels. They failed to save him from the evil in him....Christianity within its own borders has specialized in self-crucifixion, at first to quite a minor degree during the first 1500 years of its life, when heretics and dissidents and accused witches and sorcerers were put to death, as Jesus was. Then, with the breakup of its unity in the 16th century, Christians

devised for each other one Hell more horrendous and tortuous than another, indulging in a 300-year round of mutual recrimination, accusation, denigration, and relegation by bell, book, and candle, to the filthiest categories of human life. No branch of Christianity can be excused from this, because all Christians have indulged in it. No body of Christians ever answered the insults of other Christians with Christ's answer: "Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do?" They all developed special vocabularies replete with violent words such as "heresy,heretic,extirpation,condemnation", "excommunication,outcasts,unclean believers.vice-mongers." Each one devised its special defenses against the other: social ostracism, civil war, discrimination, calumny, legal non-existence. Rome was the Red Lady of the South. Luther was the Pig of Germany. Protestants were the sons of vipers. Jews were the "race of the devil." Muslims were "benighted and error-ridden

barbarians." No body of Christians ever tried to conquer the world with humility and patience and love, and no body of believers ever tried to fan the flames of faith, in the heart of man by being authentically believers.The Jews, in retaliation for their pain and their sustained exile, contributed to the sea of hate, distrust and, in some cases, deformation of truth. They invented multiform expressions of contempt, condemnation, loathing, and utter rejection of Christians. They even modified some of their traditional beliefs because the Christians had borrowed them in their original form and, in their repugnance from all things Christian, they wanted no resemblance to subsist between their faith and that of the Christians. They returned hate with hate. They, also, cannot be excused and considered totally guiltless. They preached truth and justice, yet they violated both in order to maintain their religion

and their Jewishness. Christians preached love but practised officially sanctioned hate, intermingling their loveliest psalms of compassion for their dying Savior with the expressions of extreme disgust for the Jews...Muslims preached mercy and compassion, but they practised none or very little, assigning both Christians and Jews to the lowest rung in Allah's consideration, and historically meting out to both a treatment which rivals any cruelties of man in known history. Down through the ages, this procession of the crucified one has come: formed, maintained, and augmented by Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Each one has prayed with its armies to its god that the armies of the opponents be destroyed. There is no palliating or explaining away the sin of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam....Thus the three religions have not been witnesses to the truth. All, it is true, have developed an exalted vocabulary, and a very impressive manner of announcing their own grandiose

claims. All three have excelled and excel in words, as distinct from actions. All three have an impressive ritual and have refined psychological approaches to man. Yet the witness of words, mere words, has never changed men's minds, nor has mere theological subtlety helped men to be better men. The witness of the three religions have been faulty, at times perniciously false and erroneous. The three of them have witnessed to the uses of hate for the love of a god. And all three have disposed of the lives and happiness of millions of human beings without any real feeling for human suffering or any genuine concern for the concrete realities of life.It is clear, first of all, that today all three religions lack any authoritative note for man. They have, as yet, each one of them, sufficient number of adherents to give the impression of continuing strength, and this glosses over for them and for the outside world at times their terrible weakness. For each of them, when scrutinized

closely, is blackened with sufficient failures to prevent any thinking man from believing in them. And, above all, all three persevere in making a claim which cannot possibly be valid and true: that they are, each single one, the true religion.Each one of them, however, hides from the ultimate test of its validity and truth behind a wall of unknowing and expectation. All three chorus that only the "Last Day," when the "End" comes, when "God" decides, will it be clear that the "other two" and all others besides were false, and it (the claimant) was all along the true community of the one "God." ” 1There is one thing these mortal enemies agree upon i.e., the dead will rise from their graves. All three have the same dogma regarding the

Resurrection. But “then we have modern scientist who cannot accept the "outside" explanation: that a god will "resurrect" the corrupted body. He knows that in a living body today the actual molecules which compose it were not part of it some time ago. In another decade it will be made up of molecules which at present are elsewhere: in African lions, in passion-flowers of the Amazon, in Maine lobsters, in earth in Patagonia, and in the fur of a Polar bear. For the scientist, the body as such has truly ceased to exist. No "shade" or reduced form of the body exists in an "underworld" or in Elysian fields. The body has ceased to exist. He therefore finds the resurrection of the body unintelligible.” 2The Adi Shakti gives a more logical, spiritual answer to this scientific, physical impossibility of the resurrection of the body. Those taking part in the Great Event ordained for all humanity know what She is talking about.jagbir










Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the Messiah — Adi Shakti (Hinduism), Comforter/ Holy Spirit (Christianity), Ma Adi/Ruh (Islam), Mai Treya (Buddhism), Great Mother (Taoism) and Aykaa Mayee (Sikhism) — promised by all Holy Scriptures to lead humankind in this Millennium of the Resurrection and Last Judgment.









“Of course there are some absurd things which grew with misinterpretation and interference from unholy people, which are common in these religions. For example, Jews, Christian and Muslims believe that when they die their bodies will come out of their graves and they will all be resurrected at the Time of Resurrection, at the Time of Last Judgment, at the Time of Qiyamah. It is illogical to think what will remain inside those graves after five hundred years. Nobody wants to think and understand that it is not the body but the soul that will come out of these bodies, be born again as human beings and be saved through Qiyamah and Resurrection.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi










Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is His Rûh sent to collect, promulgate, recite, explain and announce the Resurrection (Al Qiyamah) to all humankind, as promised in the Qur'an.









“There are lots of myths in the Bible and one of them is that at the Time of Resurrection your bodies will come out of the graves. This is not only for Christians, but also for the Muslims and Jews. Think of this — What remains in the grave after many years? Only a few bones. And if these bones came out how can you give them Realization? Think of it. It is a big myth. Not possible logically.In Nal Damyanti Akhyan they have clearly given that when the Kalyug will come, all these seekers who are seeking in the hills and mountains will be born again, and they will be given their Self-Realization! Their Kundalinis will be awakened and that is logical, because that is what we are doing today.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala DeviIndia — December 25, 1993






1. Malachi Martin, The Encounter, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1970, p. 182-85, 267, & 329-322. Malachi Martin, The Encounter, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1970, p. 286







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shriadishakti , jagbir singh

<adishakti_org> wrote:



> When we examine the modern environment of man in which Judaism,

> Christianity, and Islam find themselves, it is abundantly clear

> that these three religions are finished as major influences. As

> predominantly systems of thought, worship, ethical inspiration and

> of judgement on human affairs, they are excluded forever from

> human affairs. But they will not perish overnight. They will

> persist in some parts of the planet with diminishing influence,

> dwindling numbers, and changing faces. They will undergo periodic

> petty renaissances and sporadic revivals. They will resist the

> threat of extinction as dominant mysteries with all the resources

> at their power and with desperation of all the ancient experienced

> things at bay and staring at death. Under this threat they may yet

> render invaluable services to man. They may go protestingly. They

> may depart with dignity. They will certainly pass with pathos; and

> their nodding fall into eternal slumbers will needle the human

> mind with nostalgia. But, as they are, their dominance is finished

> forever. Their day is done....




A letter from Asia Times Online:


Re What makes the US a Christian nation [Nov 30]: Thanks for your

interesting article. The United States is not a spiritual country,

but it is a predominantly an economic and sometimes religious

country. The distinction between religion (based on scriptures,

ritual, etc) and true spiritual experience (of the soul within and

the divine reality) is not understood in the wider US community. It

is locked in dogma, or a very narrow view of the spiritual reality.

There is no spiritual country on Earth; certainly not the US. India

is trying to regain the spirit she knew thousands of years ago, but

also lost to dogma. The world is currently evolving out of the age

of religion. Fundamentalism of all stripes is the last gap of an

outmoded reality that religion represents. A future column of yours

or others that makes the distinction between spiritual experience

and realization and religion would be very helpful for the wider

community. Otherwise, the religious will never find a way out of the

superstition. I personally believe the US will be the country that

will change from its current mindless materialism and surface

mentality (and narrow religious view) to a new spiritual view. It is

likely to happen amongst the more educated members of the " blue "

regions, rather than the " red " ones, who would first need to shed

shed their anachronistic and often harmful religious superstitions.

Then the US can spread goodness, not just its current combination of

good and bad.


Roy Posner

President, Growth Online (Dec 1, '04)

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