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" saravanaperumal ramaswamy " <saravana_sahaj

Sat, 4 Dec 2004 00:14:33 -0800 (PST)

DivineSahajayoga meditation, introspection, dedication


jai shri mataji


DEAR brother prakash,


we sahaji's need only meditation, introspection, dedication really

shri mataji never stresses on mantra's, technique's, treatment


which really takes to mental activity but we need only maha mantra

which really clears's all three nadi's, all chakra's.


when we say maha mantra we really have to feel & say like taking ur

attention rt from sahasrar down to mooladhara thru ur central nadi

when we say shri mahalakshmi, from rt mooladhara to thru central

swadhthistana to rt of it thru rt nadi upto left brain when we say

shri maha saraswati,


from left brain to rt brain when start saying shri mahakali thru

agnya & down to left moolaadhara,


when we say shri trigunaatmika our shri kundalini maa gets ready to

move up to fontenalle bone area,


when we say kundalini our shri kundalini maa moves to sahasrara

chakra & reachs


when we say 2nd maha mantra (ie)s shri kalki sakshat our entire

negativity is destroyed


when we say 3rd maha mantra (ie)s shri kalki sakshat our being is



when we say shri sahasrara swamini our entire thousand petals opens

up & shri mataji conquers our entire being


when we say shri moksha pradayini shri mataji lifts us up to the

level of peace, joy, harmony, bliss


so by saying maha mantra itself we r getting what ever we want in an

sahaj manner


we sahaji's nw have to really meditate, more collectively instead of

talking more on technique's, mantra, treatment


we really feel people can clarify with local centre's r leaders.


we feel they r nt in collective r else collective is nt taking care

of them really this is thru my exp with sahaji's whom i met in

seminar's like ganapati pule really i wondered why such question r

coming frm sahaji's


lets pls use our rt heart the tattwa of responsibility on sahjis'

who r growing


jai shri mataji


with eternal love & compassion






Fri, 3 Dec 2004 21:43:51 -0800 (PST)

" Xxxxxx " <xxxxxx

Missing Out On The Big Picture..................




Jai Shri Mataji,


How are you, Jagbir?


Yes, you are right. I am now also noticing what you are hinting at.

Most of the Sahajayogis after spending years in Sahajayoga are just

concerned about the intricate treatments - Nimbu Mirchi, Matka,

Butter etc. They gauge their depth in Sahajayoga with the knowledge

of the Chakras. Sorry to say, but a lot of them are 'Koop Mandukas' -

Kuen ke Mendhak - frogs in a well who think that the well is a sea -

kuen to dariya samajhne waale.


Most of them are missing out on the big picture. Well, can't help

it. But it is their loss.






shriadishakti , " calugar22 " <calugar22>



> A monk in America(part 1)


> Everything started with the ,,Goliath,, bandhan.What is the famous

> ,,Goliath bandhan,??...It was may own invention,of course...it

looks like a small one,but it's done with huge, ample movements of

the arms, like a giant windmill who storms the vibrations all over

the body and creates a miniature hurricane above your head. Believe

it or not, this is the level of the sahaja ego I had. I was taking

vibrations about anybody and anything. Ahaaaa.. I would scream with

joy towards a poor frightened sahaja fellow, ,, I can feel your

Agnia,,.. I know..he would confess with visible pain, what should I

> do?...Footsoaking!!!...I'd respond, congratulating myself for my

> superior, evident wisdom.


Also for some time I had become the Jinni in the bottle. Here, I'll

grant you a wish,..tell me ..tell me...while I was emerging my

elongated fingers up any stranger's face. Come back!!...I'd yell in

distress, watching him run away from my superior wisdom.


But my biggest success was the healing powers.For those willing to

pay the bucks, I'd fix their various diseases(with much success I

> might add) When I finished my career in this wonderful life-goal,

my fingertips from my both hands were enlarged about the size of

> prunes, and I basically looked like a modern day Frankeinstein.


It took me 2 weeks of meditation to restore the fingertips to their

> normal, natural size, and start looking like a normal human being.

Then I realized that no amount of exterior rituals will help me, and

I was going astray from the essence. Self-realization is only the

beginning of the journey, not the end, nor the middle. It's only the

tip of the iceberg, and until we, the sahaja yogis could understand

this, then the power of the ego(false ideas) will never cease

haunting us UNLESS we have the discipline to master it.


> Through pure meditation and thoughtless awareness, and the

understanding that the Kindom of God is inside, not outside of us.

The kindom is not in the lemons,and not even in the mighty coconuts.

The secret of the Kundalini does not reside in the footsoakings. We

should be following the kindom within first, then the rest will

follow. And we should be just expressing our pure love and joy to

the others, and I mean all the others,sahaja yogi or not.


> The purpose of the mighty ,,Goliath Bandhan,, was to escape from

> Romania,and conquer America. And,to my surprise,it worked. This is

how I became a monk in sahaja yoga, because I was forced to be

alone, cut off from the collective for more then a decade. And here

I am again, to tell my story.


> Jai Shri Mataji!!


> " I am the Adi Shakti. I am the One who has come on this Earth for

the first time in this form to do this tremendous task. "


> " I bless you all to do this work, which was half-done by the

saints. It's your duty to complete it. "


> Shri Adi-Shakti Devi


> Sincerely, danny



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