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In the first quarter of the 21st century there will be a restoration of the Ancient Mysteries

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In the first quarter of the 21st century there will be a restoration of the Ancient Mysteries”And now, in the last quarter of the century, there is a renewed interest in the esoteric, but this is of a more mature, spiritual nature than was shown by the sensational spiritualism of the earlier period. Esoteric thought, it seems, is not immune to a renewed surge of energy and looks like being stimulated into a re-evaluation of its beliefs, just at a time when the rest of humanity will have to question

theirs.Through Alice Bailey, "The Tibetan" predicted that in the first quarter of the 21st century there will be a restoration of the Ancient Mysteries, which have been debased by Black Magic. These will now be expressed at a higher level. This is part of the "Great Plan" and will pave the way for an event described as "Externalization of the Hierarchy", when those on earth who are spiritually advanced will work consciously with the brotherhood to help humanity.The effect of this surge in our spiritual evolution is predicted to be dramatic, especially for those who are unprepared. Such people will resist the changes, clinging all the more desparately to their materialictic values."The Mysteries will be restored in other ways also, for they contain much besides which the Masonic rites can reveal or that religious rituals and ceremonies can disclose … The Mysteries will restore colour and music as they essentially are to the world … in such a manner that the

creative art of today will be to this new creative art what a child's building of wooden blocks is to a great cathedral such as Durham or Milan. The Mysteries, when restored, will make real — in a sense incomprehensible to you at present — the nature of religion, the purpose of science and the goal of education. These are not what you think today ..."Beyond these sensational claims of a world-wide re-awakening to the Ageless Wisdom is the fundamental belief shared by many of the esoteric and religious traditions that man must first demonstrate the will to develop, before the benign forces — whether we imagine them to be "Hidden Masters," our own Higher Self or a Messiah — are allowed to intervene to help us." ”Paul Roland, Revelation: Wisdom of the Ages“The year 2000 marks not only the beginning of a new century, but, according to those whose words are recorded in the following pages (of Revelation: Wisdom of the Ages by Paul Roland), it heralds the dawning of a New Age, an age which will witness an evolutionary leap in consciousness, culminating in a spiritual Renaissance for humanity.Such a change will not come for the asking. We may be

forced to re-evaluate our attitude to organized religion, our obligation to humanity and certainly our perception of the Universe and our purpose in it, a revolution which has apparently already begun. . . . that the most significant changes will come about within the lifetime of most of us, but there are conflicting views as to how the changes will transpire.Some say it will be forced upon us through the catharsis of crisis and conflict in the manner of a biblical apocalypse. Others prophesy a gradual awakening of consciousness resulting from a crisis of conscience, with the conflict being waged between our self-interest and the "divine discontent" felt by our Higher Selves.At the end of a century in which we set our sights on outer space, we may find that our future depends on our success in exploring the infinity of inner space.”Paul Roland, Revelation: Wisdom of the AgesUlysses Press, 1995, p. 133



10 TRENDS OF THE 21ST CENTURY: THE NEW MILLENNIUM RELIGION“A new major religion, on a scale to rival any of the great world religions from Islam to Christianity, is beginning to take shape even before the new millennium turns. Like those religions before it, the yet unnamed new millennium religion will configure the minds of individuals, form new institutions, and help direct the course of history. The signs of the new religion can be seen in society's quest for what is now being loosely

called "spirituality." ”The Trend's Search Institute“The Devimahatmya refers to two different traditions regarding the origin of the Great Goddess:

in the first Devi is explained as the Mahanidra of Visnu embodied as the universe, eternal, incarnated in many forms. She is "drawing herself out from the eyes and the various organs and limbs" of Visnu: when Great Sleep leaves Visnu, he awakens. In this form she is the great creator: she creates the entire universe, she is the cause of bondage and transmigration, the cause of final liberation too. She is both fierce and auspicious: she gives to mankind boons for their final liberation.The second account of Devi's origin has a different ring and seems to be the older one. It not only mentions the Vedic gods but it is somehow reminiscent of the Indra-Vrtra myth -- the fight of the High God against the demon usurper, who has conquered the gods and assumed the place of Indra. Devi here is no longer the prakrti of Visnu but the essence of all the gods, "godhead" in a concrete sense. She surpasses all the individual gods in power and glory because in her all the qualities of the

gods are embodied. . . .Thus the salvation of gods and men has been accomplished, and Devi receives praise from all the devas. In the cause of this prayer all the essential qualities of the Devi are mentioned, and the basic Devi philosophy comes to the fore: Devi "is the origin of the universe, the resort of all, the primordial prakrti." She is the "supreme vidya (knowledge) which is the cause of liberation." She is "durga, the boat that carries men across the difficult ocean of worldly existence," she is "Sri who has taken her abode in the heart of Visnu," and she is "Gauri, who has established herself with Siva. Devi offers a boon, and the devas choose the following: "Whenever we think of you again, destroy our direst calamities." . . .Devi-avataras are also found in the Puranas. They have the same function which Vainavas ascribe to Visnu-avataras, namely to protect the world in successive ages from demons and other evil. This theory also helps to explain the

numerous goddesses as manifestations of One Supreme Goddess: "Bhavani is worshipped by the gods in all her repeated incarnations. She always kills demons by incarnating herself on earth and she protects all creation in heaven, earth and the nether world. . . .She explains her own nature according to Advaita: "I and Brahman are one." ” K. K. Klostermaier, Hinduism: A Short HistoryOneworld Pub., 2000, p. 200-2.












Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi






"These are the times described in the Holy Bible as the Last Judgment and in the Koran as Qiyamah, the Resurrection Time. Astrologically it is also called the Age of Aquarius, the time of rebirth and of great spiritual development on the Earth."

Sri Svatmarama Devi

(Svatmarama (878th): Rejoicing in Her own Self. The Ultimate Reality divides itself into two and plays as man [siva] and woman [shakti])












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shriadishakti , jagbir singh

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> In the first quarter of the 21st century there will be a

> restoration of the Ancient Mysteries


> " And now, in the last quarter of the century, there is a

> renewed interest in the esoteric, but this is of a more mature,

> spiritual nature than was shown by the sensational spiritualism of

> the earlier period. Esoteric thought, it seems, is not immune to a

> renewed surge of energy and looks like being stimulated into a re-

> evaluation of its beliefs, just at a time when the rest of

> humanity will have to question theirs.


> Through Alice Bailey, " The Tibetan " predicted that in the first

> quarter of the 21st century there will be a restoration of the

> Ancient Mysteries, which have been debased by Black Magic. These

> will now be expressed at a higher level. This is part of

> the " Great Plan " and will pave the way for an event described

> as " Externalization of the Hierarchy " , when those on earth who are

> spiritually advanced will work consciously with the brotherhood to

> help humanity.


> The effect of this surge in our spiritual evolution is predicted

> to be dramatic, especially for those who are unprepared. Such

> people will resist the changes, clinging all the more desparately

> to their materialictic values.


> " The Mysteries will be restored in other ways also, for they

> contain much besides which the Masonic rites can reveal or that

> religious rituals and ceremonies can disclose … The Mysteries

> will restore colour and music as they essentially are to the world

> … in such a manner that the creative art of today will be to

> this new creative art what a child's building of wooden blocks is

> to a great cathedral such as Durham or Milan. The Mysteries, when

> restored, will make real — in a sense incomprehensible to you

> at present — the nature of religion, the purpose of science and

> the goal of education. These are not what you think today ... "


> Beyond these sensational claims of a world-wide re-awakening to

> the Ageless Wisdom is the fundamental belief shared by many of the

> esoteric and religious traditions that man must first demonstrate

> the will to develop, before the benign forces — whether we

> imagine them to be " Hidden Masters, " our own Higher Self or a

> Messiah — are allowed to intervene to help us. " "


> Paul Roland, Revelation: Wisdom of the Ages





Eschatology and Messianic Hope


This final chapter contains texts prophesying the coming of what is

variously called the Last Days, End of the World, or Days of the

Messiah. Most religions contain teachings that anticipate a time,

beyond the present era of suffering and injustice, when human

history will be consummated by a decisive act of God. Evil will be

destroyed and goodness will triumph. Typically, the course of events

includes three phases: a time of tribulation and confusion when evil

and suffering grow more and more rampant; the Last Judgment when God

intervenes decisively to destroy all evil; and the coming of a new

age of bliss, often called the Kingdom of Heaven. Furthermore, this

decisive transformation is often said to require a great leader, a

Messiah, who will wield divine authority to destroy evil, establish

the saints, and found a new age of unlimited happiness.


Teachings about eschatology are found in most religions, though they

are most characteristic of the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic

scriptures. Judaism anticipates the coming of the Messiah who will

inaugurate an age of peace and justice on earth. Christianity

teaches broadly that Christ, the Messiah, has already come to offer

salvation, and he will come again to judge the world. Yet there are

a variety of opinions within the Christian family about the details:

For some, Christ will return to bring judgment (Premillennialism);

for some he will come after the progressive decline of evil to

consummate the Kingdom of Heaven (Postmillennialism); still others

reject millennialism altogether and interpret scriptural passages

about a last judgment as concerning the spiritual fate of the

individual soul. In Islam the Last Judgment is a cardinal doctrine.

While it is sometimes understood as a spiritual judgment of the

individual soul after death, many passages in the Qur'an clearly

describe it as a world-transforming event to occur at the end of

time, when the earth will be destroyed and all people will see their

just reward as they are sorted into groups bound either for Paradise

or hell.


Hinduism, Buddhism, and Zoroastrianism contain teachings that the

world is going through a cosmic cycle in which morals and religion

have gradually decayed and have reached a state of dire corruption

in this present age, identified as the Kali Yuga or Age of

Degeneration of the Dharma. This Kali age will give way to a

renovation of faith as the cycle turns and the earth enters a new

golden age, the Krita age. Some texts predict that this cosmic

change will be initiated by the advent of the new Avatar (Hinduism),

the Maitreya Buddha, or the Saoshyant (Zoroastrianism).


Christianity itself began as a messianic sect of Judaism; Muhammad

preached Islam, believing that the Last Judgment was imminent; and

the Baha'i Faith began as a messianic movement within Islam, to cite

three examples. ... it is not surprising that a large number of new

religions and new sects of old religions have arisen which believe

that the present is the time of tribulations preceding the

appearance of the Messiah, and that their leader is either a

forerunner of or is himself the long-awaited Avatar or Messiah who

will destroy the evil world-system, establish true religion, and

inaugurate a new age.


Eschatology and Messianic Hope


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