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The Ten Commandments and Manav-dharm-shastra give way to kama-conscious India

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shriadishakti , boyini girish

<girish_1480> wrote:


> jai shri mata ji,

> hai, i am girish . iam from india

> doing sy from one year.i have some doughts regarding

> the ten commandments.

> in one of the commandments init said that one

> should not coommit adultry that is sex should be only

> with your married partner. but in todays world of high

> competition it is impossible for a guy or a lady to

> get married till the age of 27 . my question is how is

> it possible for any one to abstain from sex tiill that

> age.

> if any one can send me a reply i will be thankful


> girish



That's a very good question Girish. Can someone answer this one?


Perhaps this Asia Times report title " India rediscovers kama " by

Sultan Shahin and " When sex gets out of the cupboard " by Siddharth

Srivastava destroys the myth that India is a land of religiously

prudish and spiritually moral people. India is indeed fast catching

up with the West in both artha (wealth creation) and kama (sensual

pleasure). All the more reason for the Adi Shakti to descend and

renew the dharma, the Great Event ordained for humanity.


Jai Shri Mataji,







India rediscovers kama


At the height of its civilization, India was the land of the Kama

Sutra, Koke Shastra, Ananga Ranga - the sacred literature teaching

ways and means of heightening sexual pleasure, not only with one's

own spouse, but also with other partners.


It was the land of Mahabharat, the greatest epic known to mankind,

where Lord Krishna, whose divine exhortations are contained in the

Bhagwad Gita, could be worshipped with his beloved Radha, who was

someone else's spouse, perhaps that of his maternal uncle. It was

the land of Khajuraho temples depicting copulating couples and

multiples on its inner walls that prudes consider pornographic. It

was the land of Kalidasa, one of the greatest Sanskrit poets who

celebrated sex with an openness unparalleled in world literature.


With its decline, for some obscure reason ascribed to a natural

cycle of the rise and fall of civilizations, India turned prudish

and guilt-ridden about free sex. The introduction of Islamic and

Judeo-Christian morality did not help. India ceased to be proud of

Khajuraho and Kalidas. Krishna and Radha were still worshipped

together, but children would not be told about their open illicit

love affair. Both kama (sensual pleasure) and artha (wealth

creation), the two essential aspects of the Indian way of life

(dharma) suffered. India ceased being itself.


But as artha was revitalized with the introduction of new economic

policies of liberalization and globalization and new technologies

such as computers and the Internet in the early 1990s, it seems now

that kama too has made a comeback. Perhaps the two go together.


Several sex surveys carried out recently point to a definite

resurgence of guilt-free extramarital sex, as much on the initiative

of women now as it was on the bidding of men before. Commenting on

the findings of the KamaSutra Cross Tab Sex Survey 2003, conducted

in association with Indiatimes, published on Thursday, sex expert

Prakash Kothari said, " One can easily kiss that crummy era goodbye.

A nation of 1 billion is getting sexy and kicking the guilt. "

Psychiatrist Sanjay Chugh, MD, is jubilant: Finally, " it " is

happening in India.


Permissiveness is at an all-time high. Respondents across India

(Bangalore 27 percent; Chennai 28 percent; Delhi 22 percent;

Hyderabad 20 percent; Kolkata 32 percent; Mumbai 24 percent) feel

that both partners should be free to have extramarital sex with the

spouse's consent. Delhiites are most likely to have done it at a

younger age than their counterparts in other cities. Hyderabadis and

Mumbaikars show the maximum inclination to infidelity, summarized

Anubha Sawhney, breaking the news of the survey in Thursday's The

Times of India.


While the survey reveals that breasts are the No 1 sexual-arousal

point for Indian males, followed by overall looks and butts, the

Indian woman prefers good looks, eyes, and a muscular physique in

her man. Nationwide, experimentation is the name of the game.


Although the missionary position continues to be the preferred one

of couples engaging in sex, respondents to the survey reveal that

they are open to other options. As for the average age at which

Indians have their first experience of sex, figures indicate that

virgins are a dying breed.


There is no bar on age, time or place. Indians want sex again and

again. The Hyderabadis have sex 17.1 times a month. This is a

national record. Comparing the results of this survey with the

figures furnished by the Durex Global Survey, which accords top

position to the French for having sex 167 times a year, Sawhney

concludes that this could even be a world record.


This month the second-largest-circulated newsmagazine Outlook

carried out a survey in several Indian metros to come up with

similar results. Its correspondents interviewed sex specialists and

psychologists in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and Ahmedabad,

among other cities, to discover that in the business of sex now,

women are indeed on top, literally. Titled " Woman on top: Eves do it

too " , the Outlook cover story on May 5 said: " It's not just Adam for

Madam. The Indian woman storms another male bastion as she seeks

sex - and solace - outside her marriage. "


The authors of the story, Madhu Jain and Soutik Biswas,

concluded: " Adultery 2003 is really about women taking the lead.

It's also about adultery going middle-class, to small-town India,

going commonplace, even going boring. Dangerous liaisons used to be

for the aristos and the plebs. Those in between, the middle classes,

were tethered by moral chastity belts - only their fantasies could

roam freely. Or it was all within the family, the extramarital

dalliances, that is. The scarlet letter is now fading fast: stigma

is getting passe and guilt for an increasing number is no more than

a twitch.


" We are probably more adulterous now than ever before, with women

catching up with the men on the adultery stakes. Says D Narayana

Reddy, a sexologist and marital therapist in Chennai, 'I have been

practicing since 1982. In those days, my women clients would say a

strict No to anything outside marriage. By 1992, the attitude was

What's wrong if I did it? By 2002, they were daring to explore.' "


The real source of the massive urge for sexual exploration that

Indians, particularly women, have developed suddenly is as

mysterious as the reasons for the rise and all of civilizations. But

one thing has come out clearly in the survey. New technology is an

important factor encouraging the phenomenon. Internet and

mushrooming cyber cafes have helped, as have mobile phones and SMS

(short message service) facilities. Women and men have suddenly

heard from old flames, childhood friends, former classmates, whom

they may have fancied once, dates have been fixed, and one thing has

led to another. In most cases straight, unembarrassed initiatives

have come from women, as men twiddled their fingers thinking of

creative ways of broaching the subject.


Wife swapping, relatively unknown in India until recently, has made

an appearance. Adventurous couples are advertising in newspapers

their desire to meet like-minded people for wife and husband



Indian cinema was known for its kid-glove treatment of female

sexuality. Indian woman being shown having sex outside marriage

would be considered unpatriotic. And if at all the heroine committed

that misdemeanor, premarital sex, she would have to try committing

suicide, only to be rescued by the hero and his parents agreeing to



Now in the age of cable television's soaps, nearly all the

characters in family dramas are shown as having pre- or extramarital

sexual relations; most marriages are shown to be illegal, in the

sense that the couple had been married before and not divorced. This

creates more room for the scriptwriters to push in intrigue and

blackmail, keeping families, including kids, glued to their

television sets throughout the evenings.


Vijay Nagaswami, a Chennai-based psychiatrist and author of

Courtship & Marriage: A Guide for Indian Couples, was quoted by

Outlook as saying that couples expect a healthy sex life and are

less inhibited about discussing their sexual experiences now. " Sex

is no longer a taboo word and more people, particularly women, are

more willing to talk sex with their partners. "


India's sex guru Prakash Kothari, who heads the department of sexual

medicine at the Kem Hospital and the GS Medical College in Mumbai,

added: " Thirty years ago, I said most Indian men use their women as

sleeping pills. Today Indian women feel their sexual desires are

basic human rights, and they need to be respected. "


Hyderabad-based andrologist and impotence expert Sudhakara

Krishnamurti told Outlook that a decade ago couples would come to

him after failing to consummate their marriages for 10-15 years.

Today wives often drag their husbands into the clinic within the

first week of their marriage. " With women being more demanding in

the bedroom, it puts a lot of pressure on normal guys, " he said.


Even visitors from the liberated West are flummoxed. They have seen

nothing like this before. Carin Fisher, a German-American lawyer who

moved to New Delhi about a year ago, has been quoted as saying: " The

acceptance of adultery here was, and sometimes still is, quite

shocking to me. So many married men here tell me that even Krishna

cheated and that I am stuck in some sort of Judeo-Christian cultural

context. The god had a good time and he was not condemned for it,

they say. And some women I have met, mostly the educated middle-

class ones - if you can believe it - tell me, 'Look at our heritage.

It is natural. Look at Krishna.' "


Well-known socialite Bina Ramani talks of her conversion to the fast-

growing creed of adultery: " I was shocked when I first came back to

India some years ago. Everybody seemed to be having extramarital

affairs. You don't do that in the West. You have serial monogamy.

But I have changed my mind. If there is a Krishna in men, there is a

Radha in women. Why can't I be both: a wife and Radha? We are born

with it. Men are doing their Krishna thing, aren't they? "


Middle-class India is having a whale of a time, obviously. But it

must also beware. Not everybody is happy. Some spouses are hurt.

Detective agencies, particularly the new breed of cyber detectives,

are being flooded with requests for snooping on the activities and e-

mail accounts of married men and women. They are busy documenting

illicit affairs, hacking computers of married people engaged in such

affairs. Some agencies report having to deal with 10-15 new cases

every day. All for the convenience of divorce lawyers who may need



Not surprisingly, divorce is rampant. About 5,000 divorces a year

are being reported from Haryana, with a population of 17 million. In

some cities, Kolkata for instance, the number of divorce cases has

doubled. A total of 13,037 divorce cases were filed in the city

between January and August last year, nearly double the number filed

in all of 1999. ...


Even in ancient India, though, at the height of its glory, there

were laws with similar contradictions. In fact the British jurists

who made our present laws based Hindu law on Manu-smriti, also known

as Manav-dharm-shastra (Laws of Manu), which ranks in its scriptural

sanctity with Ramayana and Mahabharata.


The laws of Manu provide a fascinating glimpse of the life and times

of ancient India and how people (other than Brahmins) tried to beat

the law even then to engage in adultery: " [Verse 352] If men persist

in seeking intimate contact with other men's wives, the king should

brand them with punishments that inspire terror and banish them.

[353] For that gives rise among people to the confusion of the

castes, by means of which irreligion, that cuts away the roots,

works for the destruction of everything.


" [3556] If a man speaks to another man's wife at a bathing place, in

a wilderness or a forest, or at the confluence or rivers, he incurs

[the guilt of] sexual misconduct. [357] Acting with special courtesy

to her, playing around with her, touching her ornaments or clothes,

sitting on a couch with her, are all traditionally regarded as

sexual misconduct. [358] If a man touches a woman in a non-place [a

place other than the hand], or allows himself to be touched by her,

with mutual consent, it is all traditionally regarded as sexual



" [359] A man who is not a Brahmin deserves to be punished by the

loss of his life's breath for sexual misconduct, for the wives of

all four castes should always be protected to the utmost. [360]

Beggars, panegyrists, men who have been consecrated for a Vedic

sacrifice, and workmen may carry on a conversation with other men's

wives if they are not prohibited [from doing so by the scriptures].

[361] But a man who has been prohibited should not carry on a

conversation with other men's wives; if a man who has been

prohibited converses [with them], he should pay a fine of one gold



" [362] This rule does not apply to the wives of strolling actors or

of men who live off their own [wives]; for these men have their

women embrace [other men], concealing themselves while they have

them do the act. [363] But just a very small fine should be paid by

a man who carries on a conversation secretly with these women, or

with menial servant girls who are used by only one man, or with

wandering women ascetics. "


India rediscovers kama





When sex gets out of the cupboard

By Siddharth Srivastava


NEW DELHI - It is an episode that has stirred the roots of Indian

society: two senior students of a prestigious private school in

Delhi indulged in an intimate sexual act in the chemistry

laboratory. In the age of adolescent sex and uninterrupted Internet

access, this should not be unnatural or untoward, even in a

predominantly conservative society such as India, except for one

detail. Earlier, such sexual encounters - whether it be school sex

or children exposed to pornography on the Internet, in magazines or

videos - formed part of informed discussions and intellectual debate

on how best to tackle the issue.


This time there is a difference. The boy happened to possess a

camera cell phone, and without the knowledge of the girl, recorded

the proceedings, passed them on to a few friends to show off his

exploits, who in turn forwarded them to a few more, forming an

endless chain, with the said two-and-a-half-minute clip now being

sold on the Internet and becoming the hottest-selling compact disc

(CD) at Delhi's Palika Bazaar, where all such stuff is sold.


It is certainly not the first time that teenagers have indulged in

sex, but the fact that everybody can see it happening has, as would

be expected, created a different impact. The reactions that have

engulfed almost everybody who can be heard have been to blame

somebody. The boy and girl in question have been suspended from

school, so have been the boy's friends who received the clip. Others

have blamed the school administration for allowing students to carry

cellular phones, and those too with a camera. Parents who indulge

their wards by buying cell phones for them too are the culprits. The

government, which has been lax in coaxing schools to keep students

in check, has been blamed. Most important, it is the use and abuse

of technology that progresses at a rapid pace, opening young minds

to detrimental effects, that have come under the glare.


More have talked about the decadence of Indian culture and values in

the face of the aggressive import and copying of the liberal

sections of people, such as in the West, who do not set the best

example to youngsters around the world. Then there is the all-

encompassing satellite television and the film industry to be

pointed at. In short, everybody is lashing out at somebody for an

episode that may not be as unnatural as it has been made out to be.


In the seamier world at Palika Bazaar, on the other hand, business

is brisk as more and more clips come into circulation. There are

reports of employees having caught their colleagues in the act, a

manager and his secretary purportedly from a major multinational,

bathroom and bedroom scenes, honeymooning couples ... the school

episode has opened a virtual Pandora's box of sexually explicit

clips now making the rounds, recorded on the sly by youngsters and

amateur cameramen out to make a fast buck, with or without the

knowledge of the partner.


When sex gets out of the cupboard


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