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A religious fanatic asks: How can he mohammed be a prophet of God?

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Dear All,


Just received this mail from a Christian. It is worth reading how

followers of organized religions, except Hinduism, find 1001 reasons

to deny each other. Nowadays i find it difficult to reply to such

fanatics whose mindset is full of ignorance and hate for the

faithful of other traditions.


It is only Shri Mataji who has opened our eyes, mind and heart to

embrace all religions and prophets unconditionally by revealing the

secret parables and pure knowledge that enable us to love all. In

the end it will be Her message of the Great Event for humanity that

will enable all believers to come together.


" The Inevitability of the Last Judgment: " The Final Weighing of

Deeds "


Except for the theme of monotheism, the Quran speaks more of the

coming Day of Judgment than of any other topic. Confessing the

Shahadah — " There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the Prophet

of God " — and believing in the accountability of all humans before

God are the cement which holds Islam together.


Muhammad, among other things, came to warn us of a time when truth

would be known, when the thoughts and intentions of the heart would

be revealed. He earnestly proclaimed as inevitable a day when

accounts would be settled and when scales would be balanced.


Fazlur Rahman, in an oblique paraphrase of sura 50:22, said that

Judgment Day is the " Hour when every human will be shaken into a

unique and unprecedented self-awareness of his deeds; he will

squarely and starkly face his own doings, not-doings, and mis-doings

and accept the judgment upon them. . . . "


Something like a Final Judgment or Day of Reckoning is a naturally

corollary of monotheism. If there is one God who knows all and sets

standards of behavior for the world, there must be a time of

judgment, or the edifice crumbles of its own weight. " (Ira G.

Zepp Jr., A Muslim Primer)


" The Qiyamat or Resurrection


The Quran and the Hadith often mention the Qiyamah or Resurrection.

Like so many of the Prophet's preachings and prophecies, Muslims

also have misunderstood this.


The Prophet speaks of the coming of the Qiyamah (Doomsday or

Resurrection) at around 1400 Hijri (Moslem calendar); this is the

current time, the 21st century. He has prophesied how the state of

the world will be at that time. This totally corresponds to what is

happening to the world right now. This period is called the " GHOR

KALIYUG " in the Hindu scriptures. It is said that during this period

the Qiyamah would come. The Prophet has also said that in some


has also said that at this time human beings will degenerate both

morally and spiritually.


The Islamic scriptures also mention the return of Jesus Christ, who

will come to save the earth and all the true believers. They also

mention that Jesus Christ will lead the true believers to victory in

the battle against untruth and evil and that he will destroy all the

negative forces on earth and that all who misguide people in


name will be destroyed (false gurus & prophets). That time has

come. " (Javed Khan, Islam Enlightened)


Yes, that time of the Great Event ordained for humanity has come.

Religious fanatics will have to unconditionally accept the Last

Judgment and Resurrection as declared by the Adi Shakti. That means

accepting all the prophets of all the religions. There is absolutely

no room to pick and choose, or deny any by reason of religious

indoctrination. Maybe i will also send a copy of this post to the

Christian fundamentalist who send me this mail below.



Jai Shri Mataji,





" Kxxxxx Mxxxxxx " <kxxxxxxxx


CC: mxxxxxxx


Fri, 10 Dec 2004 02:55:17 -0000



Hello My name is Kxxxxx and I would just like to ask you (Shri

Matiji) a question, Is Jesus Christ the Messiah, the Christ?


also i would like to give you a link www.j-lorber.com i dont know

wether youve heard but in th 19th Century, God awakend a man called

Jakob Lorber To become Prophet im not talking about someone with

Pychic powers or anything like, he was a good, just, normal man who

played the violin anyways The Prophet Jakob Lober had we called The

INNER WORD were talking about the same Inner Word which Elijha,

Isiah and the rest of the Prophets of Isreal recieved it wasnt

visions or anything like that he said it a voice coming from his

heart which told him to write and he wrote 24 Volumes on them is The

Lord Jesus Christ Jehovah Zabaoths' 1st person Narrative or better

still The Gospel according To The Lord Jesus Christ Himself, i was

just wandering what do you think about Mohammed was he a false

prophet in the book of revelation the bit about the 5th seal i think

or mayb it trumpet im not sure but it mentions that a came a stat

came from heaven could that mean when mohhamed claimed his message

came god it also mentions a man shall arise from the pit and shall

be called abbadon which destoyer which is exactly what he did why if

he was a true prophet why didnt he preach in Love, peace & harmony

instead he killed millions of people this is evil and Our Lord God

Jesus says that you will know a true prophet from his deed if

mohhammed did evil then hes a false prophet but what do you say

about him.


More importantly What does Lord God Jesus say about him, how can he

mohammed be a prophet of God when denied that God incarnated to save

us from Eternal Death another thing which sounds abit fishy is that

supposedly Gabriel came to mohammed to give his message, was it

gabariel or was it satan disgiused as an angel which is his style

whihc they call the Deceiver of man and thus fulfilling the prophecy

in Revelation? what do you say on this? also in the Great Gospel of

John it says that there are Seven spirits of God 1st-last Love,

Wisdom,mercy, Patience, seirousness, will, patience & power do you

think this is connected to Chakra im not sure i havent read all of

the Gopel yet but i would to see what you think about this.

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