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Esoteric spiritual truth held by ancient Gnostics to be essential for salvation

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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> And if each of us is in reality part of a single spirit, can we

> still sustain our dubious preoccupation with personal salvation?

> At best it has always smacked of postponed gratification. At worst

> it can be egotism, reaching its nadir in the perverted belief of

> the suicide bomber that he is guaranteed immediate admission to

> paradise.


> With new insights through a religion no longer dependent on blind

> trust, but grounded instead in knowledge, we are offered a higher

> purpose. Rather than seeing ourselves as separate individuals, we

> realise that we are aspects of a beautiful and indivisible whole.

> Each playing a unique and essential role, as Teilhard recognised,

> in the birth of that same god.




Few truths are more often or more clearly proclaimed in the

scriptures of all major religions than that of the general judgment.

The scriptures mention certain events and predictions meant to

foreshadow eschatological manifestations of the Last Judgment and

Resurrection, both similar in essence, and to keep it present in the

minds of believers without exciting useless curiosity and vain

fears. Belief in the Last Judgment became common, indeed credal,

because scripture says it; tradition asserts it; reason supports it;

and literature and art proclaim it. Though opinions may differ on

precise details it is generally believed that it is connected to the

Last Days.


Careful reading of the Bible (Book of Revelation) and the Koran

(Surah 75 Al-Qiyamah) regarding the Last Judgment and Resurrection

reveals that this Great Event is definitely not the fire and

brimstone apocalyptic end that religious regimes interpret and

breakaway sects brainwash their followers with. On the contrary, it

is the most peaceful, blissful and joyous times ever known to those

given the knowledge, belief and, most important of all, the daily

experience of the Holy Spirit (Shakti for Hindus, Sikhs and

Buddhists, Sehkinah for Jews, Ruh for Muslims) within which corrects

and guides them.


Down through the ages, the word " religion " has undergone a radical

metamorphosis. Its origin was derived from the Latin prefix " re, "

suffix " ligio, " meaning " to re-link the self or personality with its

source, or that which caused it to be. " The ideas propounded at the

moment of birth of each religion (ideas originally established by

each respective founder) were centered on this basic definition.

However, over the course of time, the word " religion " has generally

come to represent multiple splintered systems of belief, each with

their own set of dogmas and rituals, each arrogantly believing that

theirs is the only one founded on truth and sanctioned by

God. " Religion " has therefore come to represent sectarian prejudice,

superstitious ignorance, and pious superiority. The modus operandi

of this site is to challenge the religious elite regarding their

outdated, incomprehensible and false teachings about the Kingdom of

God, Last Judgment and Resurrection, and present these critical

salvation issues in far greater depth and detail as revealed by the

great avatar Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi proves beyond a shadow of doubt that

these " are the times described in the Holy Bible as the Last

Judgment and in the Koran as Qiyamah, the Resurrection time.

Astrologically it is also called the Age of Aquarius, the time of

rebirth and of great spiritual development on the Earth. " Every

messenger of God upheld this message and hope for all humanity, but

more than a millennium of scriptural distortion, misinterpretation,

rivalry, animosity, hatred and wars among Jews, Christians, Muslims,

Hindus and Buddhists have left them ignorant of this collective



This site is thus also an open book and challenge to all guardians

of religious regimes — priests, pastors, reverends, bishops,

popes, rabbis, clerics, imams, mullahs, shaikhs, ulema, ayatollahs,

gurus, swamis, pandits, brahmins, acaryas, bhagwans, granthis,

gianis, lamas, monks, dalai lamas — to rebut and prove Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi's message of the Kingdom of God, Resurrection and Last

Judgment false. Skeptics, atheists or any anti-cult organization,

especially those specializing in busting fake gurus and false

claims, are most welcome.


Should the high priests of organized religions fail to challenge

this site, a forgone conclusion of which we are absolutely assured,

they should refrain from further misleading and dividing fellow

beings on religious, spiritual and mystical issues that are beyond

their present comprehension. The religious elite should begin to

realize that the sun is now setting on their evening empires which

are crumbling into sand, and from those ruins is breaking the Dawn

of Resurrection and Last Judgment that will awaken the human race

from their long spiritual lumber, and unite them in Collective



It is true that " with new insights through a religion no longer

dependent on blind trust, but grounded instead in knowledge, we are

offered a higher purpose. " That is exactly what Shri Mataji has done

for the last three decades. Ever since She opened the Sahasrara

Chakra (Kingdom of God) on May 5, 1970 hundreds of thousands have

felt the Cool Breeze of spiritual rebirth (kundalini awakening).

This daily experience is irrefutable evidence that those born of the

Spirit (Mother Kundalini) know in their hearts, mind and soul that

humans are born on this Earth for a higher purpose.


Shri Mataji calls it the Blossom Time. Scriptures proclaim it to be

the Great Event ordained for humanity grounded in deep knowledge,

secret gnosis and personal experience. This is the esoteric

knowledge of spiritual truth held by the ancient Gnostics to be

essential to salvation. At least find out what it is all about. What

is there to lose? If after six months you think it is all one big

lie just leave ............. and post an angry note on this forum.


Jai Shri Mataji,




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