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More breezy-children stories from Lebanon

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Dear Family,


At the (SY) " public " 's request and as in SY we feel

naturally to share, our dear Hania sent the new

" chapters " of the real saga of SY growing up & wide in



And the vibrations are very strong.. as so many of us

remarked. (otherwise, believe me, friends, old/new SYs

or not, I'll never send the emails).


And, as an answer to many relatives: " Yes, Hala (hala

sukarieh) would be more than happy to be in contact to

all of those that wish so... "


and already other " chapters " were also written, first

with the children's Kundalini..and later, the

reflections by Hala... Enjoy!





------------------------------- Chapter 3: BREEZY-BOY,

December 4th, 2004 , morning




hala sukarieh

Toni Grabmayer ; Ioana Popa

Saturday, December 04, 2004 3:55 AM







On a French TV channel during the News: “this year

they recorded 5% more violence among young children at

school than last year… an example: they showed us a 3

years girl aggressed by 2 boys (5 years old), and on

her face the traces of nails & blood”


This must be a good thing to mention about SY schools

(with 0% violence) in front of the jury & judges in





Tuesday 30 November:


The responsible wanted to talk to me but first to

reply to the phone it was the psychologist for

complementary & secondary classes… she wanted as usual

send me papers for reusing the blank ones & recycling

the rest… it was Her Work!!! Our Mother inspired me

with this idea:


to give the psychologist her realization so i'll have

more prove to convince the responsible… so i went to

her office she was with another lady and a man who was

to interested and left… lots of cool breeze was coming

from the palms… this encouraged me more to start

telling them about the respiration and relaxation

technique that i do for children and that it relieve

them from their pain & relieve them from stress (the

psychologist’s son died 3 years ago in a car accident

and she is not sleeping since and have guilt

feelings…) So we made the usual realization and she

found it difficult to close her eyes all the time…but

no talks about breeze and SY… we had few minutes to do

it before the bell ring (she had to receive students

with problems during the brake time…)


Finally i saw Aabdallah, we walked in the schools

gardens, he asked me why your face is so red… was

feeling hot instead of the cold weather with the week

sun… maybe the energy & courage i suddenly had that

made me willing to do more when i have that chance…

Benissa, Danielle & another boy who wanted to have the

ganesha Mantra… (many children who heard about it also

insisted of having it…) went with us (to throw a box

of paper in the recycling)


Aabdallah told me that the priest, also his name is

“Tony” :-) saw the prayer and asked breezy boy what

does it mean, he answered “Om”= amen and “Ganesha”=

Jesus Child, and that he don’t know what do the rest

means… the priest ignore this language…


Do you think i should translate this prayer for them?

Do you have the translation of Ganesha Mantra in

English? (i know that “Sakshat “= verily, Twameva=

Mother isn’t? but how it is put all together in a

correct sentence?)




Always i learn from him, he amazed me with his quick

bandhans on the palms: as i suggested to give bandhans

to the responsible and the priest… feeling those

vibrations on palms is new to me. You know that i

started feeling them more strong since i shared this

breezy boy story with the collectivity… & it take

time to see if it is hot or cool (very rarely i felt

the breeze & very weak… seems that vibrations were not

friendly with me!!!!)


But it took Abdallah only few seconds to decide that

it was little hot (or warm) for the responsible, then

quickly he made bandhans to the priest.. it was cool…

i was enjoying his confidence in himself that i

couldn’t pay attention for what i felt on my palms!!!!

Then he said that he heard that it may be war between

Lebanon and Syria so he decided to bandhan “the Peace

in Lebanon”!!! it was me who was following him and

enjoying his wisdom!!!!


Now he is writing the Ganesha mantra and distributing

it to the children who are interested and working on

them from their back (he also did it for his uncle and

his aunt who felt vibration on her back, but he didn’t

do it to his parents who said that this breeze is



When we came back, lots a of children who saw me later

were unhappy because they missed the usual meetings

during the brake time, so promised to join them to the

play ground next time…




So, when i talked to the responsible she was afraid

that i was making children attached to me…better to do

it in groups… i told her not at all i always do it in

group & i am just relieving them from their pain and

that the psychologist enjoyed the same relaxation… our

Abdallah asked me to take a permit from her so he can

join us, he will not support being shout at… she

screamed on Danielle because she forbid her to join me

many times but instead she came while she was not



She said that she is not against relieving the

children from their stress but why i was alone with

the boy in the room, answered that it was not him who

came in but it was me who invited him inside because

the person in charge of giving him pills was not

around & that he was sick and having lots of pain… and

she also was afraid that it will be something related

to religion… of course not i replied… she talked to

the “negative boy”’s mother and told her that it was

only lies… She asked what do i do for them, so i

explained about what i do (about respiration,

affirmations and feeling themselves in a very joyful

place), that it is a kind of good yoga not like other

yoga which are very harmful… she was afraid that

parents may not understand that it is for their

children benefits… when i invited her to join us & see

and feel it she didn’t seem interested at all!!!! She

said it is very important for children not to miss

their brake time in the play ground to express & get

out all the energy inside them, otherwise they will

not behave in the classroom… but i replied that the

noise will give them more stress (the covered play

ground is very small for such a big number during

rainy days). She answered that not all the children

are bothered with that!!!!


She also said that last year (he was in grade 4) she

noticed that he had a very strange behavior: “he has

kind of attachment to some of the lady-educators, and

he used to caress them in the arms or hands or…


Anyway the most important thing is that we can still

meet during the brake times!!!!




When Aabdallah was criticizing & mocking a boy who

annoyed him (because this boy was mocking another one

with a bad manner…) he felt his head turning, lots of

heat & very bothered… he realized that what he is

doing was wrong & immediately cleared himself… and

felt good again… what a great powers he has!!!!




Very sorry for all of us that i’ll have to leave now &

tell you later about the rest… Sharing with you is

very joyful… i could stay hours and even days writing

without feeling tired at all as long as it is related

to SY!!!! sharing with you didn’t only give me the

chance of knowing & witnessing how strong the

Collective Vibrations could become… but also let me

feel more deeply the Collective Unity, Love,

Compassion, Joy…




Jai Shri Mataji




Lots Of Love








------------------------------- Chapter 4: BREEZY-BOY,

December 4th, 2004, afternoon.. ha!



hala sukarieh

Toni Grabmayer ; Ioana Popa

Saturday, December 04, 2004 3:14 PM








It was a very good thing that i failed the biology

exam because if i didnt i would have left the private

school to have full time in official school so i could

never had the chance to meet Abdallah and the other

gifted children So, Thank You Shri Mataji for





The school year started in October but their biology

teacher left and in Jounieh i was the fourth teacher

(the last teacher left with her husband to Katar). The

director is a very nice person he introduced me to

them and apologize for this continuous change and

wishing that it wont happen again but i tried to

relieve them by saying when we think positively all

our life will change for the better why dont we

thank God for what we have in some countries lots of

children are dying because they dont enough food

(like in Ethiopia) this how i talked to them about

the relaxation that will make them light like a

feather!!!! You will find below how some classes were

interested and got their realization.


Only in Safra Official school lots of children are ego

oriented & impolite, i tried it in one class (17

students, secondary class 2nd year) but a boy

interrupted saying he dont agree with the

affirmations specially #5 i respect your point of

view but you didnt respect the others who wanted to

continue anyway for the interested one i told them

that i am willing to do it for them anywhere anyplace

outside the school in the 3 official schools the

periods are in afternoons, otherwise i could not have

the time to attend them all and to meet those sweet

students... Thank You Shri Mataji...





Monday 29- 11- 2004



35 students got their realization (humanity secondary

class 2nd year, age between 15 and 17 years in Jounieh

Official School), they all agreed to do it & to feel

light like a feather!!!! told them as usual to release

their muscles & to repeat affirmations, they were not

all serious but lot of them felt inner peace and one

said that he stopped feeling the pain in his back it

was the first time i meet them so maybe during the

year it will work better




30- 11- 2004


17 students got their realization (secondary class 3rd

year, between 16 & 18 years, in Zouk Official Ochool)

told them to release their muscles & to repeat

affirmations to imagine themselves doing the most

joyful thing (this made about 4 of them laugh but in a

polite manner) interruption was not more than twice

reminding them if they want to continue better not to

interrupt it was much better they all closed their

eyes & were all enjoying the inner peace that they all

were very happy keeping their eyes closed they all

felt the breeze over their head and some in the palms

(But most of them felt tingling in their palms) They

have 2 hours biology, before realization they were

asking to give them these 2 hours not on the same day

but after they changed their mind they asked to do the

same thing during the 5 minutes brake between the 2

hours!!! also explain a little about the energy in the

sacred bone, 7 enemies of humans (6 according to the

Advent book as our very dear sister Clare told me +

lying), the joy of being in the present state & to

always do it with any positive affirmations they feel

that it is not yet accomplished within themselves it

was the first time i meet them and they asked me if i

will join them with the priest to go visit the

Handicap Center and to offer them food & gifts!!!!




Wednesday 1- 12- 2004:


Another class, 30 students, Scientific secondary,

class 2nd year, in Jounieh Official School: one of the

boys said if i do for them yoga as I did for the other

class (35 students). Told them it is about feeling

lots of relieve and inner peace they all agreed to

experience by raising their hands 3 students were not

serious & laughing secretly. The rest felt inner peace

and joy that all the eyes were refusing to open many

of them felt wind and something in their back but

unfortunately we had to start the biology lesson (it

was the first time i meet them)




Lots Of Love from Lebanon





" You just become, like a flower becomes the fruit.

It's all built in within you. Allow it to work out. "

-- Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi......... for more details

visit : http://www.sahajayoga.org






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