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Maybe then SYs will stop turning Sahaja Yoga into a religion of lemons and chill

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> shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org> wrote:

> >

> > Saying a dozen mantras may make things easier for some, saying

> > just one also works for others. Listening only to Sahaj bhajhans

> > may bring joy to most, listening to all may bring ecstasy to

> > some. Seeking treatments may clear the subtle system problems

> > for many but leaving it to the kundalini also works just fine.

> > Meditating twice a day may be compulsory but missing once in a

> > while should not bring guilt.

> >

> > What i am trying to say is to take it easy and enjoy. Do not

> > feel guilty or fear you will fall. Don't become rigid and too

> > disciplined.

> >

> > i have never wanted to use my vibrations for mundane things.

> > Whatever knowledge the vibrations bring must be spontaneous and

> > not due to my desire/mental need to know. Maybe through too much

> > practice and attention SYs have become super-sensitive and

> > register even weak catches very strongly. What you may be

> > thinking as a badly caught left swadhistan or hot liver may be

> > because your subtle system is super-sensitive. i may just

> > register the same as mild, easily cured. But you will need daily

> > footsoaks and ice-packs, and still not get 'cured' because your

> > subtle system is still able to pick even very weak signals. That

> > only continues the perpetual cycle of catch and cure. You are

> > not catching on any chakras but just having an excellent subtle

> > system that is just too finely tuned. There is just nothing

> > wrong with your subtle system because i am not registering any

> > catches from you.

> >

> > But if i had a fine-tuned subtle system or put too much

> > attention on catches i will definitely register catches strongly

> > everyday, with no solution in sight. Maybe that is why the

> > senior SY told me that there is no such thing as being catch-

> > free. Maybe a less finely tuned subtle system will register

> > catches less. That does not mean it is defective. Maybe it may

> > be balanced and normal, and not highly strung and super-

> > sensitive. Think about it Madhurima.

> >

> > jagbir

> >



> " Many people say, " we have surrendered everything " , but it does

> not happen because they do it only in talking. Surrendering is not

> talking. You have to surrender to attain thoughtlessness. That is

> you have stopped thinking. When you stop thinking you come to the

> center. When at the center, immediately you go into thoughtless

> awareness, i.e. become one with God's power, and when you are one

> with the God's power, He looks after you. He takes care of your

> small things also. You will be amazed. It is worth trying and

> after that you will realize that what you were doing earlier was

> wrong. So once you are in thoughtlessness you will get all

> inspirations, all powers and everything. "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (Nirmala Yoga, 1982)



> " All that happens in the thoughtless state is enlightened. Light

> never talks. If you switch on the light in the room, the light

> won't speak or give you any ideas. It would just make everything

> visible. The same is true about the light of thoughtlessness.

> First become thoughtless and then doubtless. Then all your doubts

> go and you know that there is some power that works. It works very

> fast and is all subtle. You will be amazed how it happens. This is

> also about time. I never look at a watch. But my real watch is in

> the thoughtlessness.


> If you are thoughtless God takes you everywhere as if on his

> hands. He makes all arrangements. He knows everything and there is

> no need to tell him about anything. But you must see whether you

> are in the main stream or not. If you are not in it then you are

> stuck up somewhere on the bank; then the current comes and takes

> you in twice or thrice, but again you are on the bank. Then you

> say 'Mataji, nothing goes smoothly for me'. It won't because you

> are entangled. "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (Nirmala Yoga, 1982)



> " Because this mind, which is just a bubble as I told you and is so

> limited that it cannot comprehend the beauty, the glory, and the

> expanse of reality. This mind is just a collection of all the

> garbage we should say, which we have to somehow or other deny and

> tell ourselves that I have to go beyond my mind. This so-called

> mind of mine has done no good for me. This 'mind of mine which has

> been all the time controlling me is just like the watch we have

> made and which is controlling us or like the computer that

> controls us. We have to be careful that we are the ones who have

> created this mind and this mind has no business to control us.


> Now, once your attention goes beyond the mind-only the Sahaja

> Yogis will understand this point very clearly. When this mind goes

> beyond the thoughts, then the manipulation of the attention is

> very important. Then whatever you manipulate means you take this

> attention to this or to that. You will be surprised how dynamic

> you become, how effective you become and how knowledgeable you

> become. Because once you can take this attention to anything you

> want, immediately there is light on that issue, on that person, on

> that problem and you see how it works out, how it helps. "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 21.03.1996, Delhi



Dear All,


So the best way to cure catches is to leave it to the Divine. That

is the best method that works again and again. And if you do get

catches after that all you have to do is put your attention on them

in the thoughtless state. It is very important to _be_ in the

thoughtless state _before_ putting your attention on the affected

chakra(s). Go into thoughtless and then put attention, not the other

way round.


Those who really want to get their subtle system balanced and heal

the catches must learn to _surrender_ all problems to the Divine. If

they ever get any catches after that they will have to learn how to

get into the thoughtless state and then put that enlightened

attention on the specific affected chakra(s). i have used this

method for years and the success rate is 100% - all the time.


And Shri Mataji also recommends just that:


" It is worth trying and after that you will realize that what you

were doing earlier was wrong. So once you are in thoughtlessness you

will get all inspirations, all powers and everything. "


So please learn how to follow these instructions of Shri Mataji

instead of relying on the ignorance of other sickly SYs. The Mother

Kundalni and thoughtless state will work at all times, day after

day, month after months, year after year. There is just nothing like

learning to use these powers. This is a process that takes time,

patience and faith.


But if you are still not able to heal then She recommends treatments

as a last resort. It is a foregone conclusion that these SYs have

_not_ achieved that thoughtless state or learnt how to surrender

their problems to the divine. They just want a quick cure and do not

have the discipline required for attaining the thoughtless state.


And after all these cures and special diets you still get caught

there is nothing left to do, but to just continue these endless


catch-candling ritual. And SYs just love all these cleansing rituals

which, IMO, are the least effective and almost useless as placebos.

If SYs have still not learnt how to heal petty catches how are they

ever going to cure diseases?


As usual you will not get any answers from those who are actively

perpetuating these rituals. For them Sahaja Yoga is all about the

subtle system. Since they have so much expertise in this field and

engage in daily treatments and diets why are they catching? Why are

they still not experts in leaving all to the Divine and attaining

that very important state of nirvichara/nirvikalpa? Why are they

bringing others down to their level? It just does not make any



The reason they can't is because they are so entangled.


SYs continue reading Shri Mataji's advise literally and do not use

their introspection as to what She really means. We are first and

foremost supposed to learn how to become thoughtless and leave

everything to the Mother Kundalini. When She says you have to

footsoak daily it is for those who just can't or find it difficult

to become thoughtless (nirvichara/nirvikalpa). These are the people

who should footsoak till they learn how to become skilled at

harnessing those powers. Once they have attained that state they

must abandon all external rituals. There is absolutely no need or

basis to continue these rituals when the Divine and thoughtless

state is far capable of looking after you. So why should those who

have attained this high state of consciousness be subjected to

footsoaks or any other cleansing rituals of those SYs still so far

away from attaining nirvichara/nirvikalpa?


i remember waiting for years to hear Shri Mataji saying the same

thing about the absurdity of ritualistic cleansing after i had given

up all external rituals. It made no sense to me to continue a

religion of lemons and chillies, as Danny has put it so eloquently.

i wanted to be vindicated of my belief that went against the " you-


cleansing " declaration of that senior SY.


Then one day i heard Her saying so on the tape, lamenting at SYs who

continue footsoaking and doing treatment for years. Her words were

something to this effect: " What is the point of doing Sahaja Yoga if

you still need to do all these rituals? " i am not quoting Her

verbatim but that is what She was trying to say. The day i get hold

of this tape, whose year of origin remains unknown, i will post it

here. Maybe then SYs will stop turning Sahaja Yoga into a religion

of lemons and chillies.


jai Shri Mataji



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Dear All,


A SY send this excellent email regarding this topic. Thanks.




Dear Jagbir,


Thank you for your kind advices to SYs and answering their queries

on various problems faced by them.


In the beginning SYs do require to learn how to practice and get the

result. The treatments are required to cleanse the syetem and tune

the system to the frequency of the Divine.


The problem is how to be in thoughtless awareness.It is the starting

point of the Unconscious mind in which our mind can not think. The

moment we think we come out of it and thrown back into the flow of



You have given about what Shri Mataji said in 1982 about being

thoughtless.We all are stuck at this point.Though we say we should

do introspection. It is always good to introspect.Many things had

been said by Shri Mataji.


When one tries to goto depth and really have desire to be one with

Divine then the help comes automatically.


Actually the key point is our " Attention " about which we are

reminded again and again.


So to come to thoughtless awareness watch your attention whether it

is on your Sahasrar or in your heart or at the Lotus Feet of Adi

Shskti. All these are one and the same point.So our attention should

be one-pointed attention.


Then you watch it. Slowly you will come to the edge of the ocean of

thoughtless awareness.


What do we mean by thoughtless awareness not literally but by

actually feeling that state.Here in this state you are aware of all

the happenings or experiencing them but without thinking. Actually

you are watching whatis happening within you.You do not think how to

respire because it is automatic.The happening inside our body is

automatic.We only add our thoughts which may disturb or may not.


For example you feel pain on your stomsch your attention immediately

goes to the place of pain.Just bear the pain and watch it with your

attention.If your Kundalini is awakened then She will go there and

correct and after some time you will be relieved.


Thus your doubt vanishes and you go another state of complete faith

in Shri Mataji.You proceed to doubtless awareness.So it is not your

job it is the job of the Divine power.There you are only a silent

witness.Always watch your attention and become your own master.


All these come with practice and practice makes one perfect one

day. The higher awareness comes not by efforts but by surrendering

oneself to the Mother by being a completely surrendered instrument.



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  • 9 months later...

, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> SYs continue reading Shri Mataji's advise literally and do not use

> their introspection as to what She really means. We are first and

> foremost supposed to learn how to become thoughtless and leave

> everything to the Mother Kundalini. When She says you have to

> footsoak daily it is for those who just can't or find it difficult

> to become thoughtless (nirvichara/nirvikalpa). These are the

> people who should footsoak till they learn how to become skilled

> at harnessing those powers. Once they have attained that state

> they must abandon all external rituals. There is absolutely no

> need or basis to continue these rituals when the Divine and

> thoughtless state is far capable of looking after you. So why

> should those who have attained this high state of consciousness be

> subjected to footsoaks or any other cleansing rituals of those SYs

> still so far away from attaining nirvichara/nirvikalpa?


> i remember waiting for years to hear Shri Mataji saying the same

> thing about the absurdity of ritualistic cleansing after i had

> given up all external rituals. It made no sense to me to continue

> a religion of lemons and chillies, as Danny has put it so

> eloquently. i wanted to be vindicated of my belief that went

> against the " you-will-always-catch-and-will-always-need-daily-

> footsoaking-and-cleansing " declaration of that senior SY.


> Then one day i heard Her saying so on the tape, lamenting at SYs

> who continue footsoaking and doing treatment for years. Her words

> were something to this effect: " What is the point of doing Sahaja

> Yoga if you still need to do all these rituals? " i am not quoting

> Her verbatim but that is what She was trying to say. The day i get

> hold of this tape, whose year of origin remains unknown, i will

> post it here. Maybe then SYs will stop turning Sahaja Yoga into a

> religion of lemons and chillies.






i still have not found that tape but this advise from Shri Mataji

just posted by Violet at the new forum should do for the time being:


" So first you become thoughtlessly aware. Then the growth of

spirituality starts after thoughtless awareness, not before - one

should know that.


On a rational plane you cannot grow in Sahaja Yoga. So first thing

is to establish your thoughtless awareness. Still you might feel

little chakra blockages here and there - forget it. Just forget it.


Now start your surrendering. Now if a chakra is catching, you should

say, " Mother, I surrender this to you. " Instead of doing any of

these things you can just say that. . . . if there are any thoughts

coming in to you or any chakra catching, just surrender. And you see

that the chakras are cleared up. . . . You'll find out most of your

chakras will clear out in the meditation. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (Nirmala Yoga Jan-Feb 1984)





So instead of doing any of these things - treatments like string-

burning, footsoaking, chilli & lemon, matka - you can just say that.

Shri Mataji clearly says that you need not resort to all those

external rituals that many are so fond of doing daily and insisting

others do so too.


But you know what? SYs won't stop because they have heard all this

before. They think that their 'knowledge' of chakars, catches and

cures will attract new seekers. They will not listen to this advise

of Shri Mataji because other collectives do treatments daily too.

And just some time back the management from Down Under announced

loudly and proudly their Chakra Cleansing weekends. Think they will

listen to Shri Mataji's advise and stop turning Sahaja Yoga into a

religion of lemon and chilli treatments?


Jai Shri Mataji,




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