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Semira, She indeed is the Mother of the Millennium that has followed the millenn

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shriadishakti , " calugar22 " <calugar22>




> I have always known that Semira was an advanced soul... in a way I

> am her messenger... but I have never thought that after only one

> week of meditation she could write this.. imagine her in 10 years

> from now?...God bless her.


> Simcerely, danny



Dear Danny,


It is my firm, irrevocable belief that there are many millions of

great advanced/very advanced souls like Semira out there. By this i

mean they are far better than some SYs i have met. But the Sahaja

Yoga of lemons and coconuts will never attract them. On the

contrary, it will repel and make many disgusted and never to return.

This conclusive comprehension and apprehension comes from the

feedback i am getting from those disillusioned by local collectives.

The latest that came yesterday has this to say:




" I joined Sahaj Yoga in around 1999. From the first time I did

the " Self Realisation " exercise I felt something move at the bottom

of my spine - like a kind of " energy " but not the " cool breeze "

business - which I did not feel or the " vibrations " and I refused to

say I did when I did not. Also I got this thing about the " grand

cross alignment " of all the planets lining up, as they did around

that time, which I believed signified we were all kind of inside a

large " body " which at the time I thought was Sri Mataji's body!


Although I seemed to have got a lot out of Sajah Yoga and can't say

much wrong against it, I left after only about 18 months as I did

not find some of the people in it very loving or friendly, and they

seemed to be prepared to go along with a lot of things I found quite

silly. I did not leave under bad terms and did not like having to

say I was leaving to my local leader and his wife who were nice

people whom I felt I was letting down to some extent.


I don't think I could go back to Sajah Yoga as I feel I would just

leave again due to the same reasons. Yet I do know there is a lot in

it and that it served to " awaken " me to what goes on in the world,

and I am truly amazed as to the way so many people seem to have

behaved who were once in the organisation, I mean those who left


are now so violently against it. Did they experience anything

whatsoever whilst in the movement? Did they like sheep, go along

with what other people were doing/saying -even to the extent where

they " went along " with others when they started leaving and

denouncing it? "





It is SYs themselves and their religion of lemons and coconuts they

practice and praise to high heaven that the religiously intelligent

and spiritually wise find disgusting. It saddens me greatly that SYs

still do not have that common sense to asses the great damage being

done daily to the movement by their own behavior and rituals. The

fact that even decades of failure does not bring wisdom to those in

charge is heart-wrenching.


Semira is fortunate that she has learnt about the Divine Message

first _before_ having any contact with SYs in collectives, all

engaged in ritualistic cleansing. i have my doubts if she could have

lasted long. That is why i advise her to continue her journey on her

own, lest she experiences the same religion of lemons and coconuts

in local collectives that have caused many to flee. That i also fled

should be sufficient proof. That i am able to advance further and

comprehend the Divine Message far more than many SYs should by

reassuring for those who wish to continue their spiritual journey

alone. This may just save them from those who want to save them.



" semirafields " <semirafields>

Fri Dec 24, 2004 7:47 am

Re; The Truth behind Sahaja Yoga [Resp to Simon]


>Simon wrote about raising the Kundalini; 'Well, frauds like Mataji,

>Muktananda and dozens of other fake gurus can do it.'


> It is not quite so cut and dried.

> More important even than what kind of person the guru is, or what

> they have or haven't done, is the criteria that the followers

> believe that the energy exists within themselves. The existance of

> Divine energy and the Divine message is not dependant on the

> actions or character of people.

> Messengers are usually considered to be frauds. Jesus Christ is

> considered to be a fraud by many. Among other miracles He walked on

> water, healed the sick, raised Lazarus from the dead, and Himself

> rose from the dead. He claimed to be the Son of God, and was

> rejected and crucified. People can either believe these things or

> call it all a huge fraud. Let us not forget that Jesus was betrayed

> by one of his closest disciples, who had even been present at the

> time of many miracles, and who therefore knew the Truth.

> The prophet Mohammed had Divine revelations. He also had several

> wives, the youngest being about thirteen. He is still one of God's

> chosen Prophets, and revealed many important truths.



i am very impressed by the compassionate eye and penetrating vision

that allows her to encompass and embrace all of His messengers,

defending them unconditionally. The fact that she defends Prophet

Muhammad goes against the mindset of most Christians and their

continuing centuries-old trend to demonize Islam.


But what really stunned me was the way she protected the Divine

Message with an astute, unassailable defense. i will be hard-pressed

to better her reasoning powers and critical insight. My pranaam to



> What is the value of special experiences in religions?

> The value of having a special spiritual experience is that you

> become assured of a meaning to your life, you are assured that

> death need not be feared and that the soul continues after death,

> you have a way of overcoming personal problems and you can find

> security and happiness in your life.

> Without spiritual experience, what is the point of life? Can one

> really find satisfaction in material things and pleasures alone?



What can i say? i joined Sahaja Yoga to find answers to these



Why was i on Earth? What was i born for? Why is there death? Is it

the end of all existence? Why are humans in a constant state of

struggle for power and possessions? Why is the vast majority under

constant subjugation? Why are billions striving and suffering? Why

so much hate, violence and unhappiness in the lands of plenty? Why

so many tears, anguish and sufferings in the lands of less? Why all

these ceaseless confusions, delusions and illusions? Why all these

religions of division, differences and hate? Why all these different

Allahs, Gods and Prabhus? What is the Truth? Who knows this Truth?

Where is this Truth? How to reach this Truth?


As Robert de Niro put it so eloquently in the movie, Angel

Heart: " They say there is just enough religion in the world to make

men hate each other, but not enough to make them love. " At last i

have found a way to rid of the demons of hate and division that

torment religious fools and fanatics. Not only that but i have also

thoroughly understood the Great Event ordained for all humans. That

Divine Message allows me to unconditionally accept and embrace all

His messengers, religions and holy scriptures. At last i am free

from all that divides and haunts humanity.


That brings into sharp focus what knowledge seekers are looking for.

Only the Great Event ordained for humanity gives the most assuring

answers and hope, a pledge of salvation and promise of eternal life

that in entrenched in eschatology and all holy scriptures. The

present SY religion of lemons and coconuts and deliberate

suppression of the Divine Message for fear of offending the public

is an unforgivable insult to the Divine. This great obstacle must be

battered till it is destroyed.


> Simon wrote; ''Why would she allow her 'children' to be sexually

> abused and then blame the victims and protect the abusers?

> You're right, it's absurd, too much to believe.

> But 10s of 1000s do believe.''



This is one absurd allegation. Simon is falsely accusing Shri Mataji

of _deliberately_ allowing her children to be sexually abused? This

is a monstrous lie!


There was only one incident in the SY International School where a

teacher was alleged to have touched one of the pupils. The moment

that student complained Shri Mataji immediately expelled that

teacher, even though the charges were inconclusive. We just can

blame her for what this teacher did.


This is the only incident since the school opened about a decade

ago. My children were there and they never heard any such stories,

though they had other minor complaints. However till today they

still recall the many fond memories of friends and adventures of Her

school surrounded by the majestic, snow-topped Himalayas.



> There is no excuse for condoning abuse. There can be no mitigating

> factors for the abuser; after abuse a child's [or any victim's]

> life is ruined for always. Again, though, this is a widespread

> problem in many institutions where you have leaders, or people in

> authority.

> Control of sexual desire is a major problem for a lot of men

> especially when they are in a position to take advantage of their

> power. It is a problem in all institutions, and even more so in

> religious ones. The more rigid the rules and expectations [as in

> the Catholic Church for example] the more prevalent sexual sin is.

> Does it follow that these men are entirely evil and without God?

> No, I don't think so. It means that they made a serious mistake,

> and gave in to temptation. Most men do give in to temptation when

> faced with it.

> This still does not mean that there is no Divine energy, or Divine

> message.

> Regards, Semira



i could not agree more. Thank you Semira for this great post that

has give me another way to overcome those who want to destroy the

Divine Message to humanity. On this really cold morning in Montreal,

Canada and temperatures dropping to -17 Celsius with the wind chill

factored in, your post has made this Christmas so warm and

comforting for me.


i wish today that the world be blessed with more souls like you. i

know many are still waiting to take birth on Earth and help spread

the Divine Message to all humanity, to awaken us to the Savior's

promise of the eternal Afterlife for all His children. Despite all

obstacles from those opposed to God Almighty's Divine Plan for all

will eventually reach all nations and peoples of many tongues. This

Millennium of the Mother is just four years-old! The first rays of

Light are just faintly visible as they struggle to break though the

darkest hours of the Dawn of this Divine Millennium.


Semira, you are one of the first to catch them while the Adi Shakti

still walks on Earth and enlightens all to the greatness of Christ,

the universal Savior. Thousands are celebrating Christmas with Her

today at Ganapatipule, India - Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Christians,

Muslims, Sikhs, Jains - in true brotherhood and love. Semira, She

indeed is the Mother of the Millennium that has followed the



" When the millennium that follows this millennium ends, 

Men will have finally opened their eyes.

They will no longer be imprisoned in their heads and cities,

But will be able to see from one end of the Earth to another, and

understand each other.

They will know what makes one suffer hurts another. 

Men will form one huge body of which each will be a tiny part.

Together they will form the heart of this body.

There will be a common language spoken by everybody, and thus,

finally, a glorious humanity will come into existence . . .

Because Woman will arrive to reign supreme; 

She will govern the future and decree Her philosophy to Man.

She will be the Mother of the Millennium that follows the millennium.

She will, after the days of the devil, radiate the gentle sweetness

of a mother.

She will, after the days of barbarity, embody beauty.

The Millennium that follows the millennium,

Will metamorphose into an age age of lightness:

Men will love each other, sharing everything, dream, 

And dreams will turn into Reality . . . .

Thus Man will have his second birth. 

Spirit will possess the mass of men, 

Who will be united in brotherhood.

So an end will be proclaimed to barbarity. 

It will be an era of a new strength of belief.

The dark days at the beginning of the Millennium that follows the

millennium, will be ensued by days of jubilation: 

Men will once more find the righteous path of humanity,

And Earth will find harmony once more. . . .

There will be roads that connect one end of Earth, and the sky to

the other;

The woods will once more be dense, the desert will once more be

irrigated, and the water will once more be pure.

The Earth will be like a garden: 

Men will take care of every living thing,

And he will clean everything he dirtied, 

He will understand that the whole of Earth is his home,

And he will think with wisdom of the morrow. 

Man will know everything on Earth and his own body.

Diseases will be cured before they are manifested, 

And everybody will cure themselves and each other.

Man will have understood that he has to help himself to stay upright;

And after the days of reticence and avarice, 

Man will open his heart and his purse to the poor;

He will define himself curator of human species, 

And so, finally, a New Era will begin.

When Man has learnt to give and share, 

The bitter days of solitude will be at an end.

He will once more believe in the Spirit, 

And barbarians will once more be unheard of . . .

But all this will happen after the wars and the fires. 

And this will arise from the ashes of the burnt Towers of Babel.

And a strong hand will be needed to bring order to chaos, and to

put Man on the right path.

Man will learn that all creatures are bringers of light, and all

creatures must be respected.

Man, in his lifetime, will live more than one life, 

And will learn that the Light never goes out. "


(John of Jerusalem, The Book of Prophecies)




Merry Christmas and peace on Earth,




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shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> Semira, you are one of the first to catch them while the Adi

> Shakti still walks on Earth and enlightens all to the greatness of

> Christ, the universal Savior. Thousands are celebrating Christmas

> with Her today at Ganapatipule, India - Hindus, Buddhists, Jews,

> Christians, Muslims, Sikhs, Jains - in true brotherhood and love.

> Semira, She indeed is the Mother of the Millennium that has

> followed the millennium:




" rabi ghosh "

nirmalaite , sitaindia,

divinesahajayoga, stirisahaja

FW: Fwd: 1140 Sahaj links and first Christmas Info from


Fri, 24 Dec 2004 01:05:27 +0000



Dear Family,


Jai Shri Mataji,


This is to confirm from the site that the event of havan is at 1030-

1100hrs on 24th Dec and the Yogis/yoginis registered under staying

category has overflown 14500 marks, while, the non-staying category

as I was conveyed from the members from Indian Registration counter

until now is expected to touch another 8-9,000 mark that makes

approx expectation of 25 k Yogis/Yoginins to attend the Puja

tomorrow on 25th Dec acrossthe globe in this capacity of 100 k

sitting capacity of Stadium on the grass and the gallery. I visited

Washi Health Centre yesterday on 23rd. Already it was overflowing

with our non-Indian bro. and sisters. There was a collective

meditattion and already found the divine fragrance flowing with the

message of love and Christmas across with the more numbers of Yogis

and Yoginis from abroad.


Shall try to bring you more news as I attend the todays events in

the Stadium at Havan and evening Programme. Until then let the

Silent Night prevail as Shri Jesus and Mother Mary blesses us

through Sakshat our beloved Mother in Pune in Her Sakkar Form or in

Her Nirakar Form for the entire universe.








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