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Hamid given Notes by Shri Mataji-1

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Dear AllFor your information. JSM. Aunty ShakuDear Brothers and Sisters, this is a list from Hamidgiven by Shri Mataji during the last weeks around Hervisit in Austria. Some of you may know them already,but I hope it is helpful for all of you. If somebody has problems to sleep at night, thefollowing can be done: massage Agnya with finger clockwise Bandhan three times, deep breathing and take themantra ‘Nidrarupa’ With all left-side diseases (also cancer) three-candle treatment don’t move to the right side As a cause of cancer, it is also possible that theseare affected: right side problem centre heart right Agnya Mooladhara Use also three-candle treatment. All who have problems with urethra and those who areabove 60 years old, should not eat raw tomatoes (leftNabhi gets too sour). As a treatment, put ice onliver. A medicine for low blood pressure is Merphentine(available in India). With liver problems you can also put left hand onliver and say the mantra, ‘Mother you are my Guru.’ Those who have to go outside very early should taketheir bath in the evening, especially during thewinter months. Those who think a lot or have to do mental jobs shouldeat more carbohydrates and only a little meat. Throughcarbohydrates the body produces more oxygen, which isvery important for brain activity. In Sahaja Yoga there is no death as such, but fromtime to time also realised souls need a new body.Sahaja Yogis should not be cremated but buried. After 6 pm we should not drink black tea or coffee. We should not tend to any extremes with food. Neithertoo sweet not too sour supports our vibrations. Thefood should be juicy, many left Nabhi problems come upthrough dry food. Children should be given milk with low fat but withsugar. If we have problems of being tired or overactive(Agnya catch) when learning then we say the mantra,‘Mother I am not learning’ or ‘Mother I learnnothing’. If we have red spots or pimples on our face, we shouldrub it with herb tea or, better still, wash it withrose water.If we are catching on Right Swadisthan and RightNabhi, we should also work on Left Heart and LeftVishuddhi, because these chakras are automaticallyalso affected. The best time for meditation is between 5 and 6o’clock in the morning because the left side becomespassive and the right side becomes active, so there isa quiet and balanced time in between. To cool down theright side it is good to meditate after sunset andgenerally we should meditate before sleeping. If possible we should sleep after coming home fromwork to compensate for less sleep in the night. Also,it would be good to rest before programmes. There is a new liver treatment: red paprika withblueberries plus sugar and the mantra ‘Mother, You aremy Guru’. In the evening we should not eat sour food because ofthe Vishuddhi; if any, then take with sugar or sweets.Treatment for back Agnya: MoovTreatment for front Agnya: white tiger-balmMassage left foot with Moov and right side withtiger-balm Scars and wounds (from fire) treat with Ghee. If you have a swelled Vishuddhi, then take butter withwarm water to wet Vishuddhi but avoid swallowing toomuch of it, because if you have Vishuddhi problem, youhave a liver problem too and butter is bad for liver. After the birth of a child, the mother should use theAjwain treatment to clear the Mooladhara. Coughs and colds are due to liver problems, put ice onliver. With hip problems we should lie down on belly, takeleft ankle with left hand and right ankle with righthand and breathe deeply several times. Important for preparing a public programme: on theleft-side of Shri Mataji there has to be a table withwater and a burning candle on it. As we all know the element of the Vishuddhi is ether.Hamid asked Shri Mataji about the occurrence of ether.Shri Mataji answered, ‘Ether originates from Agnya andis in Agnya, our thoughts are out of ether andtherefore the thoughts can penetrate everything.’ With vein problems, massage with white tiger-balm andseveral times a day, lie on the back and ‘ride abicycle’ (of course, without the bicycle). With menstruation problems Shri Mataji recommends thefollowing:Drink vibrated water with saltAll treatments for the right side. Start about 1 weekbefore period and continue during it.


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