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Learning from Wonderful Sahaj Christmas & Hanukha greetings and prayers

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A lot of wishes from our family on the eve of Mery Christmas. Lets enjoy the vibrations while we enjoy the fwd message , prayers and poems from heart .









Dear Family,





The SYs continue to send/receive sahaj Christmas greetings in Virata . But we might want to know the treasures that exist in the Jewish traditions as well. There are more and more dear relatives that come into SY with this background and they see the similarities between Hanukha and Diwali or Christmas... The light of the Spirit is there, the love for God is there. Let's learn today about a very small poem/song (I was told is from Genesis) that I've personally heard from a new SYini, Zhanna, Toronto, that has a wonderful voice and she can put all her heart and pure vibrations in her song. The vibrations were amazing... Other new people who heard her singing this song were telling me that for the first time they experienced strong vibrations in their entire bodies.. and they were Iranians and she sang in Hebrew ... :-))


Amazingly, the EN translation doesn't give the same vibrations (at least this is what I felt) even the translation (I was told) is word by word. So, what I wish you is to hear it from a SYi that's singing it.. it's pure Ananda, the Spirit's joy totally overtakes you.. so simple words and so SAHAJ.


Today's email wants to put you in basic touch with a Jewish celebration that came this year after Diwali and ended before we started to prepare for Christmas.. and it's related with miracles of light, the victory of the pure faith, now the children receives gifts..so at least for me it seems very easy for SYs to understand and see that the main religions of the world celebrate almost in the same time very similar messages of the soul.. and we as SYs should know about these so we can reach easier to our dear relatives that are waiting to be introduced to the Sahaja Yoga. Courtesy of George, Canada we'll get to know deeper and in a sahaj perspective about these not so well known (by SYs) Jewish traditions .... maybe this will open more our heart and attention to solve the conflicts there ... and as we know, through us Shri Mataji is working on so many other people so the SYs that have Jewish, Arabian backgrounds are instrumental for their people' Realization. For instance George's Agnya is more sensitive than his other chakras and while he leaded a meditation, when he "arrived" at Agnya I felt it so clearly, so wonderful clear.... Of course, we don't "adopt" these traditons, but knowing them we'll understand better the rest of the Human Family that didn't Realize yet they are part and parcel of Virata, and we can help them to approach SY through their own cultural and religious internal patterns instead of asking them to "jump right away" into our way of understanding.


Also we have a wonderful poem and a sweet- Shri Ganesha from Saugstads', Austria and a very gentle, sahaj but also "hi-tech" greetings from Anupam,USA. Enjoy!





1. From Inna, Canada


Eli EliEli Eli She'lo igamer le'olam Hachol ve'hayam rish'rush shel hamayim Ve'rak hashamayim tfilat ha'adam

My God, My God, may it never endThe sand of the sea, the sound of the wavesThe brightness of the sky, and man's prayer


2. Compilation from Internet sent by George, Canada -> of course it's not a sahaj intepretation but just the story behind the celebration



In the mid-second century BCE, Antiochus issued a decree which until that time was unheard of in the multicultural and religiously tolerant ancient world: He outlawed another people's religion. He banned the teaching and practice of Judaism. The book of the Maccabees (probably written by a Jewish chronicler in the early first century BCE) describes it as follows: "Not long after this, the king sent an Athenian senator to compel the Jews to forsake the laws of their fathers and cease to live by the laws of God, and also to pollute the Temple in Jerusalem and call it the Temple of Olympian Zeus." (II Maccabees 6:1-2).








The light of Chanukah is symbolic of the real victory -- the survival of the spiritual light of Judaism.






Brutal Greek persecutions of the Jews triggered the first religious/ideological war in history -- the Maccabean revolt. The revolt was led by the priestly family of Matithias and his five sons, the most famous of whom was Judah. Against all odds, the outnumbered guerilla army of the Maccabees beat the much larger, better equipped, professional Greek armies. After three years of fighting, Jerusalem was liberated. The Temple which had been desecrated was cleaned and rededicated to God. It was during this period of cleansing and re-dedication of the Temple that the miracle of Chanukah happened. One small flask of oil used by the High Priest to light the menorah in the Temple, that should have been sufficient for only one day, miraculously burned for eight.

The conflict dragged on for many more years and cost the lives of many Jews, including Judah Maccabee and several of his brothers. Ultimately, the Greeks were defeated and Judaism survived.

Arguably, a far greater miracle than the oil lasting for eight days was the military victory of the Jews over the Greek Empire. But the light of Chanukah is symbolic of the real victory -- the survival of the spiritual light of Judaism. Judaism's miraculous survival enabled the Jews to have a monumental impact on the world that has far exceeded the miniscule size of the Jewish people, giving the world the concept of one God and the values of the sanctity of life, justice, peace and social responsibility that are the moral/spiritual foundations of Western civilization.



3. Greetings from Anupam, USA. You can also use the link, eevn with a fake name, address,etc:-) I tried it before, to be sure I can send it to you.ha!



Dear (here, better place your name ..ha!)

The tranquility of the nature helps to clarify the mind, illuminating life's possibilities...The simple elegance of turning leaves, the quiet peace of flowing water... The breathtaking beauty of the mountains remind us that we are sorrounded by abundance... ...we have many reasons to be thankful.During this reflective time of the year, my family and I wish peace,harmony, and prosperity to you and yours this day, and in the year to come.At this time I want to wish you and your family a Merry X'mas and Season's greetings for the coming new year.May you have a Wonderful & Happy New Year 2 0 0 5 ! Thank you for your valued friendship.Please below for your personal greetings.http://anupam.ezrent.ca/greetings/(here, better place your name ..ha!) -- may the love and blessings of our HOLY Mother always be upon you and your family"MEDITATION IS THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN GROW...BECAUSE WHEN YOU MEDITATE,YOU ARE IN SILENCE.YOU ARE IN THOUGHTLESS AWARENESS.THEN THE GROWTH OF AWARENESS TAKES PLACE.""Such a blessing it is for you - that you cannot be cheated. Because also, you are looked after by the Divine, guided all the time by the Divine. Have faith in the Divine, have faith in the Divine! That's very important, as you have faith in a candle. Have faith that the Divine will give you the light, will guide your path, will take you to right place to do the right things!" -- H.H.SHRI MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI -- Los Angeles, U.S.A., 10 November 2002"KUNDALINI CURES YOU, SHE IMPROVES YOU,SHE BESTOWS ALL THE BLISSFUL THINGS UPON YOU.SHE TAKES YOU AWAY FROM THE WORRIES OF GROSSER LEVEL."To know more about Sahaja Yoga in San Diego, please visit:http://www.sahajayogasd.org (under construction) For general information about Sahaja Yoga please visit:http://www.sahajayoga.orgBest Regards,Anupam & familySan Diego, CA^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"Perhaps the only limits to the human mind are those we believe in."-Harman"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education."-Einstein^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"Perhaps the only limits to the human mind are those we believe in."-Harman"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education."-Einstein^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

4. Edward( Austria)'s wonderful poem you might have it already from Rabi, India but I still send it to you here..



- Edward Saugstad

Saturday, December 18, 2004 11:26 AM

Virata: Merry Christ-Ma!


********************************Jai***Shri***Mataji***!**********************************************************Wishing you and yours the most joy-fullest Christmas ever!Lots of love and good vibes,Edward, Brigitte & LincolnSWEET NIRVICHARITAWhen I was small and full of gleeA little thought once came to me.“Hello. I’m who you are,” it saidAnd quickly it filled up my head.From this time on, my once cool brainGot loud and hot under the strainOf the ego that waged war,Leaving my soul broken and poor.I grew up lost inside this webOf words and vanity insteadOf the freedom I once knew,When I was young and fresh and new.Decades passed without respiteFrom the noise that dulled my life.Every day I hoped and prayedThat from this heat I would be saved.Then one busy Christmas Eve,When I just could not believeThat innocence could ever returnBringing the joy for which I yearned,I fell into a fathomless sleepAnd heard a sound rise from the deep.It started with an ‘Ah’, then ‘Ommm’And rose into a sonic boom.And suddenly I was awareOf a baby’s loving stare.Its radiance filled up my mindWith something sweet from beyond time.And then I heard Its Mother sigh.That sigh resounded through the sky.And I felt Her kiss my head—And the Wind became my friend.I rose to heights of silent LoveWhere Joy rains down from high above,And saw the Sun, not as a star,But as a glorious Avatar.Oh, how my heart did dance and singIn that sweet, eternal spring!I thanked the Mother and Her SonFor all the wonderful things they’d done.Waking up, I smiled to seeA sunbeam on my Christmas tree.The darkness of my life had passedAnd here I was at home, at last.-EdwardDecember, 81 ABSM (After the Birth of Shri Mataji)









_________________________________Cool images for your enjoyment! (to view and download):http://homepage.mac.com/ed_saugstad/CoolImages/PhotoAlbum16.htmlVisit us (the Saugstads) at:(SOME NEW PHOTOS HERE:)http://homepage.mac.com/ed_saugstad/PhotoAlbum9.htmlhttp://www.geocities.com/global_artist/http://www.brigittesa.com/_________________________________*********************************Every age has its greatest discovery.The greatest of all is inside of us:www.sahajayoga.org*********************************


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