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Christmas Puja 2004 at Pune on 25th December

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Dear Family,



Merry Christmas and Jai Shri Mataji,


“Let us be thankful to Shri Jesus in Shri Mataji Who was so kind enough to accept our heartful offerings of Puja at Her Holy Lotus Feet on His Birth day”…. We thank Thee again and again for this day and pray at Your Holy Lotus Feet ….. “May the entire universe be Counseled, Comforted and Redeemed by Your grace as we the instrument of Yours become more effective in carrying the Self Realization forward to illumine all the nooks and corners of the world that needs Your compassion”. Mother, with our heart felt sincere prayer we the world collective across the globe tender apologies to have compelled You to come down for us and accept the Christmas Puja 2004 in Your Saakar Form in Pune on 25th December amidst 35 thousand collectivity inspite of Your inconvenience and health. Kindly accept our silent prayer. We are grateful to You for the Silent Night …. the Holy Night to bless us with all desired in our Hearts and You have so compassionately bestowed upon us Your powers to be in this state of realization as Sahaja Yogis. Aum Twameva Sakhshat Shri Jesus Mary Mata Sakhshat Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devai Namaha Namoh.



Dear Brothers and sisters of this unique family where we enjoy the bliss of Shri Adi Shakti, before we enjoy the bliss of the vibration full evening news of this greatest day of 2004 ….let us all pray in our heart on this Christmas day collectivity for redemption our of world…. “When we desire in our collective state God fulfils the desires as She Herself is the Doer and also the Enjoyer besides being desire less and also the desire in us. She is the beginning and She is the end.


It is now a record in the history of the Sahaja Yoga that such gathering of collectivity could just be blessed by Mother’s Holy presence and accepting the Christmas Puja with 35 thousand thronging collective blossoming in the Pune Stadium on 25th Dec 2004. It can only be possible by Mother’s grace. And one can imagine how great it was that entire collective of such gathering moving in discipline without any mismanagement. As if an unseen management was all the time binding the entire collective and steering the move of the saints around. In fact , if one recollects the prediction of Mother that 2006 shall come as the year when all isms will perish… May be the Last Judgment day is rolled out and we must grow as Her vibrations flows.


Unofficial Registration records speak there were 23+ thousand Indian Yogis (Staying – Category, in Campus) against 1500 Non–Indian (Staying Category in Campus). While, there was a rough estimate of additional 6-7 Thousand Indian Yogis ( Non staying category)and a figure of another 1500 Non-Indian Sahaja Yogis (Non staying category). Arithmetic makes roughly a figure of 35 Thousand Yogis. The stadium in the evening seemed to be just full with little stars overlooking heads with arms spread, waiting for the greatest moment on earth. It was at seven in the evening when the collective meditation stated with the audiovisual display of earlier year Christmas Puja talk. Vibrations seemed to cool off the heat of more than 35 thousand collectivity with more known, lesser known to newer one faces. The talk was in Hindi and in English, which reminded us how to be in Sahaja and what is expected of us with the basic essence of Jesus and His objective of advent and principles that we should follow. The warnings were loud and clear. The expectations in Sahaja were distinct, only that introspection and self-discipline is the call of the Mother, which can please the Devi. And we can achieve everything by keeping Mother pleased. She warned us of the unwarranted expectations and materialistic desires that shrinks the factor of love and the warmth and the “giving” quality in us .The two large screens meant for capturing the online events with LCD projection were just good enough for the collective to view the visual while the two pairs of clustered speakers may not have been that strong enough to catch up the last person sitting up on the gallery stairs sitting across. But every thing was just so well managed. It was indeed a divine play to see the entire crowd being managed by divinity.


The musical choir took over as the talk ended around eight-ish with marathi bhajan Jagi Tarak Janma… .. At eight we were blessed with Mother’s Holy arrival in the pandal in a specially designed transport. Mother was pleased and blessed the collective with Her Holy darshan as the collective joined the choir in singing Swagata Agata Swagatam….At Quarter past Eight the Puja started directly with a few children offering Puja at Her Holy Lotus Feet and then Seven Married ladies did the Shringer for the Deity while the choir and the gathering immersed in singing the Puja bhajans with Hemja Sutam Bhaje… Jago Savera Aya…surprisingly we had Aye Giri Nandini… number which usually is sung to invoke the Devi as Mahisasur Mardini in Navratri Puja. But we did have the blessings as we could feel the chill run through our spine. We had with the last number on Jagi Tarak Janma …again.


As we witnessed the Deity in Her Shri Jesus Form, Arti was offered. The International and Country leaders while they did the Arti the collective joined the choir. It was as if all happening spontaneously ….. the Arti and the three Mahamantra as if were showering the cool breeze around. The collective witnessed yet another celestial phenomenon of a very bright shooting star from nowhere in the star less yet full Moon sky. It was as if Gods were showing their presence at Shri Adi Shakti’s Darbur in Her Shri Jesus Form. The shooting star was bright, if not may be like the one Shri Mataji once remarked at Ganapatipule years ago, pointing towards the similar shooting star in the direction that it would be the future venue for the International Seminars. That’s how Ganapatipule Seminar came into existence for Sahaja Yogis. Or may be like the star of Bethlehem. We bow to Thee Mother again and again and thank Thee for this day to accept the Puja on behalf of the entire collective of the world.


The Arti was followed by bhajans as Mother blessed us with a number Maranachel Prabhu….Then was the expectation, excitement and the desire for getting the Christmas Cake offered at Her Holy Lotus Feet. It was 2100 hrs when Mother cut across the cake as assisted by Sir CP. with the Christmas carol. There was silence… real silence in heart as the choir sung the Silent Night …Holy night…. to mark the birth of Little Jesus in Her lap of Mother Mary sakhshat whom we were witnessing. The back drop of the stage wasso aptly decorated with rare photo mood of Divine Shri Mataji as Mother Mary holding an innocent Maha Ganesha…little Jesus….It was a photograph and not a paint . A beautiful yet simply decorated stage was blessed by Shri Mataji on this day.


After a short meditation the collective departed with a very heavy mood. It was a very strong Puja. We did not have talk, yet the message was so powerful in silence …The silent night bears the witness of the messages. It was… we must introspect more and reduce our inner urge desire to expect materialistic gains. We must grow inwards and seek Mother in Heart and enjoy Her bliss. We must now focus inward to absorb the earlier talks of earlier years, which speaks of this day and of our future. The talks …the amrut vaani the divine messages are overflowing in our Sahaja World what we need is now to switch our systems to listen to Her talks everyday which speaks of today and the message that we expect we seek them while we recognize Mother in Her Virata form in Heart. We must pray Mother it is our earnest desire…. may You rest , as You have bestowed upon us so much till this day and we are yet so demanding . “Mother please come into our heart and forgive Your children for the ignorance”.


Aum Twameva Sakhshat Shri Jesus Mary Mata Sakhshat Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devai Namaha Namoh.


The greatest gift God has bestowed upon us humanity is Sahaja Yoga....Thank You Shri Mataji.

Regards and Jai Shri Mataji and Merry Christmas again








" You just become, like a flower becomes the fruit. It's all built in within you. Allow it to work out." -- Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi......... for more details visit : http://www.sahajayoga.org Rabi Ghosh, Dehradun, India


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