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Adi Shakti, Holy Spirit and God Almighty - what is the difference?

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shriadishakti , "v_koa" <v_koa> wrote:> > Hi all. > > This may seem like a stupid question, as i constantly read through > this site and the forum, but i have become confused. I read in a > recent post that God almighty and the adishakti are 2 different > things (or beings, no disrespect intended with that choice of terms). > I have also read somewhere on the site, which i searched for again > but couldn't find, where Shri mataji says that she is gods power, or > the power of God almighty's action, like 90% or something. Excuse > me if i am wayyy off, as i am working off a memory that has been > spoiled over the years. Anyways, i wanted to know what exactly is > the difference between the adi shakti and God almighty, and for that > matter jesus. I thought i read that jesus was to send his

comforter, > which would be the holy spirit (or adi shakti etc), but on a recent > post it said something to the effect of God almighty sending his > comforter near the end, which has me thinking that maybe Jesus is > God almighty. As you can tell i'm all twisted up and need some help > on understanding on who/what the adi shakti is in comparison to god > almight AND jesus would be of great help. It was said that we know > nothing of God almighty, so that has confused me as well.> > > Thanks for your time. I just want to have firm understanding of > such, so i can understand better the great event ordained for > humaniy, as well as who i am surrendering too and so forth. Sorry for > my ignorance.> KyyanDear Kyyan,You have not asked a stupid question because many are ignorant and have never realized the extend they have been indoctrinated with falsehood over the

centuries by organized religions.A few years ago my son asked what optional subject should he take i.e. whether moral or Christian religious studies. He was told to opt for the latter as i thought he would learn more about Jesus.After a few months he complained that he was all confused about God, Son of God, Jesus, Trinity, Jesus' Father in Heaven, Jesus the Father, Jesus the Son, Jesus the Father and Son, Jesus the Son of Man and what not. He added that it is easier understanding Pure Maths than Christianity since 2+2 can only equal 4 whereas Father = God, and Son + Father = God, and Son + Father + Holy Spirit = God does not necessarily mean Holy Spirit = God, and Son + Holy Spirit = God, and Father + Holy Spirit = God. So is Son = God why not Holy Spirit = God too? But since Son cannot be Father how can He be God? And when the Church insists on a "begotten son" you also have to believe that the earth is flat and the center of the universe. These doctrines

and discoveries where declared by infallible popes for centuries and dissent punishable by death.That is why Kyyan, when your post came through, i got a bad back Agnya catch and understood how messed-up you have become. i myself get messed up trying to understand all this trinity stuff. My son never understood all that terminology and neither have i. Even just trying to figure this out again brings back that catch. So how does one get and heal from a Agnya catch:GENERAL ADVICE FROM SHRI MATAJI- Put left hand towards Her photo and right hand on forehead and try to remain thoughtless for a few minutes. - Stop all meditative activities involving the Agnya Chakra — concentration, visualization, hypnosis, clairvoyance etc. - Forget the many wrong conditionings presented by the ‘Christian’ organizations and churches. - Do not be futuristic; try to stay in the present. Kyyan, just forget the many wrong conditionings

presented by the ‘Christian’ organizations and churches. You will always be confused and twisted by their doctrines and theologies. Just forget what they have taught you and start understanding what the Comforter is trying to tell you about Christ. i was ignorant as you. It is only after listening to Shri Mataji numerous talks about Jesus have i begun to understand His message. Jesus never claimed Himself to be God Almighty. There is not a single sentence in the entire Bible to support this statement. Show it to me and i will eat an entire Bible to ensure that i digest all that i have been missing. Jesus may be the Son of God but he is not God Almighty. He never ever claimed that title but Churches have embellished the truth to make their religion superior to all others. i mean when you claim to have god (Jesus) on your side all non-Christians are bound for hell.But you cannot understand Jesus through reading or asking questions. Let the Mother Kundalini heal

your messed-up mind first and foremost. This is a vital requirement for recovery from all the indoctrination and wrong conditionings from the past. If you do not meditate and allow healing to take place even a hundred lectures may not suffice. The false beliefs and thoughts that are firmly embedded in your mind can only be slowly erased and leached out. This is not going to happen overnight but will take months, even years. Since Shri Mataji is the Comforter sent by Him in the name of the Father (God Almighty) you will benefit immensely over time.“According to the Hindu view, the entrance of God into the strife of the universe is not a unique astounding entrance of the transcendental essence into the welter of mundane affairs (as Christianity, where the Incarnation is regarded as a singular and supreme sacrifice, never to be repeated), but a rhythmical event, conforming to the beat of the world ages. The savior descends as a counterweight to the forces of evil during the

course of every cyclic decline of mundane affairs, and his work is accomplished in a spirit of imperturbable indifference. The periodic incarnation of the Holy Power is a sort of solemn leitmotiv in the interminable opera of the cosmic process, resounding from time to time like a majestic flourish of celestial trumpets, to silence the disharmonies and to state again the triumphant themes of the moral order . . .The descent is represented in Indian mythology as the sending forth of a minute particle (amsa) of the infinite supramundane essence of Godhead — that essence itself suffering thereby no diminution; for the putting forth of a savior, the putting forth even of the mirage of the universe, no more diminishes the plenitude of the transcendent and finally unmanifested Brahman than the putting forth of a dream diminishes the substance of our own unconsciousness.” (Heinrich Zimmer, Philosophies of India )The Adi Shakti (Hinduism), Comforter/Holy Spirit

(Christianity), Shekinah (Judaism), Ma Adi/Ruh (Islam), Mai Treya (Buddhism), Great Mother (Taoism) and Aykaa Mayee (Sikhism) are the one and same primordial Divine Feminine. You just have to meditate within on any name or form that makes you comfortable. So forget about the external, physical Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi who had to manifest Herself in order to explain about the Great Event ordained for all humanity. Just meditate within. Perhaps when i answer Avnish Bhagat's post perhaps you will understand more about the Great Event ordained for humanity:--------------------Hi JagbirCould you just clarify this please. Shri Mataji has said that the last judgement has begun? Does that imply that it is a time bound event like a November 2005 or January 15th 2010? Is it a 'Day' of decisionor a 'period' of decision making...fr instance between the 15ht and 30th of the month.I dont know how to phrase my question better but its always baffled

me.Thanks--------------------God Almighty (Brahman) is beyond all human comprehension. So what is Brahman (God Almighty) and why do Hindus worship so many gods like Shri Krishna, Shiva, Rama and Ganesha, to name a few? The Gods and Goddesses of Hinduism represent the many aspects of only one supreme Absolute called Brahman. Those who don’t know this fact get the wrong impression that Hinduism has a multitude of Gods! The truth is that although there are many manifestations of Brahman in the forms of deities, each deity is really an aspect of the one absolute Brahman. Brahman is formless or "nirakara", and beyond anything that we can conceive of. However, it can manifest itself in myriad forms, including prophets, messengers, gurus, gods, goddesses — Jesus, Prophet Muhammad, Buddha, Guru Nanak, Shri Radha & Krishna, Shiva & Parvati, Lakshmi & Vishnu, Saraswati & Brahmadeva, Sita & Rama, Ganesha and others.

This is the "sakara" form of the Brahman. According to Prof. Jeaneane Fowler of the University of Wales College, Newport: "The relationship between the many manifest deities and the unmanifest Brahman is rather like that between the sun and its rays. We cannot experience the sun itself but we can experience its rays and the qualities, which those rays have. And, although the sun’s rays are many, ultimately, there is only one source, one sun. So the Gods and Goddesses of Hinduism amount to thousands, all representing the many aspects of Brahman."i quote hindunet.org: "Human beings through history have formulated many different names and forms for the Divine or Eternal. Just as we have many names and forms for other things, whether it is foods, or types of art, so too, in religion a similar great diversity has been created.The Western world has prided itself in monotheism, the idea that there is only One God as the highest truth. Western religions have said that

only the names and forms which refer to this One God are valid but those which appear to worship another God, or a multiplicity of divinities, must be false. They have restricted the names and forms they use in religious worship, and insist that only one set is true and correct and others are wrong or unholy.As a universal formulation Hinduism accepts all formulations of Truth. According to the universal view there is only One Reality, but it cannot be limited to a particular name or form. Though Truth is One it is also Universal, not an exclusive formulation. It is an inclusive, not an exclusive Oneness - a spiritual reality of Being-Consciousness-Bliss, which could be called God but which transcends all names. The different Gods and Goddesses of Hinduism represent various functions of this One Supreme Divinity, and are not separate Gods." The same Supreme Divinity or Brahman resides within all humans as Light! The Gospel of John 17:20-26 reflects the same Oneness

that is the foundation of Hinduism:Jesus prayed for his disciples, and then he said. "I ask not only on behalf of these, but also on behalf of those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one. As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me. The glory that you have given me I have given them, so that they may be one, as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become completely one, so that the world may know that you have sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. Father, I desire that those also, whom you have given me, may be with me where I am, to see my glory, which you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the world. "Righteous Father, the world does not know you, but I know you; and these know that you have sent me. I made your name known to them, and I will make it known, so that the love with which you have loved me may be in

them, and I in them." 1. Mundaka Upanishad 1:1:7-8 As the web issues out of the spider, and is withdrawn; As plants sprout from the earth, As hair grows from the body, Even so, the sages say, This universe springs from the deathless Atman [= Brahman]. The source of life. 2. Shvetashvatara Upanishad 4:5 From Brahman's divine power comes forth All this magical show of name and form; Of you and me, Which casts the spell of pain and pleasure. Only when we pierce through this magic veil Do we see the One who appears as many. 3. Shvetashvatara Upanishad 4:11 Know Brahman to be the supreme magician Who has become boy and girl, bird and beast. 4. Mundaka Upanishad 3:1:2-3 As long as we think we are the jiva, We feel attached and fall into sorrow. But realize that you are the Atman, And you will be freed from sorrow. When you realize that you are the Atman, Supreme source

of light, supreme source of love, You transcend the duality of life And enter into the Unitive State. 5. Taitiriya Upanishad 2:7:1 When one realizes the Atman, In whom all life is one, changeless, nameless, formless, Then one fears no more. Until we realize the unity of life we life in fear. For the mere scholar who knows not the Atman, His separateness becomes fear itself. 6. Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 2:4:12 As a lump of salt thrown in water dissolves And cannot be taken out again, Though wherever we taste the water it is salty, Even so, beloved, the separate self [= the jiva] dissolves In the sea of pure consciousness [= the Atman = Brahman], infinite and immortal. 7. Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 4:4:5 The Atmanis indeed Brahman. But through ignorance people identify it with Intellect, mind, senses, passions [= the jiva], And the elements of earth, water, air, space, and fire. This is why

the Atman is said to consist of this and that, And appears to be everything. 8. Chandogya Upanishad 6:2:2-3 In the beginning was only Being [= Brahman]. One without a second. Out of himself he brought forth the cosmos And entered into everything in it. There is nothing that does not come from him. Of everything Brahman is the inmost Atman. He is the truth; he is the Atman supreme. And you are that, Shvetaketu; you are that (tat tsam asi). 9. Kena Upanishad 1:3:4 Brahman our eyes cannot see, nor words express; He cannot be grasped even by the mind. We do not know, we cannot understand, Because he is different from the known And he is different from the unknown. Thus have we heard from the illumined ones. The same Supreme Divinity or Brahman resides within all humans as Light! The Adi Shakti also resides within all Sahasraras and above Her is this Light, witnessed hundreds of time by those

able to meet Her. The Shakti within is the power of God Almighty just as rays of sunlight are the energy of the sun. Prof. Jeaneane Fowler of the University of Wales College, Newport is also trying to tell that all incarnations trace their source from Brahman: "The relationship between the many manifest deities and the unmanifest Brahman is rather like that between the sun and its rays. We cannot experience the sun itself but we can experience its rays and the qualities, which those rays have. And, although the sun’s rays are many, ultimately, there is only one source, one sun."Thus Kyyan, you may now be able to understand what Jesus meant when He said "As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us." Since all incarnations, messengers and prophets are part and parcel of that Brahman within, so are we. God Almighty (Brahman) resides within all humans as Light, a fact that is supported by all scriptures. Thus we can meditate on Him within

and that long search for the Creator is at last over, ending within ourselves. That is why Jesus kept telling the ignorant masses two millennia ago that the Kingdom of God (Sahasrara) is within.So that brings me to your question: Adi Shakti, Holy Spirit and God Almighty - what is the difference? The difference is that between the sun and its rays. Thus you will feel the live-giving rays more than the sun because the Shakti (Holy Spirit, Ruh) is the the creative energy and Power of Brahman (God Almighty, Allah). But you will never be able to separate them just as you cannot separate the sun from its rays.A few months ago i asked my ten-year-old daughter Lalita what that immensely brilliant Light above the Adi Shakti in her Sahasrara is. She replied "God!" i remained silent for a long time to absorb the immensity of that single word answer. jagbir












Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi






“Sahaja Yoga is more concerned with the Mahalakshmi Power – evolutionary power- which also integrates all the three powers at the point beyond the Brahmarandra (top of the head). With this integration, the Sahaja Yoga discovery proves that the human being is a

perfected instrument, a computer built in various period which, when put to the mains, starts giving information.It proves that all religions are living flowers on the tree of life and they describe the Truth. All Incarnations are true. All this can be proven at the time of Kundalini awakening. It creates a human awareness, which can have a dialogue with the Unconscious.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala DeviLondon. October 12, 1976












Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi






“So the Time has come for all of us to understand that all religions are One. They are part and parcel of One God and that all Incarnations are supporting each other, nourishing each other and caring for each other. There is complete concord between them. There is no way you will see they will oppose each


Shri Bhavanagamya DeviDelhi, India — February 3,1983

Bhavanagamya [113rd]: Realised by mental effort (called dhyana)












Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi






“If one considers the absurdity and the implications and the after-effects of many otherwise apparently rational conclusions, one has to say that rationality, though we are very proud and boast of it, it is not such a responsible vehicle for wisdom. In view of the unreliable results of applied rationality, it is clearly wrong to have such firm ideas and beliefs based solely

on rational theories. There is no final answer to fundamental questions through the use of rationality alone, because discussion shows that each view might be partially right. One definitely cannot say that this one is fully right and the other is fully wrong. In our wisdom, we must understand that the Truth in effect is absolute and not relative or variable as we commonly experience it, like the six blind men (a Jew, Christian, Muslim, Sikh, Buddhist and Hindu) describing an elephant from six different angles: one, holding the trunk, says: "It is long like a snake."; another, feeling a leg, says: "It is massive like a tree." Each has a very firm and indeed justified faith in the correctness of what he has found, but each contradicts the other, because each has only a partial and relative


Of course, rationality is not even as firmly anchored in Reality as the blind man’s perception and who may not even be in contact with the elephant, but perhaps indeed the trunk of a tree, a piece of hanging rope, or a poisonous snake. Unless you have access to the Absolute Truth, which is a totality, unless you can see the whole elephant, how can you decide whether your view is the right one?”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi






















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Dear JAgbir,


Thank you for your excellent reply. It clears up much confusion, and

the rest i will have to work out on my own. On final question is, if

GOD ALMIGHTY is pure light, and the light has only been seen above

shri mataji in the kindom of heaven, does that mean the Adi shakti is

the closest being or aspect to God almighty in the kingdom of God, or

the cloest ray to the source, that being the sun? Also, does that

mean she is most powerful of all the prophets, incarnations, Gods and

Godesses? I know that last question was worded in such a way that it

would seem i am interested in the power comparisons or some motive

like that, but i am not. I simply am trying to get the best

understanding i can. Also, i am aware that they all live in harmony

and are all one and the same, but for lack of a better definition and

lack of comprehension, it seems when reading your childrens visits to

the adi shakti, it seems as though she is the one in charge( for lack

of a better term, as in charge would mean dominating in someway,

which i know simply is not the case)


Thanks so much and take care




PS I will re post this in the forum seperatly, as this replything i

have not messed with yet.



shriadishakti , jagbir singh

<adishakti_org> wrote:



> shriadishakti , " v_koa " <v_koa> wrote:

> >

> > Hi all.

> >

> > This may seem like a stupid question, as i constantly read


> > this site and the forum, but i have become confused. I read in a

> > recent post that God almighty and the adishakti are 2 different

> > things (or beings, no disrespect intended with that choice of


> > I have also read somewhere on the site, which i searched for


> > but couldn't find, where Shri mataji says that she is gods power,


> > the power of God almighty's action, like 90% or something. Excuse

> > me if i am wayyy off, as i am working off a memory that has been

> > spoiled over the years. Anyways, i wanted to know what exactly is

> > the difference between the adi shakti and God almighty, and for


> > matter jesus. I thought i read that jesus was to send his


> > which would be the holy spirit (or adi shakti etc), but on a


> > post it said something to the effect of God almighty sending his

> > comforter near the end, which has me thinking that maybe Jesus is

> > God almighty. As you can tell i'm all twisted up and need some


> > on understanding on who/what the adi shakti is in comparison to


> > almight AND jesus would be of great help. It was said that we


> > nothing of God almighty, so that has confused me as well.

> >

> >

> > Thanks for your time. I just want to have firm understanding of

> > such, so i can understand better the great event ordained for

> > humaniy, as well as who i am surrendering too and so forth. Sorry


> > my ignorance.

> > Kyyan



> Dear Kyyan,


> You have not asked a stupid question because many are ignorant and

have never realized the extend they have been indoctrinated with

falsehood over the centuries by organized religions.


> A few years ago my son asked what optional subject should he take

i.e. whether moral or Christian religious studies. He was told to opt

for the latter as i thought he would learn more about Jesus.


> After a few months he complained that he was all confused about

God, Son of God, Jesus, Trinity, Jesus' Father in Heaven, Jesus the

Father, Jesus the Son, Jesus the Father and Son, Jesus the Son of Man

and what not. He added that it is easier understanding Pure Maths

than Christianity since 2+2 can only equal 4 whereas Father = God,

and Son + Father = God, and Son + Father + Holy Spirit = God does not

necessarily mean Holy Spirit = God, and Son + Holy Spirit = God, and

Father + Holy Spirit = God. So is Son = God why not Holy Spirit = God

too? But since Son cannot be Father how can He be God?


> And when the Church insists on a " begotten son " you also have to

believe that the earth is flat and the center of the universe. These

doctrines and discoveries where declared by infallible popes for

centuries and dissent punishable by death.


> That is why Kyyan, when your post came through, i got a bad back

Agnya catch and understood how messed-up you have become. i myself

get messed up trying to understand all this trinity stuff. My son

never understood all that terminology and neither have i. Even just

trying to figure this out again brings back that catch. So how does

one get and heal from a Agnya catch:




> - Put left hand towards Her photo and right hand on forehead and

try to remain thoughtless for a few minutes.

> - Stop all meditative activities involving the Agnya Chakra —

concentration, visualization, hypnosis, clairvoyance etc.

> - Forget the many wrong conditionings presented by the `Christian'

organizations and churches.

> - Do not be futuristic; try to stay in the present.


> Kyyan, just forget the many wrong conditionings presented by

the `Christian' organizations and churches. You will always be

confused and twisted by their doctrines and theologies. Just forget

what they have taught you and start understanding what the Comforter

is trying to tell you about Christ. i was ignorant as you. It is only

after listening to Shri Mataji numerous talks about Jesus have i

begun to understand His message. Jesus never claimed Himself to be

God Almighty. There is not a single sentence in the entire Bible to

support this statement. Show it to me and i will eat an entire Bible

to ensure that i digest all that i have been missing. Jesus may be

the Son of God but he is not God Almighty. He never ever claimed that

title but Churches have embellished the truth to make their religion

superior to all others. i mean when you claim to have god (Jesus) on

your side all non-Christians are bound for hell.


> But you cannot understand Jesus through reading or asking

questions. Let the Mother Kundalini heal your messed-up mind first

and foremost. This is a vital requirement for recovery from all the

indoctrination and wrong conditionings from the past. If you do not

meditate and allow healing to take place even a hundred lectures may

not suffice. The false beliefs and thoughts that are firmly embedded

in your mind can only be slowly erased and leached out. This is not

going to happen overnight but will take months, even years. Since

Shri Mataji is the Comforter sent by Him in the name of the Father

(God Almighty) you will benefit immensely over time.


> " According to the Hindu view, the entrance of God into the strife

of the universe is not a unique astounding entrance of the

transcendental essence into the welter of mundane affairs (as

Christianity, where the Incarnation is regarded as a singular and

supreme sacrifice, never to be repeated), but a rhythmical event,

conforming to the beat of the world ages. The savior descends as a

counterweight to the forces of evil during the course of every cyclic

decline of mundane affairs, and his work is accomplished in a spirit

of imperturbable indifference. The periodic incarnation of the Holy

Power is a sort of solemn leitmotiv in the interminable opera of the

cosmic process, resounding from time to time like a majestic flourish

of celestial trumpets, to silence the disharmonies and to state again

the triumphant themes of the moral order . . .


> The descent is represented in Indian mythology as the sending forth

of a minute particle (amsa) of the infinite supramundane essence of

Godhead — that essence itself suffering thereby no diminution; for

the putting forth of a savior, the putting forth even of the mirage

of the universe, no more diminishes the plenitude of the transcendent

and finally unmanifested Brahman than the putting forth of a dream

diminishes the substance of our own unconsciousness. " (Heinrich

Zimmer, Philosophies of India )


> The Adi Shakti (Hinduism), Comforter/Holy Spirit (Christianity),

Shekinah (Judaism), Ma Adi/Ruh (Islam), Mai Treya (Buddhism), Great

Mother (Taoism) and Aykaa Mayee (Sikhism) are the one and same

primordial Divine Feminine. You just have to meditate within on any

name or form that makes you comfortable. So forget about the

external, physical Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi who had to manifest

Herself in order to explain about the Great Event ordained for all

humanity. Just meditate within. Perhaps when i answer Avnish Bhagat's

post perhaps you will understand more about the Great Event ordained

for humanity:


> --------------------


> Hi Jagbir


> Could you just clarify this please. Shri Mataji has said that the

last judgement has begun? Does that imply that it is a time bound

event like a November 2005 or January 15th 2010? Is it a 'Day' of


> or a 'period' of decision making...fr instance between the 15ht and

30th of the month.


> I dont know how to phrase my question better but its always baffled



> Thanks


> --------------------



> God Almighty (Brahman) is beyond all human comprehension. So what

is Brahman (God Almighty) and why do Hindus worship so many gods like

Shri Krishna, Shiva, Rama and Ganesha, to name a few?


> The Gods and Goddesses of Hinduism represent the many aspects of

only one supreme Absolute called Brahman. Those who don't know this

fact get the wrong impression that Hinduism has a multitude of Gods!

The truth is that although there are many manifestations of Brahman

in the forms of deities, each deity is really an aspect of the one

absolute Brahman.


> Brahman is formless or " nirakara " , and beyond anything that we can

conceive of. However, it can manifest itself in myriad forms,

including prophets, messengers, gurus, gods, goddesses — Jesus,

Prophet Muhammad, Buddha, Guru Nanak, Shri Radha & Krishna, Shiva &

Parvati, Lakshmi & Vishnu, Saraswati & Brahmadeva, Sita & Rama,

Ganesha and others. This is the " sakara " form of the Brahman.

> According to Prof. Jeaneane Fowler of the University of Wales

College, Newport: " The relationship between the many manifest deities

and the unmanifest Brahman is rather like that between the sun and

its rays. We cannot experience the sun itself but we can experience

its rays and the qualities, which those rays have. And, although the

sun's rays are many, ultimately, there is only one source, one sun.

So the Gods and Goddesses of Hinduism amount to thousands, all

representing the many aspects of Brahman. "


> i quote hindunet.org: " Human beings through history have formulated

many different names and forms for the Divine or Eternal. Just as we

have many names and forms for other things, whether it is foods, or

types of art, so too, in religion a similar great diversity has been



> The Western world has prided itself in monotheism, the idea that

there is only One God as the highest truth. Western religions have

said that only the names and forms which refer to this One God are

valid but those which appear to worship another God, or a

multiplicity of divinities, must be false. They have restricted the

names and forms they use in religious worship, and insist that only

one set is true and correct and others are wrong or unholy.


> As a universal formulation Hinduism accepts all formulations of

Truth. According to the universal view there is only One Reality, but

it cannot be limited to a particular name or form. Though Truth is

One it is also Universal, not an exclusive formulation. It is an

inclusive, not an exclusive Oneness - a spiritual reality of Being-

Consciousness-Bliss, which could be called God but which transcends

all names. The different Gods and Goddesses of Hinduism represent

various functions of this One Supreme Divinity, and are not separate

Gods. "


> The same Supreme Divinity or Brahman resides within all humans as

Light! The Gospel of John 17:20-26 reflects the same Oneness that is

the foundation of Hinduism:


> Jesus prayed for his disciples, and then he said. " I ask not only

on behalf of these, but also on behalf of those who will believe in

me through their word, that they may all be one. As you, Father, are

in me and I am in you, may they also be in us, so that the world may

believe that you have sent me. The glory that you have given me I

have given them, so that they may be one, as we are one, I in them

and you in me, that they may become completely one, so that the world

may know that you have sent me and have loved them even as you have

loved me. Father, I desire that those also, whom you have given me,

may be with me where I am, to see my glory, which you have given me

because you loved me before the foundation of the world. " Righteous

Father, the world does not know you, but I know you; and these know

that you have sent me. I made your name known to them, and I will

make it known, so that the love with which you have loved me may be

in them, and I in them. "



> 1. Mundaka Upanishad 1:1:7-8


> As the web issues out of the spider, and is withdrawn;

> As plants sprout from the earth,

> As hair grows from the body,

> Even so, the sages say,

> This universe springs from the deathless Atman [= Brahman].

> The source of life.


> 2. Shvetashvatara Upanishad 4:5

> From Brahman's divine power comes forth

> All this magical show of name and form;

> Of you and me,

> Which casts the spell of pain and pleasure.

> Only when we pierce through this magic veil

> Do we see the One who appears as many.


> 3. Shvetashvatara Upanishad 4:11

> Know Brahman to be the supreme magician

> Who has become boy and girl, bird and beast.


> 4. Mundaka Upanishad 3:1:2-3

> As long as we think we are the jiva,

> We feel attached and fall into sorrow.

> But realize that you are the Atman,

> And you will be freed from sorrow.

> When you realize that you are the Atman,

> Supreme source of light, supreme source of love,

> You transcend the duality of life

> And enter into the Unitive State.


> 5. Taitiriya Upanishad 2:7:1

> When one realizes the Atman,

> In whom all life is one, changeless, nameless, formless,

> Then one fears no more.

> Until we realize the unity of life we life in fear.

> For the mere scholar who knows not the Atman,

> His separateness becomes fear itself.


> 6. Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 2:4:12

> As a lump of salt thrown in water dissolves

> And cannot be taken out again,

> Though wherever we taste the water it is salty,

> Even so, beloved, the separate self [= the jiva] dissolves

> In the sea of pure consciousness [= the Atman = Brahman], infinite

and immortal.


> 7. Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 4:4:5

> The Atmanis indeed Brahman.

> But through ignorance people identify it with

> Intellect, mind, senses, passions [= the jiva],

> And the elements of earth, water, air, space, and fire.

> This is why the Atman is said to consist of this and that,

> And appears to be everything.


> 8. Chandogya Upanishad 6:2:2-3

> In the beginning was only Being [= Brahman].

> One without a second.

> Out of himself he brought forth the cosmos

> And entered into everything in it.

> There is nothing that does not come from him.

> Of everything Brahman is the inmost Atman.

> He is the truth; he is the Atman supreme.

> And you are that, Shvetaketu; you are that (tat tsam asi).


> 9. Kena Upanishad 1:3:4

> Brahman our eyes cannot see, nor words express;

> He cannot be grasped even by the mind.

> We do not know, we cannot understand,

> Because he is different from the known

> And he is different from the unknown.

> Thus have we heard from the illumined ones.



> The same Supreme Divinity or Brahman resides within all humans as

Light! The Adi Shakti also resides within all Sahasraras and above

Her is this Light, witnessed hundreds of time by those able to meet

Her. The Shakti within is the power of God Almighty just as rays of

sunlight are the energy of the sun.


> Prof. Jeaneane Fowler of the University of Wales College, Newport

is also trying to tell that all incarnations trace their source from

Brahman: " The relationship between the many manifest deities and the

unmanifest Brahman is rather like that between the sun and its rays.

We cannot experience the sun itself but we can experience its rays

and the qualities, which those rays have. And, although the sun's

rays are many, ultimately, there is only one source, one sun. "


> Thus Kyyan, you may now be able to understand what Jesus meant when

He said " As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be

in us. " Since all incarnations, messengers and prophets are part and

parcel of that Brahman within, so are we.


> God Almighty (Brahman) resides within all humans as Light, a fact

that is supported by all scriptures. Thus we can meditate on Him

within and that long search for the Creator is at last over, ending

within ourselves. That is why Jesus kept telling the ignorant masses

two millennia ago that the Kingdom of God (Sahasrara) is within.


> So that brings me to your question: Adi Shakti, Holy Spirit and God

Almighty - what is the difference? The difference is that between the

sun and its rays. Thus you will feel the live-giving rays more than

the sun because the Shakti (Holy Spirit, Ruh) is the the creative

energy and Power of Brahman (God Almighty, Allah). But you will never

be able to separate them just as you cannot separate the sun from its



> A few months ago i asked my ten-year-old daughter Lalita what that

immensely brilliant Light above the Adi Shakti in her Sahasrara is.

She replied " God! "


> i remained silent for a long time to absorb the immensity of that

single word answer.



> jagbir






> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi




" Sahaja Yoga is more concerned with the Mahalakshmi Power –

evolutionary power- which also integrates all the three powers at the

point beyond the Brahmarandra (top of the head). With this

integration, the Sahaja Yoga discovery proves that the human being

is a perfected instrument, a computer built in various period which,

when put to the mains, starts giving information.


> It proves that all religions are living flowers on the tree of life

and they describe the Truth. All Incarnations are true. All this can

be proven at the time of Kundalini awakening. It creates a human

awareness, which can have a dialogue with the Unconscious. "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> London. October 12, 1976






> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi




" So the Time has come for all of us to understand that all

religions are One. They are part and parcel of One God and that all

Incarnations are supporting each other, nourishing each other and

caring for each other. There is complete concord between them. There

is no way you will see they will oppose each other.

> Never! "


> Shri Bhavanagamya Devi

> Delhi, India — February 3,1983


> Bhavanagamya [113rd]: Realised by mental effort (called dhyana)






> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi




" If one considers the absurdity and the implications and the after-

effects of many otherwise apparently rational conclusions, one has to

say that rationality, though we are very proud and boast of it, it is

not such a responsible vehicle for wisdom. In view of the unreliable

results of applied rationality, it is clearly wrong to have such firm

ideas and beliefs based solely on rational theories. There is no

final answer to fundamental questions through the use of rationality

alone, because discussion shows that each view might be partially

right. One definitely cannot say that this one is fully right and the

other is fully wrong. In our wisdom, we must understand that the

Truth in effect is absolute and not relative or variable as we

commonly experience it, like the six blind men (a Jew, Christian,

Muslim, Sikh, Buddhist and Hindu) describing an elephant from six

different angles: one, holding the trunk, says: " It is long like a

snake. " ; another, feeling a leg, says: " It is massive

> like a tree. " Each has a very firm and indeed justified faith in

the correctness of what he has found, but each contradicts the other,

because each has only a partial and relative view.


> Of course, rationality is not even as firmly anchored in Reality as

the blind man's perception and who may not even be in contact with

the elephant, but perhaps indeed the trunk of a tree, a piece of

hanging rope, or a poisonous snake. Unless you have access to the

Absolute Truth, which is a totality, unless you can see the whole

elephant, how can you decide whether your view is the right one? "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

















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