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Dear JAgbir,


Thank you for your excellent reply. It clears up much confusion, and

the rest i will have to work out on my own. On final question is, if

GOD ALMIGHTY is pure light, and the light has only been seen above

shri mataji in the kindom of heaven, does that mean the Adi shakti is

the closest being or aspect to God almighty in the kingdom of God, or

the cloest ray to the source, that being the sun? Also, does that

mean she is most powerful of all the prophets, incarnations, Gods and

Godesses? I know that last question was worded in such a way that it

would seem i am interested in the power comparisons or some motive

like that, but i am not. I simply am trying to get the best

understanding i can. Also, i am aware that they all live in harmony

and are all one and the same, but for lack of a better definition and

lack of comprehension, it seems when reading your childrens visits to

the adi shakti, it seems as though she is the one in charge( for lack

of a better term, as in charge would mean dominating in someway,

which i know simply is not the case)


Thanks so much and take care




PS I will re post this in the forum seperatly, as this replything i

have not messed with yet.

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shriadishakti , " v_koa " <v_koa> wrote:


> Dear Jagbir,


> Thank you for your excellent reply. It clears up much confusion,

> and the rest i will have to work out on my own. On final question

> is, if GOD ALMIGHTY is pure light, and the light has only been

> seen above shri mataji in the kingdom of heaven, does that mean

> the Adi shakti is the closest being or aspect to God almighty in

> the kingdom of God, or the closest ray to the source, that being

> the sun? Also, does that mean she is most powerful of all the

> prophets, incarnations, Gods and Goddesses? I know that last

> question was worded in such a way that it would seem i am

> interested in the power comparisons or some motive like that, but

> i am not. I simply am trying to get the best understanding i can.

> Also, i am aware that they all live in harmony and are all one and

> the same, but for lack of a better definition and lack of

> comprehension, it seems when reading your children's visits to the

> adi shakti, it seems as though she is the one in charge (for lack

> of a better term, as in charge would mean dominating in someway,

> which i know simply is not the case)


> Thanks so much and take care




Dear Kyyan,


" As Jesus talks with his three chosen disciples, Matthew asks him

to show him the " place of life, " which is, he says, the " pure

light. " Jesus answers, " Every one [of you] who has known himself has

seen it. " [53] Here again, he deflects the question, pointing the

disciple instead toward his own self-discovery. " (53. Dialogue of

the Savior 132.15 — 16, in NHL 233.)  


God Almighty (Father) resides within us in the form of Light.


According to Dan Costian (Bible Enlightened) " The Bible is seen

to be full of terms about light. Lossky tells us that " for the

mystical theology of the eastern Church these are not metaphors,

rhetorical figures but words expressing a real aspect of

godliness. " " The godly light does not have an abstract and

allegorical meaning. It is a data of the mystical experience. " The

author then referred to " Gnostics " , the highest level of godly

knowledge [that] is an experience (a living) of the noncreated

light, where the experience itself is the light: in lumine tuo

videbimus lumen (in Your Light we shall see light.) "


Eternal, endless, existing beyond time and space, it appeared in the

theophanies of the Old Testament as the Glory of God. The Glory

is " the Uncreated Light, His Eternal Kingdom. " Being bestowed to the

Christians by the Holy Spirit, the energies appear no longer as

external causes but as grace, as inner light. " Makarius the Egyptian

wrote: " It is . . . the enlightenment of the holy souls, the

steadiness of the heavenly powers " (Spiritual Homilies V.8.)


" The godly light appears here, in this world, in time. It is

disclosed in the history but it is not of this world; it is eternal,

it means going out from the historical existence: `the secret of

the eight day', the secret of the true knowledge, the fulfillment

of the Gnosis . . . It is exactly the beginning of parousia in the

holy souls, the beginning of the revealing at the end of times, when

God will be disclosed to everyone in this distant Light. " "


Lama Surya Das, in his book 'Awakening to the Sacred' teaches us how

to cultivate the awareness of the Light within:


" The heart and mind can find peace and harmony by contemplating

the transcendental nature of the true self as supreme effulgent



From the Yoga Sutra of PATANJALI, second century B.C.


Patanjali is often called the father of yoga because he was the

first person to codify and write down yoga practices. In this

meditation instruction, he is telling us to let go of all

distracting sights, smells, and sounds and meditate on our spiritual

nature, our luminous true self. He is telling us to look inside and

experience the radiance within. 


All cultures, peoples, and religious groups through all times have

talked about the phenomena of light in the context of the religious

or mystical experience. Those who have seen visions of holy beings

typically see them surrounded by white light. People have always

described going to the light, finding the light, being called by the

light, dissolving in the light. We read about light in The Egyptian

Book of the Dead as well as The Tibetan Book of the Dead. Men,

women, and children who have had classic near-death experiences

vividly describe arriving in a place of white light; they speak of

themselves and others as being bathed in white light.


Prior to being described as the light of any religion, light was

just light. Light is a part of the primary source material. Later,

as the history of mankind developed, the concept of light became

institutionalized; it was then interpreted according to cultural and

religious beliefs. Pure light thus became light of God, light of

truth, light of Buddha, light of Jesus, cosmic light, and ocean of

light depending upon where you were born and what you were taught.

Light, however, is constant. It is fundamental energy.

The New Testament, referring to John the Baptist, reads: " He came

for testimony, to bear witness to the light that all might believe

through him. " Later Jesus says, " Put your trust in the light while

you have it so that you may become sons of light. " . . . 


British mystic George Fox, who founded the Quaker religion, used the

term " inner light " to describe our ability to personally experience

God within ourselves. He himself had such an experience, which left

him with the lifelong conviction that everyone can hear God's voice

directly without mediation by priests or church ritual. This is the

central tenet of the Society of Friends.


According to Buddhism, all beings are imbued with a spark of inner

divine light. In describing our original Buddha-nature, we use such

phrases as innate luminosity, primordial radiance, the unobscured

clear natural mind, and the clear light of reality. . . . The Jewish

mystics use similar words when they speak of the inner spark or the

spark of God. The Koran, referring to man, talks about the little

candle flame burning in a niche in the wall of God's temple.


Almost inevitably a spiritual search becomes a search for divine or

scared light. By cultivating our inner core, we search for this

light in ourselves as well as the divine. "    (Lama Surya Das,

Awakening to the Sacred)


According to Hinduism Today " Sahasrara: The seventh center at the

top of the head is called the crown chakra. According to the ancient

mystics, it governs 1,008 aspects or attributes of the soul body.

These personae are transparent, a crystal-clear white light, ever

present, shining through the circumference of the golden soul body.

Here the soul dissolves even blissful visions of light and is

immersed in pure space, pure awareness, pure being. Within the

sahasrara is the brahmarandhra, or " door of God, " an aperture in the

sushumna nadi through which the kundalini exits the body,

catapulting the mind beyond and into nirvikalpa samadhi, and the

truly pure spirit escapes the body at death. "      


Professor Raimundo Panikkar in The Vedic Experience is of the

opinion that " This universal symbol of Light is surely one of the

best symbols Man has found to express the delicate balance that

almost all cultures have tried to maintain, with varying success,

between a merely this-worldly or atheistic attitude and a totally

otherworldly or transcendent attitude. There must be some link

between the world of Men and the world of the Gods, between the

material and the spiritual, the immanent and the transcendent. If

this link is of a substantial nature, pantheism is unavoidable. If

the link is exclusively epistemic, as Indian and many other

scholasticisms tend to affirm, the reality of this world will

ultimately vanish. The symbol of Light avoids these two pitfalls by

allowing for a specific sharing in its nature by both worlds or even

by the " three worlds. "


This is the supreme light spoken of in the Rig Veda and in the

Brahmanas; it is mentioned also in the Chandogya Upanishad and in

the well-known prayer of the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad: " Lead me from

darkness to light!'' It is also the refulgent light of the golden

vessel stationed in the dwelling place of the Divine: " The

impregnable stronghold of the Gods has eight circles and nine gates.

It contains a golden vessel, turned toward heaven and suffused with

light.'' This light is neither exclusively divine nor exclusively

human, neither merely material nor merely spiritual, neither from

this side only nor from the other. It is precisely this fact

that " links the two shores. " This light is cosmic as well as

transcosmic. "        



Kyyan, you asked " if GOD ALMIGHTY is pure light, and the light has

only been seen above shri mataji in the kingdom of heaven, does that

mean the Adi Shakti is the closest being or aspect to God almighty

in the kingdom of God " ? Yes, absolutely without any question. That

is why we meditate on the Shakti (Holy Spirit).


" The Devi Gita, or Song of the Goddess, presents a grand vision of

the universe created, pervaded, and protected by a supremely

powerful, all-knowing, and wholly compassionate divine female. She

is Maha-Devi, the Great Goddess, wielding all power (Shakti) in the

universe. Yet power is not just an attribute of the Goddess; she is

power or Shakti itself. To her most devoted followers, known as

Shaktas (worshippers of the supreme Shakti) , she is the auspicious

Mother of the World, ever anxious for the welfare of her

children.  Unlike the ferocious Hindu goddesses such as Kali and

Durga, the World Mother of the Devi Gita is beautiful and benign,

although some of her lesser manifestations may take on terrible

forms.  And unlike some other beneficent female divinities as

Parvati and Lakshmi, she is subject to no male consort. Subject to

none, she is the Shakti of all. "


It is the last sentence that is most profound and true: " Subject to

none, she is the Shakti of all. " Unlike Shri Shiva, Krishna, Brahma,

Rama, Vishnu with their female consorts, neither Kash, Arwinder or

Lalita have ever seen the Great Divine Mother with any companion.

She alone sits on the Timeless Throne with the Light above Her at

all times, and all the greatest gods, prophets and messengers of all

religions bow down and meditate on Her - Jesus, Prophet Muhammad,

Buddha, Guru Nanak, Shri Radha & Krishna, Shiva & Parvati, Lakshmi &

Vishnu, Saraswati & Brahmadeva, Sita & Rama, Ganesha and others.

There is nothing higher or supreme to the Shakti in Heaven or Earth!

There is absolutely no question about this.


But don't look at the external, physical Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

even though She is the incarnation of that same Shakti. Meditate on

the Shakti (Holy Spirit) within. And also do not be confused or

suspicious of a 'hindu' Shakti delivering the Divine Message of

Christianity and Islam. She would not be able to do so if She is not

the Shakti of all. But Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi was sent to Earth to

explain the Divine Message for all humanity in detail. Without

someone explaining it and answering thousands of questions over a

long period of time it is not possible to comprehend what the Last

Judgment and Resurrection is all about. You absolutely need a divine

teacher (Comforter) to turn the millennia-old falsehood of the

sudden end of Earth into an age of great enlightenment and evolution

into the eternal spirit.


Despite obstacles from those opposed to God Almighty's Divine Plan

for all it will eventually reach all nations and peoples of many

tongues. This Millennium of the Holy Spirit is just five-years-old!

The first rays of Light are just faintly visible as they struggle to

break though the darkest hours of the Dawn of this Divine

Millennium. We are amongst the first to catch them while the Adi

Shakti still walks on Earth and enlightens all to the greatness of

Christ, the universal Savior. She is the incarnation of the same

Shakti that even Jesus meditates on in the Kingdom of Heaven. That

same Shakti also resides within you in your Sahasrara. Meditate on

Her within and don't look at anything outside yourself. And always

remember the Light within you is always above Her. That is because

She is the Adi Shakti (Primordial Power) of God Almighty. Period!


Jai Shri Mataji,




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