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Shri Mataji: It means the Last Judgment has begun with full force.

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shriadishakti , "jagbir singh"<adishakti_org> wrote:>> In various places throughout the Bible we are told that these> "last days" will not be good times for mankind.... False prophets > and false Christs will deceive many people. Many churchgoers will > be deceived, their love for God will grow cold, and their > tolerance and acceptance of sin will increase, even though they > think they are doing well spiritually [Rev. 3:14-20].>

(1) Spiritual Authority: The Word And The Testimony by A.W. Tozer, 1950 Read this devotional thought, written around a half century ago, for the reason we should continue to say today "to the word and to the testimony"! "But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies ..." 2 Pet. 2:1

(2) False Prophesy by Dean & Laura VanDruff, 1996 "As spiritual adultery increases in the church, false prophets will flourish as highly sought after speakers, and as Christians accept more of these false teachings indiscriminately, many will fall away, believing in a phony "faith". Since we have been warned, it might be wise to seek insight into how to discern false prophecy - what are false prophets likely to say? What are they like?"

(3) The Kansas City Prophets by Bob Hunter, 1995 An expose' of the Kansas City Prophets including Paul Cain, Bob Jones, John Paul Jackson and other false prophets. Their prophesies catapulted the Toronto "Blessing" and subsequent Pensacola "Outpouring" into existence. These men are revered as prophets by these movements who view themselves as Joel's Army.

(4) False Prophets by Dr. Kenneth Johnson, 1994 "When a false prophet is caught he will say “OK. But I’ve repented and the LORD has restored me to the office of the prophet or ‘The Prophetic’. You have to obey me again now.” This is why the LORD said you shall never be afraid of (listen to) him again. Yes, the LORD will forgive him if he repents. He may become a fine Bible teacher. The LORD is merciful, so that you will not be constantly fooled by false prophets, Because He will never use him in that way again. "

(5) John Kilpatrick Of Brownsville AOG, Pensacola, FL Is Now OFFICIALLY A False Prophet! July 4, 1997 has come and gone and Hank Hanegraaff is still alive and his ministry is doing fine. Here is how Hanegraaff responded to this ugly false prophesy. Brothers and sisters in Christ -- now is the time to decide. For those of you attending Brownsville "Outpouring" meetings in Pensacola ... are you going to continue to willingly sit under the teaching and prophesy of this man in this church or allow people under your accountability to do so? Is the Assemblies of God going to take scripturally appropriate action in this matter? Here is their official response when asked recently to comment on the Pensacola "Outpouring" in a letter from Thomas E. Trask, General Superintendant of the Assmeblies Of God. What about the rest of the false teaching and prophesy of this "counterfeit" revival movement? Check out my compilation of quotes in an article called "By Your Words" - Quotes From Third Wave Leaders" for just a small dose of the false teaching from the leaders of this movement. It's time to take a stand on this matter, fellow Christians! Time to be counted. No more wishy-washy "well, there are good and bad things in this movement but it's basically good" or "I'd rather see the devil and flesh manifested in church than nothing discernable happening at all". This is not an issue that can be "balanced" away by a good old American sense of "fair play". We as Christians are to hold to the objective truth of God's Word, or else we cannot call ourselves Christians. It's time for the true body of Christ to be heard on this matter.

Where is the outcry? Where is the indignation that this man has dared to make false prophesies about the demise of a fellow Christian and attribute them to a conversation he had with God Almighty? Has the Christian community been silenced in fear of being labeled "mockers" by Steve Hill in his book "The God Mockers" when, in fact, all Christians should hold to and defend sound doctrine as did the Bereans when they tested what was being taught to them? Where is the disgust at the fact that Kilpatrick made a deceitful apology denying that he prophesied and published it all over the Internet? Where is the outrage that he now continues to spread false stories in his church about Hank Hanegraaff? Where is the ire of God's people when this man dared to presume to order God around by speaking false "proclamationsinto God's ears"? What is your response, people of God? We had better start cleaning house before thousands of children and youth are exposed to the ugly manifestations,

deceitful testimonies, false teaching and false prophesy of this "counterfeit" revival movement!

(6) Benny Hinn and Necromancy (Talking to the Dead) by Joseph R. Chambers, 1997 Benny Hinn "stated clearly that he had seen saints ("dead saints") and that they talked to him, gave him instructions, and told him they were praying for him. This is clearly necromancy or communication with the dead. He went further to state that his necromancy was Biblically supported by Jesus Christ’s experience on the Mount of Transfiguration when Moses and Elijah talked to the Lord."

(7) Kenneth Hagin by Rev. Robert S. Liichow, 1997 "Literally hundreds of thousands of people are being influenced by this man's heretical teachings, which are now being propagated by his son and grandson and thousands of Rhema graduates in thousands of Rhema churches around the world. Brother Hagin has duplicated himself thousands of times over and his error is widespread. "

(8) Marilyn Hickey by Rev. Robert S. Liichow, 1997 "From her school (and these others) a new generation of Word of Faith ministries is being grown, with more and more error and heresy. Remember heresy does not get better, it does not improve with age, like a fine wine. It continues to drift further and further into darkness. The only way heresy is stopped in the Church is by godly people standing up for the truth and being willing to swim upstream against what is popular. I pray you are I will be some of these people."

(9) Benny Hinn by Rev. Robert S. Liichow, 1997 "Consider his teachings extremely dangerous to your spiritual health (and do not let him lay his hands on you)."

(10) The Challenging Counterfeit - A Study Of Spiritualism by Raphael Gasson,The Assemblies Of God Publishing House, Copyright 1996 This is a book about Spiritualism and Spiritism by a man who was miraculously saved out of that movement. This is the last chapter of this book. Notice the parallels to what is going on in the Third Wave, counterfeit revival movement of today -- in the Toronto “Blessing” and Pensacola “Outpouring” churches and leaders that have received “the anointing”. It appears that the enemy has not changes his tactics too much, only that today they are being evidenced in churches that formerly considered themselves to be doctrinally sound. Connections to Spiritualism/Spiritism have been documented in the faith healers of this same time period of the early 1900s, such as William Branham and Kathryn Kuhlman. Other more recent individuals have been linked to necromancy such as Benny Hinn. The same techniques and manifestations are also now present in the counterfeit revival, including Indian-style chanting, visions where dead “Christians” appear and give advice, and ugly degrading "manifestations" of the “spirit”. Test the spirits and judge for yourself where this “new revelation” and “anointing” is coming from. This is an old book and may be out of print. However, it is still listed with the Library Of Congress and the new publisher is Logos International of Plainfield, NJ, 1979. Notice the original publisher was the Assemblies of God Publishing House. Ironic, in view of the Brownsville A/G

in Pensacola, FL."

(11) Paul Crouch Issues Death Threat! by Bob Hunter, 1997 "TBN's Paul Crouch has issued a death threat against anyone who would come against the Trinity Broadcasting Network."

(12) TBN Replies to Charge of Death Threat by Bob Hunter, 1997 "In response to numerous inquiries, Trinity Broadcasting is sending out a standard reply to the charge that Paul Crouch issued a death threat against the enemies of TBN. However, did they address the issue, or avoid it by set up a strawman argument? The text of their reply, including a gif file of a standard reply, is included, along with my comments."

(13) Michael Brown's False Prophesy by Bob Hunter & Debra Bouey, 1998 "One of the foremost theologians and spokemen for the Messianic Jewish Congregation (MJC) has informed us of an embarrassing prophecy given by Dr. Brown. Given the international nature of his ministry, this spokesman wishes to remain anonymous, but reader inquiries related to any cited material will be forwarded to him and he will reply privately with the inquirer."

(14) The Final Quest: A Review and Critique by Eric S. Weiss, 1998 "On balance, however, I think that there is more in this book (by Rick Joyner) that readers should be warned against than encouraged to accept, and I believe that the objections and concerns I express here can be sufficiently documented from the book (and from Scripture, where appropriate) so that my criticisms won't seem unwarranted or unreasonable. Since I am primarily writing about what I perceive to be problems or errors, much here will be negative. As I've mentioned, the Christian buying public is already saying many good things about this book. The reader will have to decide if such positive acceptance is warranted."

(15) Kenneth Hagin and the Spirit of the Serpent by Joseph R. Chambers, D.D., 1998 "The final chapter of Mr. Hagin is being written even as I write this article. Our video by this title tells the whole truth. The serpent spirit has grown in his teaching and methods until I believe the real source is being made manifest. He just conducted a Kenneth Hagin Holy Ghost meeting in Chesterfield, MO. The meeting was held from October 12th to October 24th. On the third night he began to manifest this spirit with his tongue sticking out and wiggling like a serpent’s tongue. He also began to hiss. On Thursday night, as he began to hiss, many of the people began to slither down out of their seats feet first. Some of

the people would hiss back at him. The emotional response of the audience is indescribable. Kenneth Hagin and many of the people became insanely "drunk." (This link at: http://www.pawcreek.org/monthly.htm is no longer active, but you can order the video from the link above.)

(16) How can we discern false teachers? by Biblical Studies Foundation, 1998 "There are many godless guides who would lead us to the wide gate and the way which leads to destruction. These false teachers are not only blind themselves, but they lead others to destruction with them. It is the Lord Who will pronounce the final verdict and Who will sentence the false prophets to everlasting torment."

(17) Televangelist Investigations - Corruption in Televangelism and Paganism in the American Church A speech presented Sept. 23, 1994, at the Philadelphia Conference on Cults, the Occult and the Word Faith Movement, by Ole Anthony The lives and messages of the televangelists reveal a progressively straying path toward paganism. But God has allowed them to come to prominence so the church can see the reflection of itself in them, and repent.

(18) Questions And Answers: The Televangelist Investigations by Ole Anthony Paul calls for us to "Prove all things; hold fast to that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil" (I Thes. 5:21,22). The Christian message should be able to withstand any scrutiny. Believers are called to "try the spirits, whether they are of God, because many false prophets are gone out into the world" (I John 4:1). The TV evangelists have barged into our living rooms with their broadcasts and turned the spotlight on themselves. They have demanded attention, so we're giving it to them.

(19) What Benefit Is The "Prophetic Movement"? by Inner-City Christian Discernment Ministry, 1998 Ask yourself the following questions (or ask a prophet if you know one): Has any restored prophet brought any divine insight into serious theological issues which have divided the Church? NO. Has any restored prophet brought unity to the Body of Christ due to their insights? NO. Has any restored prophet ever foretold anything of great consequence to the Church or community (warning of terrorist bombings, stock market crashes,assassinations, etc.)? NO. Has any restored prophet been called upon to locate criminals, or locate missing children, or to solve crimes? NO. Why Not?

(20) Kenneth Hagin - False Prophet by Rev. Robert S. Liichow, 1998 "Mr. Hagin has long been touted as a prophet by many within the charismatic movement for years. Without a doubt, all people within the Word of Faith Movement look to Mr. Hagin as a genuine prophet of God. The facts seem to indicate otherwise! Here are three examples of Hagin's prophetic ability - all of which failed to come to pass."

(21) Sick Healers? by Rev. Robert S. Liichow, 1998 "Probably the saddest "cut" of all is the FACT that the majority of what the Word of Faith/Prophetic Movement charismaniacs teach does not even work in their own sorry lives. I do not deny that the Lord our God is a Healer - - - but He does so according to His sovereign will. We, His children DO NOT command healing to "be."

(22) Teach Healing? by Rev. Robert S. Liichow, 1998 "Got this in the mail a little while back and I thought it would be interesting for people to see that these folks at Toronto believe they can teach you how to heal the sick. This is nothing new, because the "Happy Hunters" have been holding How to Heal the Sick Seminars for many many years. In fact, my wife and I attended one in Ohio, and got to work directly with the Hunters. Can't you see the Apostle Paul holding a healing seminar in Ephesus (I can't)."

(23) Was Kenneth Copeland A False Prophet? by Tricia Tillin, 1998 In an article entitled "My Word Of Faith Testimony" Tricia Tillin gives documented facts that Kenneth Copeland gave a false prophesy in Britain in June 1983.

(24) Kenneth Hagin - Another Failed Prophesy by Contenders, 1999 "Another Failed Prophecy! Kenneth Hagin Prophecy For October In July Kenneth Hagin issued a prophecy which indicates that the great revival everyone has been waiting for will begin in October after "that which has hindered shall be taken out of the way." Does this mean the removal of the critics, the rapture of the church, the "cleansing" that New Agers have spoken of? You decide."

(25) The Kansas City Prophets excerpted from "Heaven Can't Wait" by William M. Alnor, 1996 "They are leading people astray."

(26) A Mark Of False Teachers: Twisting The Scriptures by The Watchman Expositor, 1995 "The apostle Peter wrote describing Paul's epistles, "...in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction" (2 Peter 3:16). There are many individual powerful practices which characterize the methods of deception employed by false teachers, but the twisting of Scripture is universal among them."

(27) Beware The New Prophets an extract from the book by Bill Randles, 1999 Influential 'prophets' in the US are claiming to be an end-time super-army for the Lord. But their 'prophesies' are often wrong. Pentecostal pastor Bill Randles investigates . . . "One consistent characteristic of the new prophets is their insistence that the New Testament prophets do not have to be subjected to the tests of Deuteronomy (13.1-3 and 18.22)." You can order this book here.

(28) Jack Deere's Doctrinal Demise by Mr Alan Howe, 1997 "This Paper does not constitute a critique of Dr. Deere's book. Rather, it is the setting forth of the author's doctrinal demise, primarily in his own words."

(29) Religious Psychics & The Charismatic New Wave by Joseph Chambers, 1999 "In many congregations Biblical truth has been treated lightly while social and emotional matters have demanded attention. This closing hour does not allow for such carelessness neither does it allow a light treatment of the "spirit of discernment." Those who do not have a firm and conscious hold on Biblical values and Biblical truth will not be able to survive." Part 1 & Part


(30) Trinity Broadcasting Network Teachers by The Contenders, 1999 "The Word-Faith movement is far more dangerous than any of the cults because they have infiltrated the church and leave the distinct impression with the secular world that their brand of "Christianity" truly represents Christianity.1 In truth, it represents the worst teachings ever to go under the name "Christian." It is unfortunate that Christian leaders are so afraid of Paul Crouch that they won't stand up to him, but continue to broadcast their programs on TBN or commend TBN's work. If you are a TBN supporter who thinks people like myself are causing division, read what these

people say carefully, then ask yourself, "What would a non-Christian think if TBN was his first introduction to Christianity and he heard this stuff?" On October 29th, 1999, on a CNN Chat session, Matt Crouch told me that doctrine was not important."

(31) How Do We Discern False Teachers? by Biblical Studies Foundation, 1999 "Matthew 7:13-23 - False prophets are particularly dangerous because they appear to be genuine. They seemingly have the credentials of authority. What are these credentials? Jesus calls them ‘sheep’s clothing’ (verse 15). The outward forms would incline one to believe these false prophets to be reliable guides. They may wear a distinctive garb which sets them apart as leaders. They may have the title ‘reverend.’ They may be men who hold positions of religious leadership. They may well have graduated from a divinity school. Indeed, they might even be seminary professors. Judging on the basis of external indications we might wrongly assume them to be

reliable guides, but we must not evaluate them on such external evidence."

(32) False Leaders by L. Eve Engelbrite, Cult Awareness Information Center, 1997 "Non-Christian false leaders can be divided into secular (EST, humanism, communism, etc.; example Herod in Acts 12:21-23), and religious (Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, spiritualism, etc.). False leaders who were previously Christian can be divided into the morally apostate (1 John 3:4-10) and the theologically apostate (1 John 2:18-27)."

(33) P.S. - Beware Of False Prophets by Paul Becker, A Voice In The Wilderness, 2000 Taken from Romans 16. "These who -claim- to be "uniting" everybody are actually the ones -CAUSING- the "divisions". What "division" is this? Dividing people AWAY FROM God's Word. Away from God's Doctrine. Doctrine is what brings "unity" to Believers. (1Cor1:10) So when they throw God's Doctrine out the window, they are dividing God's people."

(34) Anti-Spirits And False Teaching by Shirley Ann Miller from the book, "Anti-Spirits and False Teaching" and Lampholder Ezine series on "Mind Control "Lampholder Publications "God gave every person on the face of the Earth "a mind." When you suppress or suspend the thought process you essentially disconnect the "whole" person. God made mankind to interact with Him by a renewal of mind (the soul), spirit, and body. When God speaks to us through His Holy Spirit, He speaks through our spirit to the mind, but the mind (upon being renewed in the Spirit) confirms the Holy Spirit promptings and aligns with the Word of God. The supernatural receives "spiritual" messages that manifest themselves from the spiritual realm into the physical

through "the senses and the passive mind." If you disconnect your thought process, you open yourself to receive whatever supernatural, spiritual manifestations happen to be manifesting their presence at the time, and by opening yourself up to anything but the Holy Spirit, you WILL find yourself dealing with "other spirits." Remember: Always investigate the source and test the spirits "...to see whether they are of God...(1 John 4:1). As the anti-spirits plot in the air and work on earth against God, believers must continually fight back with spiritual power through prayer and intercession."

(35) Get Ready For T.D. Jakes: The Velcro Bishop With Another Gospel by G. Richard Fisher, Personal Freedom Outreach, Vol 17, No 2, 1997 "We must choose — the stakes are enormous — and eternal. Put away the Jakes materials and revisit the Bible. It will tell you the truth minus the velcro."

(36) Testing The Fruit Of Charisma's Heroes by Jackie Alnor, 2000 "Charisma Magazine's 25th Anniversary edition looks at the legacy of those who have graced its covers. The list is a Who's Who of people who have brought shame to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This self-tribute is the biggest compilation of evidence against the charismatic renewal ever put to paper. Stephen Strang (founding editor) and Lee Grady (editor-in-chief) have unknowingly demonstrated what a miserable lack of accountability exists in their ranks. Here's some brief quotes that speak from themselves as seen in this new issue of Charisma displaying the cacophony of scoundrels, heretics, and

rotten churched role-models ..."

(37) They Weave The Spider's Web by C. H. Spurgeon, Morning And Evening, August 8 "See the spider's web, and behold in it a most suggestive picture of the hypocrite's religion. It is meant to catch his prey..."

(38) Colin Dye Unmasked by Dr. Siam Bhayro, Vanguard Magazine, Issues 6 & 12 "It is certain that Colin Dye is a great fan of Roberts Liardon, who is in turn a tremendous devotee of his namesake Oral Roberts and numerous other heretics. What is also apparent is that with these men come their false teaching and bizarre behaviours, and that Dye has deliberately chosen to associate himself with, and indeed build upon, these ideas and experiences, as will be shown in future articles on the subject." Read Part 1 and Part 2.

(39) A Few Interesting Stories compiled by Sandy Simpson, 9/00 "I have heard a few fascinating accounts lately involving some Third Wave false teachers."

(42) Healer? Heal Thyself! by Sandy Simpson, 11/14/00 "A good subtitle for this article might be "Practice What You Preach!" There is no doubt that God can and does heal people today. But the false doctrines of the Word-Faith Movement about "declaring" healing, "name-it-and-claim-it", etc. have been proven to be lies by the very people who sell this deceit. If you don't know about where these famous "faith healers" go when they need healing, you may be surprised. Do the math. Be a Berean. Learn to discern!"

(43) Truth Or Consequences by Orrel Steinkamp, The Plumbline, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1/01 "Whether it be recognized or not, there is a huge integrity problem in the church today regarding who speaks for God."

(45) Where Are The Faith Healers Now? by Sandy Simpson, 10/01 "In the wake of the terrorist attacks on the U.S. one question begs to be answered. Where are the faith healers now? Are they hiding?"

(46) Where Were You? by Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason, 12/10/01 "No miracle worker or healer showed up in NY when they were needed, why?"

(47) Over 200 False Predictions About The End Of The World by Bible.CA, 2001 "Yes, the end is coming but all human predictions are wrong."

(48) Biblical Divine Healing Versus Other Types Of Healing by Sandy Simpson, 1/25/02 "There are basically five types of healing in the world today. Biblical Divine, Natural, Medicinal/Medical, Psychological, and Paranormal/Demonic healing. This paper is an attempt to study these various types of healings, to identify their characteristics, to show their biblical support, and then to make comparisons with some of the healing claims of televangelists like Benny Hinn and others."

(49) Study In Jude by Sandy Simpson, 5/14/03 This six part series is an in depth study of Jude and how his warnings and admonitions to the Church are even more crucial today.




Lesson 1 - Vs. 1-4

Lesson 2 - Vs. 5-10

Lesson 3 - Vs. 11

Lesson 4 - Vs. 12-15

Lesson 5 - Vs. 16-19

Lesson 6 - Vs. 20-25

(50) False Teachers: Wolves In Sheep's Clothing by Todd Uebeles, 2003 All throughout the New Testament, right up until the end of Revelation, Christians are warned about false teachers, people who will introduce heresies in Christ's Church, wolves that devour the weak. Who are these false teachers and what are the heresies they will introduce?

(51) The Trial Of Spirits - Both In Teachers And Hearers Wherein Is Held Forth The Clear Discovery, And Certain Downfall, Of The Carnal And Anti Christian Clergy Of These Nations, Testified from the Word of God, to the University in Cambridge, by William Dell, Minister of the Gospel, and Master of Gonvil and Caius College, In Cambridge, London, Printed in 1666, Philadelphia, Reprinted by Benjamin Franklin and D. Hall in 1760 This section, from the above booklet printed by Benjamin Franklin, serves as a history lesson on false prophets and false teachers that we need to heed today. Why take to heart William Dell and his exegesis of the Word of God? Because what he described is EXACTLY what we are seeing today being played out on TBN, CBN, the NAE, and in the New Apostolic Reformation by a whole host of false apostles,

prophets and teachers.

(52) Many Deceivers Have Gone Out - A Study In 2 John by Sandy Simpson, 11/15/03 A study of the admonishment by John to not allow deceivers into our house or even greet them.

(53) Naming Names - A Study In 3 John by Sandy Simpson, 11/29/03 A study in humility, support for ministry and naming names.

(54) Attacking Men Of God? by Bud Press, Christianity, com, 1/04 As one who has been involved in an apologetics ministry for years, it sickens me, and I'm sure my colleagues, to be accused of "attacking" the most dangerous and prolific false prophets and false teachers of our day, especially when clear-cut, easy-to-comprehend documentation is provided.

(55) When a Prophet Speaks and His Words do not come to pass ? by Mike Oppenheimer, 4/04 According to some people there are no false prophets, only those learning to practice their gift.

(56) Pat Robertson, False Prophet, Again by Jacob Prasch, Moriel Ministries, 10/04 Another false prophecy associated with Pat Robertson.





William Branham



(1) William M. Branham by Rev. Robert S. Liichow, 1997 "Apart from the fact that almost everything he said or taught publicly is available in one form of another there is a more lasting and damaging legacy left behind. Branham was responsible in a great part for the formation of what came to be known as the New Order of the Latter Rain. Branham believed in the distributing of spiritual gifts by the laying on of hands, he believed in restored prophets and apostles. He was the vanguard of many more to come who will operate in this end-time glory and power."

(2) Branhamism/William Branham False teachings of William Branham. Also, check this article by Watchman Fellowship on Branham.

(3) Apostate Occult Oneness Prophets: The Evil Of William Branham & The Manifest Sons Of God 1997 Zenith Harris Merrill "William Branham, the "father" of the Manifest Sons of God" theology, and much of the Charismatic movement, which has inspired the Citi-Church, Universal DAWN movement and C. Peter Wagner's Spiritual Mapping of today, was empowered by Satan. C. Peter Wagner, in his book, Engaging the Enemy, attributes much of his information on "Territorial Spirits" to practising Witchdoctors and former Satanists, rather than God's Word. William Branham was Baptist, until his wife died in childbirth, and he had "angelic" visitors who told him it was because he needed to be teaching and preaching "Oneness," instead of the Trinity. He then joined a Oneness Pentecostal church and taught nothing else for the rest of his

life. He believed in what the early Church Fathers called the error of Modalism, also known as Monarchianism and Sabellianism: that Jesus is all there ever was of God - He says that God "always had skin on him," but that Jesus sometimes functioned either as the Father or as the Holy Spirit, instead of Himself. Branham taught that God could only function as one at a time, much like an actor playing one role and then another. Where did he ever get such an idea? Everything he believed was from "his" angel of light."

(4) William Branham's Beliefs by Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason Ministries, 12/10/01 Updated! What he said and taught.

(5) Was Branham Elijah? by Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason Ministries, 4/04 ...and the 7th angel in revelation and the angel to the Church of Laodicea?





Paul Cain



(1) Rick Joyner, Paul Cain, Knights Of Malta, And Saddam Hussein by Paw Creek Ministries, 1998 Something breathtaking is happening among key Charismatics (Third Wavers) like Rick Joyner and Paul Cain. Rick Joyner recently announced that he was knighted by the Knights Of Malta. Apparently, Paul Cain had already been knighted or was knighted at the same time. For a follow-up on this story, check this out!

(2) Paul Cain/Rick Joyner - Preparing For The New World Order by Paw Creek Ministries, 1999 "Key Charismatics, such as Rick Joyner, Paul Cain, and others are helping to prepare for the New World Order."

(3) Paul Cain, Latter Rain Prophet of Renown Is Now Discredited by Orrel Steinkamp, The Plumbline, Volume 9, No. 5, December 2004

Paul Cain, a prophetic legend and a living bridge to William Branham and the Latter Rain of the 50's, has now been revealed to be an alcoholic and a practicing homosexual. Ironically, this disclosure came at the hands of his fellow prophets who had elevated him to a super prophet status and who themselves endeavored to attain the lofty prophetic mantle of Cain himself.




Tony Campolo



(1) Tony Campolo - Interfaith ... Here We Come! by Andy Neckar, CNV News Service, 1999 "On a recent edition of CNN's Crossfire, Tony Campolo refused to say Jesus is the only way to heaven. The panel was discussing events at the Southern Baptist Convention in Atlanta. Campolo would not answer the question directly but said, "The Apostle Paul says that there are people who have light that is not Christian light, and they will be judged on that basis."

(2) Tony Campolo: A Dangerous Man by David W. Cloud, Christian News & Views, 1992 Beware of Tony Campolo. He is an enemy of fundamental Bible Christianity. The kingdom of God is not a Campolo-type of party.

(3) Tony Campolo by Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason Ministries, 9/2/04 Change agent in the church or biblical teacher?





Morris Cerullo



(1) Morris Cerullo - The Last Great Anointing? by Inner-City Christian Discernment Ministry, 1998 Morris continues to spew forth false teaching regarding the "anointing" which has no biblical basis whatsoever. Let me ask you a question. What was the "first" great anointing He released upon the Church? If we want to call the Day of Pentecost, the birth of the Church, the first great anointing, so be it, but what was the second, the third, the fourth. . .and now the "last" great anointing?

(2) Another Former Cerullo Associate Accuses Him Of Fund-Raising Fraud by Alex Roth, San Diego Union Tribune, June 24, 2000 "Suit says promises to donors not kept." Since the time of this lawsuit being filed it has been dismissed in California. Here is the story. A appeal is likely. Here is a quote from the attorneys for John Warren: "A California court has thrown out part of a lawsuit accusing globetrotting evangelist Morris Cerullo of fraud and deception. But attorneys for former associate John Warren say that Cerullo is "hiding" behind the law, and they plan to appeal."

(3) Morris Cerullo Lawsuit NEWS Release For Release: November 9, 2001 "Morris Cerullo seeks absolution in court of appeals."





Paul (David) Yonggi Cho



(1) Paul (David) Yonggi Cho - General Teachings/Activities by Biblical Discernment Ministries, 5/93 "Paul Yonggi Cho is the "pastor" of the world's largest Protestant church (Assemblies of God), the 700,000-member Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, Sou question directly but said, "The Apostle Paul says that there are people who have light that is not Christian light, and they will be judged on that basis." Also, read this article called "Tony Campolo - Shedding Light Or Spreading Leaven?" by Cecil Andrews, "Take Heed" Ministries of Korea ... What has built the largest church in the world? The answer is an idolatrous mixture of biblical teaching and pagan mind-techniques. God is deprived of His sovereignty in the

believer's affairs, and the authority of Scripture is replaced by the authority of supposedly direct messages from God and the produce of the imagination (Peter Masters, The Healing Epidemic, p. 35). "

(2) Paul Yonggi Cho (David Cho)

(3) Paul (David) Yonggi Cho by Apologetics Index Pastor of the world's largest church (South Korea). Word-Faith teacher. Teaches "Christianized" versions of occult principles.

(4) The Toronto Blessing - Chapter 6 by Steven Sizer Much of this chapter from "The Toronto Blessing" - an examination of its theological roots - is devoted to David Yonggi Cho.

(5) PAUL YONGGI CHO’S THEOLOGY AND CHURCH GROWTH METHODOLOGY by Christian Wei, The Burning Bush, Volume 2 Number 2, July 1996 One of the most dangerous and confused issues in contemporary Christianity is on the nature of the Christian’s success or prosperity. People in our success-oriented generation are always attracted to successful methods or prosperous phenomena. If a particular method works, a great multitude will follow and exalt it, regardless of its philosophy or theological accuracy. It is very disheartening to know that many people in modern Christianity have discarded God’s Word and Christian doctrine in favour of these so-called "successful methods" in their pursuit for more success in this world. One of their favourite arguments is based on Gamaliel’s philosophy (Acts 5:33–40). Thus, they

argue that one indication that their activities are of God is the presence of large crowds. They forget, however, that there are many false religions in this world with innumerable adherents. Paul Yonggi Cho, a very influential person in the Christian scene today, is a leading proponent of the above-mentioned concept.

(6) Quotations of Paul Yonggi Cho by Jim Fox, 04/24/2003





Kim Clement



(1) Kim Clement by Contenders, 1999 "Kim Clement is a self-proclaimed prophet and a frequent guest on the Trinity Bradcasting Network. But is he a genuine prophet or one of those prophets that Scripture warns us will tell us to follow after other gods? The quotes from Mr. Clement in this section should give us a hint."

(2) "One Of The Greatest Easters This Nation Has Ever Celebrated!"- Kim Clement's "Prophecy" Examined by Tricia Tillin, Banner Ministries, May 2004 In January of this year, Kim Clement of "Prophetic Image Expressions" woke up in the middle of the night, believing he was hearing from God. What he reported of that experience was televised, and repeated around the world, and received as accurate and reliable by thousands of gullible Christians. It has proven - like the words of so many modern-day prophets - to be terribly false.





Gerald Coates



(1) False Prophesy In London by Alan Howe, 1998 Gerald Coates' failed 1996 prophecy over RT Kendall's Westminster Chapel and its place in the 'just-round-the-corner' revival.

(2) False Prophesy By Gerald Coates by Miles J. Stanford , 1995 "Concerning a prophecy given by Gerald Coates to Dr R T Kendall in April 1995 about Westminster Chapel."





Paul Cunningham



(1) MANCHILD BORN! - Seen In A Vision By "Apostle" Paul Cunningham by Tricia Tillin, Cross+Word, 7/00 "Many in revival circles have adopted Manifested Sons of God teachings about the Church (or, a small prepared body within the Church) developing spiritually into perfected overcomers, worthy to receive the ultimate anointing, the presence of the Christ Spirit. They believe they this will glorify them to such a degree that they become "The Christ" on earth. Thus, they are the earthly embodiment of Christ, a corporate Christ. THIS CHRIST CHILD IS SUPPOSEDLY DESTINED TO BE RULER OVER THE CHURCH AND THE NATIONS!"





Jesse Duplantis



(1) Jesse Duplantis' Whopper by Inner-City Christian Discernment Ministry, 1998 I recognize it is a serious thing to charge a fellow "minister" with lying, but I am given no other choice. Jesse Duplantis is growing ever more popular by the day, yet he consistently refuses to answer questions about what he teaches or the statements he makes.

(2) Jesse Duplantis Quotes by Bob Hunter, The Contenders Jesse tells a lady in a wheelchair and a woman with cancer that they don't need to be in that situation... Jesse on prosperity... It is recorded... The importance of having wealth.





Gene Edwards



(1) Gene Edwards - A Mystic's Way by Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason Ministries, 5/04 Gene Edwards recently was interviewed on Benny Hinn's program on his new book.





Richard Foster



(1) A Critique On The Ministry Of Richard Foster by Wendy Howard, editor of Despatch magazine, Queensland, Australia, 1999 I feel very bad about this expose' as Richard Foster was a former youth pastor in a church I attended some 29 year ago. At that time he was a real blessing to our youth group and was not dabbling in New Age mysticism. When I first read his book "Celebration of Discipline" I thought that it had some good ideas. At that time I was very naive to the dangers of the New Age entering the church. It wasn't until I read Dave Hunt's book "The Seduction Of Christianity" that those issues were brought to light in my mind. At that time I didn't like the way Richard Foster had been "singled out" by Hunt, but I later realized that my anger at Hunt mainly stemmed from the fact that Richard was

my friend. Hunt also attacked me, in a round about way, because I was doing Christian instrumental music which had been given the unfortunate label of "Christian New Age" by the CCM industry. I was no more into New Age than Hunt but was producing Christian music with Biblical themes. I also believe that meditation on Scripture and prayer is a perfectly Christian practice. What I did not like in Foster's book was the "visualization" techniques because they smacked of the occult and necromancy. Little did we all know that Dave Hunt's book would turn out to be very prophetic in it's prediction that these occult techniques would take the current Third Wave counterfeit revival movement straight into the occult. Now, with hindsight, we can see where Foster went away from truth into error. I hope this expose' will help him to see the error he was partially responsible for in the Third Wave today, and repent of it. We have all made mistakes,

we have all sinned. It is our responsibility to believe and repent. I repented of my mixing of New Age concepts with Christianity long ago. I can only pray that Richard Foster will do the same.

(2) Response To A Defender Of Richard Foster by James Sundquist, 12/04 The departure from these teachings by Richard Foster and the host of teachers he promotes is the reason we must withdraw from them. “If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into [your] house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.” II John 2:10-11 Thomas Merton, Morton Kelsey, Basil Pennington, Benedictine Monks, Ignatius Loyola, Brennan Manning, Isaac Pennington, Basil Pennington, Madeleine L'Engle, Thomas Keating, Harvey Cox, Agnes Sanford, Madame Guyon, John of the Cross, Evelyn Underhill, Thomas Kelly, Tilden Edwards, William Vaswig (also of Renovare who, like Foster learned his meditation from Agnes Sanford and a great admirer of occultist Carl Jung and his

“sitting in silence” therapy), Karen Mains, Lynda Graybeal, Jean-Pierre de Caussade, Meister Eckhart, George Fox, Henri Nouwen, Teresa of Avila, Brother Lawrence (who also taught the emptying of the mind), Julian of Norwich, Siang Yan Tan (psychologist), Lao-Tse (Taoism), Zarathrustra (Zorastrianism) and a host of other “masters” or “spiritual directors” (past or present) of the Traditions of Discipline that Richard Foster promotes and endorses do not bring this doctrine, so none of them, or their teachings should be brought into our houses or houses of worship. And by doing so, we do become partakers of their evil deeds....yes false doctrine is evil deeds. We must command them as Paul did Timothy to the Ephesians to “Not teach false doctrines any longer!”” Richard Foster's teachings whether or not he says otherwise, are a blend of Eastern mysticism and gnosticism...another Jesus and another gospel. Oh foolish Americans, who hath bewitched






Francis Frangepane



(1) WALKING IN THE SHADOW OF THE WALK - THE PROPHETIC MINISTRY AND VISIONS OF FRANCIS FRANGIPANE by G. Richard Fisher, PFO, January-March 2002 With the shadow and fingerprints of John Robert Stevens all over Frangipane's teaching, and because much of what Frangipane teaches and endorses is subjective and imaginative, the reader will have to decide if the "errors" are more acceptable or not.

(2) Francis Frangipane - Another Good Example Of The False Latter Rain Teaching On The Transferable Anointing by Sandy Simpson, 6/30/04 Elijah List sends out heretical Latter Rain teachings all over the world daily in their newsletters. So it is no surprise to see Francis Frangipane, a long time Latter Rain heretic, featured in their newsletter. The Latter Rain teaches that there is a transferable impartation of the "anointing" that can be transferred "by" the laying on of hands "by" the will of man, usually though slain in the spirit. As I have written before, this is heresy. This teaching denies the Triune nature of God, that He is One sovereign God eternally existing in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. When you claim you can transfer an impartation or anointing of the Holy Spirit by human hands by the will of

men, you effectively deny both the Deity and personality of the Holy Spirit. You deny the Deity by claiming you have the power to transfer the Holy Spirit at will, and you deny the person of the Holy Spirit by treating Him like some kind of "force" or "power" seperate from His person. These ideas are New Age ideas wrapped up in a Christian wrapper. Slain in the spirit and the transferable anointing are nowhere taught or demonstrated by the Apostles, prophets or Jesus Christ Himself.





John Hagee



(1) The Other Gospel Of John Hagee by G. Richard Fisher, PFO, 1999 "Most people who see and hear the Rev. John C. Hagee are impressed. He is rotund, strident, authoritative (and could well pass for Rush Limbaugh’s older and more serious brother). His delivery alone gives the impression of one who really knows what he is talking about. However, careful evaluation of the teachings of Hagee, pastor at the San Antonio-based Cornerstone Church, reveals false teaching and a defective view of a basic and essential issue regarding salvation and the Gospel. Hagee preaches another way of salvation for the Jew, which is in direct violation of Paul’s warnings in Galatians 1:6-9."





Christian Harfouche



(1) Dr. Christian Harfouche - Expose' by Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason, 7/00 "This kind of teaching needs to be avoided like the plague. Personally I like the man and his style though similar to others is unique and I believe he is sincere. Again, in my opinion if Dr. Harfouche would change his word faith theology to be Biblical, he could be more effective in communicating the truth. If so he could be more effective in building up peoples spiritual lives and see true spiritual growth instead of singing the same tune of Hagin, Branham, Hinn, Browne and others."





Ruth Heflin



(1) A Sad Epitaph For Ruth Helflin by Sandy Simpson, 9/16/00 "Not long before she died, Ruth Heflin made a false prophesy in the extreme with regard to Jesus Christ."





John Hinkle



(1) John Hinkle's Failed Prophecy by Jackie Alnor, The Christian Sentinal, 9/94 "What is John Hinkle's explanation for the apparent failure of his prophecy that God would rip the evil out of this world on Thursday, June 9, 1994? An earthquake that took place on Wednesday, June 8th in Bolivia (it was 00:33 Thursday Greenwich time, though it was still only Wednesday in the five time zones that felt the 8.2 tremor) was said to be the physical manifestation of a mere spiritual event."





David Hogan



(1) The Remarkable Exploits of David Hogan - Astonishing Miracles or Incredible Hype? by G. Richard Fisher, Personal Freedom Outreach, 6/00 "David Hogan has the perfect ploy. The miraculous events are always left in his wake; they always happen elsewhere and he has no eyewitnesses to verify it. Even the inspired writer, Luke, in talking of the certainty of his report, said it was because of the number of “eyewitnesses” that we could believe his account (Luke 1:1-4). Paul spoke of over 500 witnesses of Christ’s resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:6). Our faith is to be in God and His Word, not a man. Hogan offers absolutely no documentation of any claims."

(2) Deception In The Church (Hogan Not A Hero) by Brian Karjala "In September of 1997 at (Ted Haggard's) New Life Church in Colorado Springs, CO, I attended a Sunday night service at the urging of a family member who had heard great things about a traveling evangelist who was scheduled to visit. The evangelist's name was David Hogan.





Bill Hybels



(1) Willow Creek Church & Bill Hybels' Theology - Biblical Christianity Or Church Of Laodecia? by James Sundquist, Rock Salt Publishing There is an epidemic movement which has infected even the most conservative denominations and seminaries, which began in the United States more than a decade ago, and is now being manifested throughout the Church globally. One of the founders of this "seeker-friendly" movement is Bill Hybels, Senior Pastor of Willowcreek Church in the Chicago area.

(2) The Church Growth Movement & Purpose Driven Church VERSUS The Bible A chart that compares the teachings of the Church Growth Movement with those of the Bible. You will be shocked to see just how unbiblical the CGM is, which was conceived by people like C. Peter Wagner and carried out by people like Bill Hybels at Willow Creek.

(3) Niche Marketing, Audience-Driven, Full Service Churches: How We Got Here? by Orrel Steinkamp, The Plumbline, Volume 8, No. 1, January/February 2003 Proponents of Willow-Creek Seeker Sensitive evangelism and the wider public have little knowledge of the historical genealogy of this movement. Most simply assume that George Barna and associates originated the marketing model now employed widely in seeker sensitive evangelism. Barna, however, is a late-corner, who actually adapted and expanded ideas that had been earlier discovered by Robert Schuller.

(4) The Apostate Church - Use Of The Hegelian Dialectic/Diaprax by Paul Proctor, American Reformation Project Use of Diaprax is evident in most Purpose Driven Churches striving for consensus and ecumenism. Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 and Willow Creek - Hegelian Dialectic And The New World Order.

(5) The Dialectic & Praxis: Diaprax and the End of the Ages by Dean Gotcher The Hegelian Dialectic/Diaprax consists of three steps called Thesis, Antithesis, and Synthesis. This method is being empolyed everywhere in our modern society, including the Church. It is especially evident in groups such as mega-churches, the Third Wave, YWAM and other apostate groups.

(6) The Market-Driven Church by Gary Gilley, 6/00 While we will examine the writing of various individuals who speak for the market-driven movement, we will focus often on the two flagship churches: Saddleback Valley Community Church in Orange County, California, and Willow Creek Community Church near Chicago. These churches serve as the models that are reshaping the way we "do church" today. As a matter of fact, many refer to these churches and their clones as "new paradigm churches." Churches all over the world, even those who would claim to reject the church growth movement, are imitating the many methods promoted by

Saddleback and the "Creekers." Others have written about church growth, but these two churches have made it work, and for their success they are idolized and adored by the modern evangelical community. Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.

(7) Marketing The Message by Don Matzat, The Plumbline, Volume 8, No. 2, April-May 2003 A model report of marketing effects on church growth.

(8) Pastor: Who Is Leading You Astray? by Christian Research Ministries, 2003 Pastor, I used to go to your church; or maybe I still attend it. You may remember that I came to you with a concern about some program, resources, invited speaker, teaching that was being brought into our church. I told you it looked like a false teaching. I even gave you some research that was done with scripture to support my concerns. You listened, but in the end you did not really hear.

(9) The New Evangelism - Willow Creek Style ... Is This Of God? by F.J. Smith, Age To Age, 2003 What in the world is happening to our churches? Many people are either confused or blindly accepting the new non-traditional worship services that are changing a lot of evangelical churches. It is happening worldwide. Many people are saying, “the church has to change during the twenty-first century if we are to bring the younger generation into it”. Let’s take a hard look at these changes and see if this is really of God, or a shallow misrepresentation of real Christianity.

(10) Hey "Creekers" - Let's Be Sensitive To The Real Seeker! by Brad Smith, 9/03

You cannot and will not find the “seeker sensitive” method of evangelism in Scripture--anywhere. As a matter of fact there is only one true seeker in Scripture. The true seeker is Jesus. Jesus even says, Himself, that He has come to seek and save the lost. If we are going to be “seeker sensitive” then I propose that we be sensitive to the real seeker, Jesus.

Humor! (11) All New GOD, Version 6.0 - Brought To You By Today's Christians! by Theology Online, 1999

(12) Critique of the "Seeker-Sensitive, Purpose-Driven" Church Method by Pastor Dan Norcini, 1999 Sovereign Grace Bible Church These early Christians knew what to expect for confessing Jesus Christ before men. They knew the price they paid would be dear but they possessed something which made all of their tribulations seem light and momentary (2Cor 4:17) – genuine faith working through genuinely fervent love for the person of Jesus, who had loved them and given Himself for them. Can the same be said of any of the converts of this system? Time and the providence of God will tell. 10 part series.

(13) The Church Growth Movement by James Sundquist, 5/03 Three part series on the Church Growth Movement, Bill Hybels and Rick Warren.


Biblical Christianity or the Church of Laodicea?

Carl Jung's Influence on the Church

Influence of Carl Jung on the Church Part II

(14) Recognizing Deception & Apostasy - Chapter 8, The Church Growth Movement by Dene McGriff In the next chapters, we are going to discuss several major movements in evangelical Christianity – The “Meta Church” and then the “Cell Church” Movement, followed by a discussion of the Apostles and Prophets Movement. If we are in the “last days”, one would expect some very good counterfeits. The Meta Church, also know as “The Purpose Driven Church” or “Seeker Friendly Church” represents an extremely successful movement in terms of church growth.

(15) Lifting Sails Or Revving Outboard Motors by Orrel Steincamp, The Plumbline, Volume 9, No. 1, January/February 2004 In New Testament evangelism the wind of the Spirit always blows in concert with the message of the cross. In the apostolic record true evangelism--the authentic message of Christ's death and resurrection--was not only Spirit-directed but Spirit-attended. In Paul's systematic description of the Gospel in Romans, we find the content of the Gospel he preached. He did not just refer to the cross in passing, but he explained the Gospel, giving a detailed account of what Jesus accomplished at the cross. It was this message that Paul relied on, this message that Paul was confident the Spirit of God would endorse. The cross in New Testament preaching is always presented in the context of man's sin and presented as

the only remedy for man's sin. There is absolutely no reliance on any other attraction to draw people to Christ. Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures. This is the purpose of Christ's death on the cross. He paid the penalty for man's sin--it was finished at the cross. This is the Gospel; the New Testament suggests no other purpose for Christ's death and resurrection. In stark contrast New Paradigm churches focus more on the cross as a source of resolving a whole host of personal problems. This is not to deny that God does, according to His will, often resolve many personal problems, but this is a by­product of Ms grace in our lives.

(16) Christian: Unplugged by Chris Carmichael Good source of information on the church growth movement out of Willow Creek, etc.

(17) Protestant No More: Willow Creek Infiltrated by a Mystic Quaker Movement Called Renovare by Mary Fairchild, March 2003 Many good Christian leaders have difficulty perceiving the spirit of compromise. I went back to Willow Creek earlier this year only to discover my plans to serve in the women's ministry as a Biblical "Titus 2 woman" serving the younger were, in actuality, going to be a "spiritual guide" for a New Age Movement. Mystic ways of praying (repeating and meditation) and relating to God were being taught along with frequent references to Quakers. Terms like "covenant", "covenant groups", and "lectio divina" where frequently used. They gave out free books in the mentor training class in January (Sacred Companions

by David G. Benner, and Spiritual Mentoring by Keith Anderson & Randy Reese). One class included a clip from the movie The Matrix. The movie was recommended and had keen insight for us in some way. We were told to avail ourselves to the classics of Roman Catholic mystics, and do timelines on our lives.




T.B. Joshua



(1) T.B. Joshua -To Deceive Even The Elect ... by Sandy Simpson, Deception In The Church, 3/01 "An expose' on T.B. Joshua of The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations."

Updated! (2) T.B. Joshua - Clueless In Nigeria by Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason, 3/00 T.B. Joshua stated: "In a week I deliver contrary spirit carriers (Ogbanjes), witches and wizards (about 1000 of them). They are not ordinary human beings. Some are half human and half fish. So if you eat fish you can not deliver them."

(3) T.B. Joshua of Lagos, Nigeria by Bill Randles (excerpts from a letter to a South African newspaper on 02.05.01) "Abstract: Various reports are received on the spiritual motivation, theology and questionable practices of Prophet Joshua of Nigeria. Following is an article by Bill Randles of the USA"

(4) T.B. Joshua - "Miracle Man" Rebuttal by Bill Randles "I don't pretend to know Joshua's motivation; by all accounts he seems to be a very sincere man. However sincerity is no safeguard against deception. I am sure Edgar Cayce, Jean Dixon and countless other prophets, who by Christian, Biblical standards would have to be regarded as False, were equally sincere and unassuming. There are countless warnings in scripture about the emergence of False Prophets and teachers who like Pharaoh's magicians, withstood and hindered the true gospel by means of signs, wonders and miracles. Just because Joshua seems to be able to produce "results", doesn't make him a man of God, nor should we go there. The end does not justify the means. The very idea of having to go to Nigeria to receive a healing, or a miracle, or a Word from God, is unscriptural."

(5) "T.B. Joshua Is After My Life" - Okotie by Segun Fatuase,This Day (Lagos), November 22, 2001 In what appears to be a deadly dimension to the ongoing war of the pastors, the Head of the Household of God Church, Reverend Chris Okotie, has petitioned the Inspector General of Police, Mr Musiliu Smith, over an alleged threat to his life by Pastor T.B. Joshua of the Synagogue of All Nations.

(6) Famed Nigerian Faith Healer 'Dangerous To The Body Of Christ' by J. Lee Grady, Charisma News Service, 10/02/02 Prominent Nigerian church leaders have labeled T.B. Joshua a fraud, but that has not stopped Christians in South Africa, Europe and the United States from continuing to support the controversial faith healer.

(7) Articles On T.B. Joshua by Truth Watch, 10/02 A web page with articles detailing false teacher and shaman, T.B. Joshua.

(8) Scams From Nigeria by Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason Ministries, 10/03 E-mails claiming to have millions for you.

(9) Nigerian Healer Disputes Claims That He Is a False Prophet by Bud Press, 12/03 A Nigerian faith healer continues to attract worldwide followers, but a former aide warns that T.B. Joshua is building a cult that is deceiving Christians. Joshua, though, disputes claims by his critics that he is a false prophet and a charlatan.





Rick Joyner



(1) Rick Joyner's False Teachings by Joseph R. Chambers, D.D., 1998 "The first time I picked up material written by Rick Joyner I immediately sensed the spirit of darkness and deception. Reading his material is similar to reading New Age materials. His approach is to take anything in Scripture and make it mean anything that suits his theological aims. There is no faithfulness to established facts of interpretation. It's a smorgasbord of ideas loosely connected with the generous use of out-of-text Scripture to prove his point."

(2) Rick Joyner: Christian Gnostic by Vanguard Magazine, 1998 "Joyner is associated with the Kansas City Prophets (Paul Cain, Bob Jones, Mike Bickle et al) who have been discredited for a number of reasons ..." Read Part 1 - Civil War and then Part 2 - Gnosticism.

(3) Rick Joyner's Book, "The Final Quest" Should Be Called "The Big Lie"! by Joseph R. Chambers, 1999 "The book by Rick Joyner, entitled The Final Quest, should be labeled “The Final Lie.” It is absolutely the biggest pack of “ultimate lies” from demons and devils that I have ever reviewed."

(4) The Call By Rick Joyner - A Review by Kevin Reeves, 5/01 "In my opinion, there are great problems with both of Joyner's books concerning this “vision”. He would have us accept that Jesus took him to the 3rd heaven, that he spoke face-to- face with Christ, that spirits of great Christian reformers and even people from his own time who had died spoke with him and revealed their hidden earthly lives, and that he was being guided by and having wisdom imparted to him from angels, and all this taking place in what he calls the highest level of revelation, and then he tells us in “The Call” that we have to sort through all this and decide which portions he is relating are true and which are not! When you say, "The Lord said," (as Joyner did repeatedly in both books), you are giving the weight of heaven to your testimony. But if in the next breath you deny the

certainty of the revelations, you effectively dismantle your own testimony."

(5) The Final Question - A Review Of "The Final Quest" By Rick Joyner by Kevin Reeves, 7/01 "Only one thing remains, a “final question”, if you will--If we would not believe an unpopular leader’s testimony because his revelation of “Jesus” contradicts the very Word of God, should we then lend credence to Rick Joyner’s little volume, when the testimony in his book does not match the Scriptural record?"

(6) Climbing Joyner's Gnostic Mountain by Orrel Steinkamp, The Plumbline, Volume 7, NO. 3, July/August Rick Joyner is the most obvious Gnostic in the church today.

(7) The Colossian Heresy (3 Part Series) by Pastor Bob Deway, Twin City Fellowship, 1/03 The danger of being “taken captive” by the same heresy that was threatening the Colossians is as real today as it was in first century Colossae. The Greek word for “taken captive” means “to carry off as spoil.”[1] The plunder of the battle turns out to be those who are the victims of the false teachers and there are many. The Holy Spirit inspired and preserved Paul’s writing on this so that all Christians of subsequent generations would be warned and preserved from this devastating error. However, most contemporary Christians are unaware of what the issues were in Colossae and how the Colossian “philosophy” is being promoted today in several different forms...


Colossian Heresy: Part 1

Colossian Heresy: Part 2 Colossian Heresy: Part 3 - Rick Joyner Visits Heaven




Bob Larson



(1) Bob Larson - Views by Bob Hunter, The Contenders, 2000 A number of Larson's views on such spiritual warfare ideas like: Incubus and Succubus, Blocking Demons, The Bible Is A Literal Heatlamp, Satan Sometimes Impersonates Bob Larson!, The Bible Is A Literal Sword, Satan Performs Operations.





Roberts Liardon



(1) Roberts Liardon Leaves Ministry Over 'Moral Failure' by Charisma News Service, Friday, December 21, 2001 "Pastor and writer Roberts Liardon is stepping down from ministry after admitting to "moral failure." He is taking a three-month leave of absence to seek "professional and church counseling related to a recent short-term homosexual relationship," according to a statement issued on behalf of his Embassy Christian Center in Irvine, Calif."

(2) Roberts Liardon Back In The Pulpit Already? by Charisma News Service, Monday, March 11, 2002 "Unbelievable!"








(1) A Sneak Peek At The False Prophet Check out these articles and the web site of a false prophet, maybe THE False Prophet. This is the leader that is proclaiming himself to be Christ returned and aspires to lead the world church. The worldwide "revival" movement, bringing diverse groups and people together such as Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, The Latter Rain Movement, Manifest Sons Of God, Jubilee 2000, Oral Roberts University, The Roman Catholic Church, Word-Faith Movement, Rodney Howard-Browne, Toronto "Blessing" churches, Brownsville AOG "Revival" churches and many more, is now in the process of breaking down all denominational/religious barriers via "signs and wonders" to form one world church. This world church will find it's leader in the False Prophet. Click on the numbers below to go to the linked article.


(1) The Christ Has Presented His Credentials to the Media, New Age Organization Says

(2) The Emergence Of Lord Maitreya, The World Teacher

(3) Questions Dealing With The Activities Of Maitreya

(4) A Compilation Of Teachings From The World Teacher, Maitreya The Christ

(5) Maitreya Buddha's Emergence

(6) Maiterya's Appearances

(7) Miracles Abound

(8) Maitreya's Appearance in Nairobi, Kenya With Photographs

(9) A Photograph of Maitreya

(2) Lord Maitreya: Lord Of The Apostasy? by Ed Tarkowski, 1996 "Endtimes! Unity! Celebration! Joy! Rebirth! Right Relationships! Transformation! The greatest Move of God ever known to the Church! These are the subjects I addressed in my three part series on the surge of Latter Rain and Restorationist unity, harvest and revival currently hitting the Church head on. As I researched the articles, which focused on the "birthing of the corporate child" by the year 2000, I was shocked to see that the various quotations I'd gathered from church leaders also formed a vivid picture of these new moves in the Church. Months later, as I began to research false christs for our Home Page on our Lord's second coming, I was again taken aback as I discovered that the same Latter Rain/Restorationist agenda was being proposed through the directives and messages of Lord Maitreya, the

"Master of All Masters" channeled by New Ager Benjamin Creme. Lord Maitreya is a likely candidate to be the "Lord" of the endtime Apostasy, and may very well manifest himself in some way during the global celebrations scheduled for the year 2000."

(3) The Final Equinox 2000 ... Maitreya by Daniel Adam Millar, 1996 An interesting, if somewhat speculative theory on the end times. However, there is a lot of fascinating information about Lord Maitreya, who the author firmly believes is the False Prophet and the "second beast in Revelation 13".

(4) Lord Maitreya: The Messiah In Disguise? by the Watchman Fellowship, 1995 "According to Benjamin Creme, spokesman for the Maitreya and director of the Tara Center, the Maitreya appeared in Nairobi, Kenya to a group of about 6,000 worshipers. "On June 11, he appeared suddenly in the crowd and spoke to them in their own language, Swahili, for a time. Benjamin Creme confirmed that this appearance was truly Maitreya the Christ in one of his many guises" (Network News, June/July 1988, p. 2)."

(5) Maiterya's New Logo Symbol This is purportatdly Maitreya's new logo. Here's the animated version.You will notice that it can be seen as having 666 elements. The basic six-pointed star is made up of two pyramids. On each six point are six logos. The first seal is the I-Ching/yin-yang as the center for a lotus flower with an embedded swastika. This is the same as the center seal. The second seal is a star of David of Israel. The third seal is the cross of Christianity, the fourth seal is the cresent moon of Islam with an I-Ching in the middle of the star. The fifth seal is the nine-pointed star of Baha'i. The sixth seal is allegedly the seal of the "Elects" which is basically a star of David with a rising sun embedded with a swastika. You will notice that he

I-Ching symbol itself is made up of six elements. The lotus flower petal represents the seventh level of "chakra" called the Soma/Sahasrara Chakra where a person allegedly becomes one with the universe. "The seventh trumpet is representative of the event when the Aquarian experiences the Soma/Sahasrara Chakra activation." On the day of declaration Maitreya will likely announce himself with the blast of a "shofar", the Jewish "Jubilee" trumpet. At the blast of this "shofar", all who have been initiated into Kundalini-type experiences and manifestations, such as Hindu mystics, Tibetan monks, channelers, mediums, witches, witch doctors, voodoo preists, satanists, transcendental meditationists, "counterfeit" revivalists and many others will have their highest "chakra", the Soma/Sahasrara Chakra,

"activated" and will hear Maitreya speaking to them in unison in their minds. When they realize that people from many religions are hearing the same thing, they will assume that the "anointing" is on "all men" and that Christ has returned to earth. This will unify them together as the world church under Maitreya, the False Prophet. This will likely usher in the Tribulation. If you would like an explanation of what the symbols in Maitreya's logo mean in the occult, go here.

(6) The "Overshadowing" Of Maitreya Will Be A "Pentecostal Experience For All" by Benjamin Creme, Share International F.A.Q.,1999 "On the Day of Declaration, I submit, everyone -- even the fundamentalists -- will know, through the overshadowing of the minds of all humanity -- a Pentecostal experience for all -- that Maitreya is the Christ."

(7) Some Old And Newer Pictures Of Maitreya The "false prophet"?

(8) Kenya Times Report: Maitreya, Akatsa & Bonnke © Kenya Times. First published in the Kenya Times, 22 June 1988. "About 6,000 worshippers at Muslim Village, Kawangware, Nairobi, (Kenya) believe they saw Jesus Christ, in broad daylight last week."





Arnold Murray



(1) The Cultic Teachings Of Arnold Murray by Creation Research Institute, 1999 False teachings of Arnold Murray and Shepherd's Chapel.

(2) The Cultic Teachings Of Arnold Murray by Christian Research Institute "A teacher who has become popular over television is a man named Arnold Murray of the Shepherd's Chapel in Gravette, Arkansas. We at the Christian Research Institute do not endorse the teachings of Arnold Murray. This paper will demonstrate why we consider Mr. Murray's teachings to be heretical."

(3) Arnold Murray - The Shepherd's Chapel by Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason, 6/00 "The message Arnold Murray is spreading is cultic and is lethal to one's spiritual life and soul. He is divisive on almost all points of core beliefs."





Rod Parsley



(1) Rod Parsley - Preacher/Entertainer by Joseph Chambers, Paw Creek Ministries,"End Times And Victorious Living" Volume 12, No. 6 This article was taken from the latest issue of "End Times And Victorious Living" Volume 12, No. 6. It details a few of the false teachings of Rod Parsley, and ever-present televangelist on the Trinity Broadcasting Network. We have been watching this man for a long time and, apart from his stated "prosperity gospel" position, he has departed even further from the Scriptures recently into some very blasphemous territory. We urge anyone who watches TBN (we do not endorse watching TBN at all) to beware of this man and his teachings and false anointing.

(2) Rod Parsley's "Whopper" by Inner-City Christian Discernment Ministry, 1999 "ICCDM is of the opinion that this testimony, like so many others shared by Charismatic extremist ministries is untrue."

(3) Rod Parsley's "Anointing" by Mike Oppenheimer, 1999 "Parsley is a powerful motivational preacher who mixes truth with error. He is one of the most popular Pentecostal TV preachers in America right now. He is able to release the anointing to people. Cuts up prayer clothes to heal by laying hands on them and praying he literally transfers and releases the tangible anointing. The prayer is answered due to the what he calls the corporate anointing. This is more like a transferable energy since the anointing is the Holy Spirit who is God and is being used as a force. He tells us his faith is released toward us (faith is Godward not toward man) He states because he prayed every prayer is answered. "

(4) Rod Parsley: The Raging Prophet “Breaking Through” His Unorthodox Doctrine And Practice by G. Richard Fisher, Personal Freedom Outreach, The Quarterly Journal, Oct. - Dec. 1999 "Parsley can scream, shout, stomp, prance, obfuscate and mislead but it is all noise and no substance. It is froth without real content which helps to pump money into his empire."

(5) Parsley, Purple Passion and Paisley by Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason, 12/5/00 "Rod Parsley is a leader in the new Pentecostal paradigm, where is his teaching going?"





Carlton Pearson



(1) Carlton Pearson And Universalism by Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason, 7/00 When I watched Pearson on Politically Correct hosted by Bill Mahr last year, he had next to nothing to say to people who were flaunting their sin and making evil statements. I thought how can this representative of the gospel be silent in the face of this?

(2) The Influence of Universalism on Society and the Church by Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason, 7/00 There are many who hold to this concept of all religions being of equal status.





Oral Roberts



(1) The Life And Ministry Of Oral Roberts O Timothy Magazine, Volume 7, Issue 3, 1990 "It is obvious that Roberts is a deceiver and a false prophet. His prophecies have been proven wrong time and time again. Sadly, he has deceived multitudes with his lying words and false promises, and has robbed God's people of hundreds of millions of dollars. And in spite of all the evidence which proves Roberts' hypocrisy, he is still regarded as a great Christian leader in charismatic circles and is still promoted as a man of God."





Pat Robertson



(1) Pat Robertson, False Prophet, Again by Jacob Prasch, Moriel Ministries, 10/04 Another false prophecy associated with Pat Robertson.





Robert Schuller



(1) A Different Gospel - An Evaluation Of The Teachings Of Robert Schuller by Rev. Gil Rugh "I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel; which is really not another; only there are some who are disturbing you, and want to distort the gospel of Christ" (Galatians 1:6-7). Millions of people around the world are familiar with the ministry of Dr. Robert Schuller. His television program and books have made him one of the most recognized figures in Christianity today. Many look to him as an expert on Christian doctrine and living, but are the teachings of Dr. Schuller in line with what the Bible teaches? In his work, A Different Gospel: An Evaluation of the Teachings

of Robert Schuller, Pastor Gil Rugh compares the teachings of Robert Schuller with the Bible to discover if the gospel presented by Schuller is truly the gospel of the Bible, or if it is "a different gospel." This is no longer available as a .pdf file, but is available as a booklet via the link above.

(2) Schuller Meets With Cho And Pope by The Calvary Contender, 1998 Things are really gearing up for the Jubilee 2000 celebration around the world. All the "biggies" will apparently be there to "ride the beast".





Gwen Shaw



(1) End-Time Handmaidens - Ministry For The Last Days or "End Time" Delusion? by Personal Freedom Outreach, The Quarterly Journal, July-September 1994 "All in all, with its doctrinal ambiguity, theological aberrations, unscriptural emphasis on the sunpernatural experiences and prophetical and mystical leanings, the End-Time Handmaidens is an attraction for the spiritually naive and undiscerning. The foundation of the group is far-removed from the bedrock of Christian orthodoxy. ETH is just another "end time" delusion. It has a confusing message of salvation, with people only committing to Gwen Shaw's control and her plethora of false teachings and teachers." Sorry we cannot include this article on our site as there is no link to it online, and we cannot get copyright permission to place it on our server. Go to the link above to order a

copy of this article from PFO. Ordering information is included on the page, and simply make reference to this article.

(2) The End-Time Handmaidens And Servants Cult - Founder: Gwen Shaw by Mark Scheiderer, 7/00 "Former member of the End-Time Handmaidens & Servants Cult Mark Scheiderer states: "The reasons I am writing this report on my experience with Gwen Shaw and the cult she has founded - a.k.a. End-Time Handmaidens & Servants - are five (six, seven & eight [added later]) fold: (1) To let people know how others and myself were treated while working at this cult's headquarters. (2) Because of my grief over the mental abuse Mrs. Shaw inflicted upon certain people before their departure. (3) Because I can no longer agree with or keep silent about Mrs. Shaw's writings, which are New Age teachings..(4) Because of the pain and destruction that Mrs. Shaw, her teachings, and members of this cult have caused in my parent's marriage (now ended in divorce), the lives of my immediate and extended

families, my life and personal relationships with others both during and after my association with this cult, and in the lives of countless others. (5) So that as many people as possible, especially those within this cult would know the truth about this cult." Gwen Shaw appeared on Benny Hinn's "This Is Your Day" during the month of October, 2000. Hinn sold and endorsed five of her books (with a sixth one free for $40) These books are small paperbacks. Bill Bright, C. Peter Wagner, John Arnott and others endorse Gwen Shaw.





Don Stewart






Rick Warren



(1) Niche Marketing, Audience-Driven, Full Service Churches: How We Got Here? by Orrel Steinkamp, The Plumbline, Volume 8, No. 1, January/February 2003 Proponents of Willow-Creek Seeker Sensitive evangelism and the wider public have little knowledge of the historical genealogy of this movement. Most simply assume that George Barna and associates originated the marketing model now employed widely in seeker sensitive evangelism. Barna, however, is a late-comer, who actually adapted and expanded ideas that had been earlier discovered by Robert Schuller.

(2) The Market-Driven Church by Gary Gilley, 6/00 While we will examine the writing of various individuals who speak for the market-driven movement, we will focus often on the two flagship churches: Saddleback Valley Community Church in Orange County, California, and Willow Creek Community Church near Chicago. These churches serve as the models that are reshaping the way we "do church" today. As a matter of fact, many refer to these churches and their clones as "new paradigm churches." Churches all over the world, even those who would claim to reject the church growth movement, are imitating the many methods promoted by Saddleback and

the "Creekers." Others have written about church growth, but these two churches have made it work, and for their success they are idolized and adored by the modern evangelical community. Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.

(3) Feeding Sheep Or Amusing Goats? by C.H. Spurgeon The mission of amusement produces no converts.

(4) The Purpose Driven Life - An Evaluation by Gary Gilley, 11/03 A two-part evaluation of the popular book by Rick Warren. Read Part 1, and Part 2.

(5) Critique of the "Seeker-Sensitive, Purpose-Driven" Church Method by Pastor Dan Norcini, 1999 Sovereign Grace Bible Church These early Christians knew what to expect for confessing Jesus Christ before men. They knew the price they paid would be dear but they possessed something which made all of their tribulations seem light and momentary (2Cor 4:17) – genuine faith working through genuinely fervent love for the person of Jesus, who had loved them and given Himself for them. Can the same be said of any of the converts of this system? Time and the providence of God will tell. 10 part series.

(6) My Visit To Saddleback Church by David Cloud, Fundamentalist Baptist Information Service, 11/03 Rick Warren claims that he has not compromised the Word of God with his principles and methods, that he has only modernized them; but when I look into the book of Acts and the Epistles, I see a different kind of Christianity, a different kind of church there, than the one that Rick Warren has devised. Thus, I must reject Warren's Purpose-Driven methods and I must warn those who have an ear to hear, regardless of how small that crowd may be, that they not heed the siren call of the contemporary church growth gurus.

(7) The Church Growth Movement - An Analysis of Rick Warren's "Purpose Driven" Church Growth Strategy by by Dennis Costella, ©FOUNDATION Magazine, March-April 1998 AFTER PERSONALLY covering the Saddleback Community Church "Building a Purpose-Driven Church" seminar held in Southern California this past January, it became clear to me that some of today's most influential religious leaders misunderstand and misrepresent the true purpose of the church today.

(8) The Book of Numbers - Rick Warren's purpose-driven attack on American Christianity by Chris Lehmann, MSN Culturebox, Posted Monday, March 17, 2003, at 11:33 AM PT This, rather than the abundance of marketing techniques and showman gimmicks that inflect Warren's style of self-presentation, is the most troubling feature of Warren's purpose-driven approach. It has historically been the nature of the Christian God to be something of an unstinting task master. Warren's God "wants to be your best friend." And this means, in turn, that God's most daunting property, the exercise of eternal judgment, is strategically downsized. When Warren turns his utility-minded feel-speak upon the symbolic iconography of the faith, the results are offensively bathetic: "When Jesus stretched his arms wide on the cross, he was saying, 'I love you this much.' " But God needs to be at a greater

remove than a group hug. Surely we lose something if we apprehend the Bible, and the language of faith, as little more than a lesson book. "If you're not preaching life application," Warren has told one interviewer, "you're not really preaching." Yet if you're only believing in life application, what are you really believing?

(9) Rick Warren Connections - especially to the ecumenical Third Wave New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) and "Positive Thinking" Movement compiled by Sandy Simpson, 1/04 Connections of Rick Warren to the Third Wave and Schuller.

(10) The Church Growth Movement by James Sundquist, 5/03 Three part series on the Church Growth Movement, Bill Hybels and Rick Warren.


Biblical Christianity or the Church of Laodicea?

Carl Jung's Influence on the Church

Influence of Carl Jung on the Church Part II

(11) The Church Growth Movement by Eastern Regional Watch Good web page to read articles on Church Growth.

(12) Recognizing Deception & Apostasy - Chapter 8, The Church Growth Movement by Dene McGriff In the next chapters, we are going to discuss several major movements in evangelical Christianity – The “Meta Church” and then the “Cell Church” Movement, followed by a discussion of the Apostles and Prophets Movement. If we are in the “last days”, one would expect some very good counterfeits. The Meta Church, also know as “The Purpose Driven Church” or “Seeker Friendly Church” represents an extremely successful movement in terms of church growth.

(13) Rick Warren & The Church Growth Movement by Mike Oppenheimer A number of articles on Rick Warren and his "purpose driven" agenda.


Community Connections - About Rick Warrens associations and endorsements (read this first before you read anything else on Warren) Growing a Purpose Driven Church - Background and history -what is this all about? Rick Warrens Global Peace Plan - Is this a solution to the worlds problems? The seeker friendly church - A new way of doing Church to reach the 21st century population The Purpose Driven Life - Book review on what some

have overlooked is being said.

(14) Hank Hanegraaf & CRI Continue To Endorse Rick Warren by Sandy Simpson, 1/30/04 We can no longer support CRI if they continue to endorse Rick Warren and his "purpose-driven" agenda and teachings.

(15) Lifting Sails Or Revving Outboard Motors by Orrel Steincamp, The Plumbline, Volume 9, No. 1, January/February 2004 In New Testament evangelism the wind of the Spirit always blows in concert with the message of the cross. In the apostolic record true evangelism--the authentic message of Christ's death and resurrection--was not only Spirit-directed but Spirit-attended. In Paul's systematic description of the Gospel in Romans, we find the content of the Gospel he preached. He did not just refer to the cross in passing, but he explained the Gospel, giving a detailed account of what Jesus accomplished at the cross. It was this message that Paul relied on, this message that Paul was confident the Spirit of God would endorse. The cross in New Testament preaching is always presented in the context of man's sin and presented as

the only remedy for man's sin. There is absolutely no reliance on any other attraction to draw people to Christ. Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures. This is the purpose of Christ's death on the cross. He paid the penalty for man's sin--it was finished at the cross. This is the Gospel; the New Testament suggests no other purpose for Christ's death and resurrection. In stark contrast New Paradigm churches focus more on the cross as a source of resolving a whole host of personal problems. This is not to deny that God does, according to His will, often resolve many personal problems, but this is a by­product of Ms grace in our lives.

(16) The Vanishing Gospel by Dave Hunt, The Berean Call Newlsetter, 2/04 And to attract those thus corrupted, many of the largest and fastest-growing churches mimic the world in "seeker-friendly" and "youth-oriented" services that exploit sensuality and compromise the truth.

(17) The Profit-Driven Church by Sandy Simpson, 3/5/04 The Purpose-Driven Church, Purpose-Driven Life and every other "purpose-driven" program that Rick Warren of Saddleback Church is selling to the Christian masses at the moment has an underlying agenda that is hardly highlighted by the Church or Christians. The church growth strategies that seem to work equally well for Christians, Mormons, Jews, Catholics and any other religion1 have a solid "profit-driven" motive built into the programs. If you meet the "felt needs" of people, they will come. And when they come they bring their checkbooks with them.

(18) The Gospel: A Method or a Message? - How the Purpose Driven Life Obscures the Gospel by Bob DeWaay, Critical Issues Commentary, January/February 2004 Each of us must choose between a man-centered, man-made method loosely derived from parts of the Bible and the clear message of the gospel. Rick Warren promotes the former ...

(19) The Seeker Friendly Way Of Doing Church by T.A. McMahon, The Berean Call, 3/1/2004 A large part of the evangelical church has developed a pleasure-laden, cruise ship mentality, but it will result in a spiritual Titanic. Seeker-friendly church pastors (and those tempted to climb aboard) need to get on their knees and read the words of Jesus to the church of the Laodiceans (Rv 3:14-21). They were “rich, and increased with goods,” yet failed to recognize that in God’s eyes, they were “wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.” Jesus, standing outside their church, where they had unwittingly displaced Him, offers them His

counsel, the truth of His Word, which alone will enable them to live their lives for His pleasure. There can be nothing better here on earth, and for all eternity.

(20) A Bridge Over Other Waters by Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason Ministries, 3/27/04 What really becomes the purpose of this essay contest by Templeton? I see this as a way to merge Christians with those of other faiths in a common goal - a focus on purpose. A global spirituality is fast becoming the norm, the question we have to ask ourselves as Christians is whether we will participate with them. See the Templeton Essay by Sandy Simpson.

(21) What's Wrong With The 21st Century Church? by Dr. Robert Klenck, August 8, 2000 This is a synopsis of much of what the seeker-sensitive or church growth movement (CGM) is all about, and it is enough information to convince any with ears to hear that this movement is something that true Christians should avoid at all costs. Read the Synopsis, Article 1 and Article 2.

(22) The Pied Pipers Of Purpose by Lyle D. Leslie, Sarah H. Leslie and Susan J. Conway, 4/04 Pragmatism in church transformation and the church growth movement are carefully studied and compared to biblical principles.

(23) Outcome-Based Religion by The Cutting Edge, 2004 One of THE major signs that the End of the Age is truly approaching is when you see the great majority of Christian churches falling away from the Fundamentals of the Faith. A pastor or church leader that knowingly moves away from teaching the "full counsel" of God, and begins incorporating unbiblical and human elements in his services and his teaching, is literally -- and Biblically -- opening the door to Antichrist. How many well-meaning pastors have ever thought of this sober fact as they lead their churches into areas that are not Biblical? This is a series of articles on the background of the "new paradigm" churches.


Index - Outcome Based Religion Preface - Outcome-Based Religion Chapter 1 - The True Church Chapter 2 - The Origins Of Modern Apostasy Chapter 3 - Twentieth Century Apostasy 1900-1965 Chapter 4 - Fundamentalism 1950-1975 - A House Built Upon The Sand Chapter 5 - The

Charismatic Movement Chapter 6 - The Rise And Fall Of The Religious Right 1979-2002 Chapter 7 - New Values For A New Millenium Chapter 8 - Playing Church By The Numbers - Part 1 Chapter 9 - Playing Church By The Numbers - Part 2 The Rules Of The New Paradigm Church Game (Rules 1-3) Chapter 10 - Playing Church By The Numbers - Part

3 The Rules Of The New Paradigm Church Game (Rules 4-5) Chapter 11 - Playing Church By The Numbers - Part 4 The Rules Of The New Paradigm Church Game (Rules 6-7) Chapter 12 - The New Paradigm Hall Of Fame: The Pied Pipers Of The 21st Century Church Chapter 13 - Living In The Time Of The Paradigm Shift - Defending The Paradigm Shift

(24) Is The Change That Has Come Over The Church Come Over You? by Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason Ministries, 5/04 Anyone aware of our post modern world with its multi-faceted spirituality is seeing a change taking place. We are also observing the practices inside the church change. It has never been so quick and fortified than in the last few years. Since a good portion of the church has refused to be educated or understand other belief systems, an attack has been systematically launched, a concerted effort by those who are in the new age or sympathetic to the new age movement.

(25) The One World Religion (United Nations Inclusive Church) by Joseph R. Chambers, D.D., D.S.L. The present Evangelical guru is Rick Warren. Listen to this quote from his multi-million dollar best seller. He starts by quoting a New Age writer and then adds his own endorsement. "Naturalists are most inspired to love God out-of-doors, in natural settings. Sensates love God with their senses and appreciate beautiful worship services that involve their sight, taste, smell, and touch, not just their ears. Traditionalists draw closer to God through rituals, liturgies, symbols, and unchanging structures. Ascetics prefer to love God in solitude and simplicity. Activists love God through confronting evil, battling injustice, and working to make the world a better place. Caregivers love God by loving others and

meeting their needs. Enthusiasts love God through celebration. Contemplatives love God through their adoration. Intellectuals love God by studying with their minds. There is no "one-size-fits-all" approach to worship and friendship with God. One thing is certain: You don't bring glory to God by trying to be someone he never intended you to be. God wants you to be yourself. 'That's the kind of people the Father is out looking for: those who are simply and honestly themselves before him in their worship.' " (The Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren)

(26) 165 members ousted from Gardendale Baptist (After the pastor changed over to the Rick Warren "Purpose Driven Life" model) by The 165 members, 8/04 Members of Gardendale Baptist Church voted Sunday to expel about 165 members from their congregation because they did not support the leadership of the church's pastor, according to a church spokesman and several ousted members. Read this related article by Paul Proctor.

(27) Exceprts: Deceived on Purpose: The New Age Implications of the Purpose-Driven Church by Warren Smith, Discernment Newsletter, July/August 2004 The following is an excerpt from Warren Smith’s latest book, Deceived on Purpose: The New Age Implications of the Purpose-Driven Church. Warren Smith is a former New Ager who became converted to Christianity 20 years ago. Since then he has been warning Christians, through writing and speaking, that dangerous New Age doctrines are subtly creeping into the churches. In his most recent book, which is being offered by Discernment Ministries, Smith recounts the considerable influence that the Rev. Robert H. Schuller has had on the ministry style and teachings of Rick Warren. The mystical leaven of New Age teachings, which Robert Schuller controversially introduced the church several decades ago, is now

being reintroduced and assimilated into mainstream evangelicalism through the writings and activities of Rick Warren. Deceived on Purpose is a book with an easy reading style that should be given to pastors and parishioners everywhere. The following is an important excerpt from the book, Chapter 3. It chronicles a noteworthy example of how Rick Warren’s "seeker sensitive" emphasis can lead straight into dangerous metaphysical New Age doctrines. (From Chapter Three)

(28) Deceived On Purpose by Warren Smith Warren Smith is a former New Ager who became converted to Christianity 20 years ago. Since then he has been warning Christians, through writing and speaking, that dangerous New Age doctrines are subtly creeping into the churches. In his most recent book, which is being offered by Discernment Ministries, Smith recounts the considerable influence that the Rev. Robert H. Schuller has had on the ministry style and teachings of Rick Warren. The mystical leaven of New Age teachings, which Robert Schuller controversially introduced the church several decades ago, is now being reintroduced and assimilated into mainstream evangelicalism through the writings

and activities of Rick Warren. Deceived on Purpose is a book with an easy reading style that should be given to pastors and parishioners everywhere. The following is an important excerpt from the book, Chapter 3. It chronicles a noteworthy example of how Rick Warren’s "seeker sensitive" emphasis can lead straight into dangerous metaphysical New Age doctrines.

(29) The Purpose Driven Cult by Robert Velarde, The Door Magazine, ONLINE EXTRA, July/August 2004 Noted consultant Dr. R.W. Tramin has helped hundreds of cult leaders find purpose for their organizations. The book The Purpose-Driven Cult grew out of Dr. Tramin's thousands of hours of experience as a motivational consultant for cult leaders, gurus, psychics, fringe Christian group pastors and others. Tramin Enterprises, Inc., is headquartered in the Cayman Islands, with holdings in Zurich. Dr. Tramin holds an earned Ph.D. This article was adapted from the forthcoming book The Purpose-Driven Cult.


(30) Extra Information On "The Purpose Driven Life" by T.A. McMahon, The Berean Call, 10/04 Following are T.A. McMahon’s brief notes and comments on The Purpose Driven Life [TPDL] as of 10/8/04. He is in the process of doing a further review of the book, to which he will add contents periodically. Check back for updates.

(31) Does The Purpose Driven Life Present the Gospel? Sunday, December 05, 2004 by Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon


Windows Media 16K (Low): Click Here Streaming Media 16K (Low): Click Here MP3 32K (High): Click Here Streaming MP3 32K (High): Click Here

(32) What Could Be Wrong With 40 Days of Community? Sunday, December 12, 2004 by Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon


MP3 32K (High): Click Here Streaming MP3 32K (High): Click Here Windows Media 16K (Low): Click Here Streaming Media 16K (Low): Click Here

(33) Rick Warrens' interview on Larry King Live by Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason Ministries, 12/28/04 A revealing interview on Warren's belief on other religions and salvation.













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