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What are these Vibrations? (Physiologically, Scientifically, and Spiritually.) ii) Where do these Vibrations come from? From You, Cosmos or Atmosphere?What way do the Vibrations benefit us? iii) What are the DOS and DONT'S of Sahaja Yoga? Answer: Very good question. First question is about what are these Vibrations? I told you yesterday, that in our heart, there is a flicker of light, which is burning all the time; which is Atma; which is the reflection of Paramatma in our heart. In short I will tell you. What happens when the Kundalini rises. She opens the Brahmarandhra. And there is the Seat of the Sadashiva, the Pitha. The Pitha is here at Sahasrara, but Sadashiva is in the Heart, reflected as Atma. Pitha is created because it receives the Subtle energy which is All Pervading. The Gross. Inside the All Pervading. e.g. this mike collects my voice. Voice is a subtle energy, which is collected through this, and if you have a radio it will catch them. In the same way Pithas are in the brain, and Pitha of Sadashiva is higher up here, which is opened out, so that the Subtle, the Sukshama, the gross passes into our heart, through a very Subtle channel. Just like a gas-light,it has a flicker. And when the gas opens out the Prakash occurs. Now the Vibrations are that Prakash going through us. These Vibrations start flowing through us. Now what do I do? You will say 'Mataji what do you do?' I do nothing but I just try to give you that force, which is the, you can say, gas power. That is the gas power. Because the Kundalini knows when I am before you. She rises, She opens out, and It starts flowing. It is flowing through Me through out. But unless you are subtle, you cannot feel it. you can say, that I am the Finite in the infinite. Or you can say the Infinite in the finite. I am both. So the energy that is emitted into all the subtle energy is passing through Me. Is the Virat. From the Virata, the whole thing is passing. It is going into the All Pervading. It is all Pervading. Everybody, everywhere it is going. Even it is in a cell, in a Carbon atom it is there, in all atoms it is there. It is the Subtle Energy. That is emitted through Me. When you become subtle, you become like a radio, you start receiving it. Now how will you know what is correct and what is incorrect?You ask the subtle, and the subtle answers you, and you get the answers on your hand. It is like this. So these are the Vibrations, which you receive, from the All Pervading power. And the All Pervading Power is emitted out, and you receive it from Me of the All-Pervading. It is just the same, from everywhere. These are the Vibrations. The Self-Realisation, which is the very subtle point, you try to understand now. That it is so far an unconscious for you. Your Atma is in the unconscious it is not in the Awareness. It is in the Achetan. It is in your unconscious. You are not yet aware about it. But once you are Realised, it starts flowing into your awareness, means that you start feeling into your Central Nervous System, because your nervous system is your Chetana. Is your awareness. Human awareness is nothing else but the Central Nervous System.But this Central Nervous System starts feeling now, the Vibrations, the Light of the Atma through it. So that it tells us why it is known as Samadhi. Samadhi means the Unconscious. When the Unconscious becomes the Conscious it is called the Samadhi.It is not Beshudhavstha! It means that you become aware of the unconscious.Not only that, but first you become Nirvichara, then Nirvikalpa, and then a complete Self-Realisation. So Samadhi, is a confusing word Samadhi. Just means an Universal Unconscious. Yesterday Justice Vaidya told you that there are three types of Sadhanas, Satvik, Rajasi, and Tamasi. Tamasi goes to the left hand side, leads it to the Subconscious, collective Subconscious, connected to the Libido on the left hand side. The Right side is the Supra Conscious, connected the Pingala Nadi, which is the Will Power as you call it, goes to the collective Supra Conscious. God, Goddesses and Ganas are on this side, and all those who fall into that go to the Hell.But the Center is the Super-Conscious. For the Sushumna, the human being rises above the Super Conscious. They gradually start becoming more and more aware. They have the same body. For example, if you look at the cell of the brain, is the same as the cell of a fat. But there is a difference. So the difference starts taking and by the time you open out from here, then there is even a greater dimension, to that cell. Your Brain, that it starts receiving the Vibrations and can understand it. Then in your Nirvikalpa stage, you get another dimension, by which you have the Knowledge. (Words missing here.) Abouts of your knowledge. The last is the Self-Realisation, where you just enjoy. Complete enjoyment. No problems. You do not catch, nothing happens. I would say our Vaidya Saheb is very much near Self-Realisation. The way he got his self-realisation is very remarkable. The next question is about the vibrations being psychological? Psychologically, you can feel on your hands, on your fingers. Scientifically you can say that the Parasympathetic gets activated. You get the control of the Parasympathetic, you jump into the Unconscious, the Universal Unconscious. I have already told you the Spiritual aspects of these Vibrations. Regarding the second part of the Question: Where these Vibrations are coming from? You, Cosmos, or Atmosphere? The Vibrations come from everywhere, I am the emitting Force. All right, Accepted. This the Vital force of Life. It gives you a complete balance. It corrects your physical being. It corrects your Mental being. It corrects your Emotional being, It gives you a complete Spiritual oneness with God. It integrates you completely. As far as I am concerned, I have no Paschatap. I don't understand what is Paschatap. I don't understand what is Temptation. I don't understand these things because I am completely One with Myself. Every finger I move, every hand I move, it has a meaning. It is done without thinking, but there is a big thought behind it. I say 'Han' Han means there is a formation of circle which works. It is difficult to explain, as my mechanism is different from yours, so I can't explain what I do. You don't have those mechanics within you. But it is like that. When I say, Hin? Hun, Han, Hin, all these are tremendous words. They create a kind of a force; a Rakshasas, and all that, and you can pull them out also. Now I gave in a Mataka, my breath. It is a Pranava itself complete. That Pranava, in the night, when they will be sleeping will come out, and take out all the bad things in you gradually, and bind them, and put them inside. You have seen many mad people are cured like that. Question: What are the Don'ts and Do's for Sahaja Yogis? Answer: First and foremost thing is that a Sahaja Yogi cannot smoke or drink. One absolutely hundred percent sure. Because if you drink or smoke, you will find after sometime, either you will lose your Vibrations, or you will start vomiting. You cannot smoke. If you smoke, your Visshuddhi will be caught. If you drink, your Manipur (Nabhi) will be caught, and whenever you put your hand towards my Photograph, your Nabhi Chakra will be burning. Many people have done it without any difficulty. They do not have any difficulty. They just give up. So this is one of the most important thing that you have to gradually give up. You just take my Name and it will work it out.Secondly. don't fast. When Mother is there you have not to fast. Only fast on Nrak Chaturdashi. That's all. If you don't feel like eating, eat something else. But don't keep your stomach empty. You can drink fruit juice, or milk or whatever you like. These are certain things about the food and stomach Nabhi Chakra. Next the eyes, are the very important things, where you have to be very careful not to move your eyes very fast anywhere, try to keep your eyes steady, and mostly on the Mother Earth. You have heard about Laxmana, He never saw the face of Sitaji. Only saw Her feet. How can that be? He was always with them. So you can imagine what should be the position. For complete fourteen years, he has to lead a Bramhachari life. She was like his mother. He knew that She was Adi Shakti. But he just saw Her feet. That should be our case. We should lead a sanctified married life. Create a nest of family. A proper family house. Try to adopt, compromise, adjust. Make your wife realised, make your husband Realised, and bring peace in the family; because there are many great souls who want to take birth. Those who got married like this, they all got realised children. So you must try to get a family life, a proper family, a proper relationship give service to your parents, don't find faults with your parents and try to be kind to them, and try to be good in the family. Don't spoil the children, also correct them. Make them loving. Make a nice society. Every one of you should be the carrier of Love of your Mother. If you are a Sahaja Yogi, and if you change and transform in your behaviour, naturally Sahaja Yoga will have its own reputation, and everybody will start taking to Sahaja Yoga. You cannot earn any money from Sahaja Yoga.Do not have Sahaja Yogis for business partnership.Do not use Sahaja Yoga for making money. You have to be generous people. You have to be honest.There are Ten Commandments as they say, and be satisfied in your heart.You have to lead a chaste life, and see chaste things your priorities will change. Your friends will change, you will not like dirty jokes. You will just change, and run away from them. I have seen these foreigners now. They say t hat they just cannot tolerate those things now. Once upon a time whatever they used to tolerate and enjoy also; they cannot tolerate it now. Because you have become sensitive now. You have to be decent people.Don't be misers at all. All miserly people are against Sahaja Yoga, and if miserly people come I give them troubles. If you are miserly, you get lots of troubles. So don't get miserly. I am telling you, don't be too talkative also. If you become too talkative, and troublesome, I can stop your talking.If you don't talk at all; that is also not good. That means, don't go to extremes. May God Bless you all. Advice given by Her Holiness Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi on 22nd March 1977 (770322) at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, India in the form of Question and Answers. Question: What is 'bath'? How to take it? Answer: It is a simple method. You put My photograph in a proper place. Put a light before it. Even a candle will do. Put both the hands towards the photograph. Sit in the water, with a little salt. The water should be a little warm. You will be amazed that the whole trouble will go away in the water. Then you throw away the water in the W.C. Every body can do it. Now if you have trouble at Visshuddhi Chakra, put your right hand towards the photograph first and take out the left hand. Supposing you find the Vibrations are flowing into it, then you put left hand towards the photograph, and the right hand outside. You will be surprised that the whole thing will be cleared out. And if you keep your eyes open towards the Photograph and keep your hands like this, stretched and with open palms, or sometimes towards the Akasha, you will be surprised that your eyes are very much improved with this. Mother Earth also; if you put your head on the Mother Earth, just touch her with your forehead and say'Mother forgive me for touching you with my feet'. She is Your Grandmother; you ask for any thing and you will get it. They are all waiting to give you whatever you. want. You can ask the help of Hanumana, you can ask the help of Ganesha. The other day the newspaper people told Me, the two disciples of Mine who are the correspondents, were going somewhere, and they had My Photograph with them. They said that it was so amazing that our driver just bumped into a truck going ahead of us. We said that we are all finished, and we have closed our eyes. When we opened our eyes, the truck was ahead and we were there. We did not know how we were. Even the driver had closed his eyes. We didn't know how the truck went that side and how we were here! So accidents are avoided, and people have seen that they have good health and can live long. Everything is there. After all we have, jumped into the Kingdom of God. Only thing is to keep your seats all right for the time being. Then the whole thing is to be lifted up, into Satya Yuga. Already Satya Yuga has started. My Photo has the Vibrations. It is a fact. Also there are many things that have Vibrations. Even this statue has Vibrations. But not so much as they are for Me. First of all I am a living Being, and another thing is that their proportions may be wrong. They are created by the human beings, by their imaginations. But these Swayambhu Lingas, all of them have got it. For example, supposing yougo to, say, this Ranjangaon, Ganesha, it has complete Vibrations. Because these are special statues come out of the Mother Earth, Mother Earth throws out. Mother Earth thinks. She creates these things. She throws these things. And they give Vibrations. So you take Vibrations from them also. But My photograph is the photograph of Reality. Another thing is that whatever I speak, because I am That, it is Pranava flowing. It is actually Pranava. My every talk, everything is Mantra going into. And when I put My finger into it, I have found that My Vibrations can turn round. Even when I blow out air from my mouth, those who are realised can feel it on their Sahasrara. It is a fact. So why should it look so funny to people? What is the next Question? Question: If you see all the six Chakras; near each one there exists some or the other endocrine glands, What relation these Chakras have with the glands? Answer: Endocrine Glands are controlled by the Chakras also. For example, we can say Mooladhara Chakra controls the Prostate like that. Even Agnya Chakra controls Pituitary and Pineal, both of them. That is how it controls the Ego and Super-Ego. So it has a controlling effect on that, very much. They are the gross agents for that. You see for example, to control all the Nature. God has fixed up all the stars. Major Nine stars are there. These are placed there to control the Universe and everything. It is controlled through those points. It also affects our physical and material life.

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