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“Shri Mataji, how many languages do you speak?”

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shriadishakti , " v_koa " <v_koa> wrote:


> What does the phrase " Shakti deh Maa " mean?


> Thanks so much all for your replies




Dear Kyyan,


Shakti (Power) deh (give) Maa (Mother).


So you can ask Her to give you power and strength to

endure/persevere/overcome the particular problems you face. It does

not matter in what language you speak to Her within as She

understands each and every spoken language. Maybe it is hard to

believe but over the years we have found out that the Divine Mother

hears, understands and speak all languages. No matter what language

we spoke at home - English, Punjabi, Malay - She knew what we were

talking about. There were times when She answered questions

discussed among the family before being even posed to Her by Kash.

Even your thoughts are read/known by Her. There is nothing that can

be hidden from Her. Absolutely nothing!


In Montreal, Canada on August 6, 1994 Kash asked the Adi

Shakti, " Shri Mataji, how many languages do you speak? "


The Great Primordial Mother answered:


" I know all languages. "


Shri Bhasa-rupa Devi

Bhasa-rupa (678th): She is the form of language. . . She is the

content of all languages.


The above Truth has far more depth that is apparent to the mind.


The Great Divine Mother converses with all the Messengers in the

Kingdom of God in different languages. Kash had heard Her talking

with Shri Krishna, Shri Shiva, Shri Buddha and others in Sanskrit,

with Prophet Muhammad in Arabic, and with Guru Nanak in probably

Gurumkhi (Kash said that it was a bit different than Sanskrit). All

of Kash's conversations with Her were in English.


Besides, She knew precisely that " bean sprouts " were called " taugay "

in the native Malay language of Malaysia. When that incident took

place i was just learning to cook and was still not aware of certain

cooking errors. Once i made some pasta and lacking vegetables, added

some bean sprouts at the end. When the whole dish was ready i found

that it had turned soggy and wondered why. Since settling in Canada

i had made pasta on numerous occasions, normally adding scrambled

eggs or chicken. Sometimes Chinese spinach was added for extra

nutrition. But never had pasta turned soggy despite adding

vegetables. So what went wrong this time?


When Kash meditated and met Her in his Sahasrara the Divine Mother

told Kash to inform your father (me) to make pasta as he had done in

the past, and not to add taugay (bean sprouts) in future. Yes, the

Shakti had that conversation ........ amongst the hundreds over

the years. When Kash came back from the meditation room to tell me

of Her observations and advise i was quite taken aback. Soon i

realized there was certain important observations to be made from

this seemingly simple incident.


Firstly, the Great Holy Spirit knew that i made pasta differently,

and definitely without bean sprouts. All these years She had been

watching me in silence and knew every minutest detail of this life

(and all previous lives) ........................... including all

the different ways that i prepared pasta.


Secondly, She advised that bean sprouts should not be used in pasta,

without explaining to Kash the reason why. i checked around and

realized why this advice had to be heeded in future: bean sprouts

release moisture when cooked, or subject to heat. Although fresh

bean sprouts had been added when the pasta was ready, they still

released moisture when scalded by heat. That was precisely why the

macaroni became soggy. There was no way Kash could have known on his

own that bean sprouts should not be added to pasta. He only found

that out after Shri Mataji had given a culinary tip for his father.


Thirdly, Shri Mataji specifically used the Malay word " taugay " , a

word normally used by the family instead of the more common " bean

sprouts " , as is the habit of Malaysians from this multi-racial

nation. Kash was repeatedly asked if the Great Adi Shakti had used

this particular word as it was not in English, the language of

communication between the Great Primordial Goddess and Kash. That

particular word " taugay " was from a Southeast Asian dialect known as

Bahasa Malaysia, the official language of Malaysia.


But Shri Mataji could have easily used the universally understood

" bean sprouts " but She choose not to. Kash replied that She clearly

mentioned the word " taugay " . The Great Universal Mind surely knows

all languages. And how to make better pasta!


We have to again remind that only the Great Adi Shakti in the

Kingdom of God knows all languages. Her human incarnation in the

physical form as Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi does not. All said and

done, one thing becomes certain: only the Holy Spirit has the

ability to understand and converse in all languages. That is why one

can ask help from Her in any language. So you may supplicate to Her

in your own mother tongue, or any other language for the matter.


And over time i will continue to reveal the true nature of the Great

Adi Shakti within. There are many other incidents and revelations to

strengthen our faith in the Shakti within and Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi without, an incarnation necessary to enlighten and comfort

humans during this Blossom Time.


Jai Shri Mataji,




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