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The Importance of the Cosmic Command, “Be Still”

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nice article,

I can rarely hear people talking all i hear are there egos clashing. It seems america breeds this in there schools. Great it is though to meet someone with a like mind, when you can have a real conversation. One of sharing rather then a give and take.



kriptodanny <kriptodanny wrote:

,,By working on yourself correctly, your dreams come true. But thesefulfilled dreams are not those envisaged by your own surfacecharacter, but by your essence. Your essence hints at what could betrue, then asks if you are willing to shed illusions in order toattain them. By replying in the affirmative, your dreams come true.How a Businessman Won Success The ideas you have just read are wonderfully practical. They workfor you in the way you want things to work. Herbert M. came to tell meabout the success he had won since applying them to his daily life. He said, "I was skeptical when you said that my only problemwasthe misuse of my mind. As you recall, I told you about my businesslife, which set me squarely between my employers and the public. I gotblame and criticism from both sides,

which made me nervous andirritable. You told me to try to see that the criticisms were strikingagainst my false sense of self, which always gets nervous and upsetwhen under attack. "Well, Herbert continued, "I see what you mean. If thereis nofalse self to feel the attacks, they pass almost unnoticed. So I amputting an end to my ego-self. I understand that no harm is external;I can only harm myself with wrong reactions. I am really surprised byall this – how could I have been so asleep? But thanks."How Grief Can Vanish in a Flash The following exchange of thoughts with an audience took place atone of my lectures:Q. If the truth seeks to make itself heard, why don't we hear it?A. Because it responds only to sincere human requests. To phrase itdifferently, if you want to hear the music from your record player,you must first shut off your vacuum cleaner.Q. I wish I could

grasp one particular point you make. You say we arefree from something only when we cease to think about it. Yet, we mustthink things out.A. If your shoes are too tight, you are forced to think about yourcramped feet. In perceiving the discomfort, you know something iswrong, causing intelligent action which makes correction. Oncecorrection is made, you need no longer think about it. You think aboutpain, but have no need to think about happiness.Q. All the classic teachings agree upon the need for self-surrender,but to whom or what do I surrender?A. To your true nature within.The Importance of the Cosmic Command, "Be Still" Have you ever quietly observed a conversation between two of yourfriends? You know what I mean. One of them tries to tell of anadventure, but the other repeatedly interrupts with exclamations orbreaks in with a similar experience of his own. Unfortunately, that ishow

most people listen – or fail to listen – to the greatestadventurestory of the ages. Instead of quiet receptivity to the cosmic story,the mind and mouth nervously pop up with self-reference or rejections. Our own silence tells us the marvelous story. The whole ofesotericism is contained in the biblical advice: "Be still."http://www.superwisdom.com/dreams.htmlPost your free ad now! Canada Personals

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