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Why are SYs expending so much energy and effort to suppress the Truth?

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shriadishakti , " indiblonde " <indiblonde>


> JSM,


> I've had some experiences where i have tried to explain Sy to a lot

> of " busy " ppl. who have been to so many diff. types of yoga and

> diff. types of guru and obviously are fatigued from it...they all

> claim to raise kundalini...cure black magic...protect from

> evil...even show miracles.....



Dear Sohniya,


Thank you for this post. i will explain why Sahaja Yoga is not

spreading despite so much effort and energy.


Sahaja yoga, as is being still advertised, is no different from the

hundreds of different yogas. And with the modern commercialization

and increasing number of teachers churned out by various yoga

associations it has become as distinct as peas in a pod. And when we

SYs advertise our peas to be superior those people who examine them

just turn away, ridiculing as they leave. As far as they are

concerned our peas - like yogas that raise kundalinis, cure black

magic, protect from evil and show miracles - is just no different

from others. The more we advertise as such the more it 'damages'

reputation in the long run because Sahaja Yoga is now perceived as

just another subtle system yoga. So why should these yoga-fatigued

people ever believe that Sahaja Yoga is different when they have

heard that same pitch and disappointing results so many times before?




> Not only that, they have also met existing Sy's in their area and

> describe them as enthusiastic and over-zealous...in promoting

> Sy...but becoz of their fatigue they are 1- reluctant to joining

> " Yet another " form of yoga claiming to be " THE YOGA " .....2 - think

> they all are the same and prefer to stick to their current form of

> yoga whichever that is cauz they are all " more or less the same "

> and they dont have time to learn and try out yet another " mumbo

> jumbo "



Any mature and intelligent seeker will stick to his/her own

yoga/guru. Hinduism warns you not to change gurus because one will

not progress on the spiritual path, just as rolling stones gather no

moss. i have read a number of yoga articles telling seekers not to

change gurus or paths. In fact anyone who does that is regarded as

immature and quite foolish. So with such widely accepted beliefs why

should anyone listen to SYs telling them to change gurus and paths?

Only the ignorant will change gurus to learn about the same stuff.

Only the stupid will waste time to learn yet another " mumbo jumbo " .

Only SYs think that thousands will rush to join Sahaja Yoga because

we claim it is THE YOGA. It has not happened, is not happening and

will never happen.




> i have tried to even tell them to read www.sahajayoga.org ...to

> gain more info and perhaps be convinced in some way..but ...for

> a newcomer...the sahajayoga website does not seem much diff. than

> yet another one...



You are telling them that peas are better and tastier at this

supermarket. And our fliers have tried attracting them with free

peas pleas. The only thing we have not figured out is why even free

peas put off people.




> I honestly wish we could have a website with all the info of all

> the sy websites in one with no restricted reading ..open to all

> public and with a search engine so when a newcomer types in words

> like say...reiki..he can read all info thats there in sy for

> this...or if he types " raising kundalini " or " false gurus " he can

> read it all in one go...they dont seem to have the time to browse

> tru' all the diff. websites in search of a single answer to their

> different questions and yes it is time consuming...besides....do

> we want to keep any info abut Sy secret?



Just because the phrase " common sense " was coined it does not mean

is applies to all situations. There are times when it is sorely

lacking despite years of brainstorming. And when you try to keep SY

secret and strictly " For members only " seekers know something is not

right. Whatever you are trying to keep away from the public eye has

great potential to damage because outsiders may think it could be a

strange cult that requires weird rituals and beliefs. Who knows what

others are making out of these 'top-secret' sites guarded by

password sentries patrolling with digital dogs. And when SYs like me

finally read all that is so jealously guarded i don't know whether

to cry or laugh. But at least i know we have the potential to make

ourselves look dumb.


> Why do we have so many different websites each having only partial

> information? why cant we unite all info. into one website?

> Wouldnt it be not only beneficial for newcommers..but also for

> us?



Sahaja Yoga is now split between the mainstream subtle system of the

priestly class and the tiny mystical band who insist the Divine

Message must be announced. Throughout history these two powers have

always opposed and fought against each other. The priestly class

have always triumphed because they hold sway over the masses by

keeping them in ignorance and demonizing their rivals. It is no

different now. But Shri Mataji has vowed that the " Truth which is

Absolute has to express itself in these modern times. And even if it

is not accepted it will never die. On the contrary, if it is not

accepted, it will expose all falsehood and destroy it! " Only

priestly fools think She means chakras, catches and cures.





> Most ppl. seem not only tired..but also hesitant/shy to ask some

> questions on yoga..they would rather read abut it first...typing

> their queries...and seeing the information...



This forum was set up with all that in mind, and more. Yet we find

certain SYs who, influenced by the cronies of ex-world leader Yogi

Mahajan working behind the scenes, try to sabotage it on their

behalf. The www.adishakti.org has more than 1000 web pages now

covering a wide range of topics. Try typing you enquiries with the

Google search engine at the bottom of each page and just see how

many pages of information comes up.


Give us another few years and you will see that we will accomplish

much more for all future generations. Already there are certain SYs

working behind the scenes to accomplish in a short time what

thousands could not over years. Just give us your blessings and co-

operation and we will over time show what can be achieved by those

truly dedicated to the Shakti in spreading the Divine Message for



> we can still have the existing sites...iam not asking to close

> them...but maybe we can and shud have a new one " uniting " them

> all??



As i said before the priests will continue telling you about the

subtle system, the mystics about the Divine Message and Kingdom of

God ................ and the subtle system too. The subtle system

takes about 50 pages to understand. The Divine Message takes about

1000 because that is what Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs

and Buddhists are looking for. Changing millennia of falsehood and

conditioning needs lots of facts and evidence to the contrary.




Actually some people close to Shri Mataji did approach Her as they

were concerned about what Jagbir was doing on the internet.

Apparently they thought the truth would be too much for humanity and

would bring serious repercussions. In short they wanted to shut down

these websites. But Shri Mataji told them that he is not doing

anything wrong. (This information came to me just last month.)




> Why dont we have one yet...and whats stopping us from having one?

> Am i the only one who thinks this is a workable usefull idea or is

> there anyone else who agrees with me?



The www.adishakti.org more than meets all requirements for spreading

the Divine Message to humanity. The www.al-qiyamah.org website

specifically deals with the Resurrection and complete Shri Mataji's

revelation in 1990 at Changi Airport, Singapore that there is a

complete surah written about Her. i still wonder why nothing was

done for years to research this claim. Is it because of Islam phobia

and negative views towards it?


And yet when Her revelation was finally fulfilled in 2000 few SYs

are interested in knowing how the Shakti is entrenched in the Quran.

Most seem the least concerned. Yet they wonder why Muslims are not

taking to Sahaja Yoga.


The priestly powers are trying to make Sahaja Yoga into a 'hinduish'

subtle system thing. The mystics are trying to uphold the Adi Shakti

and what is written in the scriptures regarding the Divine Message

to humanity. Only the Truth of the Divine Message will triumph in

the end. " And even if it is not accepted it will never die. On the

contrary, if it is not accepted, it will expose all falsehood and

destroy it! "




> I was doing yoga not some days ago..and this thought came into my

> mind...i was trying to be thoughtless thugh..anyways...i said to

> myself...there is nothing i can do...its just one me...i wont have

> any support etc..and it wont happen..etc...(being dismissive)...and

> you know what?? immediately my both hands went BUZZZZZZZZZ so

> strongly......i said alright i will try.....then it stopped..



Maybe one day the priests will be forced to accept the Truth.

Sohniya, you will have support for that desire and the Truth will

eventually triumph. That is when there will be only one website for

the one and only Adi Shakti. All you need is to try and make this

happen. Just this post itself is a means towards that end. The Adi

Shakti from within works in Her own ways to overcome all obstacles.

As i said before the camel need not be forced to drink the water.

Just patience is needed because it will eventually become thirsty or

die. We will have to wait till it does get really, really thirsty.




> for all those (if any) who say we cant do it...

> i ask why not?



i doubt there are any SY who will say this cannot happen. But those

who do not/cannot/are unable to tell the Truth will resist such an

idea. SYs in general are now really tired and fatigued from all that

subtle system programs that just do not bring results. Only the

physical presence of Shri Mataji gives them hope, courage,

enthusiasm and inspiration to continue. When She eventually leaves

Earth all that will vanish. The only alternative will be to bring

forth Her eternal presence within and the Divine Message to



However, if we SYs are able to bring forth that sustaining

alternative now itself there will be a smooth transfer of sustenance

when Shri Mataji leaves. Perhaps that is exactly what the Shakti is

trying to accomplish from within, and preparing us for that

eventuality. The Truth must and will triumph. By that i mean the

Divine Message ordained for humanity and not the cheap, commercial,

competing yogas claiming to raise kundalini...cure black

magic...protect from evil...even show miracles. The more you

introspect the more you will realize that the Truth of the Divine

Message is far more important and critical for Sahaja Yoga to

survive in future. Sahaja Yoga is the Last Judgment and

Resurrection, the only spiritual path to claim so. Why are SYs

expending so much energy and effort to suppress this Truth? Why

compete with so many other yogas by making the same claims they do?

What is the wisdom and logic of engaging in all this stupid

competition when there is absolutely no need of this decades-old

struggle in the first place? It just makes no sense at all.




But only Truth triumphs. If Sahaja Yoga has not triumphed it is

because we have not applied and upheld the very basic requirements

of truth itself. But if it has failed then we must have resorted to

untruthful methods to attract souls. We are talking about the Divine

and how SYs have balked at performing their duty towards humanity.

They say God itself is Truth. If that is the case then we have

failed Him because we have deliberately suppressed the Truth that He

wants all humanity to know. For how long will SYs remain in denial

and pretend they just have to tell others about chakras, catches and

cures? What then is the Divine Message ordained for all?


Sohniya, i will do my best to let Truth triumph and need all the

help available. It will take years to accomplish this huge task. As

i said before, your post is the means towards the end you are

desiring. Shri Mataji and Her message to humanity will triumph if we

are collective and help destroy the negativity within Sahaja Yoga

trying to silence those who want to proclaim that Truth. The world

is ready and will hear the Truth. It is only this negativity that

puts fear in us and perpetuates the silence.



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