Guest guest Posted January 30, 2005 Report Share Posted January 30, 2005 Signs of the Last Day Acrobat (pdf) MS Word (rtf) Buy Now Also Avaliable Turkish, Azerbaijani Earthquakes There is no doubt that there have been no other natural events in history that have affected people to the extent that earthquakes have. They can happen anywhere and at any moment. Throughout the centuries, they have caused many deaths and great material loss. For this reason, they have been greatly feared. Even the technology of the twentieth and twentyfirst centuries has been able to prevent earthquake damage only to a certain extent.. The hadiths of the Prophet (saas) mention that most of the earthquakes will increase in the End Times. The frequent occurrence of earthquakes over the last few years is among the foremost concerns of people throughout the world. The 1995 earthquake in Kobe serves as an example to those who like to think that technology will make it possible to harness nature. It will be remembered that this earthquake came unexpectedly upon Japan's largest industrial and transportation center. In spite of the fact that it only lasted 20 seconds, as Time magazine reported, it caused about 100 billion dollars in damage.10 In the last few years, major earthquakes have occurred repeatedly and are among the foremost fears of people around the world. If we look at the data collected by the American National Earthquake Information Center for 1999, we find that 20,832 earthquakes happened somewhere in the world. As a result, an estimated 22,711 persons lost their lives.11 All such cases bring to mind what the Prophet (saas) said 1400 years ago: The Hour (Last Day) will not be established until ... earthquakes will be very frequent. (Bukhari) There are two great hadiths before the day of Judgment ... and then years of earthquakes. (Narrated by Umm Salama (r.a.)) Earthquakes, as predicted in the hadiths, are among the most important signs of the Last Day. In the Qur'an, there are certain verses that point out the relation between earthquakes and the End Times. The 99th Surah is called Surat az-Zalzala; zalzala means great shaking, or earthquake. This Surah, composed of eight verses, describes the violent shaking of the earth and states that, following it, the Judgment Day will arrive, people will be raised from the dead, will give account of themselves to Allah, and receive their just rewards, even for the slightest thing that they have done: When the earth is convulsed with its quakingand the earth then disgorges its chargesand man asks, "What is wrong with it?",on that Day it will impart all its newsbecause your Lord has inspired it.That Day people will emerge segregated to see the results of their actions.Whoever does an atom's weight of good will see it.Whoever does an atom's weight of evil will see it. (Surat az-Zalzala: 1-8) Disasters affect the whole world. We must learn a lesson from them and turn to Allah. Poverty It is well known that poverty is the lack of food, shelter, clothing, health services, and the other basic needs, due to a low level of income. Despite the possibilities afforded by advanced technology, poverty is today one of the most serious problems the world faces. In Africa, Asia, South America and Eastern Europe, many people live with hunger every day. Imperialism and unrestrained capitalism has prevented the distribution of income throughout the world and the advancement of under-developed and developing countries. While there is a happy minority that has more than it needs, there are a considerable number of people struggling with the problems of poverty and destitution. Despite the possibilities afforded by advances in technology, poverty continues to be one of the major problems in the world today. According to the report of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, for the year 2000, 826 million people are undernourished. In the world today, poverty has reached grave proportions. The last report by UNICEF stated that one in four people of the world's population lives in "unimaginable suffering and want."12 1.3 billion of the world's people survive on less than $1 a day. 3 billion people in the world today struggle to survive on $2 a day.13 Approximately 1.3 billion people lack safe water. 2.6 billion people are without access to adequate sanitation.14 The basic reason for social injustice and its consequent gap between the rich and the poor is that the moral teaching of the Qur'an is not followed. According to the report by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), for the year 2000, 826 million people around the world do not get enough to eat. In other words, one in six people are hungry.15 Over the last ten years, the injustice of income distribution has increased more than one can imagine. United Nations reports show that, in 1960, the 20% of the people of the world who live in the richest countries had 30 times the income of the poorest 20; by 1995 it was 82 times.16 As an example of the collapse of social justice, the wealth of the world's 225 richest individuals is equal to the annual income of the poorest 47%.17 The current statistical data point to what the Prophet (saas) said about the increase of poverty. In the hadiths, it is revealed that poverty and hunger will be among the signs of the first period of the End Times. The poor will grow in number. (Amal Al-Din Al-Qazwini, Mufid Al-'ulum Wa-mubid Al-humum)Gains will be shared out only among the rich, with no benefit to the poor.(Tirmidhi) Obviously, that period indicated by the Prophet (saas) describes conditions in our day. If we look at past centuries, we see that the difficulties and anxiety brought about by drought, war and other calamities were temporary and limited to a particular region. However, today, the poverty and difficulty of earning a living are permanent and endemic. Certainly, our Lord has endless compassion and mercy; He does not wrong people. But, because of the ungratefulness of humanity, and the evil it has committed, poverty and anxiety have been institutionalized. Indeed, this sorry state of affairs shows clearly that the world is stratified on a basis of selfishness and greed rather than on religion, moral values and conscience. Those of you possessing affluence and ample wealth should not make oaths that they will not give to their relatives and the very poor and those who are refugees in the way of Allah. They should rather pardon and overlook. Would you not love Allah to forgive you? Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Surat an-Nur: 22) The Collapse of Moral Values In our day, there is a great danger that threatens the world's social fabric. In the same way as a virus kills the human body, this danger brings about subtle social collapse. This danger is the degradation of those moral values that help to maintain a healthy society. Homosexuality, prostitution, pre-marital and extra-marital sex, sexual misdemeanors, pornography, sexual harassment and the increase of sex-related illnesses, are a number of important indications of the collapse of moral values. 22 million dead in 20 years These remain continual matters of public concern. A great number of people are not aware of the danger that is increasing around them, and mistakenly consider it as normal. But, statistics show that, with every passing day, the extent of the danger is growing unperceived. The proportion of sex-related illnesses is an important criterion to help indicate the extent of the problems facing humanity. According to the records of the World Health Organization (WHO), sex-related diseases forms one of the largest segments of illnesses. These reports show that of an estimated 333 million new cases of sexually transmitted diseases occur in the world every year.18 In addition, AIDS continues to be the most serious problem. Statistics of WHO indicate that the total number of AIDS deaths since the beginning of the epidemic have been 18.8 million persons.19 The report of the World Health Organization for the year 2000 sums up the situation succinctly: "AIDS is unique in its devastating impact on the social, economic and demographic underpinnings of development."20 Among the most frightening developments is the spread of homosexuality. In some countries, homosexuals can be legally married, enjoy the social benefits of marriage, and form associations and organizations. Around the world their activities show their opposition to religious faith and their antagonism to religious values. This is a characteristic of our age; such things have never happened before since the time of the Prophet (saas). The audacity of today's homosexuals makes one think of the end of the people of Lut who were noted for their homosexuality. As it says in the Qur'an, when they flamboyantly rejected Lut (as)'s invitation to the right path, Allah destroyed the city and its people by a great disaster. As a reminder, the remains of this perverse society still lie beneath the water of Lut's Lake (the Dead Sea). It is clear that the hadiths describing the End Times and its moral degeneration are coming true today. One hadith indicates that the absence of the shame of prostitution is a sign of the Last Day. There will be prevalence of open illegal sexual intercourse. (Bukhari) The Prophet (saas) says that the spread of extra-marital sexual relationships in society is a sign: The Hour will come when adultery becomes widespread. (Al-Haythami, Kitab al-Fitan) The growing prevalence of homosexuality over the past few years is a frightening development. This phenomenon was mentioned in the hadiths of our Prophet (saas) fourteen centuries ago. The weakening of moral values and a sense of shame is described in these words: The Last Hour will not be established until they (wicked people) commit adultery on the roads (public ways). (Ibn Hibban and Bazzar) It is interesting to note that, recently, scenes of prostitution captured by hidden cameras have been broadcast on television channels. Prostitutes have sexual intercourse with their customers in open view in the middle of the street. This is another sign of the Last Day revealed in a hadith; millions of people have witnessed this sign. These hadiths show that tolerating homosexuality as a normal way of life is an important sign of the period before the Last Day. Every day newspaper pages contain reports that point to the collapse of social morality, while many regard these developments as merely normal. Men will imitate women; and Women will imitate men. (Allama Jalaluddin Suyuti, Durre-Mansoor) People will indulge in homosexuality and lesbianism. (Al-Muttaqi Al-Hindi, Muntakhab Kanzul Ummaal) 10. Time, February 6, 1995, "Economic Aftershock"11. US Geological Survey National Earthquake Information Center, "Earthquake Facts and Statistics", 2000, 12. UNICEF, "Children and Poverty: Key Facts", 2000 ( factsheets.htm)13. Manufacturing Dissent, "World Statistics - The Rich and the Poor", 1999, UNICEF, "Children and Poverty: Key Facts", 2000, factsheets.htm15. FAO, "The state of food insecurity in the world", 2000, SOFI00/sofi001-e.htm16. Human Development Report 1998, United Nations Development Programme, New York, September 1998- Manufacturing Dissent, "World Statistics - Rich and Poor", 1999, HotTopics.main/HotMike/document-8.13.1999.6.html 18. WHO, "Young People and Sexually Transmitted Diseases", Fact sheet no:186, December 1997, WHO, "Report on the Global HIV/ AIDS Epidemic", June 2000, epidemic_update/report/Epi_report.htm#aids 20. WHO, "Report on the Global HIV/ AIDS Epidemic", June 2000, epidemic_update/report/Epi_report.htm#aids Search presents - Jib Jab's 'Second Term' Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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