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Alex, it is time to make good your threat to report me to Shri Mataji!

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shriadishakti , alex arthur <dude11976>


> Ive been around on this forum for a while, and as much

> as i would like to refrain from posting, considering

> the futlity of the exercisie, sometimes i just feel

> compelled to.



You have done it before, are doing so now and will do in future. The

last time you threatened to take the matter up with some leaders and

complain about me. Apparently you did not make good your threat. So

why resort to futility, even though compelled? Anyway, this is a

free forum where a few highly realized souls, many good SYs, some

bad apples and a few ugly ducklings post. You have the right to your

2 cents worth.



> Jagbir has been going on and on and on about

> criticising the present structure of shaja yoga. He

> oftn mocks the leaders by calling them priests and

> says that in effect they are carrying out their

> personal whims and fancies under the banner of shaja

> yoga.



i am just saying it is time the Divine Message be announced at all

costs, at least on the official websites. Even a single sentence

will do. Why should anyone have a problem with that? Isn't the

Divine Message the heart and soul of Sahaja Yoga?


> REALIZE: The entire structure of sahaja yoga has been

> laid down by her holines shri mataji. She is FULLY

> aware of what she is doing and the system she has

> created. It amounts to blasphemy to criticise her

> work.



You are not seeing the forest for the trees. And you keep forgetting

that She also is FULLY aware in my case also. Will it not amount to

blasphemy to criticize Her work that the Divine Message must be

announced, lest people say they never heard about it? Why do you

believe the standard should be different for me? In the first place,

why are you so warped-up about the definition of Truth?



> SPOT THE LIE: There is nothing wrong with the

> collective leaders! They are the most humble people

> possible. I have seen enough of them now and they are

> doing their duties to the best of their abilities.

> There is no reaon for any of us to hear

> unsubstaintiated criticism about them! To read and not

> react to such a false claim, amounts to that!!



Let me put this in writing: Even if you haul me all the way to Shri

Mataji i will still stand on what i have said, am saying and will

always say: " Shri Mataji, i cannot compromise with the Truth as

other SYs are doing. i cannot keep quiet about the Divine Message

unless you specifically say so. And i am willing to leave Sahaja

Yoga if you believe i have gone against Your message to humanity. "

(There you have it in writing Alex. Now you have the evidence to

nail me. So go ahead and make good your previous threat that you

could not carry out for whatever reason.)


The way you are getting mad makes me suspect that you may be also a

leader, or have aspirations to be one. Forgive me if my assumptions

are wrong. But you seemed to have missed the point and are now just

putting words in my mouth. All i am saying is that they have the

responsibility to announce the Divine Message to humanity. Even a

single sentence on the official websites will go a long way. Do you

want me to keep quiet just because the majority is?


But why are you impressing upon others that i think leaders are not

humble? Yes, they are still not telling the Truth despite doing

their duties to the best of their abilities. Is that unsubstantiated



> THINK: Sahaja Yoga does not lay undue importance to

> the subtle system. If we perfect the subtle system to

> the level that shri mataji wants us to, then we become

> like hollow flutes. Instruments in the hands of the

> divine, who do not decide their the course of action

> based on individual ego's but on the guidance of

> divine power!



Alex, you said that " Sahaja Yoga does not lay undue importance to

the subtle system. " This is a dishonest statement and is regretted.

But at least you will understand the meaning of unsubstantiated lies.



> CATCHES AND CURES: Is discussing catches and cures

> wrong??? This is a very critical part of sahaja

> yoga!!! Ask someone with a painful agnya catch to just

> chill and know it is the last judgement, he will kick

> you so hard in the backside! Only if we get to know

> what we are doing wrong can we correct it. Mother

> kundalini is all powerful agreed, but she cannot help

> us if we are doing wrong to ourselves!!



SYs think that they can work out defects in their characters by

gaining a Ph.D in the subtle system. All i am saying is that they

will have far less problems if the just leave all problems to the

Mother Kundalini and try to attain the thoughtless state. The fact

is that even after obtaining a Ph.D they still do not have the

knowledge and means to rid themselves of catches. If you have pain

in your Agnya then something is wrong with your thinking or

comprehension. If there is something wrong with your Vishuddi you

should introspect the reasons and maybe stop being harsh, loud etc.

A million lemons will not help if you do not consciously try to

understand what ails you. Prevention is always better than cure. The

best prevention is allowing the kundalini to work it out, the best

cure is being thoughtless. Yes, Mother kundalini is all powerful

agreed, but she cannot help us if we are doing wrong to ourselves!!

Do you think a million lemons will help if you continue drinking,

taking drugs and womanizing?


But if you are a balanced SY i just do not see why catches and cures

continue despite years. As Shri Mataji has said, what is the point

of foot soaking for years if you are a SY?


> MY EXPERIENCE: When i came to this website/group

> initially, i asked around if anyone knew why the sides

> of my head suddenly pain when i say or think of

> certain things! Jagbir made fun of me and pulled

> balwinder into the discussin and said it must be a

> pimple in my brain!!!



Maybe my sense of humor was just too much for you. i just do not

want SYs to continue seeking cures from lemons and chillies when i

stand on the Mother Kundalini healing everything. i also do not say

something that i cannot defend later.


> Every newcomer goes through what i went through. It is

> simply that the ego and supergo baloons on either side

> of the brain that cause that pain. Once we let go of

> both of these then the kundalini can pass through

> easily and the pain subsides! I got this from the

> collective. NOT FROM THIS FORUM!



You are making such a big deal of this. Now are you actually

telling SYs at this forum that no one responding with the correct

information? Or are you clubbing me? i mean this sentence " I got

this from the collective. NOT FROM THIS FORUM! " is really loud.


Maybe you are lucky about this super-ego balloons. Ten years ago i

was told i had some ego. Apparently the senior SY examined my

forehead and realized the area above my eyebrows were puffed up. Ah,

see the balloons of ego and super-ego!!? For some time i felt guilty

when i brushed my teeth or combed my hair in front of a mirror. That

puffed-up area above my eyebrows never seemed to go away despite all

attempts to cure it. Alex, do you know how much relieve i had when i

realized that Shri Mataji was talking about conscousness/thoughts

that make you arrogant and aggressive? (BTW, does this meet your

standard or understanding of " substantiated criticism " ? i just want

to make it clear because you may just start swinging at me again for

criticizing ignorance.)



> Jagbir goes on shifting the focus from keeping our

> subtle bodies in a condition that they would be useful

> to the divine, to......THE LAST JUDGEMENT!!



Alex, i do not know if this is a compliment or an insult.


> I think we have seen enough madmen around the world

> walking around with banners saying that the world is

> coming to an end!! I havent seen anyone become a wee

> bit more moral, generous or loving after being told

> about this!!



Be careful what you say in your ignorance and bloated ego. Do you

think Shri Mataji is a mad woman for saying the world will come to

and End and that is why we must live a righteous life? Only an idiot

who does not know what Shri Mataji has told publicly about the Last

Judgment will make such a stupid statement. And the vast majority of

SYs have become more than a wee bit more moral, generous or loving

after being told about this!! You are insulting all who have given

up the drugs, drinking, womanizing and other anti-spiritual



But i think there is a grain of truth in what you say. Maybe you

have not become a a wee bit more moral, generous or loving after

being told about this because, by your own admission, you still

indulge in these things. Now what can we make out of your claim you

never saw anyone improving? Are you just talking about yourself

because the majority of SYs are more moral, generous and loving.

(Remember Bagus using his entire savings back home for the Tsunami

relief fund? But i won't blame you if you have selective amnesia.)


> Imagine a scenario, A SY walks into the corporate of

> office of Intel and says ' Ladies and gentlemen, this

> photograph here is of shri mataji nirmala devi. For

> the last 30 years she has been saying that this is the

> last judgement. So, please come to sahaja yoga'



Only fools and idiots like you can unconsciously make fun of Shri

Mataji. Are you by any figment of my fertile imagination trying to

belittle the Comforter for warning that the Last Judgment is taking



> What reaction do you expect? That the security guards

> boot you out or that the whole accounts team stands up

> and says 'OH DAMN, how much time do we have!? chuck

> this $4000 bribe i was getting for clearing payments

> quickly and lets zoom to the nearest SY centre!!!



Again you are making fun of the Divine Message.


> The ways an means in which SY is being discussed and

> spread is based on the research done by her holiness

> shri matahi nirmala devi and i would very much follow

> what she says!!



You are just lying to yourself. You would not have made fun of the

Last Judgment with all that sarcasm. Maybe you should read a portion

of a letter i have just received:

" The Truth is that if the Last Judgment and Resurrection were

properly understood, yogis would be re-inspired. The big

" stick "

would then not have to be brought out. Because the fundamentals of

Sahaja Yoga, the Divine Message of " The Judgment " and

" The

Resurrection " are prevented from being open up-front knowledge


from the start, very few yogis really know what it is about.

These " fundamentals " are about the " raison

d'etre " of Sahaja Yoga

and without them, according to Sri Mataji's own definition;


Yoga is in danger, if not already, of falling into the error

of " fundamentalism. "

This is an absolute tragedy. But Jagbir, at least you are trying to

do something about it. And others and myself can join your


A drop turns into a trickle, turns into a torrent. "





> If www.adishakti.org is sanction by mataji, then when

> not scan and upload a little handwritten note from

> her, approvong this site??? It might add credibility

> to the stories of children flying around in outer

> space!



Alex, your demand reminds me of those opposed to www.adishakti.org.

i remember being asked by a leader if i had written permission to

use Shri Mataji's quotes. Apparently all the previous permissions

given by Her in the presence of others to write about SHRI ADI

SHAKTI: THE KINGDOM OF GOD were not good enough for him. Like you,

he was also demanding a WRITTEN PERMISSION from Sri Mataji. How

pathetic some people can be!


So Alex, it is time to make good your threat to report me to Shri

Mataji! i will regard you as a coward if you do not do so this time

because i have given all the evidence necessary to facilitate you.



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Hi all, fun discussion this! Ive added my two bits

too. They have an 'AB' before they start




Jagbir wrote:

i am just saying it is time the Divine Message be

announced at all

costs, at least on the official websites. Even a

single sentence

will do. Why should anyone have a problem with that?

Isn't the

Divine Message the heart and soul of Sahaja Yoga?


AB: Personally, i think there is sound logic to not

have that line there. Most humans as you must have

experienced are not really seeking god. happiness

maybe, mystic experiences in some case, Money

definitely. The last judgement statement would

possibly ward off more people than attract. Its a

statement that has lost its impact for some sad




> SPOT THE LIE: There is nothing wrong with the

> collective leaders! They are the most humble people

> possible. I have seen enough of them now and they


> doing their duties to the best of their abilities.

> There is no reaon for any of us to hear

> unsubstaintiated criticism about them! To read and


> react to such a false claim, amounts to that!!




i am just saying it is time the Divine Message be

announced at all

costs, at least on the official websites. Even a

single sentence

will do








AB: ER, Jagbir, nobody is hiding this. All of mothers

public programme speeches clearly state this. The

speeches are played in all ashrams and all SY's know

of it in time. It is just not shared with new comers,

because they are ready to hear it yet.






> CATCHES AND CURES: Is discussing catches and cures

> wrong??? This is a very critical part of sahaja

> yoga!!! Ask someone with a painful agnya catch to


> chill and know it is the last judgement, he will


> you so hard in the backside! Only if we get to know

> what we are doing wrong can we correct it. Mother

> kundalini is all powerful agreed, but she cannot


> us if we are doing wrong to ourselves!!



SYs think that they can work out defects in their

characters by

gaining a Ph.D in the subtle system. All i am saying

is that they

will have far less problems if the just leave all

problems to the

Mother Kundalini and try to attain the thoughtless




AB: I think alex has slightly different point. You get

thoughtless only if you have the subtle ystem in

place. That is a mandatory pre-requisite.




> MY EXPERIENCE: When i came to this website/group

> initially, i asked around if anyone knew why the


> of my head suddenly pain when i say or think of

> certain things! Jagbir made fun of me and pulled

> balwinder into the discussin and said it must be a

> pimple in my brain!!!



Maybe my sense of humor was just too much for you. i

just do not

want SYs to continue seeking cures from lemons and

chillies when i

stand on the Mother Kundalini healing everything.



AB: I think the point here is that this site is not

meant for progresing in meditation and sahaja yoga.

Its an information site on the last





> Every newcomer goes through what i went through. It


> simply that the ego and supergo baloons on either


> of the brain that cause that pain. Once we let go of

> both of these then the kundalini can pass through

> easily and the pain subsides! I got this from the

> collective. NOT FROM THIS FORUM!



You are making such a big deal of this. Now are you


telling SYs at this forum that no one responding with

the correct

information? Or are you clubbing me? i mean this

sentence " I got

this from the collective. NOT FROM THIS FORUM! " is

really loud.


Maybe you are lucky about this super-ego balloons. Ten

years ago i

was told i had some ego. Apparently the senior SY

examined my

forehead and realized the area above my eyebrows were

puffed up.



AB: the important point here is that it was a Senior

SY. Could not have been a leader. A lot of people pick

up silly ideas. ive never heard of this





> I think we have seen enough madmen around the world

> walking around with banners saying that the world is

> coming to an end!! I havent seen anyone become a wee

> bit more moral, generous or loving after being told

> about this!!



Be careful what you say in your ignorance and bloated

ego. Do you

think Shri Mataji is a mad woman for saying the world

will come to

and End and that is why we must live a righteous life?





AB: Whoa!!! I dont think Alex said its a false claim,

jagbir please dont insinuate that he calling her a

madwoman. He has written nothing of the sort and i

have to defend this. He is only saying that the

approach to spread SY cannot takethis route. Even i

have learnt this in the centres, you have to take a

softer approach!!







But i think there is a grain of truth in what you say.

Maybe you

have not become a a wee bit more moral, generous or

loving after

being told about this because, by your own admission,

you still

indulge in these things.




AB: This is a personal attack, i think it should not

be considered in this discussion, even if it is true.

SY is a ladder, the load you take upwards in terms of

unnecessary attachments and habits falls of slowly

with time and ascent. Its nothing to denigrate anyone







Now what can we make out of your claim you

never saw anyone improving? Are you just talking about


because the majority of SYs are more moral, generous

and loving.



AB: i think alex must be quite virtuous too. His

previous posts on this forum indicate that he is a

genuine seeker. His vibrations are also very very

nice. I may be wrong though. Also, he does not seem to

be claiming that no SY has improved. I think the

carrying a last judgement banner around is what he is

talking of.




> Imagine a scenario, A SY walks into the corporate of

> office of Intel and says ' Ladies and gentlemen,


> photograph here is of shri mataji nirmala devi. For

> the last 30 years she has been saying that this is


> last judgement. So, please come to sahaja yoga'



Only fools and idiots like you can unconsciously make

fun of Shri



AB: He is mocking the method. Not mataji in any manner

that i can see. Of course he revers Shri Mataji, maybe

he is not so good with his writing skills. I think, he

thinks that you are saying we should announce the last

judgement to the public at large....i dont see any

hope of that working.






> What reaction do you expect? That the security


> boot you out or that the whole accounts team stands


> and says 'OH DAMN, how much time do we have!? chuck

> this $4000 bribe i was getting for clearing payments

> quickly and lets zoom to the nearest SY centre!!!



Again you are making fun of the Divine Message.



AB: he is highlighting the futility of the approach






> The ways an means in which SY is being discussed and

> spread is based on the research done by her holiness

> shri matahi nirmala devi and i would very much


> what she says!!



You are just lying to yourself. You would not have

made fun of the

Last Judgment with all that sarcasm. Maybe you should

read a portion

of a letter i have just received:


AB: He is not. I just dont see what you see.








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Why do you think that Jagbir's claims of his children meeting in the

sahasrar are preposterous? Why is your attitude so insulting about

it? Maybe you dont believe that this is possible or you dont believe

that its possible to rise to that state where its possible? Its one

thing to know something intellectually and quite another thing to

have conviction and belief in it to follow it. One great man once

said that when we judge somebody, we dont judge him but the aspect of

ourselves that we dont like that we see in him.


Last time I remember you calling everybody on this forum Sahaja have-

nots or something to that effect, claiming that everybody on the

forum is on the fringes of sahaja yoga and a real menace to it. Where

then is the place for humility, love and compassion that Shri Mataji

expects us to have? (ok maybe we all are what you say we are -sahaja

have-nots, but in that case do you really help us and yourself by

insulting us?)


If you believe Jagbir is wrong, check the vibrations. If you think

his method is wrong, then lets work on it constructively. After all

you yourself said, we become like a flute, instrument of divine and

if we all are sahaji's why dont we work together instead of

exchanging insults and sarcasm?


As for spreading Sahaja Yoga: There are all kind of people in this

world: People who want to gain materially, physically, spritually.

People who take to Sahaja easily and people who dont. People who need

answers to their questions and people who dont have many questions.

For some people, the official site of Sahaja suffices and for others

adishakti.org has been a tremendous source for finding the shakti

within. Why should these two be at loggerheads?


But at the sametime, if you do some math, we have to admit that not

many people are taking to Sahaja (not even my own parents, even

though when told about last judgement) and we need to take advantage

of internet to spread it. But internet has its disadvantages: for

example if a person has questions, he cant ask. and thats where we

should thank Jagbir for that. If we believe Jagbir to be wrong, why

doesnt official leader of Sahaja website try his prescription to

proclaim the divine message on all sites for some time and see if it

helps? If there is no discernible advantage, THEN AND ONLY THEN we

can say that he is wrong.


Criticism helps but only when done constructively. Sahaja is after

all an organic movement and not something like a organized religion.

And when we hear stories about Jagbir's childrens touted as demons,

these lead us to suspect if people are turning sahaja into organized.

Did Yogi Mahajan check the vibrations of Kaash before making that

horrible accusation? Alex, did you check vibrations to know if Kaash

really visits Shri Mataji in the sahasrar?


If you are a sahaja yogi, Alex, perhaps you should realize the

importance of weighing your words and have wisdom not to insult

everybody on this forum. Jagbir has time and again provided proof of

what he says. Can the same statement be made for you with certainty?





I think its time to realize that Jagbir is NOT ATTACKING ANY LEADER

on this forum. Instead he is trying to foster an approach of

introspection to find out in what ways can we spread Sahaja and is

our current approach wrong. So if we have any positive contribution

towards it then, please, lets share it for the benefit of everybody.

But do not lets turn this into a forum where we are trading hate

mails and or insults.





shriadishakti , Avnish Bhagat

<avnishbhagat> wrote:

> Hi all, fun discussion this! Ive added my two bits

> too. They have an 'AB' before they start




> Jagbir wrote:

> i am just saying it is time the Divine Message be

> announced at all

> costs, at least on the official websites. Even a

> single sentence

> will do. Why should anyone have a problem with that?

> Isn't the

> Divine Message the heart and soul of Sahaja Yoga?


> AB: Personally, i think there is sound logic to not

> have that line there. Most humans as you must have

> experienced are not really seeking god. happiness

> maybe, mystic experiences in some case, Money

> definitely. The last judgement statement would

> possibly ward off more people than attract. Its a

> statement that has lost its impact for some sad

> reason.



> > SPOT THE LIE: There is nothing wrong with the

> > collective leaders! They are the most humble people

> > possible. I have seen enough of them now and they

> are

> > doing their duties to the best of their abilities.

> > There is no reaon for any of us to hear

> > unsubstaintiated criticism about them! To read and

> not

> > react to such a false claim, amounts to that!!

> >



> i am just saying it is time the Divine Message be

> announced at all

> costs, at least on the official websites. Even a

> single sentence

> will do


AB: ER, Jagbir, nobody is hiding this. All of mothers

> public programme speeches clearly state this. The

> speeches are played in all ashrams and all SY's know

> of it in time. It is just not shared with new comers,

> because they are ready to hear it yet.






> > CATCHES AND CURES: Is discussing catches and cures

> > wrong??? This is a very critical part of sahaja

> > yoga!!! Ask someone with a painful agnya catch to

> just

> > chill and know it is the last judgement, he will

> kick

> > you so hard in the backside! Only if we get to know

> > what we are doing wrong can we correct it. Mother

> > kundalini is all powerful agreed, but she cannot

> help

> > us if we are doing wrong to ourselves!!

> >


> SYs think that they can work out defects in their

> characters by

> gaining a Ph.D in the subtle system. All i am saying

> is that they

> will have far less problems if the just leave all

> problems to the

> Mother Kundalini and try to attain the thoughtless

> state.



> AB: I think alex has slightly different point. You get

> thoughtless only if you have the subtle ystem in

> place. That is a mandatory pre-requisite.




> > MY EXPERIENCE: When i came to this website/group

> > initially, i asked around if anyone knew why the

> sides

> > of my head suddenly pain when i say or think of

> > certain things! Jagbir made fun of me and pulled

> > balwinder into the discussin and said it must be a

> > pimple in my brain!!!

> >


> Maybe my sense of humor was just too much for you. i

> just do not

> want SYs to continue seeking cures from lemons and

> chillies when i

> stand on the Mother Kundalini healing everything.



> AB: I think the point here is that this site is not

> meant for progresing in meditation and sahaja yoga.

> Its an information site on the last

> judgement...correct?




> > Every newcomer goes through what i went through. It

> is

> > simply that the ego and supergo baloons on either

> side

> > of the brain that cause that pain. Once we let go of

> > both of these then the kundalini can pass through

> > easily and the pain subsides! I got this from the

> > collective. NOT FROM THIS FORUM!

> >


> You are making such a big deal of this. Now are you

> actually

> telling SYs at this forum that no one responding with

> the correct

> information? Or are you clubbing me? i mean this

> sentence " I got

> this from the collective. NOT FROM THIS FORUM! " is

> really loud.


> Maybe you are lucky about this super-ego balloons. Ten

> years ago i

> was told i had some ego. Apparently the senior SY

> examined my

> forehead and realized the area above my eyebrows were

> puffed up.



> AB: the important point here is that it was a Senior

> SY. Could not have been a leader. A lot of people pick

> up silly ideas. ive never heard of this





> > I think we have seen enough madmen around the world

> > walking around with banners saying that the world is

> > coming to an end!! I havent seen anyone become a wee

> > bit more moral, generous or loving after being told

> > about this!!

> >


> Be careful what you say in your ignorance and bloated

> ego. Do you

> think Shri Mataji is a mad woman for saying the world

> will come to

> and End and that is why we must live a righteous life?





> AB: Whoa!!! I dont think Alex said its a false claim,

> jagbir please dont insinuate that he calling her a

> madwoman. He has written nothing of the sort and i

> have to defend this. He is only saying that the

> approach to spread SY cannot takethis route. Even i

> have learnt this in the centres, you have to take a

> softer approach!!

But i think there is a grain of truth in what you say.

> Maybe you

> have not become a a wee bit more moral, generous or

> loving after

> being told about this because, by your own admission,

> you still

> indulge in these things.




> AB: This is a personal attack, i think it should not

> be considered in this discussion, even if it is true.

> SY is a ladder, the load you take upwards in terms of

> unnecessary attachments and habits falls of slowly

> with time and ascent. Its nothing to denigrate anyone

> for.






> Now what can we make out of your claim you

> never saw anyone improving? Are you just talking about

> yourself

> because the majority of SYs are more moral, generous

> and loving.



> AB: i think alex must be quite virtuous too. His

> previous posts on this forum indicate that he is a

> genuine seeker. His vibrations are also very very

> nice. I may be wrong though. Also, he does not seem to

> be claiming that no SY has improved. I think the

> carrying a last judgement banner around is what he is

> talking of.




> > Imagine a scenario, A SY walks into the corporate of

> > office of Intel and says ' Ladies and gentlemen,

> this

> > photograph here is of shri mataji nirmala devi. For

> > the last 30 years she has been saying that this is

> the

> > last judgement. So, please come to sahaja yoga'

> >


> Only fools and idiots like you can unconsciously make

> fun of Shri

> Mataji.


> AB: He is mocking the method. Not mataji in any manner

> that i can see. Of course he revers Shri Mataji, maybe

> he is not so good with his writing skills. I think, he

> thinks that you are saying we should announce the last

> judgement to the public at large....i dont see any

> hope of that working.






> > What reaction do you expect? That the security

> guards

> > boot you out or that the whole accounts team stands

> up

> > and says 'OH DAMN, how much time do we have!? chuck

> > this $4000 bribe i was getting for clearing payments

> > quickly and lets zoom to the nearest SY centre!!!

> >


> Again you are making fun of the Divine Message.



> AB: he is highlighting the futility of the approach






> > The ways an means in which SY is being discussed and

> > spread is based on the research done by her holiness

> > shri matahi nirmala devi and i would very much

> follow

> > what she says!!

> >


> You are just lying to yourself. You would not have

> made fun of the

> Last Judgment with all that sarcasm. Maybe you should

> read a portion

> of a letter i have just received:


> AB: He is not. I just dont see what you see.










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> Go to: http://.shaadi.com/india-matrimony

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