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Re;Lies and deception, children flying around in space

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Hi, Alex,

Alex wrote;'Ive been around on this forum for a while, and as much

as i would like to refrain from posting, considering

the futlity of the exercisie, sometimes i just feel

compelled to.

Jagbir has been going on and on and on about

criticising the present structure of shaja yoga. He

oftn mocks the leaders by calling them priests and

says that in effect they are carrying out their

personal whims and fancies under the banner of shaja


REALIZE: The entire structure of sahaja yoga has been

laid down by her holines shri mataji. She is FULLY

aware of what she is doing and the system she has

created. It amounts to blasphemy to criticise her


SPOT THE LIE: There is nothing wrong with the

collective leaders! They are the most humble people

possible. I have seen enough of them now and they are

doing their duties to the best of their abilities.

There is no reaon for any of us to hear

unsubstaintiated criticism about them! To read and not

react to such a false claim, amounts to that!!


Semira; Honesty about promoting SY has been a much discussed point.

Are you saying, therefore, that SY should continue to be promoted as

it is being promoted officially now; a relaxation technique to feel

good? Do you mean that the Divine message must be kept hidden, and

people cheated into joining SY?

As you say Shri Mataji is FULLY AWARE of what She is doing; She is

therefore aware of the adishakti site and of this forum. She is

surely also aware of the content of Her speeches, upon which the

adishakti site is based.

I only managed to find out about the Divine message from this forum

and the adishakti site. Strangely enough, the ex-SYs do not mention

the Divine message either. People seem to focus on a small aspect of

SY and concentrate on this aspect to prove a point, and to

misrepresent the issue. I wonder why? Is HONESTY such a difficult

thing for everybody?




Alex wrote;THINK: Sahaja Yoga does not lay undue importance to

the subtle system. If we perfect the subtle system to

the level that shri mataji wants us to, then we become

like hollow flutes. Instruments in the hands of the

divine, who do not decide their the course of action

based on individual ego's but on the guidance of

divine power!

CATCHES AND CURES: Is discussing catches and cures

wrong??? This is a very critical part of sahaja

yoga!!! Ask someone with a painful agnya catch to just

chill and know it is the last judgement, he will kick

you so hard in the backside! Only if we get to know

what we are doing wrong can we correct it. Mother

kundalini is all powerful agreed, but she cannot help

us if we are doing wrong to ourselves!!

MY EXPERIENCE: When i came to this website/group

initially, i asked around if anyone knew why the sides

of my head suddenly pain when i say or think of

certain things! Jagbir made fun of me and pulled

balwinder into the discussin and said it must be a

pimple in my brain!!!

Every newcomer goes through what i went through. It is

simply that the ego and supergo baloons on either side

of the brain that cause that pain. Once we let go of

both of these then the kundalini can pass through

easily and the pain subsides! I got this from the

collective. NOT FROM THIS FORUM!!!


Semira; If you make fun of others, then you should expect to be made

fun of yourself. I think you enjoy making fun of others.





Alex wrote;THE LAST JUDGEMENT!!!!!!!!!

Jagbir goes on shifting the focus from keeping our

subtle bodies in a condition that they would be useful

to the divine, to......THE LAST JUDGEMENT!!


I think we have seen enough madmen around the world

walking around with banners saying that the world is

coming to an end!! I havent seen anyone become a wee

bit more moral, generous or loving after being told

about this!!


Imagine a scenario, A SY walks into the corporate of

office of Intel and says ' Ladies and gentlemen, this

photograph here is of shri mataji nirmala devi. For

the last 30 years she has been saying that this is the

last judgement. So, please come to sahaja yoga'


What reaction do you expect? That the security guards

boot you out or that the whole accounts team stands up

and says 'OH DAMN, how much time do we have!? chuck

this $4000 bribe i was getting for clearing payments

quickly and lets zoom to the nearest SY centre!!!


The ways an means in which SY is being discussed and

spread is based on the research done by her holiness

shri matahi nirmala devi and i would very much follow

what she says!!


Semira; So you therefore think that the Divine message is

unbelievable and that everyone who hears it will make fun of it?

There are those who are ready to accept the Truth and who will

understand it and not laugh. Is SY about the Divine message, or

isn't it?


Alex wrote;A FINAL WORD


If www.adishakti.org is sanction by mataji, then when

not scan and upload a little handwritten note from

her, approvong this site??? It might add credibility

to the stories of children flying around in outer



Semira; What you choose to believe is up to you, Alex. What you find

unbelievable, others are able to accept. If telling the Truth and

standing up for your beliefs means being laughed at and ridiculed,

that is how it is. There are however also those who want to hear and

understand the Truth.


Regards, Semira

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