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But Vinay, he has never attended any collective and is yet far ahead

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shriadishakti , Vinay Talwar

<vinay_yogi2000> wrote:


> I was listen to audio cassette yesterday at night. I am not

interested to fight like you people but i must say this.


> Mataji said, (5.5.85, i think. I am in cyber cafe so i tell from

> memeory)that whatever you do, stay in the collective. She said

> sometimes even if you think people are not behaving so nicely,

> even then you must go to collective. It is very important. She

> says you cannot, you simply cannot ascend alone. No matter what

> you must meditate in colleectivity. Those people who do not

> attrend collective are finished. ...


> Also, about the possesion when it happens, the possessed person

> will not know.





Some SYs are advancing far into the Turiya state and beyond, just

like Satish's friend. He has never attended any collective and is

yet far ahead. Apparently that has disturbed you because according

to you understanding that is just not possible. You just cannot

accept the fact that any SY can advance to that level without even

attending a single collective. That really scares you because you

have induced yourself to believe it is IMPOSSIBLE.


But don't frighten people with your ignorance. If the collective is

fine for you then we are happy. Those who wish to ascend alone have

every right to do so. The more you force those meditating alone with

your fear-mongering the more resistant they will they become. i am

100% sure i can ascend alone because, after all, it is an individual

journey. Maybe you missed that tape. And that one on Collective

Consciousness too.




Note: Satish, i have reason to believe that Vinay thinks your SY

friend is possessed too. i am quite sure about this type of mindset

some SYs have. According to these ignorant folks if THEY think

something is IMPOSSIBLE then it must be possession. They just cannot

see it any other way.





Satish Shukla <saap7

Sun Feb 6, 2005 12:23 am

Re: [shriadishakti] Jagbir's children are not the only one

in the world to have visited Shri Mataji



Jai Shree Mata JI,


Dear SY Brothers and Sisters,


Without getting into any debate or discussions on the

rights and wrongs here I just wish to corroborate the

inputs by Jagbir and Anuj.


I have a SY colleague who came into Sahaj about two

years back but got very serious about meditation and

other aspects related to it just about one year ago.He

does not have much knowledge about Sahaj.But one thing

he has achieved is being able to attain a complete

state of Nirvichar for as much as 30 mins also. Most

important of all please note the following:













There are so many things happening to him which none

of us have ever heard of and cannot be described here.

I have been just two years into Sahaj and try to

attend collectivity as often as is possible but have

realised among other things that the mannerisms of

the leaders and other important office bearers leave

much to be desired.


Had it not been for my utmost faith in Shree Mataji

and the experiences She Herself gave to me I would

have walked out of Sahaj. It is for the same reason I

have never coerced my friend and colleague to attend



This mail is intended to put to rest that the

experiences Kash and Arvinder have had are not mere

figments of imagination. I am sure there would be

others as well who would have had similar experiences

but would like to keep these to themselves. Like this

friend of mine he does not even want to be identified

leave alone the public declaration of his experiences.


I have been a witness to this pointless debate which

has been raised time and again in the forum and feel

that there are some SYs like the ones in collectivities

who somehow enjoy castigating others just for the sake

of it. Let us all enjoy the blessings of Shree Mata Ji

and respect each other as Brothers and Sisters in SY and

work towards promoting SY and not scaring people away.


Jai Shree Mata Ji.


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I think so and that was the precise reason for not coming out with the information about my friend.There are things my friend is experiencing today which are absolutely marvelous and out of this world.Only yesterday, as has been his experience for the past about three to four months,he was up close with Lord Shiva himself.We have seen that it has become more or less regular that every Monday he meets/sees/interacts with the Maker.Sometimes with Shree Mata Ji on other ocassions alone.While many of us cannot even see our Chakras he can clearly see his own Chakras with very clear view of the presiding dieties.I do not ask him anything because I am confident about the absolute truth of his statements.


He is a person who at one time headed the glamorous world of Media in the most popular media company of our country.Today we have a company of our own and our leading light is Shree Mata Ji. When we got together in 2003 he never showed any interest towards my discussions on Sahaj.I in any case did not know much during my initial days in Sahaj.It was Shree Mata Ji's will that he be indoctrinated into this and the way She made it happen is a long story by itself. Today he does not have any interest in the fast paced world of the Media leave aside its glamorous part.He and I only discuss Sahaj even in our Office and exchange notes.All those who have known him find him to be a completely changed man from the most loud,aggressive and dynamic head of a MNC to his calm and composed ever smiling and contended self that he has become today. He looks forward to getting back home and getting into meditation.There is so much that one could write about his

experiences that it would become a biography of a devout Sahaj Yogi.


I was in a dilemma about sending the previous mail but realised that you had been trying all by yourself to defend the truth and that we all would be failing in our responsibilities towards Sahaj Yoga.More importantly we would be failing towards the faith with which Shree Mata Ji gave us our Self Realisation so that when we experience what she has been training us for we become the messengers and do what is expected of us.


I can only request other seekers to open their mental faculties and see everything in positive light.I think the best thing would be as someone suggested,to check the vibrations for the veracity of the information and the claims being made.My idea was just to corroborate what you had been telling everybody for a long time.

Jai Shree Mata Ji,

Satishjagbir singh <adishakti_org wrote:

shriadishakti , Vinay Talwar <vinay_yogi2000> wrote:> > I was listen to audio cassette yesterday at night. I am not interested to fight like you people but i must say this.> > Mataji said, (5.5.85, i think. I am in cyber cafe so i tell from > memeory)that whatever you do, stay in the collective. She said > sometimes even if you think people are not behaving so nicely, > even then you must go to collective. It is very important. She > says you cannot, you simply cannot ascend alone. No matter what > you must meditate in colleectivity. Those people who do not > attrend collective are finished. ...> > Also, about the possesion when it happens, the possessed person> will not know. > Vinay,Some SYs are

advancing far into the Turiya state and beyond, just like Satish's friend. He has never attended any collective and is yet far ahead. Apparently that has disturbed you because according to you understanding that is just not possible. You just cannot accept the fact that any SY can advance to that level without even attending a single collective. That really scares you because you have induced yourself to believe it is IMPOSSIBLE.But don't frighten people with your ignorance. If the collective is fine for you then we are happy. Those who wish to ascend alone have every right to do so. The more you force those meditating alone with your fear-mongering the more resistant they will they become. i am 100% sure i can ascend alone because, after all, it is an individual journey. Maybe you missed that tape. And that one on Collective Consciousness too.jagbirNote: Satish, i have reason to believe that Vinay thinks your

SY friend is possessed too. i am quite sure about this type of mindset some SYs have. According to these ignorant folks if THEY think something is IMPOSSIBLE then it must be possession. They just cannot see it any other way.- Satish Shukla <saap7 Sun Feb 6, 2005 12:23 am Re: [shriadishakti] Jagbir's children are not the only one in the world to have visited Shri MatajiJai Shree Mata JI,Dear SY Brothers and Sisters,Without getting into any debate or discussions on therights and wrongs here I just wish to corroborate theinputs by Jagbir and Anuj.I have a SY colleague who came into Sahaj about twoyears back but got very serious about meditation andother aspects related to it just about one year ago.Hedoes not have much knowledge about Sahaj.But one thinghe has achieved is being able to

attain a completestate of Nirvichar for as much as 30 mins also. Mostimportant of all please note the following:1.HE HAS NEVER ATTENDED ANY COLLECTIVITY.2.HE REGULARLY MEETS SHREE MATA JI IN THESAHASRAR,EVERY TIME HE SITS IN MEDITATION GENERALLYDURING EVENING SESSIONS.3.HE HAS BEEN MADE TO PERFORM PUJA ON THE SHIVALINGAIN THE SAHASRAR ALMOST DAILY BY SHREE MATA JI.4.HE HAS MET SHREE SHIVA, SHREE PARVATI AND SHREEGANESHA IN THE SAHASRAR.5.SHREE MATA JI HAS EVEN TAKEN HIM TO MEET THE LORDALMIGHTY SHREE SHIVA ON COUPLE OF OCASSIONS.There are so many things happening to him which noneof us have ever heard of and cannot be described here.I have been just two years into Sahaj and try toattend collectivity as often as is possible but haverealised among other things that the mannerisms ofthe leaders and other important office bearers leavemuch to be desired.Had it not been for my utmost faith in

Shree Matajiand the experiences She Herself gave to me I wouldhave walked out of Sahaj. It is for the same reason Ihave never coerced my friend and colleague to attendcollectivity.This mail is intended to put to rest that theexperiences Kash and Arvinder have had are not merefigments of imagination. I am sure there would beothers as well who would have had similar experiencesbut would like to keep these to themselves. Like thisfriend of mine he does not even want to be identifiedleave alone the public declaration of his experiences.I have been a witness to this pointless debate whichhas been raised time and again in the forum and feelthat there are some SYs like the ones in collectivities who somehow enjoy castigating others just for the sake of it. Let us all enjoy the blessings of Shree Mata Ji and respect each other as Brothers and Sisters in SY andwork towards promoting SY and not scaring people

away.Jai Shree Mata Ji.Satish

Search presents - Jib Jab's 'Second Term'

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Dear Satish bhaiya,


My pranaam too for this post. Maybe it is a good thing your friend

has kept his experiences away from the rank and file SYs. i am sure

he would be regarded as a possessed lunatic by many of his own

brothers and sisters. These ignorant priestly class just cannot see

eye to Third Eye with the mystics and will always demonize them. Why

do you think i could feel the fear and weak left heart of Madan

Khurana all the way in Montreal, Canada? There are so many SYs just

like him in our collectives and they will ostracize anyone who dares

claim to meet Shri Mataji in the Sahasrara.


But what these ignorant people fail to realize is that there is a

vast difference between a possessed person (like Simon, Ishmael,

Juka and other Rama/Kalki/Jesus wannabees) and those truly advanced

souls able to meet Her. The latter claim nothing for themselves and

just inform us what they witness in their Sahasraras. They never

claim they are incarnations of Shri Rama/Kalki/Jesus or whatever. In

the first place they are not even interested in publicity or want to

tell others, just like your friend.


In my case i am forced to tell because the witnesses are crucial to

authenticate the Divine Message of the Bible and Koran. Both these

scriptures demand precise Sure Signs to validate both the Divine

Message and the identity of the divine messenger authorized to

deliver it to humanity. Without their testimonies and evidence the

Divine Message cannot be proclaimed.


What fear-mongering SYs fail to realize is that these ancient souls

have come down on Earth together with Shri Mataji to help bear

witness that She is indeed the Adi Shakti sent by God Almighty to

deliever the Great News of the Last Judgment and Resurrection. Why

are they so ignorant and dull to understand that the Divine Message

needs irrefutable eschatological evidence? What is the matter with

these subtle system fanatics who refuse to be honest about what

Sahaja Yoga is all about, and yet want to destroy those who provide

proof, faith and confidence to do just that? Why can't these

priestly class just keep quiet and let those who have the abilities

to meet the Shakti in the Sahasrara alone? Why can't they stop

spreading their fears and projecting their insecurities to others?





shriadishakti , Satish Shukla <saap7>


> Jagbir,

> I think so and that was the precise reason for not coming out with

the information about my friend.There are things my friend is

experiencing today which are absolutely marvelous and out of this

world.Only yesterday, as has been his experience for the past about

three to four months,he was up close with Lord Shiva himself.We have

seen that it has become more or less regular that every Monday he

meets/sees/interacts with the Maker.Sometimes with Shree Mata Ji on

other ocassions alone.While many of us cannot even see our Chakras

he can clearly see his own Chakras with very clear view of the

presiding dieties.I do not ask him anything because I am confident

about the absolute truth of his statements.


> He is a person who at one time headed the glamorous world of Media

in the most popular media company of our country.Today we have a

company of our own and our leading light is Shree Mata Ji. When we

got together in 2003 he never showed any interest towards my

discussions on Sahaj.I in any case did not know much during my

initial days in Sahaj.It was Shree Mata Ji's will that he be

indoctrinated into this and the way She made it happen is a long

story by itself. Today he does not have any interest in the fast

paced world of the Media leave aside its glamorous part.He and I

only discuss Sahaj even in our Office and exchange notes.All those

who have known him find him to be a completely changed man from the

most loud,aggressive and dynamic head of a MNC to his calm and

composed ever smiling and contended self that he has become today.

He looks forward to getting back home and getting into

meditation.There is so much that one could write about his

experiences that it would become a biography of a devout Sahaj Yogi.


> I was in a dilemma about sending the previous mail but realised

that you had been trying all by yourself to defend the truth and

that we all would be failing in our responsibilities towards Sahaj

Yoga.More importantly we would be failing towards the faith with

which Shree Mata Ji gave us our Self Realisation so that when we

experience what she has been training us for we become the

messengers and do what is expected of us.


> I can only request other seekers to open their mental faculties

and see everything in positive light.I think the best thing would be

as someone suggested,to check the vibrations for the veracity of the

information and the claims being made.My idea was just to

corroborate what you had been telling everybody for a long time.


> Jai Shree Mata Ji,

> Satish


> jagbir singh <adishakti_org> wrote:




> shriadishakti , Vinay Talwar

> <vinay_yogi2000> wrote:

> >

> > I was listen to audio cassette yesterday at night. I am not

> interested to fight like you people but i must say this.

> >

> > Mataji said, (5.5.85, i think. I am in cyber cafe so i tell from

> > memeory)that whatever you do, stay in the collective. She said

> > sometimes even if you think people are not behaving so nicely,

> > even then you must go to collective. It is very important. She

> > says you cannot, you simply cannot ascend alone. No matter what

> > you must meditate in colleectivity. Those people who do not

> > attrend collective are finished. ...

> >

> > Also, about the possesion when it happens, the possessed person

> > will not know.

> >


> Vinay,


> Some SYs are advancing far into the Turiya state and beyond, just

> like Satish's friend. He has never attended any collective and is

> yet far ahead. Apparently that has disturbed you because according

> to you understanding that is just not possible. You just cannot

> accept the fact that any SY can advance to that level without even

> attending a single collective. That really scares you because you

> have induced yourself to believe it is IMPOSSIBLE.


> But don't frighten people with your ignorance. If the collective

is fine for you then we are happy. Those who wish to ascend alone

have every right to do so. The more you force those meditating alone

with your fear-mongering the more resistant they will they become. i

am 100% sure i can ascend alone because, after all, it is an

individual journey. Maybe you missed that tape. And that one on

Collective Consciousness too.


> jagbir


> Note: Satish, i have reason to believe that Vinay thinks your SY

> friend is possessed too. i am quite sure about this type of

mindset some SYs have. According to these ignorant folks if THEY

think something is IMPOSSIBLE then it must be possession. They just

cannot see it any other way.



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Dear Danny,

Thank you for a very warm and encouraging mail.My Pranaam to you all who are involved in such a wonderful job.

Satishkriptodanny <kriptodanny wrote:

shriadishakti , Satish Shukla <saap7>wrote:> Jagbir,> I think so and that was the precise reason for not coming out withthe information about my friend.There are things my friend isexperiencing today which are absolutely marvelous and out of thisworld.Only yesterday, as has been his experience for the past aboutthree to four months,he was up close with Lord Shiva himself.We haveseen that it has become more or less regular that every Monday hemeets/sees/interacts with the Maker.Sometimes with Shree Mata Ji onother ocassions alone.While many of us cannot even see our Chakras hecan clearly see his own Chakras with very clear view of the presidingdieties.I do not ask him anything because I am confident about theabsolute truth of his statements.> > He is a person who at

one time headed the glamorous world of Mediain the most popular media company of our country.Today we have acompany of our own and our leading light is Shree Mata Ji. When we gottogether in 2003 he never showed any interest towards my discussionson Sahaj.I in any case did not know much during my initial days inSahaj.It was Shree Mata Ji's will that he be indoctrinated into thisand the way She made it happen is a long story by itself. Today hedoes not have any interest in the fast paced world of the Media leaveaside its glamorous part.He and I only discuss Sahaj even in ourOffice and exchange notes.All those who have known him find him to bea completely changed man from the most loud,aggressive and dynamichead of a MNC to his calm and composed ever smiling and contended selfthat he has become today. He looks forward to getting back home andgetting into meditation.There is so much that one could write abouthis experiences

that it would become a> biography of a devout Sahaj Yogi.> > I was in a dilemma about sending the previous mail but realised thatyou had been trying all by yourself to defend the truth and that weall would be failing in our responsibilities towards Sahaj Yoga.Moreimportantly we would be failing towards the faith with which ShreeMata Ji gave us our Self Realisation so that when we experience whatshe has been training us for we become the messengers and do what isexpected of us.> > I can only request other seekers to open their mental faculties andsee everything in positive light.I think the best thing would be assomeone suggested,to check the vibrations for the veracity of theinformation and the claims being made.My idea was just to corroboratewhat you had been telling everybody for a long time.> Jai Shree Mata Ji,> Satish.......................Dear SatishMy prannam

to your post.The time has come when the ancient soulsfinally discover Sahaja Yoga,and start proclaiming the same very truthabout Shri Mataji.Their wisdom and testimony about the Kingdom Withinfinally will emerge in the collective consciousness ,and clear outthe doubts about SY being just,,a yoga,,.While I still believe one'sgoal in SY should not be anything more then uniting with the power oflove, these highly evolved souls who testify about their experienceshave a mission to accomplish,for the benefit of the others.Thisopportunity was missed by Yogi Mahajan,when he had a chance to exploreand understand Jagbir's kids wisdom.Maybe we won't make the samemistake in the future...Jai Shri Mataji danny

Search presents - Jib Jab's 'Second Term'

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