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In all my years in Sahaja Yoga this is the first time i stopped meditating

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Dear Madan Khurana,


Normally i do not write about these things but this one should be

mentioned in public so that others can learn.


i had a perculiar experience today after reading your post and going

into morning meditation. My left Nabhi finger began throbbing as

soon as i put my attention on what you wrote. Instead of going away

it began to throb more.


So i put my attention in the thoughtles state to clear that catch.

But it did not go away. i kept on for a few minutes but still the

catch persisited.


In the end i had no choice but to continue meditating despite the

left Nabhi catch. However, this catch was so bad that it disturbed

all throughout the entire meditation, sometimes slowing down and

then accelerating again.


The fear that you project onto others is one of the worst things

that can happen to us SYs. i can feel your fear and it affects me

too because i have to absorb it. But there are SYs who may not have

the capacity to absorb the negativity and, thinking about it over

and over again and eventually overvhelmed, begin to project the same

fears to others.


In all my years in Sahaja Yoga this is the first time i stopped

meditating because a catch disturbed me. That is the reason i am

putting it on the forum.


But this is not the case of a mere catch but a far more dangerous

fear that paralyzes all who succumb to the insecurities of a weak

heart. When the Left Heart is attacked by such negativity it makes

irrational cowards out of ordinary people.


" The seat of the Heart Chakra is located in the Brahmarandhra at the

crown of the head (in the Sahasrara). This is where Shri Gauri

(Kundalini) in Her form of Shri Parvati is united with Shri Shiva.

Shri Shiva presides as the Witness in the left Heart Chakra,

controlling our very existence. This centre, therefore, has to be

treated with the greatest respect and understanding. In the centre

Heart Chakra resides Shri Jagdamba, the Mother of the Universe.

Here, in our faith in the Mother aspect, rests our sense of security

and protection. "


So what is the reason for this left Nabhi catch and the remedies?


Causes of catch or obstruction on left little finger


A " catch " is an imbalance. If, during meditation we feel heat or

tingling, or maybe even numbness in our fingertips, it means that

our kundalini is alerting us to an imbalance in a particular chakra.


'Your left little finger will speak' when there is extreme physical

or mental activity, heartfelt bad relations (especially

mother's), no confidence in God, anti-God activities, outside

attention, no seeking, no interest in self.




One of the most effective is the mantra of Shri Shiva and Parvati:






Madan Kharuna, do not be afraid of what you do not understand. Just

remain a silent witness or else your fear will only be passed onto

others and this negativity will continue to spread. So many SYs have

been made as fearful as you by all this nonsense about those who

meet Shri Mataji in the Sahasrara are possessed.



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Mr Jagbir,


It does not take much to realise that arguing with you on this open forum will be a futile exercise.

I had not intention of injuring your ego, so please accept my apologies. Had I known that even after claiming to be a sahaja yogi, you still use such harsh and loathsome language, I would have refrained from posting.

To be frank, I was a little unclear on who was getting what visions. It took some back ward reading to fix it on you.

The last few days posts on this forum are quite confusing. So i cannot blame myself.

As for me, you analysis of my subtle system is even more confusing. Please read through what you have posted. Here we have lots of people who attend our collectives, and we have been together for many many years. I cannot attribute any accuracy to what you say. Zero in the least.

Your condition is typical of people who islolate themselves and think it is the meditation only that counts. My friend, it is the love....just love. Love for fellow Sahaja Yogis, love for the world, love for everything.

Mystic experiences are no guarantee of spiiritual growth. You are misleading seekers is all I said. By putting shri matajis photoo on the front page, you make it seem like a sahaja yoga site


jagbir singh <adishakti_org wrote:

Dear Madan Khurana,Normally i do not write about these things but this one should be mentioned in public so that others can learn.i had a perculiar experience today after reading your post and going into morning meditation. My left Nabhi finger began throbbing as soon as i put my attention on what you wrote. Instead of going away it began to throb more.So i put my attention in the thoughtles state to clear that catch. But it did not go away. i kept on for a few minutes but still the catch persisited. In the end i had no choice but to continue meditating despite the left Nabhi catch. However, this catch was so bad that it disturbed all throughout the entire meditation, sometimes slowing down and then accelerating again. The fear that you project onto others is one of the worst things that

can happen to us SYs. i can feel your fear and it affects me too because i have to absorb it. But there are SYs who may not have the capacity to absorb the negativity and, thinking about it over and over again and eventually overvhelmed, begin to project the same fears to others.In all my years in Sahaja Yoga this is the first time i stopped meditating because a catch disturbed me. That is the reason i am putting it on the forum. But this is not the case of a mere catch but a far more dangerous fear that paralyzes all who succumb to the insecurities of a weak heart. When the Left Heart is attacked by such negativity it makes irrational cowards out of ordinary people."The seat of the Heart Chakra is located in the Brahmarandhra at the crown of the head (in the Sahasrara). This is where Shri Gauri (Kundalini) in Her form of Shri Parvati is united with Shri Shiva. Shri Shiva presides as the Witness in the left

Heart Chakra, controlling our very existence. This centre, therefore, has to be treated with the greatest respect and understanding. In the centre Heart Chakra resides Shri Jagdamba, the Mother of the Universe. Here, in our faith in the Mother aspect, rests our sense of security and protection."So what is the reason for this left Nabhi catch and the remedies? Causes of catch or obstruction on left little finger A "catch" is an imbalance. If, during meditation we feel heat or tingling, or maybe even numbness in our fingertips, it means that our kundalini is alerting us to an imbalance in a particular chakra. 'Your left little finger will speak' when there is extreme physical or mental activity, heartfelt bad relations (especiallymother's), no confidence in God, anti-God activities, outside attention, no seeking, no interest in self.CLEARING BLOCKAGE OF LEFT ANAHAT CHAKRAOne of the most effective

is the mantra of Shri Shiva and Parvati:OM TWAMEVA SHAKSHAT SHRI SHIVA PARVATI SHAKSHATSHRI ADI SHAKTI MATAJI SHRI NIRMALA DEVI NAMOH NAMAHMadan Kharuna, do not be afraid of what you do not understand. Just remain a silent witness or else your fear will only be passed onto others and this negativity will continue to spread. So many SYs have been made as fearful as you by all this nonsense about those who meet Shri Mataji in the Sahasrara are possessed.

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Since now you believe i am the one who is having the visions i can

understand how much you can grasp. i understand that before that you

were " a little unclear on who was getting what visions. " So now you

have double checked and fixed the visions on me. You have indeed

done well and i appreciate the clarity of your mind. Since you are

the only one in the world to claim that i am having the ability, can

you please point out where did i ever claim that?


And if you are unable to give evidence of your claim that " It took

some back ward reading to fix it on you " i.e. the visions on me,

please tell us who/what is causing all that confusion in your head.

i believe that you also are telling pleasant lies about me in public

because i have never claimed anything you are accusing me of. (i call

your lies " pleasant " because i would really be in ecstasy if the

Divine Mother ever granted me that dharsan in my Sahasrara.)


And about the catch, i assure you 100% it is yours because of the

fear/disbelieve you have in your heart. You can twist and turn any

way you like because the same catch is coming back to me as i write

this post. 100% PERCENT THIS CATCH IS COMING FROM YOU! i am now

absolutely sure that you have a serious left nabhi catch because i

cleared it yesterday after doing another morning meditation. There

is no way you can deny this because the same catch is coming back at

3.40 a.m. in the calm, early morning. So go and work your fears away.


But if this website/forum is too much for you and you do not like

the way we present Shri Mataji and Her Divine Message just leave. If

you think this is not a site about Sahaja Yoga why are you posting

here? And if you think i am misleading people then you should also

blame Shri Mataji for allowing the websites and confirming that i am

not doing anything wrong.


However, maybe by your obvious firm conviction that the website

contents are misleading people you may be a better judge of Truth

than Shri Mataji after all. Why not tell Her what you are telling me?





shriadishakti , Madan Khurana

<wild_india2003> wrote:

> Mr Jagbir,


> It does not take much to realise that arguing with you on this

open forum will be a futile exercise.


> I had not intention of injuring your ego, so please accept my

apologies. Had I known that even after claiming to be a sahaja yogi,

you still use such harsh and loathsome language, I would have

refrained from posting.


> To be frank, I was a little unclear on who was getting what

visions. It took some back ward reading to fix it on you.


> The last few days posts on this forum are quite confusing. So i

cannot blame myself.


> As for me, you analysis of my subtle system is even more

confusing. Please read through what you have posted. Here we have

lots of people who attend our collectives, and we have been together

for many many years. I cannot attribute any accuracy to what you

say. Zero in the least.


> Your condition is typical of people who islolate themselves and

think it is the meditation only that counts. My friend, it is the

love....just love. Love for fellow Sahaja Yogis, love for the world,

love for everything.


> Mystic experiences are no guarantee of spiiritual growth. You are

misleading seekers is all I said. By putting shri matajis photoo on

the front page, you make it seem like a sahaja yoga site



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You have not answered my questions. So answer them first so that you

can realize that something is causing confusion in your head as to

what is actually taking place.


Being in charge of wild animals may make you the king of the jungle

but that does not mean respect. i think you are under the impression

that i will be impressed by your wild life status. Well, i am not

because you do not seem to be able to grasp the facts. Is it becasue

you have spent too much time with animals who have far less

intelligence than humans? i mean it is so easy to convince an orang

utan about your ramblings that normal humans (just joking).


i have heard some silly SYs do interact with cats and check their

vibrations and subtle system. Do you do that too with far larger

Bengal tigers? (joking again) You should know that possibly i may be

getting the readings of the left nabhi of that Bengal tiger (i am

serious). But on second thoughts why is this Bengal tiger so chicken?

BTW, are you in any way in charge of chickens too? (serious again)


Concerning your offer to have a meaningful dialogue, i am agreeable

on that. So please give me your wildlife department address so i

could UPS my pet parrot representative to you. i am sure she can

teach you a thing or too about the subtle system ............ and

how to rid yourself of that embarassing left nabhi catch (i am

serious again). Let me know ASAP because i heard it gets real hot

during summer and would like a pre-April rendevous. BTW, my parrot

goes by the name " Konfused " and like laddos for dessert.





shriadishakti , Madan Khurana

<wild_india2003> wrote:

> Hello Jagbir,


> In my professional capacity, I am in an administrative position in

the wildlife department. In this room, there are some Langurs and

some red faced monkeys that are typical of the asian sub continent.

It is possible that if you are trying to access me through the

collective consciousness that you are missing your mark. Im just




shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org> wrote:


> Madan,


> Since now you believe i am the one who is having the visions i can

> understand how much you can grasp. i understand that before that

you were " a little unclear on who was getting what visions. " So now

you have double checked and fixed the visions on me. You have indeed

> done well and i appreciate the clarity of your mind. Since you are

> the only one in the world to claim that i am having the ability,

can you please point out where did i ever claim that?


> And if you are unable to give evidence of your claim that " It took

> some back ward reading to fix it on you " i.e. the visions on me,

> please tell us who/what is causing all that confusion in your

head. i believe that you also are telling pleasant lies about me in

public because i have never claimed anything you are accusing me of.

(i call your lies " pleasant " because i would really be in ecstasy if

the Divine Mother ever granted me that dharsan in my Sahasrara.)


> And about the catch, i assure you 100% it is yours because of the

> fear/disbelieve you have in your heart. You can twist and turn any

> way you like because the same catch is coming back to me as i

write this post. 100% PERCENT THIS CATCH IS COMING FROM YOU! i am

now absolutely sure that you have a serious left nabhi catch because

i cleared it yesterday after doing another morning meditation. There

> is no way you can deny this because the same catch is coming back

at 3.40 a.m. in the calm, early morning. So go and work your fears



> But if this website/forum is too much for you and you do not like

> the way we present Shri Mataji and Her Divine Message just leave.

If you think this is not a site about Sahaja Yoga why are you

posting here? And if you think i am misleading people then you

should also blame Shri Mataji for allowing the websites and

confirming that i am not doing anything wrong.


> However, maybe by your obvious firm conviction that the website

> contents are misleading people you may be a better judge of Truth

> than Shri Mataji after all. Why not tell Her what you are telling



> jagbir



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